Drafts by William S. Chao

The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) specification includes an abstract syntax that defines the ... more The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) specification includes an abstract syntax that defines the language concepts and is described by a metamodel, and a concrete syntax that defines how the language concepts are represented and is described by a user model. In SysML, an important use of metamodels is to ensure model consistency between different diagrams in the user model. However, most existing SysML metamodels lack the capability to project each diagram in the user model as a view of the metamodel. To overcome the shortcomings of those current SysML metamodel approaches, we developed Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC) process algebra (PA), which provides a unified semantic framework that is able to integrate the structural constructs with the behavioral constructs. Using the SBC-PA as a metamodel of SysML, each diagram in the user model can be projected as a view of the SBC-PA metamodel.
Papers by William S. Chao
Information processing, organizational learning, knowledge sharing, and technology ability effects on firm performance
Advances in Energy Science and Equipment Engineering II, 2017

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
A service system is generally very complex that it includes several views, such as data, function... more A service system is generally very complex that it includes several views, such as data, function, structure, behavior and so on. There are two different ways to model such many views. The model multiplicity approach for service systems design separately chooses a distinct model for every view. On the contrary, the model singularity approach for service systems design, instead of choosing many isolated models, will use only one single integrated model. In this paper, we proposed a structure-behavior coalescence (SBC) systems modeling approach for service systems design which is based on model singularity. The multiple models are unrelated and therefore inconsistent with each other, which become the primary reason for the model multiplicity problems. Being able to think about a system in one single integrated model, the SBC systems modeling approach for service systems design truly avoids the model multiplicity problems.
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2018
Unified Modeling Language (UML) possesses the model multiplicity problems because it does not int... more Unified Modeling Language (UML) possesses the model multiplicity problems because it does not integrate the systems structure with the systems behavior. To overcome this shortcoming, we propose an approach to enrich UML from model multiplicity to model singularity by creating its kernel model with the structure-behavior coalescence process algebra. The UML structure and behavior models will be derived from this kernel model. The characteristics of the single kernel model prevents the UML from the model multiplicity problem.
Inconsistency Checking of UML Sequence Diagrams and State Machines Using the Structure-Behavior Coalescence Method
2022 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)
Formalizing UML 2.0 State Machines Using a Structure-Behavior Coalescence Method
2022 IEEE Industrial Electronics and Applications Conference (IEACon)
Structure-Behavior Coalescence Approach for Formal Definition of Domain-Specific Modeling Language Semantics
Operation-Based Multi-Queue SBC Process Algebra for Model Singularity in Model-Based Systems Engineering
Using SBC Process Algebra to Unify Behavioral Specifications for Activities, State Machines and Interactions in Model-Based Systems Engineering
The Structure-Behavior Coalescence Model Singularity Approach for Systems Architecture
Structure-Behavior Coalescence Knowledge Representation Schema of Conceptual Design for Model-Based Systems Engineering
Structure-Behavior Coalescence Method for Formal Semantics of Domain-Specific Modeling Language
The success of System-of-Systems Engineering (SoSE) is largely dependent on the descriptive power... more The success of System-of-Systems Engineering (SoSE) is largely dependent on the descriptive power of Systems Modeling Language (SysML). However, since SysML is based on the UML 2.0 multi-diagram approach, there are always model inconsistencies between multiple diagrams in the SysML informal semantic specification. In this paper, we developed Operation-Based Single-Queue Structure-Behavior Coalescence Process Algebra (O-S-SBC-PA) as the formal modeling language for System-of-Systems Engineering. In O-S-SBC-PA, only a single diagram is used to specify the semantics of the system. Overall, the model consistency will be fully ensured in the SoSE O-S-SBC-PA modeling construction.

Model-Based Systems Engineering Using Structure-Behavior Coalescence Modeling Language
2022 14th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), 2022
The kernel theme of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is a consistent modeling language which includ... more The kernel theme of Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is a consistent modeling language which includes (1) an abstractsyntax that defines the language concepts and is described by a metamodel, and (2) a concrete syntax that defines how the languageconcepts are represented and is described by a user model. In MDE modeling language, an important use of metamodels is toensure model consistency between different diagrams in the user model. Unfortunately, most current MDE metamodels are notable to project each diagram in the user model as a view of the metamodel. This paper proposes a Structure-Behavior Coalescencemodeling language which uses the Structure-Behavior Coalescence State Machine (SBC-SM) as the MDE metamodel, and theStructure-Behavior Coalescence Architecture Description Language (SBC-ADL) as the MDE user model. In the SBC modelinglanguage, each diagram in SBC-ADL can be projected as a view of SBC-SM. Therefore, the MDE model consistency will be fullyguaranteed during the SBC modeling construction.
As a general-purpose software modeling language for model-driven engineering (MDE), Unified Model... more As a general-purpose software modeling language for model-driven engineering (MDE), Unified Modeling Language (UML) has a common behavioral concept that supports the foundation for its three diagrams: activities, state machines, and interactions. This makes it flexible to adapt to the modeling task. However, the semantics and/or constraints of invoking an activity or calling a state machine or invoking an interaction have not been fully integrated in UML in model-driven engineering. To fix this shortcoming, we developed a Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC) method, which provides a unified semantic framework that is able to integrate behavioral diagrams for activities, state machines and interactions in model-driven engineering.
HCI in Business, Government and Organizations, 2020
The central theme of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a modeling language with model con... more The central theme of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is a modeling language with model consistency of systems structure and systems behavior. In this paper, we developed a Channel-Based Multi-Queue Structure-Behavior Coalescence Process Algebra (C-M-SBC-PA) as the modeling language for model singularity of the MBSE sharing economy service systems design. In C-M-SBC-PA, only a single diagram is used to specify the semantics of the design of the sharing economy service system. Overall, the model consistency will be fully guaranteed in the MBSE sharing economy service systems design when the C-M-SBC-PA method is adopted.
A Structure-Behavior Coalescence Design Method for Mobile Social Network Systems
2019 20th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM), 2019
A mobile social network system is generally complex that it comprises several views, such as data... more A mobile social network system is generally complex that it comprises several views, such as data, function, structure, behavior and so on. There are two kinds of approaches to design these views. The multiple diagrams approach for mobile social network systems respectively chooses a distinct diagram for each view. The single diagram approach for mobile social network systems, instead of choosing several separated diagrams, utilizes only a single diagram. We propose the structure-behavior coalescence design method for mobile social network systems based on the single diagram approach to prevent the inter-diagram design inconsistency problems.
Structure-behavior coalescence ontology for state analysis in model-based systems engineering
This paper created Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC) State Analysis Ontology (SAO) for model-b... more This paper created Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC) State Analysis Ontology (SAO) for model-based systems engineering. Since the state analysis capability has been utilized in SBC state analysis ontology, the mapping from the ontology to the systems model can be effectively achieved.

Contemporary Concepts, Descriptions and Language of Systems Using SBC Process Algebra
2021 13th International Conference on Information & Communication Technology and System (ICTS), 2021
System description is a term that means an “artifact” created explicitly by humans to model a par... more System description is a term that means an “artifact” created explicitly by humans to model a particular given system. In this article, we propose using Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC) process algebra. It applies to the following description of the System: an arrangement of parts or components that together specify how to derive behavior or meaning that the individual constituents do not. Describing the arrangement of parts or components that together specify how to derive behavior or meaning implies integrating a system structure with that System's behavior. However, most conventional system description approaches do not specify the integration between system structure and system behavior. In other words, system structure and system behavior are regarded as separate and always distinct, which becomes/forms the central rationality of inconsistent model difficulties. The SBC system description specifies how to derive behavior or meaning from the arrangement of parts or components, thereby avoiding model inconsistency.

Modifiability improvement is a key factor in the successful Home Care IoT System (HCIS) systems d... more Modifiability improvement is a key factor in the successful Home Care IoT System (HCIS) systems development. It includes disciplined system layering (DSL), well-defined components (WDC), published interface (PI), and well-defined behavior (WDB) which represent the four main factors that enhance the modifiability of HCIS. Structure-Behavior Coalescence (SBC) method uses three fundamental diagrams: a) framework diagram, b) component operation diagram, and c) interaction flow diagram to accomplish the design of HCIS. Through framework diagram, Structure-Behavior Coalescence design of HCIS demonstrates tremendous effects of disciplined system layering. Through component operation diagram, Structure-Behavior Coalescence design of HCIS demonstrates large effects of well-defined components and published interfaces. Through interaction flow diagram, Structure-Behavior Coalescence design of HCIS demonstrates tremendous effects of well-defined behaviors. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) refers to a diverse set of unrelated computer algorithms and statistical methods, which are suitable for constructing networks for analysis. Applied SEM method can verify that Structure-Behavior Coalescence design is be able to enhance the Modifiability of HCIS.
Drafts by William S. Chao
Papers by William S. Chao