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saucydwellings, posts by tag: christmas - LiveJournal

Make with the Sauce!

Entries by tag: christmas

Country Christmas...
girls » barbie
Here on the southside of Atlanta, we definitely fit into the country niche when decorating for Christmas...take a look!

Come on a-my house, my house-a come on...Collapse )

my christmas decor
christmas in my new house...
i found this neat  yarn ball trick in, i believe this month's BHG mag. they used all white yarn and holly berrys, but i added a pop of color and a vintage bird ornament(which i'm in love with btw. 50 cents at a Restore)

the rest...Collapse )

Paper Christmas
I am broke. I have a toddler. This is what I made with a hand-me-down tree and ornaments, a pile of scrap fabric, paper, and my google image search engine.

Read more...Collapse )

(no subject)
Beginning to decorate for the holidays has inspired me to clean out some of my cluttery corners, so while I was at it, I took pictures. I live in a studio apartment that was built in the 1920's. Things I love: the incredible windows (although all the light makes taking pictures a challenge), the working fireplace, the built-in bookcase. Things I dislike: wall to wall carpeting, boring walls, inability to hang anything on the plaster-over-brick, and mostly the fact that I'm in a remote part of my city. But overall, I really love my space. It suits my style, a kind of modern victorian revival with a mix of new and old.

Come take a look at my livingroom/office/bedroom with some bonus before and afters and holiday sauceCollapse )

Holidays 2009... a little late.
ok so i was a good girl and did this the kosher way instead of posting a link to my flickr account.
so lets hope you all can see these now.
i present to you...

my VERY LATE holiday 2009 pictures!!Collapse )

Parent's House
summer ninae
I was recently down in Florida, visiting my parents for Christmas. My mom got her degree in set dressing and I've always enjoyed the way she's decorated.

Come on in!Collapse )

Christmasised - better late than never
Ok here's my front room all jazzed up for Christmas. I was in two minds about posting but I realised it's now or never. The place is almost full to the ceiling with toys now and it will probably be March before I get it all tidy again.

6 pics under the cutCollapse )
If you haven't posted pics of your tree/Christmas decorations yet, and don't feel like making a post of your own, feel free to post them in the comments. It's nearly time to take them all down again and I'd like to have a nose before you do!

Decorating for the holidays

I posted pics here of my living room decorated for Christmas two years ago, I think? Two years! At the time, I planned on painting our living room something other than bright white in the coming year. That obviously did not happen, but we did get a new piece of furniture, the tv stand. Anyway, here are a few photos of my 2008 tree and holiday decor. The table was laid in preparation for my dad, stepmom and brother, who came for Christmas Eve brunch today.

EDITED to add one more photo.

More photos hereCollapse )

Darnlucky's House
Reposted with more rooms & all in the same thread, per lovely moderator. Some spaces have more sauce than others in my house, especially since the kid arrived a few years ago. Plenty of sauce stored in the attic for later!

And the sauce goes on...Collapse )

uh hummm....

i have a small request...

being it christmas and all....and for several reasons i am feeling a bit uninspired and shabby, i am wondering if lepapillonvert  might feel like posting some xmas pics of her place? unless i have made a mistake and she has already done so, i think it would be nice to see some pics of the best pad around.  ??  um, no pressure!!
