Papers by Dominika Oravkinova

Praehistorische Zeitschrift
Zusammenfassung Dank einer langen Geschichte der Erforschung der Herkunft, der Verteilungsnetze u... more Zusammenfassung Dank einer langen Geschichte der Erforschung der Herkunft, der Verteilungsnetze und der Bewertung der kulturellen Bedeutung von Bernstein, nimmt die Informationsmenge über die Komplexität der Tauschnetzwerke im bronzezeitlichen Europa stetig zu. Die vorliegende Studie stellt die nächste Stufe in der Entwicklung der Forschung zu diesem Thema dar. Sie präsentiert eine Synthese des bisherigen Wissens über das Vorkommen von Bernstein in der Frühbronzezeit auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Slowakei sowie neue Erkenntnisse über die Herkunft des Rohmaterials und die absolute Chronologie der Funde von drei ausgewählten Fundstellen im östlichen Teil des Landes. Auf der Grundlage der gewonnenen Informationen werden Schlüsselfragen im Zusammenhang mit der Herkunft des Bernsteins, dem Kontext seiner Ablagerung und den chronologischen Mechanismen seiner Verbreitung im untersuchten Gebiet diskutiert. Die erzielten Ergebnisse sind ermutigend genug, um die Anfänge der Bernsteinannahme, se...

In contrast to other contemporaneous cultural groups, the Otomani‑Füzesabony cultural complex (OF... more In contrast to other contemporaneous cultural groups, the Otomani‑Füzesabony cultural complex (OFCC) is conspicuous, inter alia, due to covering a relatively wide geographical area. Within it can be observed a high variability of source bases, which is conditioned by the differing emergence and adaptation backgrounds, as well as by a varying length of duration across different geographical regions. To make things worse, this diversity of archaeological sources is reflected also in the different use of terminology and in various absolute and relative chronological systems. When dealing with the chronological issues of the OFCC in the territory of Eastern Slovakia the fortified settlement in Spišský Štvrtok, deserves special consideration. Despite the absence of any absolute dates from the site, significantly represented material culture allows one to review its relative chronological framework. In this respect, the morpho‑typology of selected pottery and metal artefacts, together with their decorative motifs, provide useful information about its relative chronology. A formalised description of jugs, which represent the chronologically most sensitive group of pottery, allows for a partial use of statistical methods as well. As a result, we can obtain a relatively comprehensive view of the initial phase, the length of occupation, and the abandonment period of the fortified settlement. In combination with 14C dates this information might in future contribute to a more exact understanding of the chronological relations within a wider area of East‑Central Europe.

Ultra velum temporis. Venované Jozefovi Bátorovi k 70. narodeninám, 2020
When it comes to Bronze Age, the archaeological site Gánovce is mainly known due to significant f... more When it comes to Bronze Age, the archaeological site Gánovce is mainly known due to significant finds collection from the filling of a ritual well, which was excavated in the location Hrádok during the travertine exploitation. There is less information available about the settlement agglomerations, which surrounded and was connected to this locality of Central-European importance. One of them was situated in the close proximity on the eastern edge of the site Hrádok, at the location Za stodolami. Most of the archaeological finds, which were there acquired by several surface prospections during 2019-2020 can be dated to the end of Early Bronze Age and fully reflect the traditions of Otomani-Füzesabony Cultural Complex. In addition to ceramic, a significant collection of ground stone artefacts, pottery, and bone tools have been documented. Among those were identified two fragmentary preserved moulds made of stone, which were analyzed by SEM-EDX method confirming the presence of melted metal. Thus they reliably prove the local metallurgical production, which along with the other craft activities could have significant economic meaning for the community inhabiting the surroundings of the central site Gánovce-Hrádok.

Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 2021
Heterarchical or hierarchical? Egalitarian or unequal? Segmented or complex? Tribe, chiefdom, mid... more Heterarchical or hierarchical? Egalitarian or unequal? Segmented or complex? Tribe, chiefdom, middle range? All these questions have been vividly discussed in an effort to reconstruct Bronze Age society within a wider area of central Europe. The extensive spectrum of published literature offers varied and often contradictory theoretical models, but we still know very little about the organization of particular social units, especially in the context of settlements. The morphological, technological and spatial analysis of movable and immovable sources from the fortified settlement in Spišský Štvrtok contributes in many respects to solution of the discussed problem in the northeastern Carpathian region. In the case of the Spišský Štvrtok locality, we can interpret the degree of social complexity on the basis of qualitative and quantitative parameters of material culture, evidence of production activities and their specialization level in correlation with spatial distribution of intra-site activity areas. Moreover, the detected tendencies are independently confirmed by the morpho-typological differences between gold and bronze artefacts contained in hoards, by architectonic details and by the presence of regular ritual activities. The achieved results thus indicate possible horizontal and vertical ranking, which was adapted to the local community.

Fischl/Kienlin (eds.): Beyond Divides - The Otomani-Füzesabony Phenomenon, 2019
Hoards of various structure had been found in varying quantities across the late Prehistory. The ... more Hoards of various structure had been found in varying quantities across the late Prehistory. The situation was not different in the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in the Carpathian Basin. What is remarkable though is that many significant depositions have been found from this period in the settlement layouts in the territory of today’s Slovakia. In terms of quantity, the most outstanding set of hoards is the one from the hillfort fortified settlement in Spišský Štvrtok that belongs to the Otomani-Füzesabony Cultural Complex. The obvious link between the deposits from the settlement in Spišský Štvrtok and the residential contexts expands the possibilities for interpretation. The study evaluates 11 hoards, prevalently bronze and golden artefacts, that were found during the field excavation of the location in 1968–1975. The purpose of this study is to review and clarify the finding circumstances, as well as the morpho-typological structure of the set, the informative potential of which is burdened by the period from the time when the field excavation was carried out till its evaluation, and the incompleteness of the site report. In spite of this, the source base, in many ways, contributes to answering the chronological and socio-cultural questions of the Bronze Age in the Carpathians.

Fischl/Kienlin (eds.): Beyond Divides - The Otomani-Füzesabony Phenomenon, 2019
The Otomani-Füzesabony Cultural Complex (OFCC) spanned a vast territory of the Eastern Carpathian... more The Otomani-Füzesabony Cultural Complex (OFCC) spanned a vast territory of the Eastern Carpathian Basin. Several previous studies indicated its complicated and unclear chronological relationships with certain pottery styles. The regional variation of the OFCC is based on differences in material culture, burial customs and complex landscape organisation of settlements. Therefore in this study, we used spatio-temporal modelling techniques to analyse the OFCC settlement structure with emphasis on several macroregions in Eastern Slovakia.
A quantitative statistical approach was used to combine a broad range of archaeological and palaeoecological evidence in the space-time continuum. The results illustrate clearly the dynamic relationship between OFCC sites and the surrounding landscape across centuries. Isolated micro-regional communities had functioned independently, however concurrently they were collectivised within an extensive supra-regional and trans-tribal networks of connections sprawling far beyond the scope of any individual community. Gathered evidence suggests that access to water passes and proximity of metal ores were the key elements in structuring the OFCC settlement hierarchies and landscape transformations in the Bronze Age Slovakia.

Mendeley Data, 2019
The Otomani-Füzesabony Cultural Complex (OFCC) spanned a vast territory of the Eastern Carpathian... more The Otomani-Füzesabony Cultural Complex (OFCC) spanned a vast territory of the Eastern Carpathian Basin. Several previous studies indicated its complicated and unclear chronological relationships with certain pottery styles. The regional variation of the OFCC is based on differences in material culture, burial customs and complex landscape organisation of settlements. Therefore in this study, we used spatio-temporal modelling techniques to analyse the OFCC settlement structure and rate of cultural change with an emphasis on several macroregions in Eastern Slovakia. A quantitative statistical approach (spatio-temporal modelling, Kruskal-Wallis test, principal component analysis) was used to combine a broad range of archaeological and palaeoecological evidence in the space-time continuum.
In order to capture regional variability, within the relative chronological dating, Reinecke’s periodisation scheme was used instead of individual internal chronological systems of the OFCC. Information about sites (location, dating and type) was gathered from the literature, excavation and survey reports, as well as using existing databases (Tóth 2014; Oravkinová 2018). The database was managed in LibreOffice Calc, with the component as the central registration unit. Absolute chronology of individual Reinecke’s stages (used for spatio-temporal modelling) was adapted based on existing literature. Spatio-temporal modelling was performed on all sites using LibreOffice Calc, showing a gradual transformation of relative-chronological data into a timescale (Crema 2012; Kolář et al. 2015). Taking into account the duration of the OFCC pottery style, the data was modelled within 200 years’ timescale. Environmental analyses (altitude, soil types, cost distance to water and sources of copper, tin and gold) were analysed using QGIS software; values were extracted using ‘Point Sampling Tool’. Secondary information layers (cost distance to water and metal sources) were derived from the digital elevation model with the resolution 30x30 m (Tóth 2014: 106–108). The fertility of soils has been based on the most recent research (Lieskovský et al. 2015: table 4.2). We analysed the components with a clearly defined sitting within the surrounding landscape. During statistical tests, regional characteristics were taken into account.
The results illustrate clearly the dynamic relationship between OFCC sites and the surrounding landscape across centuries. Isolated micro-regional communities had functioned independently, however concurrently they were collectivised within an extensive supra-regional and trans-tribal networks of connections sprawling far beyond the scope of any individual community. Gathered evidence suggests that access to water passes and proximity of metal ores were the key elements in structuring the OFCC settlement hierarchies and landscape transformations in the Bronze Age Slovakia.

Artifacts made of bone and antler were significant part of material culture during Early Bronze A... more Artifacts made of bone and antler were significant part of material culture during Early Bronze Age in the area of Carpathian Basin. They reflect whole range of aspects connected with past communities, e. g. economy, social organisation, relationship with the natural environment, relations among different social units, trade contacts, their intensity and direction, the scale of production, its organisation and quality etc. The main purpose of this paper is to partly infer those aspects on example of artifacts founded in the area of fortified settlement in Spišský Štvrtok, which is generally dated to Otomani-Füzesabony cultural complex. Within the meaning of contextual approach, all artefacts were subjected to zoological analysis for the purpose of determination of animal species and anatomic location. Applying macro- and microscopic technological-morphological analysis on chosen objects, we are able to distinguish manufacturing and functional traces as well to identify production characteristics, techniques, methods, probable toolkit and function. Acquired knowledge was used for reconstruction of operational sequences separately for bone and antler artefacts. Those connected with morphological and typological classification in the context of analogical finds provide important information about status and meaning of bone and antler artifacts in techno-complex in selected period and space. On example of collection from Spišský Štvrtok, we are able to define strategies of raw material section, production techniques and methods with potential chronological informative value, scale and quality of production, necessary toolkit for production. Those are analyzed in the context of settlement itself in addition to the context of the end of Early Bronze Age in Carpathian Basin.

The phenomenon of storing hoards is still in the spotlight of archaeological academic world due t... more The phenomenon of storing hoards is still in the spotlight of archaeological academic world due to its rarity and importance. It becomes more frequent in the area of Carpathian Basin especially at the end of the Early Bronze Age. It is demonstrated by numerous finds of metal hoards excavated in the area of upland fortified settlement of Otomani-Füzesabony cultural complex in Spišský Štvrtok (district Levoča). Attention requires three extraordinarily metal hoards found in the area defined by stones, so called „stone boxes“ (one found empty without any finds). Within the meaning of deposition comes to the fore object 5/68 which illustrates three specific patterns of deposition: hoard found in ceramic vessel, hoard in stone box and loosely stored hoard. Composition of mentioned hoards is assorted regarding the type of metal (bronze, gold) and function of the artifact (ornament, part of the garment, tool). From chronological point of view artefacts belong to the Koszider period and reflect traditions of the following Tumulus and Piliny culture.

The end of the Early Bronze Age is a crucial period in terms of the issues relating to settlement... more The end of the Early Bronze Age is a crucial period in terms of the issues relating to settlement strategies and settlement structure. In this paper we will focus on comparisons of the relationship between settlements and selected environmental and social parameters in two areas with different cultural traditions. The first territory studied is South-Western Slovakia occupied by Maďarovce and Transdanubian Encrusted Pottery cultures, the second area is Eastern and Middle-Southern Slovakia occupied by Otomani-Füzesabony cultural complex. The main resource for the spatial analysis implemented in geographical information systems is a database containing 257 archaeological sites. On the basis of data using statistical methods, we are able to specify various types of settlement strategies not only amongst the mentioned cultural complexes, but also between fortified and open settlements. We present a theoretical model of transformation of the Early Bronze Age civilization, which consist of radical amendment of settlement patterns due to decomposition of social relations, climate changes and migration.
Thesis Chapters by Dominika Oravkinova

In many instances, fortified settlement in Spišský Štvrtok, which is chronologically classified i... more In many instances, fortified settlement in Spišský Štvrtok, which is chronologically classified in the Otomani-Füzesabony cultural complex, represents a unique source of information about the society at the end of Early Bronze Age in the Carpathian region. In this regard, systematic and whole-surface site excavation led by Jozef Vladár during years 1968 – 1975, should be considered to be the most beneficial. Nevertheless, its results have not yet been generally elaborated in detail. Following the absence of evaluation, the main aim of dissertation thesis is the systematic procession of archaeological sources from the settlement area. Using the variable spectrum of analytical methods, we will try to answer the crucial questions related to formal issues of settlement archaeology. Source base assessment considered in the context of Carpathian Basin cultural development permits outline of settlement relative chronological framework. Partially allows reconstruction of formation processes and site abandonment behavior. In abundance testifies about forms of dwelling and fortification system, as well as about scale of subsistence, production and ritual activities, which took place in the inner layout. By means of material culture analysis, the presence of organized society could be taken into consideration. This community should have had a stable position in the eastern branch of contact and trade zone in middle Danube region.
Workshop by Dominika Oravkinova

26th EAA Annual Meeting in Budapest, Hungary, 26-30 August 2020, 2020
From delimitation of interaction areas to consideration of technological changes, the prehistoric... more From delimitation of interaction areas to consideration of technological changes, the prehistoric ceramics of the Carpathian Basin and the adjacent areas provide new fields for integrating theory with high-resolution studies of the human past. Beyond re-evaluation of the relative dating, the technological advances of the Information Age highlight the necessity of rethinking the research questions: does conjunction of production and interaction represent the only facet of ceramic style formation? What underlying histories are responsible for the formation of the archaeologically-distinctive groups? How can overarching similarities of the technological process be used to explain the maintenance of obvious distinctions? Expansion of the scope beyond material characterizations towards the socio-cultural processes is further mobilized by the increasing availability of analytical methods where ceramics are no longer viewed from the perspective of typochronological studies but provide the medium for investigating subsistence practices, site-formation processes and exploitation of the natural environments. The involved framework of archaeological practice integrating perspectives and methods results in an increasing complexity of research and the developed models of human past. The refined analytical tools provide the means of investigating previously inaccessible parts of the prehistoric record and conceptualization of turning points between otherwise separated periods. The transition from the Chalcolithic to the Bronze Age represents a time of change in terms of formation of individualized personhoods and the increasing examples of collective habitation. How can the two be linked to formation of Bronze Age tell-landscape? Beyond typological similarities and temporal consecutiveness, is there other evidence of relationship between periods and regions? Finally, how did the introduction of bronze technology impact the existing economic relations and established technologies? As organizers we invite papers, work-in-progress studies and posters which explore the multidisciplinary approaches to the highlighted period by integrating social theory, ceramic analysis and the dynamics of the human past.
Papers by Dominika Oravkinova
A quantitative statistical approach was used to combine a broad range of archaeological and palaeoecological evidence in the space-time continuum. The results illustrate clearly the dynamic relationship between OFCC sites and the surrounding landscape across centuries. Isolated micro-regional communities had functioned independently, however concurrently they were collectivised within an extensive supra-regional and trans-tribal networks of connections sprawling far beyond the scope of any individual community. Gathered evidence suggests that access to water passes and proximity of metal ores were the key elements in structuring the OFCC settlement hierarchies and landscape transformations in the Bronze Age Slovakia.
In order to capture regional variability, within the relative chronological dating, Reinecke’s periodisation scheme was used instead of individual internal chronological systems of the OFCC. Information about sites (location, dating and type) was gathered from the literature, excavation and survey reports, as well as using existing databases (Tóth 2014; Oravkinová 2018). The database was managed in LibreOffice Calc, with the component as the central registration unit. Absolute chronology of individual Reinecke’s stages (used for spatio-temporal modelling) was adapted based on existing literature. Spatio-temporal modelling was performed on all sites using LibreOffice Calc, showing a gradual transformation of relative-chronological data into a timescale (Crema 2012; Kolář et al. 2015). Taking into account the duration of the OFCC pottery style, the data was modelled within 200 years’ timescale. Environmental analyses (altitude, soil types, cost distance to water and sources of copper, tin and gold) were analysed using QGIS software; values were extracted using ‘Point Sampling Tool’. Secondary information layers (cost distance to water and metal sources) were derived from the digital elevation model with the resolution 30x30 m (Tóth 2014: 106–108). The fertility of soils has been based on the most recent research (Lieskovský et al. 2015: table 4.2). We analysed the components with a clearly defined sitting within the surrounding landscape. During statistical tests, regional characteristics were taken into account.
The results illustrate clearly the dynamic relationship between OFCC sites and the surrounding landscape across centuries. Isolated micro-regional communities had functioned independently, however concurrently they were collectivised within an extensive supra-regional and trans-tribal networks of connections sprawling far beyond the scope of any individual community. Gathered evidence suggests that access to water passes and proximity of metal ores were the key elements in structuring the OFCC settlement hierarchies and landscape transformations in the Bronze Age Slovakia.
Thesis Chapters by Dominika Oravkinova
Workshop by Dominika Oravkinova
A quantitative statistical approach was used to combine a broad range of archaeological and palaeoecological evidence in the space-time continuum. The results illustrate clearly the dynamic relationship between OFCC sites and the surrounding landscape across centuries. Isolated micro-regional communities had functioned independently, however concurrently they were collectivised within an extensive supra-regional and trans-tribal networks of connections sprawling far beyond the scope of any individual community. Gathered evidence suggests that access to water passes and proximity of metal ores were the key elements in structuring the OFCC settlement hierarchies and landscape transformations in the Bronze Age Slovakia.
In order to capture regional variability, within the relative chronological dating, Reinecke’s periodisation scheme was used instead of individual internal chronological systems of the OFCC. Information about sites (location, dating and type) was gathered from the literature, excavation and survey reports, as well as using existing databases (Tóth 2014; Oravkinová 2018). The database was managed in LibreOffice Calc, with the component as the central registration unit. Absolute chronology of individual Reinecke’s stages (used for spatio-temporal modelling) was adapted based on existing literature. Spatio-temporal modelling was performed on all sites using LibreOffice Calc, showing a gradual transformation of relative-chronological data into a timescale (Crema 2012; Kolář et al. 2015). Taking into account the duration of the OFCC pottery style, the data was modelled within 200 years’ timescale. Environmental analyses (altitude, soil types, cost distance to water and sources of copper, tin and gold) were analysed using QGIS software; values were extracted using ‘Point Sampling Tool’. Secondary information layers (cost distance to water and metal sources) were derived from the digital elevation model with the resolution 30x30 m (Tóth 2014: 106–108). The fertility of soils has been based on the most recent research (Lieskovský et al. 2015: table 4.2). We analysed the components with a clearly defined sitting within the surrounding landscape. During statistical tests, regional characteristics were taken into account.
The results illustrate clearly the dynamic relationship between OFCC sites and the surrounding landscape across centuries. Isolated micro-regional communities had functioned independently, however concurrently they were collectivised within an extensive supra-regional and trans-tribal networks of connections sprawling far beyond the scope of any individual community. Gathered evidence suggests that access to water passes and proximity of metal ores were the key elements in structuring the OFCC settlement hierarchies and landscape transformations in the Bronze Age Slovakia.