Books by Christina Antenhofer

Mittelalterforschungen 67. Thorbecke, 2022
Golden crowns, precious relics or rare gifts – it is such treasures that we paradigmatically asso... more Golden crowns, precious relics or rare gifts – it is such treasures that we paradigmatically associate with the Middle Ages, while we think of the Modern Age as the beginning of consumer culture and collections. This book starts from this dichotomy and tells a different story of material culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, in which not the things are at the heart of interest but their capacity to build relationships. In the metaphor of the family chest the book captures the meaning that objects have for individuals and families across generations, times and spaces, while it writes a cultural history of administration that offers new perspectives on changes and continuities in the handling of objects until the present.
ISBN 978-3-7995-4374-3
Ob goldene Kronen, kostbare Reliquien oder wertvolle Gaben – es sind Schätze, die paradigmatisch mit dem Mittelalter verbunden werden, während die Moderne als Beginn von Konsumkultur und musealen Sammlungen gilt. An dieser Unterscheidung setzt das Buch an und erzählt eine andere Geschichte der materiellen Kultur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, in der nicht die Dinge Kern der Betrachtung sind, sondern ihre Fähigkeiten, Beziehungen zu stiften. Im Bild der Familienkiste fasst das Buch die Bedeutung von Objekten für Individuen wie Familien über Generationen, Zeiten und Räume und schreibt zugleich eine Kulturgeschichte der Verwaltung mit neuen Perspektiven auf Wandel und Kontinuitäten im Umgang mit Dingen bis zur Gegenwart.

ÖZG 32.3, 2021
When looking at things from a historical perspective, we face the problem that only a miniscule p... more When looking at things from a historical perspective, we face the problem that only a miniscule part of artefacts from the time before the emergence of large¬scale and systematic collections, which started in the sixteenth century, has survived. All the more important for the appraisal of historical objects is the written and pictorial evidence. Along with things, written sources that captured objects thus become central. In this context, inventories as texts created to list objects are paradigmatic. In contrast to research on objects, the exploration of inventories as texts and historical sources is still in its infancy. While inventories have so far been mainly analysed with regard to single issues – predominantly to identify exceptional works of art – this volume places the inventories themselves centre stage, as both texts and artefacts. 23 scholars from Austria, Germany, Italy, the UK, Portugal, and Belgium discuss interdisciplinary approaches to inven¬tories from the twelfth to the twentieth centuries as sources. This volume thus takes the dynamic situation of research as a starting point to reflect on current methodological approaches to inven¬tories in an international arena.
(free open access)

Christina Antenhofer / Mark Mersiowsky (eds.)(USML 51). Turnhout: Brepols. IX+198 p, 2021
Medieval communication followed rules that were defined, negotiated, and altered in processes of ... more Medieval communication followed rules that were defined, negotiated, and altered in processes of exchange. Conflicts resulting from different communication practices, as well as forms of innovation, revolve around rules that are not self-evident. Political actors such as princes and cities, chanceries, secretaries, ambassadors, and councillors formed rules of political participation, which became visible in written documentation. These rules were both formed and negotiated via processes of communication. Medieval chanceries can thus be understood as a vast field of experimentation where different solutions were tested, passed on, or discarded.
This book explores communication practices in German, French, Italian, Tyrolian, and Gorizian chanceries, as well as at diets from the tenth to the sixteenth century. Its chapters examine royal, monastic, princely, and communal chanceries. For the early and high Middle Ages, a close analysis of documents will reconstruct negotiation and communication from within the documents themselves. For the later Middle Ages, focus will turn to the chancery, with the appearance of chancery orders and chancery annotations that provide explicit insight in communication between the chancellors, secretaries, and political authorities. The growing amount and variety of documents issued in the late Middle Ages allows us to retrace conflicts resulting from differing chancery practices as well as attempts to reorganise the chancery into a political instrument for the prince. The processes of political communication will be followed in three parts. Part I focuses on the rules within documents. Part II looks at administrative processes within specific chanceries, while Part III explores forms of exchange between the chancery and other political actors.
Historisches Lernen und materielle Kultur, 2020

Isabella Lazzarini, Corrispondenze diplomatiche nei principati italiani del Q... more INDICE
Isabella Lazzarini, Corrispondenze diplomatiche nei principati italiani del Quattrocento. Produzione, conservazione, definizione
Armand Jamme, La tradizione delle lettere di governo nelle Terre della Chiesa nel XIII secolo. Poteri, concetti e comunicazioni politiche
Andrea Giorgi, Il «Carteggio del Concistoro della Repubblica di Siena» (secoli XIII-XIV). Produzione e tradizione archivistica di lettere e registri
Giordano Brunettin, Alcune lettere dei patriarchi di Aquileia: una piccola casistica tardomedievale
Francesco Senatore, La corrispondenza interna nel Regno di Napoli (XV secolo). Percorsi archivistici nella Regia Camera della Sommaria
Christina Antenhofer, Il ‘corpus’ di lettere conservate nell’antico archivio dei conti di Gorizia al Tiroler Landesarchiv di Innsbruck (secoli XIV-XVI)
Giovanni Ciappelli, La lettera come fonte storica. Tre esempi di carteggi tardomedievali e moderni: Francesco Datini, Lorenzo de’ Medici, il «Mediceo del Principato»
Olivier Poncet, Le corrispondenze reali e governative della prima epoca moderna in Francia (secoli XV-XIX). Archiviare, trasmettere e pubblicare
Katia Occhi, L’archivio del principe vescovo di Trento (secoli XVI-XVIII). Note sulle ricerche in corso
Massimo Scandola, I carteggi dei segretari e degli agenti dei principi vescovi di Trento fra metà XVI e inizio XVIII secolo
Alessandro Paris, La carriera di Vigilio Vescovi, funzionario del principato vescovile di Trento alla metà del XVII secolo
Gian Maria Varanini, Intorno alle fonti epistolari: tra diplomatica e archivistica
Indice dei nomi di persona
Indice dei nomi di luogo
Carteggi fra basso medioevo ed età moderna. Pratiche di redazione, trasmissione e conservazione, 2018
Analysis of the corpus of letters that survive from the ancient archives of the counts of Gorizia... more Analysis of the corpus of letters that survive from the ancient archives of the counts of Gorizia/Görz
Edition of the correspondence around Barbara Gonzaga, duchess of Württemberg (comments in German ... more Edition of the correspondence around Barbara Gonzaga, duchess of Württemberg (comments in German and Italian)
Papers by Christina Antenhofer

Hohensalzburg Digital is a Digital Humanities project realized at Salzburg University and dedicat... more Hohensalzburg Digital is a Digital Humanities project realized at Salzburg University and dedicated to digitally process and connect room-and object-related information taken from written sources and from building history data on Hohensalzburg Castle. Via digital interfaces, we create the basis for an Austrian Local Time Machine Project on the castle, a popular landmark. In three steps, the project opens up cultural heritage digitally for scientific community and international public alike: (1) The first part is dedicated to digital processing and exploring historical sources on rooms of the castle, their furnishings and function, from the earliest sources dating back to the sixteenth century until 1816 when Salzburg became part of the Habsburg Empire. (2) The second part connects the historical information deduced from the written sources with the results of building research and other work on realia, for example, on the famous tiled stove in the Goldene Stube (Golden Chamber). The digital room book created in this way allows a new comprehensive view on the development, furnishings, and use of the rooms and the whole building as a social space for the people who lived there. (3) The final part prepares the data for incorporation in the Europe Time Machine.

This article explores the potential of engaging the public in an ongoing interdisciplinary resear... more This article explores the potential of engaging the public in an ongoing interdisciplinary research project on castle inventories at the universities of Salzburg and Innsbruck. Our aim is to create a digital platform that uses inventories as a key to explore the living conditions in late medieval and early modern castles. In this article, we want to give an initial insight into the research project in terms of the theme of this volume: how the digital platform we are creating will contribute to engaging the public with material culture projects. We start from the hypothesis that inventories are neither objective nor simple lists of things, but products of an inventory practice, with traces of this activity, found both in the texts and in the materiality of the archival records. They contain a wealth of information on relations between things, people, activities, rooms, and the words used for them. We use digital methods of text recognition to interpret a corpus of 130 castle inventories from the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries in the historical region of Tyrol (Austria/Italy) as historical sources and on castles as social spaces. With ontological modelling and deduction from the archival records, we want to make the historical practice of creating inventories visible and use the information to explore everyday life at the castles. For selected castles, we will combine historical data with results from building history to create virtual room books. Digital tools will allow presenting the relations of objects, spaces, individuals, actions, and social practices and provide results for the scientific community as well as for the interested public.
Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy, 2021
Heldenheroesheros special issue., 2023
helden. heroes. héros. 1 helden. heroes. héros. E-Journal zu Kulturen des Heroischen. Editorial F... more helden. heroes. héros. 1 helden. heroes. héros. E-Journal zu Kulturen des Heroischen. Editorial Florian Nieser Raumnarrative und Personenkonstruktionen in Inventaren und Testamenten des Spätmittelalters Christina Antenhofer Helden im Gewimmel. Explorative und narrative Lektüren von Bild und Text im Loher und Maller Elisabeths von Nassau-Saarbrücken Ralf Schlechtweg-Jahn "I'm (not) the hero of this story, (no) need to be saved".
Renaissance Quarterly, 2022

Antenhofer C, Regazzoni L, von Schlachta A, eds. Werkstatt Politische Kommunikation. Netzwerke, O... more Antenhofer C, Regazzoni L, von Schlachta A, eds. Werkstatt Politische Kommunikation. Netzwerke, Orte und Sprachen des Politischen . Schriften zur politischen Kommunikation. Vol 6. Göttingen: V&R Unipress; 2010.Gegenstand dieses Bandes sind kommunikative Prozesse, durch die für soziale Systeme verbindliche Normen verhandelt werden. Untersucht werden politische Äußerungen, die in unterschiedlicher Relation zu den Herrschaftssystemen stehen, auf ihre Intentionen, Inhalte und Kontexte ebenso wie auf die involvierten AkteurInnen. Die untersuchten Äußerungen zeugen von der Infragestellung bestehender Ordnungen, vom Bedürfnis, Konsens zu bilden, von der Artikulation von Widerstand und Konflikt, von der Durchsetzung verbindlicher Normen und Werte bis hin zur Gestaltung politischer Räume. Der Untersuchungsrahmen reicht von der Antike bis ins 20. Jahrhundert; die Sprache wird in den Beiträgen nicht als freie, intentionale Handlung, sondern stets als historisch, geistig und sozial bedingt ges...
Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond
Zeitschrift für Württembergische Landesgeschichte
Sigrid Hirbodian / Andreas Schmauder / Petra Steymans-Kurz (Hg.), Materielle Kultur und Sozialpre... more Sigrid Hirbodian / Andreas Schmauder / Petra Steymans-Kurz (Hg.), Materielle Kultur und Sozialprestige im Spätmittelalter. Führungsgruppen in Städten des deutschsprachigen Südwestens (Schriften zur südwestdeutschen Landeskunde, Bd. 82). Ostfildern: JanThorbecke 2019. 160 S. mit etwa 60 großteils farb. Abb. ISBN 978-3-7995-5282-0. € 25,–
Zeitschrift für württembergische Landesgeschichte, Feb 23, 2022
Books by Christina Antenhofer
ISBN 978-3-7995-4374-3
Ob goldene Kronen, kostbare Reliquien oder wertvolle Gaben – es sind Schätze, die paradigmatisch mit dem Mittelalter verbunden werden, während die Moderne als Beginn von Konsumkultur und musealen Sammlungen gilt. An dieser Unterscheidung setzt das Buch an und erzählt eine andere Geschichte der materiellen Kultur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, in der nicht die Dinge Kern der Betrachtung sind, sondern ihre Fähigkeiten, Beziehungen zu stiften. Im Bild der Familienkiste fasst das Buch die Bedeutung von Objekten für Individuen wie Familien über Generationen, Zeiten und Räume und schreibt zugleich eine Kulturgeschichte der Verwaltung mit neuen Perspektiven auf Wandel und Kontinuitäten im Umgang mit Dingen bis zur Gegenwart.
(free open access)
This book explores communication practices in German, French, Italian, Tyrolian, and Gorizian chanceries, as well as at diets from the tenth to the sixteenth century. Its chapters examine royal, monastic, princely, and communal chanceries. For the early and high Middle Ages, a close analysis of documents will reconstruct negotiation and communication from within the documents themselves. For the later Middle Ages, focus will turn to the chancery, with the appearance of chancery orders and chancery annotations that provide explicit insight in communication between the chancellors, secretaries, and political authorities. The growing amount and variety of documents issued in the late Middle Ages allows us to retrace conflicts resulting from differing chancery practices as well as attempts to reorganise the chancery into a political instrument for the prince. The processes of political communication will be followed in three parts. Part I focuses on the rules within documents. Part II looks at administrative processes within specific chanceries, while Part III explores forms of exchange between the chancery and other political actors.
Isabella Lazzarini, Corrispondenze diplomatiche nei principati italiani del Quattrocento. Produzione, conservazione, definizione
Armand Jamme, La tradizione delle lettere di governo nelle Terre della Chiesa nel XIII secolo. Poteri, concetti e comunicazioni politiche
Andrea Giorgi, Il «Carteggio del Concistoro della Repubblica di Siena» (secoli XIII-XIV). Produzione e tradizione archivistica di lettere e registri
Giordano Brunettin, Alcune lettere dei patriarchi di Aquileia: una piccola casistica tardomedievale
Francesco Senatore, La corrispondenza interna nel Regno di Napoli (XV secolo). Percorsi archivistici nella Regia Camera della Sommaria
Christina Antenhofer, Il ‘corpus’ di lettere conservate nell’antico archivio dei conti di Gorizia al Tiroler Landesarchiv di Innsbruck (secoli XIV-XVI)
Giovanni Ciappelli, La lettera come fonte storica. Tre esempi di carteggi tardomedievali e moderni: Francesco Datini, Lorenzo de’ Medici, il «Mediceo del Principato»
Olivier Poncet, Le corrispondenze reali e governative della prima epoca moderna in Francia (secoli XV-XIX). Archiviare, trasmettere e pubblicare
Katia Occhi, L’archivio del principe vescovo di Trento (secoli XVI-XVIII). Note sulle ricerche in corso
Massimo Scandola, I carteggi dei segretari e degli agenti dei principi vescovi di Trento fra metà XVI e inizio XVIII secolo
Alessandro Paris, La carriera di Vigilio Vescovi, funzionario del principato vescovile di Trento alla metà del XVII secolo
Gian Maria Varanini, Intorno alle fonti epistolari: tra diplomatica e archivistica
Indice dei nomi di persona
Indice dei nomi di luogo
Papers by Christina Antenhofer
ISBN 978-3-7995-4374-3
Ob goldene Kronen, kostbare Reliquien oder wertvolle Gaben – es sind Schätze, die paradigmatisch mit dem Mittelalter verbunden werden, während die Moderne als Beginn von Konsumkultur und musealen Sammlungen gilt. An dieser Unterscheidung setzt das Buch an und erzählt eine andere Geschichte der materiellen Kultur des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, in der nicht die Dinge Kern der Betrachtung sind, sondern ihre Fähigkeiten, Beziehungen zu stiften. Im Bild der Familienkiste fasst das Buch die Bedeutung von Objekten für Individuen wie Familien über Generationen, Zeiten und Räume und schreibt zugleich eine Kulturgeschichte der Verwaltung mit neuen Perspektiven auf Wandel und Kontinuitäten im Umgang mit Dingen bis zur Gegenwart.
(free open access)
This book explores communication practices in German, French, Italian, Tyrolian, and Gorizian chanceries, as well as at diets from the tenth to the sixteenth century. Its chapters examine royal, monastic, princely, and communal chanceries. For the early and high Middle Ages, a close analysis of documents will reconstruct negotiation and communication from within the documents themselves. For the later Middle Ages, focus will turn to the chancery, with the appearance of chancery orders and chancery annotations that provide explicit insight in communication between the chancellors, secretaries, and political authorities. The growing amount and variety of documents issued in the late Middle Ages allows us to retrace conflicts resulting from differing chancery practices as well as attempts to reorganise the chancery into a political instrument for the prince. The processes of political communication will be followed in three parts. Part I focuses on the rules within documents. Part II looks at administrative processes within specific chanceries, while Part III explores forms of exchange between the chancery and other political actors.
Isabella Lazzarini, Corrispondenze diplomatiche nei principati italiani del Quattrocento. Produzione, conservazione, definizione
Armand Jamme, La tradizione delle lettere di governo nelle Terre della Chiesa nel XIII secolo. Poteri, concetti e comunicazioni politiche
Andrea Giorgi, Il «Carteggio del Concistoro della Repubblica di Siena» (secoli XIII-XIV). Produzione e tradizione archivistica di lettere e registri
Giordano Brunettin, Alcune lettere dei patriarchi di Aquileia: una piccola casistica tardomedievale
Francesco Senatore, La corrispondenza interna nel Regno di Napoli (XV secolo). Percorsi archivistici nella Regia Camera della Sommaria
Christina Antenhofer, Il ‘corpus’ di lettere conservate nell’antico archivio dei conti di Gorizia al Tiroler Landesarchiv di Innsbruck (secoli XIV-XVI)
Giovanni Ciappelli, La lettera come fonte storica. Tre esempi di carteggi tardomedievali e moderni: Francesco Datini, Lorenzo de’ Medici, il «Mediceo del Principato»
Olivier Poncet, Le corrispondenze reali e governative della prima epoca moderna in Francia (secoli XV-XIX). Archiviare, trasmettere e pubblicare
Katia Occhi, L’archivio del principe vescovo di Trento (secoli XVI-XVIII). Note sulle ricerche in corso
Massimo Scandola, I carteggi dei segretari e degli agenti dei principi vescovi di Trento fra metà XVI e inizio XVIII secolo
Alessandro Paris, La carriera di Vigilio Vescovi, funzionario del principato vescovile di Trento alla metà del XVII secolo
Gian Maria Varanini, Intorno alle fonti epistolari: tra diplomatica e archivistica
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