GB Studio Font tools with 166 GBS fonts
A downloadable tool pack with fonts for Windows, macOS, and Linux
What is this
A set of tools to work with GBS fonts:
- GBSFont2BG
- GBSFontInverter
With 166 GBS fonts included and ready to use!
Create a background image for your GB Studio game with custom text, using any GB Studio font.
Useful for creating text for various screens in your game, such as the credits or logo screens, while maintaining consistency with the font used for dialogs in the game.
It can also be used to generate preview images of several GB Studio fonts at once, if no text.txt file is provided.
It takes in consideration the line breaks you add to the text.txt, has support for extended characters (like á, ñ, etc) and it will generate longer images if needed.
Create inverted versions of any number of GBS fonts at once.
Automatically generate the required JSON files for GBS fonts.
How to use
1) Create a folder and copy there:
- The GB Studio font/s
- GBSFont2BG, GBSFontInverter or/and GBSFontJSON
- Your text.txt file (only for GBSFont2BG)
2) Run the program/s
3) Done! Your background images/inverted fonts/json files are ready :)
This software requires ImageMagick.
The macOS version is for the Apple Silicon architecture. You can verify your Mac's chip type in 'About This Mac'.
Fonts included
The bitmap font files for GB Studio are adaptations that I've made of fonts that were created by different authors credited below.
The GB Studio fonts are licensed under the same license as the original fonts.
In short, as long as you don't distribute the fonts themselves:
- you can use any of the included png fonts for commercial and non-commercial GB Studio games.
- you can use any of the included ttf fonts for the promotional material, cover art, etc.
- no credit is required except for the fonts licensed under the CC BY 4.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 and CC BY-SA 4.0
It would be nice if you give proper credit anyways, something like this:
- The font "[GB Studio Font Name]" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo, based on "[Original Font Name]" by "[Original Font Author]".
or at least:
- Font based on "[Original Font Name]" by "[Original Font Author]".
Font licenses that require full attribution
- CC BY 4.0
- CC BY-SA 3.0
- CC BY-SA 4.0
Font licenses that don't require attribution
- Bitstream Vera Fonts License
- CC0 1.0 Universal
- Custom minimal license
- GPL-FE license
- License derived from the Bitstream Vera Fonts License
- MIT License
- Public Domain
- SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1
- SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name
- Unlicense
- "2001" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "2001" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "3x3-Mono" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "3x3 Mono" font by GBBotNet, under the CC0 1.0 Universal
- "Acer-VGA" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 Acer VGA 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "ACM-VGA" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ACM VGA 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Alasca" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Alasca" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "American" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "American" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "AMI-EGA" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 AMI EGA 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "AppleII-ALT-Pro" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "AppleII ALT Pro" font by khaibitgfx, under the CC BY-SA 3.0
- "AppleII-DisplayALT-Pro" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "AppleII DisplayALT Pro" font by khaibitgfx, under the CC BY-SA 3.0
- "AppleII-DisplayPro" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "AppleII DisplayPro" font by khaibitgfx, under the CC BY-SA 3.0
- "AppleII-Pro" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "AppleII Pro" font by khaibitgfx, under the CC BY-SA 3.0
- "ApricotPortable" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ApricotPortable" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Arte" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Arte" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Athletic Ladybug" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pixeloid Mono" font by GGBotNet, under the SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name pixeloid
- "ATI" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ATI 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "ATI-SmallW-6x8" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ATI SmallW 6x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Baggy Chihuahua" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Five By Five" font by jeti, under the CC BY 4.0
- "Battle" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Battle" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Bold" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Bold" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Bozy" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Bozy" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Bug" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Bug" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Burger" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Burger" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Caravan" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Caravan" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Chato" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Chato" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Chilly Pipefish" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Eirian" font by GGBotNet, under the SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name eirian
- "Circus" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Circus" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Classic" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Classic" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Classic Poke" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pokemon Classic" font by TheLouster11, under the Public Domain
- "Company" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Company" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "CompaqThin" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 CompaqThin 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Countown" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Countown" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Crepusculo" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Crepusculo" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Dark Frenchton" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Perfect DOS VGA 437" font by Zeh Fernando, under the Public Domain
- "Data 70" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Data 70" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Desdemona" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Desdemona" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Design" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Design" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "DG-One-Bold" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 DG One" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Dirty Typewriter" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "X Typewriter" font by GBBotNet, under the SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name x-typewriter
- "Double Bullsnake" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "AdventurersScrib" font by WildLeoKnight, under the CC BY 4.0
- "Elderly Onager" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "P0T-NOoDLE" font by "Leo ""Nudel"" Davidson", under the GPL-FE license
- "Epsilon" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Epsilon" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Esparta" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Esparta" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "European Teletext" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "European Teletext" font by Jayvee Enaguas, under the CC0 1.0 Universal
- "EverexME-5x8" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 EverexME 5x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "EverexME-7x8" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 EverexME 7x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Flag ship" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Flag ship" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "FMTowns" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 FMTowns re. 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "France" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "France" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Free" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Free" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Fripp" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Fripp" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Futura" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Futura" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Future" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Future" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Ganchillo" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pixtile" font by GBBotNet, under the CC0 1.0 Universal
- "Gaules" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Gaules" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Glaser" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Glaser" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Glittering Pomapoo" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Atari" font by Gurkan Sengun, under the Custom minimal license
- "Gothic" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Gothic" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Granular Parrotfish" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "PC Senior" font by codeman38, under the License derived from the Bitstream Vera Fonts License
- "Grosso" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Grosso" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Harsh Herring" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Press Start 2P" font by The Press Start 2P Project Authors, under the SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name Press Start 2P
- "Honored Viperfish" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Kubasta" font by Kai Kubasta, under the Public Domain
- "Hot" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Hot" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "HP-100LX" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 HP 100LX 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "I ching" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "I ching" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "IBM-EGA" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 IBM EGA 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Illiterate Doxiepoo" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Topaz" font by AmigaInc, under the GPL-FE license
- "Imperial" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Imperial" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Inf" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Inf" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Kew" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Kew" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Khyber" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Khyber" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "King" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "King" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Kron" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Kron" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "L_auriol" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "L_auriol" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Legen" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Legen" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Lena" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Lena" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Linsay" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Linsay" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Lis" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Lis" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Lumbering Sauropoda" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Commodore 64 Pixelized" font by Devin D. Cook, under the Public Domain
- "Maluco" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Maluco" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Mao" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mao" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Marco-BlackItalic" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the JuliaMono font by cormullion, under the "SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name JuliaMono
- "Marco-BoldItalic" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the JuliaMono font by cormullion, under the "SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name JuliaMono
- "Master-512-Bold" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 Master 512" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Mega I" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mega I" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Mega II" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mega II" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Memo" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Memo" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Mobile" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mobile" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Modern DOS" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Modern DOS" font by Jayvee Enaguas, under the CC0 1.0 Universal
- "Monthly Rhea" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Topaz" font by AmigaInc, under the GPL-FE license
- "Moon" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Moon" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Ms" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Ms" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "MSX-Screen-0" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "MSX Screen 0" font by Andy, under the Public Domain
- "MSX-Screen-1" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "MSX Screen 1" font by Andy, under the Public Domain
- "Muted Kouprey" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" font by Bitstream, under the Bitstream Vera Fonts License
- "NEC-APC3" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 NEC APC3 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "NEC-APC3-8x16-2x" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 NEC APC3 8x16-2x" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "NEC-MultiSpeed-Bold" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 NEC MultiSpeed" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "New" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "New" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Nimble Schapendoes" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Hack" font by Source Foundry Authors, under the MIT License
- "Omicron" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Omicron" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Oua" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Oua" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Oxford" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Oxford" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Pa roteiro" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pa roteiro" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Painter" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Painter" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Parsons" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Parsons" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Pch" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pch" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Perfil" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Perfil" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Periodic Zebu" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Keypunch029" font by Stewart C. Russell, under the "SIL Open Font License Version 1.1 with Reserved Font Name Keypunch029
- "PhoenixEGA" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 PhoenixEGA 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "PhoenixVGA" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 PhoenixVGA 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Pi" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pi" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Pioneer" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pioneer" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Plaza" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Plaza" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Portfolio-6x8" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 Portfolio 6x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Premier" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Premier" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Pro" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pro" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Public Pixel" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Public Pixel" font by GBBotNet, under the CC0 1.0 Universal
- "Ragon" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Ragon" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Rama" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Rama" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Random Futura" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "8x8font" font by devurandom, under the CC0 1.0 Universal
- "Revue" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Revue" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Robot" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Robot" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Rom" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Rom" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Rune" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Runa" font by Hermes Saucedo, under the "SIL Open Font License Version 1.1
- "Sampa" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Sampa" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Scan" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Scan" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Shaow" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Shaow" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Sherlock" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Sherlock" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Sigma-RM" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 Sigma RM 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Sinergia" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Sinergia" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Small" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Small" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Small Kangaroo" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "DeluxeFont" font by codeman38, under the License derived from the Bitstream Vera Fonts License
- "Snae" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Snae" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Snell" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Snell" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Soft" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Soft" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Sona" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Sona" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Spec" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Spec" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Spee" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Spee" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Spot" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Spot" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Spy" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Spy" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Squirrel" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Kongtext" font by codeman38, under the License derived from the Bitstream Vera Fonts License
- "Sure Footed Eel" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Neutrino" font by jeti, under the CC BY 4.0
- "Tandy1K-II-200L-2y" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "MxPlus Tandy1K-II 200L-2y" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Tandy2K-G-TV" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 Tandy2K G-TV" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Timely Haddock" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the Half Eighties font by Jayvee Enaguas, under the "SIL Open Font License Version 1.1
- "ToshibaSat" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ToshibaSat 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "ToshibaT300" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ToshibaT300 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "ToshibaTxL1" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ToshibaTxL1 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "ToshibaTxL2" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 ToshibaTxL2 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Triangular Stonefish" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Pointfree" font by wrp, under the Unlicense
- "Trident" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 Trident 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "TridentEarly" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 TridentEarly 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Trilogy" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Trilogy" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "TsengEVA-132-6x8" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 TsengEVA 132 6x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Typewriter" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Typewriter" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Unafuente" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "font" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "University" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "University" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Unwieldy Bee Eater" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Calling Code" font by Ryoichi Tsunekawa, under the "SIL Open Font License Version 1.1
- "Usp" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Usp" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Vazio" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Vazio" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "Verite" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Mx437 Verite 8x8" font by VileR, under the CC BY-SA 4.0
- "Victorious Malteagle" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Minitel" font by Frédéric Bisson, under the Public Domain
- "Whole Weimardoodle" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "MicroKnight" font by "Niels Krogh ""Nölb/Grafictive"" Mortensen", under the GPL-FE license
- "Zeus" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "Zeus" font by Andrei Tenu, under the Public Domain
- "ZX82" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "ZX81-VDU" font by WhoAmI Design, under the Public Domain
- "ZXUnlicense" is an adaptation made by Santiago Crespo from the "ZXSpectrum" font by Jorge Ferrer García, under the Unlicense
In order to download this tool pack with fonts you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $7.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:
Development log
- GBS Font tools v1.2 is out!8 days ago
- GB Studio Font tools fixed for macOSAug 02, 2024
- GB Studio Font tools updated for Windows 64 bitJul 16, 2024
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MacOS apps will not open on MacBook M1 Pro running 14.6 (also tried on OS13)
Also, if these apps just run some sort of bash script, can you include those in the zip?
ah, I found script on your GitHub. hoping I can reproduce the functionality of the apps with this.
Hi, the MacOS versions should work on Apple Silicon, but unfortunately I don’t have a Mac to test it.
Does it give you an error?
Have you tried running the tools from the Terminal app?
Yes, the apps produce the following error message on M1 Pro:
You can’t open the application “GBSFont2BG” because this application is not supported on this Mac.
How would I run them with Terminal?
Thank you Mike! That gave me the clue I needed to solve it 🙂
The macOS binaries were not working because I tried cross-compiling from Linux, but this didn’t create proper binaries for macOS.
So I went visit a friend who has a Mac, and compiled the three tools there. GBSFontInverter and GBSFontJSON compiled perfectly on the Mac, and work just as well as they do on Linux and Windows.
But GBSFont2BG for macOS gave me some issues: it doesn’t remove the temp files (you’ll see a lot of png files after running it) and doesn’t generate the sample image (resized 3x). But the main thing works, generating the Background.png with your text! 🥳
I just realized that I only tested it from the terminal, would you mind testing it from the Finder and let me know if they work? If not:
Thank you for updating Santiago!
The applications must be run as described above. After updating their permissions with chmod, they will attempt to run but produce no output when launched from Finder.
Thank you Mike for testing it!
I added a “notes for macOS.txt” file that explains how to run it on macOS using the terminal.
Nice fonts
Only problem is that my antivirus detected something off with the programs
Already changed my passwords just in case
Hi, thanks!
I’m sorry about the false positives. Can you please let me know what antivirus are you using and the message or log from your antivirus?
I would like to solve this issue, but don’t know how yet.
Thank you!
Norton Antivirus and its just saying that its malware/AI
Thanks! Still not sure why it says it is “malware/AI”.
I’ve compiled the programs for 64-bit Windows (it was 32 bit before) and now got less false positives on virustotal.
Please try downloading the updated version of the tools and let me know how it goes.
Thank you!
Can you please update the software for Windows users? I tried opening the GBSFontJSON and GBSFont2BG .exe files, but my virus protection software automatically checked and deleted them, saying that they're unsafe.
Hi, I’m sorry to hear that.
Could you please let me know which antivirus you are using?
From my own checks on virustotal.com, I found that 11 and 17 out of 70 antivirus flag these files as suspicious or trojan :( This may be due to the fact that these are command-line utilities, and not GUI-based tools, I’m not sure.
To help resolve this, could you please provide the specific message or log from your antivirus? I hope this would help me understand what is causing the false positives.
In the meantime, if you’d like, I can send you the source code via email, so you can review it and compile the software yourself.
I’ve compiled the programs for 64-bit Windows (it was 32-bit before) and now got less false positives on virustotal.
Please try downloading the updated version of the tools and let me know how it goes.
Thank you!
Thanks for this great tool.
However, it doesn't automatically splits lines that are too long.
Is it also possible to have new lines actually being seen as a new line instead of just a "space"?
Thank you! Both issues are part of the current limitations (“you’ll need to format your text with spaces”). But I’m writing it down to work on it on the next update, thanks!
Still waiting for it... :(
Took me some time, but finally added all the features requested! Check it out
Hi, this looks great. Are the png files already included (So i can add it to gbstudio font folder) thnks
Hi, thank you! Yes, all the png and json files are included, ready to copy to the gbstudio font folder