Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
School readiness is very crucial for achieving children's school success. Language, in both the a... more School readiness is very crucial for achieving children's school success. Language, in both the ability to understand and the use of language, is one of important aspect of school readiness. Language itself is strongly influenced by executive function. Although many studies have found that executive function is closely related to language development, some studies still find uncertainty in the relationship between them. The purpose of this research is to study the integrative findings of a number of studies to elicit stronger patterns of relationships from previous research by using meta-analysis methods. There are 28 studies are including in this meta-analysis study, and artifact allow for correction is sampling error (bare bones metaanalysis).The results of this meta-analysis study shows that the correlation of executive function and language is 0.318, with the confidence level is 95%.
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
Attachment is a lasting effective bond characterized by a tendency to seek and maintain the close... more Attachment is a lasting effective bond characterized by a tendency to seek and maintain the closeness of one individual to another, which can provide a sense of security, depending on the quality of the relationship. Based on the quality of the relationship, indivisuals will develop an internal working model that can lasts throughout a lifetime and will likely to affect the intimate relationships during adulthood. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between attachment and intimacy in young adults. One hundred and four subjects participated in this research, consisted in early adulthood between the age of 20 to 30 years old, who were in a relationship dating. The instruments of this research is Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) scale and Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationship (PAIR) scale. The research shows a corelation beetwen parent attachment (mother) and intimacy r = 0,320 p = 0,001 (p<0,05) and corelation of parent attachment (father) with intimacy r = 0,256 p = 0,009 (p<0,05). The result shows a significant positive relationship between parent attachment and intimacy it means the higher of the attachment then will also higher of intimacy in relatioonship.
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
This research aims to know the defferent between social maturity early childhood In terms of part... more This research aims to know the defferent between social maturity early childhood In terms of participation in Children Day-Care. Sample in this research 60 subject consisting of 30 kids the age of 2-6 years charity at Children Day-Care and 30 kids the age of 2-6 years who do not charity at Children Day-Care. Technique the sample used in this research was sampling purposive. A measuring instrument used in this research was vineland social of maturity scale (VSMS). This research in analysis by using test t (t-test) and obtained value of 10,037 uji-t and shows that significance obtained 0,000 (p < 0,001).The results of this means that there is a significant difference between ripeness child social is 1,093 and those who did not were entrusted in Children Day-Care.Most of the dependants were in the landfill is considered to be in the category of ripeness of high social with rerata 108,3 , while the majority of children who are not sent to the landfill was ripeness into the category of a social enough with rerata 82,18.
Interpersonal competence is a necessary capability in establishing relationships with others. Dur... more Interpersonal competence is a necessary capability in establishing relationships with others. During childhood, this ability has been developed and can be stimulated through various methods. Play is one of several methods that can be used as it is related as an activity that is close to a child's life. This play can be in the form of pretend play with the settings 'Pasaran'. This study aims to determine the effect of 'Pasaran' play on children's interpersonal competence. The method used in this research was quasi experiment using the untreated control group design with dependent pre-test and post-test samples. Two groups were used in this research, an experimental group (Pasaran play was given as the treatment) and the control group. Interpersonal competence is measured using Interpersonal Competence Scale based on the aspects by Buhrmester, dkk. (1998). The result showed that there is a difference in interpersonal competence between the experimental group and control group. The experimental group, the group that did Pasaran play, had interpersonal competence higher than the control group. It was concluded, Pasaran play can be used as a tool to develop interpersonal competence in children.
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
School readiness is very crucial for achieving children's school success. Language, in both the a... more School readiness is very crucial for achieving children's school success. Language, in both the ability to understand and the use of language, is one of important aspect of school readiness. Language itself is strongly influenced by executive function. Although many studies have found that executive function is closely related to language development, some studies still find uncertainty in the relationship between them. The purpose of this research is to study the integrative findings of a number of studies to elicit stronger patterns of relationships from previous research by using meta-analysis methods. There are 28 studies are including in this meta-analysis study, and artifact allow for correction is sampling error (bare bones metaanalysis).The results of this meta-analysis study shows that the correlation of executive function and language is 0.318, with the confidence level is 95%.
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
Attachment is a lasting effective bond characterized by a tendency to seek and maintain the close... more Attachment is a lasting effective bond characterized by a tendency to seek and maintain the closeness of one individual to another, which can provide a sense of security, depending on the quality of the relationship. Based on the quality of the relationship, indivisuals will develop an internal working model that can lasts throughout a lifetime and will likely to affect the intimate relationships during adulthood. The aim of this research was to investigate the relationship between attachment and intimacy in young adults. One hundred and four subjects participated in this research, consisted in early adulthood between the age of 20 to 30 years old, who were in a relationship dating. The instruments of this research is Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA) scale and Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationship (PAIR) scale. The research shows a corelation beetwen parent attachment (mother) and intimacy r = 0,320 p = 0,001 (p<0,05) and corelation of parent attachment (father) with intimacy r = 0,256 p = 0,009 (p<0,05). The result shows a significant positive relationship between parent attachment and intimacy it means the higher of the attachment then will also higher of intimacy in relatioonship.
Psikologika: Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
This research aims to know the defferent between social maturity early childhood In terms of part... more This research aims to know the defferent between social maturity early childhood In terms of participation in Children Day-Care. Sample in this research 60 subject consisting of 30 kids the age of 2-6 years charity at Children Day-Care and 30 kids the age of 2-6 years who do not charity at Children Day-Care. Technique the sample used in this research was sampling purposive. A measuring instrument used in this research was vineland social of maturity scale (VSMS). This research in analysis by using test t (t-test) and obtained value of 10,037 uji-t and shows that significance obtained 0,000 (p < 0,001).The results of this means that there is a significant difference between ripeness child social is 1,093 and those who did not were entrusted in Children Day-Care.Most of the dependants were in the landfill is considered to be in the category of ripeness of high social with rerata 108,3 , while the majority of children who are not sent to the landfill was ripeness into the category of a social enough with rerata 82,18.
Interpersonal competence is a necessary capability in establishing relationships with others. Dur... more Interpersonal competence is a necessary capability in establishing relationships with others. During childhood, this ability has been developed and can be stimulated through various methods. Play is one of several methods that can be used as it is related as an activity that is close to a child's life. This play can be in the form of pretend play with the settings 'Pasaran'. This study aims to determine the effect of 'Pasaran' play on children's interpersonal competence. The method used in this research was quasi experiment using the untreated control group design with dependent pre-test and post-test samples. Two groups were used in this research, an experimental group (Pasaran play was given as the treatment) and the control group. Interpersonal competence is measured using Interpersonal Competence Scale based on the aspects by Buhrmester, dkk. (1998). The result showed that there is a difference in interpersonal competence between the experimental group and control group. The experimental group, the group that did Pasaran play, had interpersonal competence higher than the control group. It was concluded, Pasaran play can be used as a tool to develop interpersonal competence in children.
Papers by Heru Murti