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    • Corporate power
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    • Agrarian Social Movements
This article seeks to understand the dynamics of twenty-first century military intervention by the United States and its allies. Based on an analysis of Bush and Obama administration policy documents, we note that these wars are new... more
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      Refugee StudiesAfghanistanPolitical Violence and TerrorismInsurgency/Counterinsurgency(COIN)
This paper examines the structure of intercorporate unity in the United States through an analysis of interlocking directorates. Our findings suggest that the major organizing institutions within the corporate world are the largest New... more
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      Economic SociologyCorporate GovernanceInternational Political EconomyInterlocking Directorates
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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This combination of political-economic vulnerability and a savvy mass movement created a strategic bind for Egyptian and global capitalism in which abandoning Mubarak was the least dangerous exit from an intractable crisis.
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The desire to overcome the alienated labor of capitalism manifests itself in the daily actions of people everywhere. John Holloway argues that social movements must build upon this liberatory impulse, challenging not only the rate of... more
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The desire to overcome the alienated labor of capitalism manifests itself in the daily actions of people everywhere. John Holloway argues that social movements must build upon this liberatory impulse, challenging not only the rate of... more
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      Social MovementsMarxismAutonomist MarxismSocial Movement Strategy
Studies of the impact of social movements on government policy usually assume that the most effective strategy to win a reform is to directly pressure the elected politicians responsible for its legislation and implementation. We... more
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      Political SociologySocial MovementsEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceBarack Obama
In this essay, we seek to understand why and when social movements do succeed in extracting concessions from dominant institutions. We begin by briefly theorizing the notion of disruption as central to social movement success. We then... more
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      Collective BehaviorPolitical SociologySocial MovementsPolitical Theory
In the following paper we argue that the conventional "Introduction to Sociology" survey course should be restructured because such courses try to survey an unsurveyable body of knowledge and they do not teach the application of... more
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      SociologyHigher EducationCritical Pedagogy
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This combination of political-economic vulnerability and a savvy mass movement created a strategic bind for Egyptian and global capitalism in which abandoning Mubarak was the least dangerous exit from an intractable crisis.
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      Social MovementsRevolutionsInternational Political EconomyNeoliberalism
Back in the 1960s, we could hardly expect the intellectual establishment to heed much less embrace the insights about American life and politics that were contained in Bob Dylan's lyrics. In those days, the academy and the media were... more
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      Music and PoliticsSociology of MusicBob DylanRock Music
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      Mental HealthDeinstitutionalisation
Odds are that Chris Rhomberg did not set out to write a social movement book; and odds are that even when he finished he did not think he had written one. But it is a book that all social movement scholars should read and maybe even... more
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      Social MovementsUrban StudiesOakland, California
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      Social ChangeSocial MovementsContentious PoliticsSocial Conflict