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Sarah is Super!
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Below are the 4 most recent journal entries recorded in Sarah is Super!'s LiveJournal:

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007
12:21 am
A New Sarah
Hello Ladies - I just found this community and I'm Sarah. Interestingly I'm Sarah Maclachlan. I go by Sari tho.. so happy to meet you all and I hope you've all had a wonderful start to the holidays!

Current Mood: hopeful
Saturday, December 17th, 2005
10:59 pm
Since I just joined your humble site,I thought I should post something!I know it's a bit conceided to join a community about yourself but I must admit that I am pretty gosh darn super! And so are you! Actually, all Sarah's are super. My best friend is a Sara but she spells it without the "h".Does that mean she's not as super as you & me? I think it diminishes just a little bit but I won't tell her, it'll be our little secret!..l8rz for now!

Current Mood: devious
Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
4:53 am
Hey kiddos,

I'm the original Sarah. I made this community with my friend and fellow Sarah (on a technicality) as sort of a joke/completely serious activity motivated by boredom and the fact that we're both mildly obsessed with me/ourselves. No one paid any attention, until someone by the ever-popular name "anonymous" posted about his love for a certain Sarah.

I'm the moderator for this community, and I get all your comments in my email, and I would just like to say that those messages about "your" Sarah always bring a smile to my face.

I LOVE that you guys love Sarahs!!! We really are an elite breed, and it's so nice to know that there are Sarahs other than myself that are being adored by all of you.

I hope that you get your Sarah, Anonymous. You seem like a really great person, surely one worthy of a wonderful Sarah.

Tuesday, June 7th, 2005
10:05 am
Welcome to the Sarah Community. Sarah loves you and, naturally, you love her back! So post here if you wanna talk about her or send her a nice note. She's always on the lookout for another BFF!

Super Sarah to the rescue!