eva kowalska
Phone: +421 2 52925753
Address: Institute of History
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Klemensova 19
814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia
Address: Institute of History
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Klemensova 19
814 99 Bratislava, Slovakia
Related Authors
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Comenius University in Bratislava
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Institute of History of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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Trnava University
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Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika
Tomas Kowalski
Comenius University
PhDr. Lukáš Perný, PhD.
University of Economics Prague
Peter Šoltés
Slovak Academy of Sciences
Books by eva kowalska
* * *
Štúdia sa venuje vzťahu členov dvoch významných rodín – aristokratickej rodine grófov Zayovcov a učiteľskej rodine Samuela Štúra, z ktorej pochádzal zakladateľ národného hnutia Slovákov, Ľudovít Štúr. Obe rodiny boli prepojené osobnými väzbami, ktoré sa v priebehu rokov výrazne menili. Štúdia je spracovaná na základe doteraz nevyužívaných archívnych fondov a prináša viaceré nové poznatky pre osvetlenie osobných motivácií, konaní a postojov Ľudovíta Štúra aj jeho významného oponenta, Karola Zayho.
Vnímanie exilu v dobovej mienke a literatúre
Fenomén martýrstva
-Exulanti a Uhorsko
„Infidelitas“, bohorúhačstvo, rebélia, poburovanie, konšpirácia... Duchovní ako sprisahanci?
-Analýza obvinení
-Famosa causa Protestantium: obvinenia a ich dôsledky
-Acta tragica...
Protagonisti príbehu exilu - neznámi známi
-Typológia aktérov
-Juraj Láni – ideológ luteránskeho exilu
-Mikuláš Kellio, SJ – negatívny hrdina?
-Andreas Günther – pôvodca rozbrojov?
-Exil a svetské kariéry
Baculum exilii: exulanti na dobrodružných cestách
-Sebastian Fabritius – údel trojnásobného exilu
-Tobiáš Masnicius a Ján Simonides – putovanie ako „zážitok“
Sociálne aspekty exilu
-Ambivalentnosť exilu
-Stratégie zvládania situácie
Pietisti a exulanti: pomoc, vďačnosť a odmietanie
-Uhorskí exulanti medzi akceptáciou a odmietnutím pietizmu
-Philipp Jacob Spener a jeho uhorské kontakty a (vzájomné) inšpirácie
-Odporcovia pietizmu Juraj Láni a Daniel Klesch
Rozvadení exulanti 1: polemika s katolíkmi
Rozvadení exulanti 2: rozvrat vo vlastnom tábore
Medzinárodný rozmer kauzy uhorských exulantov
Pramene a použitá literatúra
Register menný a miestny
Zoznam príloh
* * *
Wahrnehmung des Exils und Märtyrertums in zeitgenössischer öffentlicher Meinung und Literatur
Phänomenon der Märtyrertums:
-Exulanten und Ungarn
„Infidelitas“, Blasphemie, Rebellion, Tumultieren, Konspiration... Dir Geistlichen als Rebellen?
-Analyse der Anklagen
-Famosa causa Protestantium: Anklagen und ihre Folgen
-Acta tragica...
Protagonisten der Exilgeschichte – die unbekannten Bekannte
-Typologie der Akteuren
-Juraj Láni – Ideologe des lutherischen Exils
-Nicolaus Kellio, SJ – ein negativer Held?
-Andreas Günther – Urheber der Streitigkeiten?
-Exil und weltliche Karierren
Baculum exilii: Exulanten auf den abenteuerlichen Wegen
-Sebastian Fabritius – Schicksal eines dreichfachen Exils
-Tobias Masnicius und Johann Simonides – Wanderung als „Erlebnis“
Sozialle Aspekte des Exils
-Ambivalenz des Exils
-Strategien der Bewältigung der Situation
Pietisten und Exulanteni: Hilfen, Dankbarkeit und Ablehnung
-Ungarische Exulanten zwischen Akzeptanz und Ablehnungen des Pietismus
-Philipp Jacob Spener und seine ungarische Kontakte und (gegenseitige) Inspirationen
-Oponenten des Piestimus Juraj Láni und Daniel Klesch
Streitende Exulanten 1: Polemik mit den Katholiken
Streitende Exulanten 2: Verwirung im einenem Lager
Internationaler Kontext des ungarischen Exils
Quellen und Literatur
Personen- und Ortsregister
As the aim of the work has not only been the description of the well-known facts about Hajnóczy, we have tried to give an answer to the questions related to the origins of the Hajnóczy family, which has been interpreted very differently until these days. Joseph Hajnóczy was the member of the fifth recorded generation, originally the family of the villain of Hajný from the Slovak village called Považská Teplá, as it turned out due to yet unpublished documents. The older roots of the family could have originated in the exiles – victims of the suppression after the uprising in Moravia in 1644 who were looking for rescue at the close lands of Lednica and Považská Bystrica. The sources, however, do not support this hypothesis. On the other hand, the connections with the Moravian exile environment interconnected more members of the family to the town of Púchov, where some of them settled, at the Moravian street in the community of the masters of clothing. Family and friendly relations interconnected them to exile families of Tešedík/Tessedik and Gebhardt. The research has approved that the surname of Joseph Hajnóczy's grandfather Ján, which was mentioned in the older documents, was Hajný. He also did not have five but seven brothers, whose father was Tomáš Hajný. This surname was not recorded in the historiography because the very important change of this surname, which happened thanks to Daniel Hajný/Hajnóczy in 1713, was not noticed. During his studies at the secondary grammar school and at the University in Wittenberg, the latter well-known chancellor of the Sopron school started to write his name in the form, which would evoke his affiliation to the group of scholars. Some of his brothers adopted this surname as well (Samuel, Pavol and Ján – the grandfather of Joseph Hajnóczy). The family definitely belonged to the villain rank, whose members were only gradually becoming connected to the members of higher nobility by means of marriage. Unquestionably Joseph Hajnóczy's grandfather himself, who was the trustee of baron Henrich Calisius´ lands, tried to become a member of the upper class, and later Joseph Hajnóczy tried to reach the same rank as well.
Social upgrade of this big family was achieved by means of education: the favoured profession of the generation of Joseph Hajnóczy's grandfather was a very prosperous craft – clothing. Three of his sons were devoted to this craft. Moreover, at least two other sons got higher education (secondary grammar school and university). The father of Joseph Hajnóczy, Samuel, belonged to that generation, whose members used to attend secondary grammar school or studied theology at universities. Joseph Hajnóczy's life post of a personal secretary of the rich Hungarian barons (Nicolaus Forgách, Ferenc Széchenyi), of a high state clerk (a palatine administrator, an advisor to the Hungarian Diet) and that of an intellectual ideally represented the ambition to overcome the limitations of the non-noble origin.
The sources helped to reveal the context of the presence of the Hajný/Hajnóczy family in Modra, which was the birth town of Joseph Hajnóczy. This free royal town became the refuge to two sons of Tomáš Hajnóczy, who were persecuted in their home town, Považská Bystrica or Púchov. More members gradually established themselves in the local Lutheran congregation and got married into the local burgher´s families (e.g. Lübeck).
Two other parts of the work are devoted only to the life and activities of Joseph Hajnóczy during particular periods of his life. They are aimed at his Freemasonry activities, the scope and nature of his obligation during the time when he worked for barons Forgách and Széchenyi and during the time spent in the state office. A short-term but very difficult position as a palatine administrator in Syrmia County was probably a very important impulse for Hajnóczy to try to actively influence the political scene after leaving the office. First, he was trying to influence politics by means of journalism and well-founded studies about political and religious relations in Hungary. Later he participated in the movement which should have been the follow-up of pre-reform activities initiated by the Emperor Leopold. The goal of this movement was to transform the Hungarian society and to introduce a constitution, which would give more rights to the non-noble and non-Catholic population and would gradually lead to the abolition of serfdom. The government used the revelation of the short-term conspiracy (May-July 1794) to strengthen the reactionary political programme. The long investigation revealed that Joseph Hajnóczy was the leader of the movement together with Ignaz Martinović. The interpreted sources of the legal proceedings describe the opinions of Joseph Hajnóczy about the movement goals and its possibilities. The text represents the complex image of the family and the intellectual and political environment in which the tragic life story of Joseph Hajnóczy was set.
The relation of the Lutheran Church and community to the state represented an important aspect of their functioning. The state, even after 1781, made an effort in terms of determining the areas of its exclusive interest. At first place it were the schools where the exclusion of general education from the outreach of the church institutions wanted to be achieved, and on the second place the liturgies were required to be “rationalised” according to ideas presented by Joseph II. Especially the topic of school reform, which was planned to be accomplished through establishing combined ("mixed") schools and applying secular supervision of education and textbooks, is a subject of a detailed examination
The problems that the Lutherans were confronted with resulted in a controversial internal development.The pressure put by the state and the Catholic church on this confession evoked a need for internal consistency, owing to which the church was able to preserve its identity, even under the influence of unfavourable conditions. However, this development resulted in a considerable rigidity that could be seen in the outlasting adherence to the Lutheran orthodoxy, being the dominant theological orientation. In course of the 18th century, it was first of all the socially conditioned phenomenon, owing to which the influence of clergies could be preserved within the church structure. In the Lutheran society, tensions started to appear between the secular patrons, who were the only ones entitled to protect the interests of churches on the various levels of the state administration, and the superintendents, who were acknowledged by the state to be the official representatives of the church and were assigned some, though little, competencies. The relations between the secular and clerical members of the church were also complicated by the fact that the system of consistories did not get naturalised in the Hungarian monarchy, and the synods could not be summoned after 1707. Even though several ideas on how the internal circumstances of the church should be settled were developed, the situation was not stabilised before 1791 when the synod was finally summoned. At this synod, the influence of the secular church representatives was forced through. As a result, the clerical representatives started to show concerns regarding the Lutheran identity preservation that was perceived to be endangered by the initial proposals to create a union of Lutherans and Calvinists.
The advocates, who were determining the development of the Lutheran church in the course of the 18th century, developed into a relatively small but in terms of education, theological and philosophical orientation a quite varied group of people who were taking up secular as well as church positions. The influence of their advocacy was considerable. Closer attention is paid to those who managed to exceed the activity field assigned to them by their work position, and exercised an influence on the attitudes of people around. Because the positions they were taking up were not the most significant ones, their influence as if “from the background” did not get to the attention centre of the
recent historiography (Šramo/Schramko), or it was not adequately evaluated (Institoris Mossoczy). Through their works and activities, the advocates of Lutheranism managed to permeate into the circles that were close to the Vienna Royal Court and thus contribute to forming the attitudes of the Court regarding the religious issues in Hungary (Benczur). In addition, people who were in a direct work contact with the Royal Court ("Court Agents"), or those who were in charge of informing the foreign countries about the events in Hungary with an aim to advocate for the Hungarian Protestants living abroad, were quite active in this field as well.
Papers by eva kowalska
Prof.Dr. Habil. Jean–Piere Lavandier de Mylius
PhDr.Elena Mannová, CSc.
Mgr. Jiří Brňovják, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tomáš Janura, PhD.
Doc.JUDr.PhDr. Adriana Švecová, PhD.
PhDr. Eva Kowalská, DrSc.
Mgr. Ingrid Kušniráková, PhD.
Doc.Mgr. Ivona Kollárová, PhD.
Mgr. Christian Gepp
Mgr. Peter Konečný
PhDr. Zdenko Čambal
The (Fein) Tuchfabrik at Uhrovec was established in a region that apparently lacked material and infrastructure preconditions. However, the project had another comparative advantage – the strong capital of the owner, a rich aristocrat with connections that enabled him to successfully establish himself in the economic space of Upper Hungary. Count Karl Zay was a supporter of liberalism and of progressive business aims such as railways and steam ships. The factory had various company shops and a network of customers across the Kingdom of Hungary. In the revolutionary period it began to profit from supplying the army, county units and the gendarmerie or police. However, state orders were also a risk factor in the form of unrealistic conditions from the side of customers, which gradually began to threaten the profitability of the business. At the beginning of this cooperation, the factory immediately began to make losses, which began to threaten its functioning. The study analyses the process of establishment of the factory, the financial questions of building and equipping it, the questions of personnel and the material functioning as well as the social security of the workers, a large proportion of whom were women.
Konkurrenz überraschend gut zu profilieren, was ihr Programm und die Qualität der journalistischen Leistung der Redaktion betraf. Die Zeitung fand Korrespondenten aus ganz Ungarn, ihre professionelle Orientierung (es handelte sich wahrscheinlich fast ausschließlich um Geistliche) bestimmte jedoch auch ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf das beobachtete Geschehen. Die Zustimmung mit den von „oben“ durchgesetzten Reformen und Maßnahmen, die sonst nicht immer auf positiven Widerhall stießen, sowie nicht gelöste Frage der Sprachnorm und die dies betreffende Diskussion, oder die in jener Zeit unlösbare konfessionelle Spaltung der schmalen Schicht der Gebildeten raubten doch bald dem öffentlichen Raum ein wichtiges Medium, das geeignet für den Meinungsaustausch und die Kultivierung der slowakischen Leserbasis war. Die (erst zwei Jahrzehnte später entstandene) nachfolgende slowakische Zeitschrift (Týdenník) wusste den Informationshunger der Leser nicht befriedigen: Sie erschien in Form eines Wochenblattes (resp. eher Journals), so dass sie eine klassische Nachrichtenzeitung nicht ersetzen konnte. Diese Bedürfnisse mussten auch weiterhin anderssprachige Medien stillen.
Na úplný záver možno na základe uvedených skutočností konštato-vať, že rukopis Štúrovej poslednej práce Všeslavianska história existoval. Potvrdzujú to viaceré svedectvá, z ktorých k najdôležitejším patria spomienky jeho najmladšieho brata Jána Štúra, v tom čase bánovského okres-ného komisára. Na základe toho takisto možno konštatovať, že Ľudovítovu smrť spôsobila naozaj nešťastná náhoda a všetky teórie a dohady o jeho možnej samovražde, prípadne vražde treba jednoznačne vylúčiť. Štúr bol
presvedčený a v tom duchu aj konal, že v Srbskom kniežatstve mu „skvitne nový život“.
unified system of the organization and teaching-learning process. The reforme the 1st s.c. normal school in Bratislava was established. It can be said that it was the 1st school even in Hungary. Later other schools were presented with unified content of education
– einander begegneten. Joachim Heinrich Campe war nur einer der Protagonisten dieses Kulturtransfers, doch seine vermittelte Gegenwart erklärt, wodurch beziehungsweise durch wen, zumindest im protestantischen Milieu, wichtige Impulse der zeitgenössischen deutschen Aufklärung und Pädagogik so rasch in Ungarn widerhallten. Das Schloss in Bitschitz kann somit zu Recht zu den wichtigen Zentren des kulturellen Austausches von überregionaler Bedeutung gezählt werden, genauso wie seine Bewohner:innen und Besucher:innen auf vielfältige Weise kommunikative Prozesse anregten und darin agierten.
* * *
Štúdia sa venuje vzťahu členov dvoch významných rodín – aristokratickej rodine grófov Zayovcov a učiteľskej rodine Samuela Štúra, z ktorej pochádzal zakladateľ národného hnutia Slovákov, Ľudovít Štúr. Obe rodiny boli prepojené osobnými väzbami, ktoré sa v priebehu rokov výrazne menili. Štúdia je spracovaná na základe doteraz nevyužívaných archívnych fondov a prináša viaceré nové poznatky pre osvetlenie osobných motivácií, konaní a postojov Ľudovíta Štúra aj jeho významného oponenta, Karola Zayho.
Vnímanie exilu v dobovej mienke a literatúre
Fenomén martýrstva
-Exulanti a Uhorsko
„Infidelitas“, bohorúhačstvo, rebélia, poburovanie, konšpirácia... Duchovní ako sprisahanci?
-Analýza obvinení
-Famosa causa Protestantium: obvinenia a ich dôsledky
-Acta tragica...
Protagonisti príbehu exilu - neznámi známi
-Typológia aktérov
-Juraj Láni – ideológ luteránskeho exilu
-Mikuláš Kellio, SJ – negatívny hrdina?
-Andreas Günther – pôvodca rozbrojov?
-Exil a svetské kariéry
Baculum exilii: exulanti na dobrodružných cestách
-Sebastian Fabritius – údel trojnásobného exilu
-Tobiáš Masnicius a Ján Simonides – putovanie ako „zážitok“
Sociálne aspekty exilu
-Ambivalentnosť exilu
-Stratégie zvládania situácie
Pietisti a exulanti: pomoc, vďačnosť a odmietanie
-Uhorskí exulanti medzi akceptáciou a odmietnutím pietizmu
-Philipp Jacob Spener a jeho uhorské kontakty a (vzájomné) inšpirácie
-Odporcovia pietizmu Juraj Láni a Daniel Klesch
Rozvadení exulanti 1: polemika s katolíkmi
Rozvadení exulanti 2: rozvrat vo vlastnom tábore
Medzinárodný rozmer kauzy uhorských exulantov
Pramene a použitá literatúra
Register menný a miestny
Zoznam príloh
* * *
Wahrnehmung des Exils und Märtyrertums in zeitgenössischer öffentlicher Meinung und Literatur
Phänomenon der Märtyrertums:
-Exulanten und Ungarn
„Infidelitas“, Blasphemie, Rebellion, Tumultieren, Konspiration... Dir Geistlichen als Rebellen?
-Analyse der Anklagen
-Famosa causa Protestantium: Anklagen und ihre Folgen
-Acta tragica...
Protagonisten der Exilgeschichte – die unbekannten Bekannte
-Typologie der Akteuren
-Juraj Láni – Ideologe des lutherischen Exils
-Nicolaus Kellio, SJ – ein negativer Held?
-Andreas Günther – Urheber der Streitigkeiten?
-Exil und weltliche Karierren
Baculum exilii: Exulanten auf den abenteuerlichen Wegen
-Sebastian Fabritius – Schicksal eines dreichfachen Exils
-Tobias Masnicius und Johann Simonides – Wanderung als „Erlebnis“
Sozialle Aspekte des Exils
-Ambivalenz des Exils
-Strategien der Bewältigung der Situation
Pietisten und Exulanteni: Hilfen, Dankbarkeit und Ablehnung
-Ungarische Exulanten zwischen Akzeptanz und Ablehnungen des Pietismus
-Philipp Jacob Spener und seine ungarische Kontakte und (gegenseitige) Inspirationen
-Oponenten des Piestimus Juraj Láni und Daniel Klesch
Streitende Exulanten 1: Polemik mit den Katholiken
Streitende Exulanten 2: Verwirung im einenem Lager
Internationaler Kontext des ungarischen Exils
Quellen und Literatur
Personen- und Ortsregister
As the aim of the work has not only been the description of the well-known facts about Hajnóczy, we have tried to give an answer to the questions related to the origins of the Hajnóczy family, which has been interpreted very differently until these days. Joseph Hajnóczy was the member of the fifth recorded generation, originally the family of the villain of Hajný from the Slovak village called Považská Teplá, as it turned out due to yet unpublished documents. The older roots of the family could have originated in the exiles – victims of the suppression after the uprising in Moravia in 1644 who were looking for rescue at the close lands of Lednica and Považská Bystrica. The sources, however, do not support this hypothesis. On the other hand, the connections with the Moravian exile environment interconnected more members of the family to the town of Púchov, where some of them settled, at the Moravian street in the community of the masters of clothing. Family and friendly relations interconnected them to exile families of Tešedík/Tessedik and Gebhardt. The research has approved that the surname of Joseph Hajnóczy's grandfather Ján, which was mentioned in the older documents, was Hajný. He also did not have five but seven brothers, whose father was Tomáš Hajný. This surname was not recorded in the historiography because the very important change of this surname, which happened thanks to Daniel Hajný/Hajnóczy in 1713, was not noticed. During his studies at the secondary grammar school and at the University in Wittenberg, the latter well-known chancellor of the Sopron school started to write his name in the form, which would evoke his affiliation to the group of scholars. Some of his brothers adopted this surname as well (Samuel, Pavol and Ján – the grandfather of Joseph Hajnóczy). The family definitely belonged to the villain rank, whose members were only gradually becoming connected to the members of higher nobility by means of marriage. Unquestionably Joseph Hajnóczy's grandfather himself, who was the trustee of baron Henrich Calisius´ lands, tried to become a member of the upper class, and later Joseph Hajnóczy tried to reach the same rank as well.
Social upgrade of this big family was achieved by means of education: the favoured profession of the generation of Joseph Hajnóczy's grandfather was a very prosperous craft – clothing. Three of his sons were devoted to this craft. Moreover, at least two other sons got higher education (secondary grammar school and university). The father of Joseph Hajnóczy, Samuel, belonged to that generation, whose members used to attend secondary grammar school or studied theology at universities. Joseph Hajnóczy's life post of a personal secretary of the rich Hungarian barons (Nicolaus Forgách, Ferenc Széchenyi), of a high state clerk (a palatine administrator, an advisor to the Hungarian Diet) and that of an intellectual ideally represented the ambition to overcome the limitations of the non-noble origin.
The sources helped to reveal the context of the presence of the Hajný/Hajnóczy family in Modra, which was the birth town of Joseph Hajnóczy. This free royal town became the refuge to two sons of Tomáš Hajnóczy, who were persecuted in their home town, Považská Bystrica or Púchov. More members gradually established themselves in the local Lutheran congregation and got married into the local burgher´s families (e.g. Lübeck).
Two other parts of the work are devoted only to the life and activities of Joseph Hajnóczy during particular periods of his life. They are aimed at his Freemasonry activities, the scope and nature of his obligation during the time when he worked for barons Forgách and Széchenyi and during the time spent in the state office. A short-term but very difficult position as a palatine administrator in Syrmia County was probably a very important impulse for Hajnóczy to try to actively influence the political scene after leaving the office. First, he was trying to influence politics by means of journalism and well-founded studies about political and religious relations in Hungary. Later he participated in the movement which should have been the follow-up of pre-reform activities initiated by the Emperor Leopold. The goal of this movement was to transform the Hungarian society and to introduce a constitution, which would give more rights to the non-noble and non-Catholic population and would gradually lead to the abolition of serfdom. The government used the revelation of the short-term conspiracy (May-July 1794) to strengthen the reactionary political programme. The long investigation revealed that Joseph Hajnóczy was the leader of the movement together with Ignaz Martinović. The interpreted sources of the legal proceedings describe the opinions of Joseph Hajnóczy about the movement goals and its possibilities. The text represents the complex image of the family and the intellectual and political environment in which the tragic life story of Joseph Hajnóczy was set.
The relation of the Lutheran Church and community to the state represented an important aspect of their functioning. The state, even after 1781, made an effort in terms of determining the areas of its exclusive interest. At first place it were the schools where the exclusion of general education from the outreach of the church institutions wanted to be achieved, and on the second place the liturgies were required to be “rationalised” according to ideas presented by Joseph II. Especially the topic of school reform, which was planned to be accomplished through establishing combined ("mixed") schools and applying secular supervision of education and textbooks, is a subject of a detailed examination
The problems that the Lutherans were confronted with resulted in a controversial internal development.The pressure put by the state and the Catholic church on this confession evoked a need for internal consistency, owing to which the church was able to preserve its identity, even under the influence of unfavourable conditions. However, this development resulted in a considerable rigidity that could be seen in the outlasting adherence to the Lutheran orthodoxy, being the dominant theological orientation. In course of the 18th century, it was first of all the socially conditioned phenomenon, owing to which the influence of clergies could be preserved within the church structure. In the Lutheran society, tensions started to appear between the secular patrons, who were the only ones entitled to protect the interests of churches on the various levels of the state administration, and the superintendents, who were acknowledged by the state to be the official representatives of the church and were assigned some, though little, competencies. The relations between the secular and clerical members of the church were also complicated by the fact that the system of consistories did not get naturalised in the Hungarian monarchy, and the synods could not be summoned after 1707. Even though several ideas on how the internal circumstances of the church should be settled were developed, the situation was not stabilised before 1791 when the synod was finally summoned. At this synod, the influence of the secular church representatives was forced through. As a result, the clerical representatives started to show concerns regarding the Lutheran identity preservation that was perceived to be endangered by the initial proposals to create a union of Lutherans and Calvinists.
The advocates, who were determining the development of the Lutheran church in the course of the 18th century, developed into a relatively small but in terms of education, theological and philosophical orientation a quite varied group of people who were taking up secular as well as church positions. The influence of their advocacy was considerable. Closer attention is paid to those who managed to exceed the activity field assigned to them by their work position, and exercised an influence on the attitudes of people around. Because the positions they were taking up were not the most significant ones, their influence as if “from the background” did not get to the attention centre of the
recent historiography (Šramo/Schramko), or it was not adequately evaluated (Institoris Mossoczy). Through their works and activities, the advocates of Lutheranism managed to permeate into the circles that were close to the Vienna Royal Court and thus contribute to forming the attitudes of the Court regarding the religious issues in Hungary (Benczur). In addition, people who were in a direct work contact with the Royal Court ("Court Agents"), or those who were in charge of informing the foreign countries about the events in Hungary with an aim to advocate for the Hungarian Protestants living abroad, were quite active in this field as well.
Prof.Dr. Habil. Jean–Piere Lavandier de Mylius
PhDr.Elena Mannová, CSc.
Mgr. Jiří Brňovják, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tomáš Janura, PhD.
Doc.JUDr.PhDr. Adriana Švecová, PhD.
PhDr. Eva Kowalská, DrSc.
Mgr. Ingrid Kušniráková, PhD.
Doc.Mgr. Ivona Kollárová, PhD.
Mgr. Christian Gepp
Mgr. Peter Konečný
PhDr. Zdenko Čambal
The (Fein) Tuchfabrik at Uhrovec was established in a region that apparently lacked material and infrastructure preconditions. However, the project had another comparative advantage – the strong capital of the owner, a rich aristocrat with connections that enabled him to successfully establish himself in the economic space of Upper Hungary. Count Karl Zay was a supporter of liberalism and of progressive business aims such as railways and steam ships. The factory had various company shops and a network of customers across the Kingdom of Hungary. In the revolutionary period it began to profit from supplying the army, county units and the gendarmerie or police. However, state orders were also a risk factor in the form of unrealistic conditions from the side of customers, which gradually began to threaten the profitability of the business. At the beginning of this cooperation, the factory immediately began to make losses, which began to threaten its functioning. The study analyses the process of establishment of the factory, the financial questions of building and equipping it, the questions of personnel and the material functioning as well as the social security of the workers, a large proportion of whom were women.
Konkurrenz überraschend gut zu profilieren, was ihr Programm und die Qualität der journalistischen Leistung der Redaktion betraf. Die Zeitung fand Korrespondenten aus ganz Ungarn, ihre professionelle Orientierung (es handelte sich wahrscheinlich fast ausschließlich um Geistliche) bestimmte jedoch auch ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf das beobachtete Geschehen. Die Zustimmung mit den von „oben“ durchgesetzten Reformen und Maßnahmen, die sonst nicht immer auf positiven Widerhall stießen, sowie nicht gelöste Frage der Sprachnorm und die dies betreffende Diskussion, oder die in jener Zeit unlösbare konfessionelle Spaltung der schmalen Schicht der Gebildeten raubten doch bald dem öffentlichen Raum ein wichtiges Medium, das geeignet für den Meinungsaustausch und die Kultivierung der slowakischen Leserbasis war. Die (erst zwei Jahrzehnte später entstandene) nachfolgende slowakische Zeitschrift (Týdenník) wusste den Informationshunger der Leser nicht befriedigen: Sie erschien in Form eines Wochenblattes (resp. eher Journals), so dass sie eine klassische Nachrichtenzeitung nicht ersetzen konnte. Diese Bedürfnisse mussten auch weiterhin anderssprachige Medien stillen.
Na úplný záver možno na základe uvedených skutočností konštato-vať, že rukopis Štúrovej poslednej práce Všeslavianska história existoval. Potvrdzujú to viaceré svedectvá, z ktorých k najdôležitejším patria spomienky jeho najmladšieho brata Jána Štúra, v tom čase bánovského okres-ného komisára. Na základe toho takisto možno konštatovať, že Ľudovítovu smrť spôsobila naozaj nešťastná náhoda a všetky teórie a dohady o jeho možnej samovražde, prípadne vražde treba jednoznačne vylúčiť. Štúr bol
presvedčený a v tom duchu aj konal, že v Srbskom kniežatstve mu „skvitne nový život“.
unified system of the organization and teaching-learning process. The reforme the 1st s.c. normal school in Bratislava was established. It can be said that it was the 1st school even in Hungary. Later other schools were presented with unified content of education
– einander begegneten. Joachim Heinrich Campe war nur einer der Protagonisten dieses Kulturtransfers, doch seine vermittelte Gegenwart erklärt, wodurch beziehungsweise durch wen, zumindest im protestantischen Milieu, wichtige Impulse der zeitgenössischen deutschen Aufklärung und Pädagogik so rasch in Ungarn widerhallten. Das Schloss in Bitschitz kann somit zu Recht zu den wichtigen Zentren des kulturellen Austausches von überregionaler Bedeutung gezählt werden, genauso wie seine Bewohner:innen und Besucher:innen auf vielfältige Weise kommunikative Prozesse anregten und darin agierten.
seemed, however, to be unprepared for the Patent. This chapter examines the various responses to the Patent, and the new waves of intolerance – especially in every-day life and education – which followed its enactment.
Proces jej kreovania odštartovalo rozhodnutie Václava Antona kniežaťa Kaunitza-Rietberg (2.2.1711 – 27.6.1794), ktorý bol de facto najvplyvnejším mužom v štáte a mal plnú dôveru Márie Terézie, zmeniť systém riadenia štátu. Dovtedajšia správa sa ukázala ako neefektívna, preto poveril grófa Ludwiga Zinzendorfa reorganizáciou dvorských úradov. Jeho návrh zo 7.10.1761, súčasťou ktorého bolo aj zriadenie úradu pre výkon kontroly financií, sa po posúdení stal podkladom pre panovníčkin dekrét z 23.12.1761. Vyjadrením princípu jednotného riadenia kontroly bol aj výnos cisára Jozefa II. z r. 1782, ktorý oficiálne podriadil celú oblasť účtovníctva a kontroly v celej monarchii jednotnému riadeniu Účtovnej dvorskej komory (K. k. Hofrechenkammer). Dokonca aj po rakúsko-uhorskom vyrovnaní (1867) sa kvôli zachovaniu spoločnej a jednotnej kontroly zriadil Spoločný najvyšší účtovný dvor (Gemeinsamer Oberster Rechnungshof).
V priebehu existencie K. k. Hofrechenkammer sa síce menili kompetencie alebo názov úradu, myšlienka najvyššej účtovnej kontroly ako účinného mechanizmu v oblasti hospodárstva však zostala zachovaná: možno ju označiť za významný prvok modernizácie, ktorý síce nie je viditeľný na prvý pohľad, ale mal dosah napr. na stabilitu vedenia účtovníctva, dodržiavanie finančnej disciplíny či pestovanie vedomia dôležitosti transparentnosti uvedených činností.
Uvedená inštitúcia sa neskôr stala obrazom pre kreovanie podobných inštitúcií kontroly v nástupníckych krajinách aj po rozpade monarchie.
U nás tento orgán viac ako štyri desaťročia (s výnimkou krátkeho obdobia v druhej polovici šesťdesiatych rokov) fungoval ako orgán s regulovanou nezávislosťou: systém vládnucej komunistickej strany neprial nezávislému dohľadu nad fungovaním „vecí verejných“. V podobnej situácii bolo aj ministerstvo kontroly, ktoré sa až po r. 1989 začalo meniť na orgán, stojaci nad politicko-správnymi orgánmi. Preto bezprostredným predchodcom dnešného NKÚ je Ministerstvo kontroly SR, ktoré existovalo od roku 1990 do r.1992. Po jeho zrušení v roku 1992 sa ústredným orgánom štátnej správy pre štátnu kontrolu stal Úrad vlády SR, ktorý realizoval v roku 1992 prípravu návrhu zákona o NKÚ SR.
V Ústave SR je zakotvený aj Najvyšší kontrolný úrad SR, ktorého pôsobnosť, právomoc a vnútorné organizačné členenie v zmysle Ústavy upraví zákon. Dňa 19. januára 1993 sa Národná rada SR uzniesla na tomto zákone. Je ním zákon NR SR č.39/1993 o Najvyššom kontrolnom úrade Slovenskej republiky. V novelizovanom znení je platný aj v súčasnosti.
Veranstaltungsort: Colleg Wittenberg,
Jüdenstraße 8, 06886 Lutherstadt Wittenberg