Papers by Fanny M. Cornejo

Primate Conservation, Jan 1, 2008
The Andean night monkey Aotus miconax is found only in Peru's northeastern cloud forests, and is ... more The Andean night monkey Aotus miconax is found only in Peru's northeastern cloud forests, and is one of the country's three endemic primate species. Very little is known of this species; today largely limited to the records of and a few museum specimens. Between 2005 and 2007, we observed A. miconax in various localities in the regions of Amazonas and San Martín, and recorded what we could of its natural history, distribution and conservation status. The Andean night monkey was observed to live in groups of two to four individuals, using sleeping sites at heights of 6 to 9 m. We have confirmed the presence of the species in 10 additional localities in Amazonas and San Martín, all between 900 and 2,788 m above sea level. It was recorded in various forests types, from primary to relict. Even though it is not hunted directly and can survive in disturbed habitats, the extremely high rate of deforestation in this area is threatening its long term survival. Research on the biology, natural history and ecological requirements of this species are much needed. Resumén: El mono nocturno andino es encontrado solo en los bosques montanos del nororiente del Perú, siendo uno de los tres primates endémicos del país. Aparte de los avistamientos de Butchart et al. en 1995 y unos pocos especímenes de museos, esta especie permanece desconocida. Entre 2005 y 2007, ocasionalmente observamos A. miconax en varias localidades de las regiones de Amazonas y San Martín, obteniendo información sobre su historia natural, distribución y estado de conservación. El mono nocturno andino fue observado en grupos de dos a cuatro individuos, usando sitios de dormir entre seis y nueve metros de altitud. Hemos confirmado la presencia de esta especie en diez localidades adicionales en Amazonas y San Martín, entre 900 y 2,788 m. sobre el nivel del mar, registrando la especie en una variedad de hábitats, desde bosques primarios a bosques relictos. Pese a que la especie no es cazada directamente y puede sobrevivir en hábitats perturbados, la extremadamente alta tasa de deforestación de estas áreas se encuentra amenazando su supervivencia a largo plazo. Es necesario realizar investigaciones sobre la biología, historia natural y requerimientos de esta especie.
American Journal of …, Jan 1, 2008

American Journal of …, Jan 1, 2009
To study the geographic distribution and demographic characteristics of Pithecia aequatorialis in... more To study the geographic distribution and demographic characteristics of Pithecia aequatorialis in Peruvian Amazonia, we undertook surveys and transect census in three river basins (Río Itaya, Río Tigre and Río Curaray) between 2004 and 2008. A total of 123 groups of P. aequatorialis was encountered during 1623 km of transect walks. Group size was uniform among the three areas (3.4-3.6 individuals), but surprisingly, population densities were higher in the area with strong hunting pressure (Río Itaya: 7.8 ind./km(2), vs. 5.6 and 5.9 km(2) in the Río Tigre and Río Curaray basins, respectively). The most common group composition included an adult pair with one offspring. Groups with more than one adult male and/or female accounted for 35% of sightings. Our observations extend P. aequatorialis range in Peru further south to the area between the Río Tigre and Río Corrientes, but exclude the area to the north between the Río Curaray and Río Napo. These findings are in contrast to previous distribution maps. P. aequatorialis was rarely seen in interspecific association during our censuses.
Primates in peril: the …, Jan 1, 2009
Papers by Fanny M. Cornejo