South African Theological Seminary
Practical Theology
Practical theology has evolved from emphasising pastoral ministry to addressing contemporary issues facing local churches so that they can bring about transformation within the communities in which they operate. In addition, efforts and... more
African Christian leaders, leadership qualities, transformation, nondichotomous perspective of Ubuntu, South African political landscape About the Author Dr. Modisa Mzondi earned two doctoral degrees (one in Theology, the other in... more
Over the years, theologians have made several attempts to link William Seymour’s 1906 Azusa street revival to various roots. It has been linked to (a) the socio-economic-political context of the 1900s in the United States of America; (b)... more
Paul usually ends his letters with salutations to believers who meet in someone else’s house. Far from being individualistic, these greetings also include people from different house churches. Considered from a functional angle, these... more
This article describes a study of deliverance praxis in the South African church, focusing on a qualitative analysis of the exorcism practices examined therein. Between November 2018 and March 2019, a smallscale empirical study was... more
This article looks at some lived experiences of five African women in Mohlakeng township, situated in the West Rand District Municipality of Gauteng, South Africa, between 1980 and 2018. Four are Pentecostal pastors and one is an... more
The gold rush in South Africa required many workers, both skilled and unskilled, to work on the surface and underground in the recently discovered gold deposits on the Witwatersrand. Mining companies ventured to lure such labour across... more
Globally, the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) also known as Covid-19 affected every facet of human life. Everyone had to find new ways of doing things, as many nations introduced lockdown regulations as a means of curbing the spread of... more
The recent mass rape of eight women from a team shooting a music video on an unused gold mine dump near West Village, in Mogale City, in the West Rand District Municipality, of Gauteng Province, South Africa sparked a national outcry... more
In his work Bantu Prophets, Bengt Sundkler, a missionary, bishop, and academic, who pioneered the study of independent churches in Africa, mentions that one African Independent Church existed in Randfontein, a town that now forms part of... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article posits that the Commission for the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (known as the CRL Commission) and the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State... more
Historically, African Classical Pentecostal Churches (the African sections of the Apostolic Faith Mission, the Full Gospel Church, the International Assemblies of God, and the Back to God-Assemblies of God) did not used clergy vestment.... more
Background: Statistics from the Pew Research Centre indicate that in sub-Saharan Africa, 796 million out of 822 m people claim the same Christian religious affiliation. Pentecostal Christians total 107 m. These figures suggest that... more
This article contends that addressing environmental concerns in the South African context requires acknowledgment of the intertwined issues of land grabbing, littering, illegal dumping, and inadequate service delivery. It suggests that... more
It is a usual trend among South African Universities autumn graduation to include a component of conferring honorary doctoral degrees to distinguished academics, alumni, and members of civil society. This article focuses on the trend in... more
The study's objective was to explore the death and mourning rituals performed by the Balobedu people of Bolobedu South in Limpopo province, South Africa. Method: Utilising Osmer's framework, the article initiated research into these... more