Paulson Veliyannoor
Catholic priest in the Order of Claretian Missionaries. PhD in clinical psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, California. Licentiate in spiritual theology (Universidad de Comillas). Masters in mysticism and human sciences (University of Avila). Director at Institute of Consecrated Life - Sanyasa (ICLS), Bengaluru. Professor at Instituto de Vida Religiosa (ITVR), Madrid. Member, Rene Girard's Colloquium on Violence and Religion.
Formerly: Founder-Principal of Saint Claret College, Ziro; Assistant Professor of Psychology at Christ College (now University), Bangalore. Founding Editor, Artha: Journal of Social Sciences; Founding Editor, InterViews: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences.
Research/Training interests: mimetic theory, interface of psychology and spirituality, mysticism, spiritual infirmities, and formative dynamics in consecrated life and priesthood, facilitation work for chapters and assemblies.
Address: Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF
[email protected]
Formerly: Founder-Principal of Saint Claret College, Ziro; Assistant Professor of Psychology at Christ College (now University), Bangalore. Founding Editor, Artha: Journal of Social Sciences; Founding Editor, InterViews: An Interdisciplinary Journal in Social Sciences.
Research/Training interests: mimetic theory, interface of psychology and spirituality, mysticism, spiritual infirmities, and formative dynamics in consecrated life and priesthood, facilitation work for chapters and assemblies.
Address: Paulson Veliyannoor, CMF
[email protected]
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Papers by Paulson Veliyannoor
A reflection on the life of Saint Paul, focusing on two feasts that celebrate his memory: Conversion of St. Paul (in January) and the martyrdom of St. Paul (in June).
A reflection on the communion of saints in the catholic faith practices and their implication in daily lives.
A reflection on the insights from the Human Placenta Project and theirs relevance for the mystery of Incarnation and the Motherhood of Mary.
A reflection on the power of the keys in the Church. A new reading of the meaning of the key.
The article discusses the role of movies in the formation for consecrated life and priesthood, in the context of Pope Francis' letter on the role of literature in formation.
The article discusses the role of the consecrated in conscientizing the masses about their duty to vote in elections and in ensuring free and fair elections in 2024.
The article discusses the need for consecrated men and women to recover the prophetic voice in today's world marred by hypernationalism, narcissistic leadership, ward, and denial of transcendence.
Una reflexión sobre la carta del Papa Francisco sobre el papel de la literatura en la formación para el sacerdocio y la vida consagrada.
and the fears of its imminent death, and calls for trusting the Dream of the God of history who calls us forth neither from above nor from behind, but from ahead of us, from the future. Consecrated men and women are called to be eschatological signs; consequently, consecrated life is rooted not in the past, but in the future. We are called to receive God’s Dream that visits us from the future and respond to this visitation creatively and audaciously in the present. Such perspective will help us avoid clinging to past forms of living consecrated life and mourning the death of some of such forms, and be excitedly open to the Spirit who leads us forth in creative fidelity to the Gospel. To argue his thesis, the author primarily draws upon the theological insights of John Haught, supported by a variety of other theologians of religious life, invitations of Pope Francis, and the insights from Theory U from the secular discipline of management.
A reflection on the life of Saint Paul, focusing on two feasts that celebrate his memory: Conversion of St. Paul (in January) and the martyrdom of St. Paul (in June).
A reflection on the communion of saints in the catholic faith practices and their implication in daily lives.
A reflection on the insights from the Human Placenta Project and theirs relevance for the mystery of Incarnation and the Motherhood of Mary.
A reflection on the power of the keys in the Church. A new reading of the meaning of the key.
The article discusses the role of movies in the formation for consecrated life and priesthood, in the context of Pope Francis' letter on the role of literature in formation.
The article discusses the role of the consecrated in conscientizing the masses about their duty to vote in elections and in ensuring free and fair elections in 2024.
The article discusses the need for consecrated men and women to recover the prophetic voice in today's world marred by hypernationalism, narcissistic leadership, ward, and denial of transcendence.
Una reflexión sobre la carta del Papa Francisco sobre el papel de la literatura en la formación para el sacerdocio y la vida consagrada.
and the fears of its imminent death, and calls for trusting the Dream of the God of history who calls us forth neither from above nor from behind, but from ahead of us, from the future. Consecrated men and women are called to be eschatological signs; consequently, consecrated life is rooted not in the past, but in the future. We are called to receive God’s Dream that visits us from the future and respond to this visitation creatively and audaciously in the present. Such perspective will help us avoid clinging to past forms of living consecrated life and mourning the death of some of such forms, and be excitedly open to the Spirit who leads us forth in creative fidelity to the Gospel. To argue his thesis, the author primarily draws upon the theological insights of John Haught, supported by a variety of other theologians of religious life, invitations of Pope Francis, and the insights from Theory U from the secular discipline of management.
The article analizes the famous definition of a Claretian given by Saint Anthony Mary Claret to his missionary sons, from the light of character strengths or psychological virtues, as identified by Peterson and Seligman. The Definition is a rich mine of characters strengths 13 of which can be accounted for by the list of strengths identified by Peterson and Seligman. However, the author also identifies further strengths. The Definition, as expected, has a predominance of virtues belonging to transcendence.
Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, return of the repressed, mimetic theory, Indian psychology
[Suggested Citation: Veliyannoor, P. V. (2020). 'The return of the repressed in COVID-19': The need for intervention at socio-cultural inscape. In L. S. S. Manickam (Ed.), COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and responses of psychologists from India (pp.108-130). Thiruvananthapuram: The Editor.]
ISBN 978-99965-56-00-5
[Suggested Citation: Veliyannoor, P. (2018). General Introduction: Tribals in the contemporary context of Northeast India. In Veliyannoor, P. V., Ramya, T., Sohkhlet, B, & Mendoz, A. (Eds.), Tribals in the contemporary context: Myriad perspectives from northeast India (pp. 1-7), Ziro: Center for Publications, Saint Claret College.]
“The pages that Father Paulson presents in this soul-stirring collection have the anointing of an Yes he said to Someone who has a name – his God in Christ, especially to Christ in the Eucharist, and who gives meaning to every event and instance of his personal existence as a Christian, as a consecrated priest. Hence, these poetic-prose pages, his silver jubilee testimony and gift for us, can gush forth in the reader too a charming, irresistible persuasion to fall irretrievably into the Amness of God-Love.”
[From the Foreword “Blessed Birthpangs” by George Lanithottam]
Available at Flikpkart: https://dl.flipkart.com/s/aqlw4XuuuN and with Claretian Publications, Bengaluru: www.claretianpublications.org
Recognizing the analytic in the eucharistic phenomenology, the research further engages the data in a phenomenological depth analysis using the heuristic lens of the object relational perspective in psychoanalysis elucidated by Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, James Grotstein, and Thomas Ogden. The research identifies autistic-contiguous, paranoid-schizoid, depressive, and transcendent positions within the dynamics of the eucharistic transformation. However, it finds the current theory of the positions inadequate to account for the scope of the organization of human experience and transformation as evidenced in the eucharistic phenomenology. Hence, the research proposes a fifth position, kenotic-agapeic position, to describe human transformation beyond the transcendent position, wherein a person develops the courage to die to self in order to nurture the life of an other. The study ends with a discussion of the implications of the eucharistic phenomenology for the theory and practice of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
Keywords: eucharistic transformation, kenotic-agapeic position, primitive mental states, ritual, spirituality and religiosity, phenomenological depth analysis.
[Suggested Citation: Veliyannoor, P. V. (2012). Transformation in ‘E’: The Structure and Dynamics of the Lived Experience of the Eucharist. Doctoral dissertation in clinical psychology. Pacifica Graduate Institute, California, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses (UMI No. 3500726).
Citation Style: Veliyannoor, P. V. (2000, September 1-15). The betrayal. The New Leader, 113(16).
Copyright © 1998 Veliyannoor. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other—except for brief quotations in papers or articles—without the prior written permission from the author. The author may be contacted at: [email protected]