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In this study, a mathematical model has been developed for the second order hyperbolic one-dimensional time fractional Telegraph equation (TFTE). The fractional derivative has been described in the Caputo sense. The governing equations... more
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    • Computational Physics
The two-dimensional Burgers' equation is a mathematical model to describe various kinds of phenomena such as turbulence and viscous fluid. In this paper, Crank-Nicolson finite-difference method is used to handle such problem. The proposed... more
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In the present work, we discuss and assess the performances of Earth cylindrical shadow model (ECSM) and Earth shadow conical model (ESCM), with application to the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS), Low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites;... more
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"The instability of a thin sheet of viscous and dielectric liquid moving in the same direction as an air stream in the presence of a uniform horizontal electric field has been carried out using viscous potential flow theory. It is... more
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In this paper, an implicit exponential finite-difference scheme (Expo FDM) has been proposed for solving two dimensional nonlinear coupled viscous Burgers’ equations (VBEs) with appropriate initial and boundary conditions. The accuracy of... more
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One-dimensional second-order hyperbolic telegraph equation was formulated using Ohm’s law and solved by a recent and reliable semianalytic method, namely, the reduced differential transform method (RDTM). Using this method, it is possible... more
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In this article, we present homotopy perturbation method, adomian decomposition method and differential transform method to obtain a closed form solution of the (1 + n)-dimensional Burgers’ equation. These methods consider the use of the... more
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This article describes a new implicit finite-difference method: an implicit logarithmic finite-difference method (I-LFDM), for the numerical solution of two dimensional time-dependent coupled viscous Burgers’ equation on the uniform grid... more
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The linear analysis of Rayleigh-Taylor instability of the interface between two viscous and dielectric fluids in the presence of a tangential electric field has been carried out when there is heat and mass transfer across the interface.... more
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A fully implicit finite-difference method has been proposed for the numerical solutions of one dimensional coupled nonlinear Burgers’ equations on the uniform mesh points. The method forms a system of nonlinear difference equations which... more
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In this article, an analytical solution based on the series expansion method is proposed to solve the time-fractional telegraph equation (TFTE) in two and three dimensions using a recent and reliable semi-approximate method, namely the... more
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A dynamical model of HIV infection of CD4+ T cells is solved numerically using an approximate analytical method so-called the differential transform method (DTM). The solution obtained by the method is an infinite power series for... more
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"Of-late many debris of defunct satellites and spent stages of rockets in the low earth orbit exist in close conjunction with the operational satellites. It has become essential to monitor space debris and their proximity with the... more
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An explicit-implicit finite difference scheme is proposed for numerical solutions of two dimensional coupled Burgers' equations. This scheme forms a linear system of algebraic difference equations which is to be solved at each time step.... more
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    • Numerical Methods for PDEs
In this paper, our main goal is to present a new approximate series solution of multi-dimensional diffusion (heat like) equation with time-fractional derivative in Caputo form, by using a semi-analytical approach called the... more
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    • Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)
In the frame work of the perturbed restricted three-body problem, the solutions of halo orbits are developed up to fifth order approximation by using Lindstedt-Poincaré technique. The effect of oblateness of the more massive primary on... more
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R. K. Choudhary*, K. R. Bindu, Kumar Harshit, Rahul Karkara, K. M. Ambili, T. K. Pant, Devadas Shenoy, Chandrakanta Kumar, N. Hemanth Kumar Reddy, T. K. Rajendran, M. Nazer and M. Shajahan Space Physics Laboratory, Vikram Sarabhai Space... more
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      MultidisciplinaryCurrent Science