Scott Douglas
Phone: 270-873-7400
Address: 803 Doran Road
Murray KY 42071
Address: 803 Doran Road
Murray KY 42071
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Papers by Scott Douglas
A significant sample size was not reached in this study, with n = 99 participating church ministry teams in the study. Despite this, several conclusions were reached. Most notably, Millennial associate pastors and Generation-X lead pastors had a significant relationship with regard to the associate pastor's perceived leadership development, but that Millennial associate pastors and Baby Boomer lead pastors shared more in common in terms of necessary pastoral competencies. The follow-up interviews explored four lines of inquiry: the competency development of the associate pastor, the dynamics of the discipling relationship, the balance between personal and professional aspects, and the generational differences on the church staff. One interview that was conducted was an anomaly, but the other four interviews shared many similar qualities. The lead pastor and associate pastors shared a strong friendship, they were committed to not only ministry success but also to the pursuit of Christlikeness, there was an intentionality on the part of the lead pastor to allow the associate opportunities to serve outside their specific ministry area, and the informality of the relationship did not diminish the intentionality the lead pastor had for the growth of his associate pastor.
A significant sample size was not reached in this study, with n = 99 participating church ministry teams in the study. Despite this, several conclusions were reached. Most notably, Millennial associate pastors and Generation-X lead pastors had a significant relationship with regard to the associate pastor's perceived leadership development, but that Millennial associate pastors and Baby Boomer lead pastors shared more in common in terms of necessary pastoral competencies. The follow-up interviews explored four lines of inquiry: the competency development of the associate pastor, the dynamics of the discipling relationship, the balance between personal and professional aspects, and the generational differences on the church staff. One interview that was conducted was an anomaly, but the other four interviews shared many similar qualities. The lead pastor and associate pastors shared a strong friendship, they were committed to not only ministry success but also to the pursuit of Christlikeness, there was an intentionality on the part of the lead pastor to allow the associate opportunities to serve outside their specific ministry area, and the informality of the relationship did not diminish the intentionality the lead pastor had for the growth of his associate pastor.