Papers by Dr Pradeep Makwana

IUP Publications, 2019
Learning is a lifelong process. One can learn using different methods,
but self-learning is effec... more Learning is a lifelong process. One can learn using different methods,
but self-learning is effectively used today. With the surge of the Internet
and e-devices, students have implemented self-learning through YouTube tutorials, quiz, online MCQs, flashcards or games. Moreover, enhancing language and improving LSRW skills through self-learning and selfassessment is the major focus of this paper. Students tend to learn through mobile or any Internet source which gradually helps them to enhance learning. This paper focuses on maieutic approach and mimetic approach towards language acquisition. In maieutic method, the students ask questions and play the role of teacher. It helps in unveiling the latent knowledge and skills one already has. To simplify, one tries to know what they know but think that they do not know. It is self-administered learning: Asking questions and answering oneself. On the other hand, mimesis or mimetic method is recognizing established models of learning and imitating them accurately. Mimesis means imitation with creativity. Thus, imitating established language structures gives confidence and motivation and helps to enhance language acquisition. It is not merely rote learning but creative imitation and implementation in a given situation. For example, conversation at a railway station, how to book a flight ticket, talking at the restaurant, etc. Such imitation can boost language through self-learning. Self-learning when combined with self-assessment leads to lifelong learning, skill development, knowledge accuracy and language enhancement.

No living being can deny their appreciation and profound fondness for nature which to some become... more No living being can deny their appreciation and profound fondness for nature which to some becomes the muse and flows down through ink on white canvas in the form of verse or prose. A major part of literature either praised the divinity and beauty of nature or impact of nature on human life. Whereas there ate literary works that depict the destructions and disturbances human activities have caused to nature through deforestation, heavy industrialization, immigration, and overuse of natural resources. The vigilant minds have criticized it and warned humanity. They are Ecocritics who try to bring awareness of the need to go back to nature for healthy living. If you protect nature, nature will protect you. Destroying nature is equal to suicide. Ecocritic tries to bridge this gap of ignorance, negligence and unawareness regarding the natural resources. We have to use them sparingly and protect the earth. Harmonious living is the only way out to environmental threat. Hence, Ecocritic builds the bridge of awareness, harmonious living, interconnected and interdependent relationship between man and nature. Ecocritic speaks for nature through literature. Thus, Ecocritic describes the inherent interwoven existence where a man without nature is incomplete and nature without a man is dull. Ecocritics don't just read the text but apply a critical mind to bring out ecological aspects and highlight the interconnectedness of nature and literature present in the text. Thus, they build a bridge between nature and li terature.

KCG-Portal of Journals, 2016
From the aeon our forefathers lived harmoniously with nature. They loved and died in nature. Foll... more From the aeon our forefathers lived harmoniously with nature. They loved and died in nature. Following
the evolution theory, we know that our past was very much interwoven with nature where nature
provided everything a man needed to survive. Man did worship nature because nature was considered as
the ultimate reality that sustained life and if required it destroyed life too.
Environment has been a burning issue today. Whole world is concerned to protect the environment.
The issue has affected even the policies and international agreements to a great extent. Recent
international steps like sustainable development goals, Parish Climate Change Conference, Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change, promulgation of the National Disaster
Management Plan, 2016 etc… have ushered in awareness to the world about the need of the environment
conservation and strict regulations to preserve the degradation of the environment.

Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 2016
The Brazilian author Paulo Coelho is one of the most read writers today. Most of Coelho's works a... more The Brazilian author Paulo Coelho is one of the most read writers today. Most of Coelho's works are replete with nature portrayal and beautiful landscapes that a normal man may fail to perceive through his naked eyes. Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist is the best novel to present ecocritical elements in literature and their interconnectedness. The novel is nature oriented and beckons humanity to go back to nature to preserve and protect the environment. Environment has been fundamental to our tradition and culture. It's only in the past decade or two that environmental literature has become a main stream. There is a growing demand to protect and preserve the environment. The rise of the concepts like go green, green policy, environment market, carbon trading, etc., have been entering human day today life. Ecocriticism is a recent phenomenon in the area of theory and criticism which represents a growing awareness of environmental issues. It is based on an "earth centered approach to literary studies" and reveals that human culture is connected to the physical world, affecting it and affected by it. It is concerned with the relationships between literature and environment or man's relationships with his physical environment as reflected in literature. Hence, Ecocriticism, the growing critical theory, is an investigation into the relation between humans and the natural world in literature.
Drafts by Dr Pradeep Makwana

unpublisher, 2019
Environment echoes voices, yet I feel alone Living seems lifeless; there is life in stone All ear... more Environment echoes voices, yet I feel alone Living seems lifeless; there is life in stone All ears are busy, talking on the Phone. Life in 21 st century is all about digitalization of our dreams, choices, and leisure. Everything is being digitalized into a small screen through wireless connection. People are freely busying themselves on phones and devises. Isolation was considered evil or antisocial condition where a man feels alone, neglected, unwanted or not loved by people around. In schools scoundrels were isolated by other students. In a peer group, dubious, notorious, hostile or unsavory too were isolated. Hence, isolation was an indirect punishment. Isolation either made one to think of wrong or unpleasant aspect of personality hidden or it made them to rectify such unpleasantries. Colloquially it is termed as "the hotbox, the Hole, lockedown,"Segregation, separation, cellular, Supermax, Secure Housing Unit...etc in ABSTRACT Life in 21 st century is all about digitalization of everything. People are freely busying themselves on phones and devises. This paper deals with the paradigm shift in man's behavior in comprehending Isolation which was desired for spiritual awakening or it was used as a punishment to rectify wrongs done. Today isolation is a desired phenomenon provided that the person has a device (cell phones) to spend time. People are found chatting or surfing for hours on their mobiles without speaking a word to the persons physically near to them. Hence, the word 'isolation' which was always undesired, needs to be redefined today. Isolation does not only mean to keep someone apart or away from society. It is being social on social networks individually. Thus, the paper attempts to redefine the concept of isolation from the observation of the present social situation. We find more Netizens than Citizens around us who are happy in their virtual world compared to the real world where they live. Such citizen live only to spend their valuable time on internet and social networking cites. Hence, isolation is no more a curse but a reward for such netizens.
Papers by Dr Pradeep Makwana
but self-learning is effectively used today. With the surge of the Internet
and e-devices, students have implemented self-learning through YouTube tutorials, quiz, online MCQs, flashcards or games. Moreover, enhancing language and improving LSRW skills through self-learning and selfassessment is the major focus of this paper. Students tend to learn through mobile or any Internet source which gradually helps them to enhance learning. This paper focuses on maieutic approach and mimetic approach towards language acquisition. In maieutic method, the students ask questions and play the role of teacher. It helps in unveiling the latent knowledge and skills one already has. To simplify, one tries to know what they know but think that they do not know. It is self-administered learning: Asking questions and answering oneself. On the other hand, mimesis or mimetic method is recognizing established models of learning and imitating them accurately. Mimesis means imitation with creativity. Thus, imitating established language structures gives confidence and motivation and helps to enhance language acquisition. It is not merely rote learning but creative imitation and implementation in a given situation. For example, conversation at a railway station, how to book a flight ticket, talking at the restaurant, etc. Such imitation can boost language through self-learning. Self-learning when combined with self-assessment leads to lifelong learning, skill development, knowledge accuracy and language enhancement.
the evolution theory, we know that our past was very much interwoven with nature where nature
provided everything a man needed to survive. Man did worship nature because nature was considered as
the ultimate reality that sustained life and if required it destroyed life too.
Environment has been a burning issue today. Whole world is concerned to protect the environment.
The issue has affected even the policies and international agreements to a great extent. Recent
international steps like sustainable development goals, Parish Climate Change Conference, Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change, promulgation of the National Disaster
Management Plan, 2016 etc… have ushered in awareness to the world about the need of the environment
conservation and strict regulations to preserve the degradation of the environment.
Drafts by Dr Pradeep Makwana
but self-learning is effectively used today. With the surge of the Internet
and e-devices, students have implemented self-learning through YouTube tutorials, quiz, online MCQs, flashcards or games. Moreover, enhancing language and improving LSRW skills through self-learning and selfassessment is the major focus of this paper. Students tend to learn through mobile or any Internet source which gradually helps them to enhance learning. This paper focuses on maieutic approach and mimetic approach towards language acquisition. In maieutic method, the students ask questions and play the role of teacher. It helps in unveiling the latent knowledge and skills one already has. To simplify, one tries to know what they know but think that they do not know. It is self-administered learning: Asking questions and answering oneself. On the other hand, mimesis or mimetic method is recognizing established models of learning and imitating them accurately. Mimesis means imitation with creativity. Thus, imitating established language structures gives confidence and motivation and helps to enhance language acquisition. It is not merely rote learning but creative imitation and implementation in a given situation. For example, conversation at a railway station, how to book a flight ticket, talking at the restaurant, etc. Such imitation can boost language through self-learning. Self-learning when combined with self-assessment leads to lifelong learning, skill development, knowledge accuracy and language enhancement.
the evolution theory, we know that our past was very much interwoven with nature where nature
provided everything a man needed to survive. Man did worship nature because nature was considered as
the ultimate reality that sustained life and if required it destroyed life too.
Environment has been a burning issue today. Whole world is concerned to protect the environment.
The issue has affected even the policies and international agreements to a great extent. Recent
international steps like sustainable development goals, Parish Climate Change Conference, Sendai
Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change, promulgation of the National Disaster
Management Plan, 2016 etc… have ushered in awareness to the world about the need of the environment
conservation and strict regulations to preserve the degradation of the environment.