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Make with the Sauce!

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a_cherry_on_top wrote in saucydwellings
Beginning to decorate for the holidays has inspired me to clean out some of my cluttery corners, so while I was at it, I took pictures. I live in a studio apartment that was built in the 1920's. Things I love: the incredible windows (although all the light makes taking pictures a challenge), the working fireplace, the built-in bookcase. Things I dislike: wall to wall carpeting, boring walls, inability to hang anything on the plaster-over-brick, and mostly the fact that I'm in a remote part of my city. But overall, I really love my space. It suits my style, a kind of modern victorian revival with a mix of new and old.

This is the overall view as you walk into the room.

Turning to the left to walk around the room. This antique dresser is from my childhood bedroom set.

Close up of the lamp, which I thrifted, rewired and painted with rustoleum. Before and after image at the end of the tour!

The office corner. The desk was is second hand from my parent's move into a smaller home, the chair was being thrown out on the side of the road. The upholstery is not in great shape and the cats have taken to scratching it, but it does keep them away from my nice couch. One day I'll get it reupholstered.

I'm not very good with plants, but I love fresh cut flowers.

Fireplace and mantle, my favorite part of the apartment. I crocheted and knit the flowers.

Close up of the collection of things on my mantle.

Ikea bed frame and excessive bedding.

Close up of the side table, the newest thrifted acquisition to my apartment. It's an old wooden school desk. I thought I'd refinish and paint it at first, but once I cleaned it off and polished the wood, I fell in love with it as is. Not visible in the picture, but there's a pencil groove at the top. I found the picture in the same trip; it's an entirely needlepointed canvas.

This is the best piece of furniture I own, my "grown up couch". It's upholstered in linen. The wool blankets on the back, as well as the one on my bed, were brought back from Ireland from my trip there last summer.

Next to the couch is my side table. The table itself was thrifted and refinished, the lamp was picked out the the trash, rewired and painted, the tray and picture frame were also painted.

Here they are before.

And here's a close up of after.

This is the before of the previously shown lamp.

Here's another after.

Finally, some holiday decor. I didn't particularly want to buy a tree, but I wanted to decorate one. My intent was to gather some branches. Instead I wound up hauling in a giant branch that looks like a small tree. Like all good Christmas trees, it really didn't look that big outside.


Decorated with my extensive collection of vintage silverware.

One last view of the fireplace at night.

Thanks for looking!

i love your little tree and bed!!

i'm obsessed with the color of your bedding. i really want my living room to be in the palette. and adorable tree i might add

Wow, it's lovely. I like how open the space is and that you have a working fireplace in a studio apt. I would like to see pics of the kitchen and bathroom if possible.

Thank you! I would like to get around to posting the other two rooms, but they need to be picture-taking cleaned first.

Your walls are plaster you said, so is that a picture rail all around the top of the walls? There are lots of explanations on how to use them, just google around.

Oh, I know, I just don't have art to hang yet. More so, I wanted to hang sheer curtains across the room by the bed, and it was impossible to anchor the tension-wire to hang them from. :)

Very cute apartment! I LOVE your xmas tree!

So gorgeous. You did an awesome job on the refurbs.

Beautiful space!
I love the crocheted flowers!

Incredible apartment, although honestly, I like the lamp as it was before for some reason. It just had that worn charm that I would love to put in my bedroom. your Christmas tree is also very unique. I have never thought of the idea of using a big branch and it looks really good! Excellent job decorating your studio. Those are hard to decorate and I admire your creativity. I also love your tortie. I have one myself :)

I want to live with you. I want to fall in love and live there.

Studio apartments are very good for falling in love. But very bad for when you're in a fight and there's nowhere to go. Yep.

This is gorgeous! Great use of color

Gorgeous place. Looks to me like you have a picture rail near the ceiling. There are hooks that you can buy that hang from the rail for hanging pictures. You then use a long decorative cord to hold the picture instead of a wire. Although you can use a really long wire, too.

Lovely place, and the tree is brilliant (: