SCA Furs — LiveJournal
? ?


  • Aug. 29th, 2011 at 5:44 PM


This may seem SCA unlreated but it has a lot of local SCAdians including Kyr the Labyrinth guy and some awesome donations of SCA stuff into the raffle (which i have not yet pictured and if you read the main post it is where i stuck my finger in a leper...)

This message is meant to be informative and not so much a big pile of spam. though spam is delicious when fried and diced up in say eggs or mac and cheese and did you know spam now comes in awesome flavours including bacon now. ... Ummm sorry got sidetracked. But yeah see i was all nice and put all the pictures and links in that link up there rather than spam you guys with my pretty mug and threatening pictures of kittens. spam is good though.

Panteria Coming Up!

  • May. 7th, 2010 at 10:45 AM
hollyannvixIt's been a while since anyone's posted to the community, I've been keeping pretty busy myself O.o

Anyways, if anyone's still keeping up with the community, I figured I would mention that a local SCA event is coming up for the Memorial Day weekend - Panteria!

It has changed locations for the first time in 15 years: it's not longer in central Vermont, but will be along the eastern part of VT, its new location is a Girl's Scout Camp in Thetford, VT.

The only disadantage I see right now, is that dogs are not allowed on the site, which is too bad, because our dog Bella has loved going to Panteria in the past and she'll be missed by many, I'm sure :( However, the good things about it, is that it has modern bathrooms, flushing toilets, hot showers, and the kitchens are big and clean, and from what I've heard, just an over-all nicer layout :) There's a choice of camping with your own tent, or you can rent a cabin if camping isn't your thing, and from what I hear, the lake is perfect for taking a swim, or even to dip your feet into :)

My husband and I are registered for the event already and we're looking forward to it! :) This year, we're not helping out with the feast, so we'll get the chance to relax, wander the site and see what there is going on. Personally, I plan on getting some shooting in at the archery range.

This is also an East Kingdom event where the King and Queen will be present. The King and Queen's Equestrian Championship is going to be held there as well, and while I've missed the equestrian events in the past Panterias, I'm hoping to catch it this year, finally :) There will also be Court, in which I know one of my scrolls will be presented as an award, but I'm not allowed to say more than that ;) I also believe that there's going to be an A&S competition too (I can't remember the actual title of it), I'm going to see if I can paint up a scroll and enter it. Never hurts to try, anyways :)

If you're interested in maybe coming to Panteria, or if you're not doing anything for the Memorial Day weekend and are looking to do something that might be in the area, I highly recommend Panteria :) This will be our 4th year attending, and we've always had fun there :) Our days usually consist of doing whatever activities that interest us (for me, it's archery and possibly the A&S competition), and if there's nothing to do, sometime I'll watch the fighting, and take pictures around the site. At night, there are many campfires with people gathered around them, telling stories, sharing various types of drink, and you can even watch the firedancers and firebreathers do some neat stuff. Feast is on Saturday for suppertime, and has ALWAYS been wonderful! Even if you show up for one day, Saturday is the best day to do this at.

There's not much information on the webpage concerning some things, but here's the webpage if you'd like to read more about it:

And if you'd like to see some photos of Panteria past, here's a few links to that:

East Kingdom Wiki

  • Aug. 15th, 2009 at 10:52 AM
hollyannvixI thought I'd post this here, this can be pretty handy if you live in the East Kingdom (like me) and want to look up information about things :)

East Kingdom Wiki

Any fur going to Pennsic?

  • Jul. 21st, 2009 at 3:00 PM
If so i will be in The Magic Mirror near the shower house on Bow Street near the Barn. come say hi.

Original Art For Sale!

  • Jul. 14th, 2009 at 10:39 AM
hollyannvixHey guys!

I'm selling my pieces that didn't sell in the Anthrocon Art Show! Pieces include a painted clock of a gryphon, some original artwork available in various sizes including an artcard, and a illumination that has REAL 23k gold on it!

If you're interested in checking them out, here's the link to my FurBuy page!

Thanks! :)

Beautiful Illumination!

  • May. 4th, 2009 at 4:10 PM
hollyannvixI don't know if anyone else here is into illumination and scribal arts (such as myself), but I just HAD to share this! :) Absolutely gorgeous work :)

Man alive, I hope I get to be THAT good at scribal arts someday! O.O Wow...

Aethelmearc War Practice XX

  • Apr. 15th, 2009 at 2:53 PM
It is time once again to prepare for the prospect of War, and to properly prepare the Canton of Steltonwald would like to invite all to join us for War Practice XX. We will be mustering once again at Cooper’s Lake Campground, 205 Currie Road, Slippery Rock, PA 16057. The event will run from noon on Thursday May 14, 2009 through Sunday May 17 at 3:00 PM. Troll will close on Saturday at 3:00 PM; all participants must be registered before that time or access to the site will not
be granted. The weekend will include many types of marshal activities, including Heavy Weapons, Combat Archery, Fencing Thrown Weapons, Archery and Youth fighting.

More info here!

Also if you can find my camp (typically behind the royals with lots of windchimes and lanterns) we do a GIANT STIR FRY! on saturday. usually enough to feed many many people. so come on by and have some eats. warning everything that is not nailed down goes in this thing. including seafood and mushrooms.

Been a While!

  • Apr. 14th, 2009 at 11:20 PM
hollyannvixWow, I've kinda forgotten about the community. Bad Admin, no cookie! Well, let's start to make this a little more acticve :)

Just thought I would promote an up-coming event that's happening in central Vermont, called Panteria. It's hosted by The Shire of Panther Vale, and it's being held on the Memorial Day weekend.

There's all kinds of stuff going on there: A&S competitions, archery, fighting battles, equestrian games (Horses in garb!), a feast Saturday night, vendors...lotsa stuff :)

This'll be my 3rd Panteria I've attended, and my husband and I are helping out with the feast again this year. I also plan on entering the A&S competition they're having there this year, as well as to get some archery in there too. And drink mead. Lots of mead. It just not an event around the campfire if you don't have mead =D

Panteria's a lot of fun, if I do say so myself :) If you're in there area around that time, and aren't doing anything for the Memorial day weekend, I highly recommend it :)

For more information about Panteria, here's their webpage:

Another event, although coming up in the fall, over Eastern Vermont and also hosted by Panther Vale, is Lost Tip. It's an archery one-day event held in Randolph, VT. I've yet to go to this event and I've been wanting to go to it for some time now, and I'm hoping that this will be the year I get to go!

If you'd like more information about Lost Tip, here's their webpage:


If anyone out there also has events happening in your area or Kingdom, please feel free to post them here! You might just have another person on this community who might be in the same area, or close-by, and would like to check out that event! :)