Papers by mangesh adgokar

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2019
is one of the major figures in contemporary drama and is best known for his blend of reality and ... more is one of the major figures in contemporary drama and is best known for his blend of reality and illusion in his plays. It is difficult to demarcate the line between the reality and illusion of human action in his plays. The elusive nature of reality and illusion fill his plays with mysterious, suspense and ambiguities which are constant in conflict and collusion with each other in personal, social and psychological dimension of human action and consciousness. Pinter thinks that though the event of his plays apparently appears unfamiliar and vague, but they are as real as the ordinary life of human being which can be found anywhere, at any time, in any place in real life of ordinary man in the world. His plays are realistic in the sense that the people of his plays are the inhabitants of the same world where we belong. Pinter explains reality is as faulty as illusion which is not absolute qualities. The perception of reality is different to different persons so it is difficult to hold it. He generally engenders his plays with an image of situation and a couple characters from real life which further develops with entrance of intruders and fear of insiders. The present paper is an attempt to analysis of reality and illusion in The Homecoming.
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Dec 1, 2017

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Jul 1, 2018
is one of the few dramatists of the second half of the twentieth century who has been the most an... more is one of the few dramatists of the second half of the twentieth century who has been the most and foremost influential English playwright since Bernard Shaw on English stage. The work of Harold Pinter remains amongst the most respected and authentic representation of modern man not only in British theatre, but in the theatre of the world even today after his death. His place in British Drama was strongly secured after Martin Esslin's acknowledgement of him in his celebrated book 'The Theatre of the Absurd' in 1960. His plays are an image of the emptiness of human relationship and meaningless effort of man to reconcile with the situation. They better represent the unsatisfying desire of man to find the peaceful haven for secluded life where they find everything at their command. The present paper is an elaborate discussion on Pinter's dramatic technique and vision in his three important plays.

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Nov 1, 2017
is considered as one of the foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the tw... more is considered as one of the foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the twentieth century. He is not influenced by the writer like Kafka, Beckett and Hemingway and the repertory experience, but the menacing environment of England after Second World War in which he is grown up and the experience of the middle class insecure life inculcate in him a permanent mark of a sense of the unspecific forces that gives him stimuli to write his plays. The concept of menace goes hand in hand with certain human feelings like fear, insecurity and hopelessness. Menace refers to an intrigue and sinister, feeling of characters who have unspecified motive to overpower others. It may appear in a number of ways-physical, psychological and mental. Pinter presents life in his plays trapped by the surrounding menace and 'an atmosphere of menace' which changes the life style of his characters. It is because of menace, his characters do not leave the room. They feel safe and secure in the closed room. Stanley remains in his seaside boarding house, Davies expects to live with Aston and Ruth is only character who tries to defend the menace. The present paper is an attempt to study of menace and violence of unspecific forces in The Caretaker.

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2018
Dr. Mangesh R. Adgokar Assistant Professor Department of English G. S. Tompe Arts, Commerce & Sci... more Dr. Mangesh R. Adgokar Assistant Professor Department of English G. S. Tompe Arts, Commerce & Science College, Chandur Bazar. Abstract: Harold Pinter is one of the few dramatists of the second half of the twentieth century who has been the most and foremost influential English playwright since Bernard Shaw on English stage. The work of Harold Pinter remains amongst the most respected and authentic representation of modern man not only in British theatre, but in the theatre of the world even today after his death. His place in British Drama was strongly secured after Martin Esslin’s acknowledgement of him in his celebrated book ‘The Theatre of the Absurd’ in 1960. His plays are an image of the emptiness of human relationship and meaningless effort of man to reconcile with the situation. They better represent the unsatisfying desire of man to find the peaceful haven for secluded life where they find everything at their command. The present paper is an elaborate discussion on Pinter’s ...

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2019
Harold Pinter is one of the major figures in contemporary drama and is best known for his blend o... more Harold Pinter is one of the major figures in contemporary drama and is best known for his blend of reality and illusion in his plays. It is difficult to demarcate the line between the reality and illusion of human action in his plays. The elusive nature of reality and illusion fill his plays with mysterious, suspense and ambiguities which are constant in conflict and collusion with each other in personal, social and psychological dimension of human action and consciousness. Pinter thinks that though the event of his plays apparently appears unfamiliar and vague, but they are as real as the ordinary life of human being which can be found anywhere, at any time, in any place in real life of ordinary man in the world. His plays are realistic in the sense that the people of his plays are the inhabitants of the same world where we belong. Pinter explains reality is as faulty as illusion which is not absolute qualities. The perception of reality is different to different persons so it is d...

Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, 2017
Harold Pinter is considered as one of the foremost representative of British drama in the second ... more Harold Pinter is considered as one of the foremost representative of British drama in the second half of the twentieth century. He is not influenced by the writer like Kafka, Beckett and Hemingway and the repertory experience, but the menacing environment of England after Second World War in which he is grown up and the experience of the middle class insecure life inculcate in him a permanent mark of a sense of the unspecific forces that gives him stimuli to write his plays. The concept of menace goes hand in hand with certain human feelings like fear, insecurity and hopelessness. Menace refers to an intrigue and sinister, feeling of characters who have unspecified motive to overpower others. It may appear in a number of ways physical, psychological and mental. Pinter presents life in his plays trapped by the surrounding menace and ‘an atmosphere of menace’ which changes the life style of his characters. It is because of menace, his characters do not leave the room. They feel safe a...

The main purpose of this paper is to study Elizabeth and Darcy relation in Jane Austen’s ‘Pride a... more The main purpose of this paper is to study Elizabeth and Darcy relation in Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice.’ The writer presents a systematically comprehensive study of the various relationships in stressing the implication of the courtship and marriage as the major theme in ‘Pride and Prejudice’. Though the fundamental theme of this novel is about the relation of girl and boy before marriage, the situation of real life certainly teaches them lot about believe and trust. Elizabeth is one of the most popular and loved characters in the novels of Austen. Her love for Darcy stands between pride and prejudice. The fog of misunderstanding which has separated these two eligible partners for a sufficiently long period dissolves after removing all the differences between them. The romantic love and marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy despite challenging the demands of family authority and considerations of rank are ultimately confined within the conservative notions of marriage. The circumst...

The study focuses on the perceptions of teachers and students in learning TG grammar. It is also ... more The study focuses on the perceptions of teachers and students in learning TG grammar. It is also tested the pre and post ability of the learners through questionnaire. The result will be analysis after comparison the both tests. It has been suggested that one of the causes of the lack of improvement in students and awareness among the teachers to develop communicative skills may be the present syllabi and insufficient training programme for teachers. The study based on teaching TG grammar to develop communicative skills at UG level. Therefore, the present study is an attempt to examine the relevance of TG grammar to develop the communicative skills among the students. This study was designed as an investigation of the claims of developing communicative skills of student with transformational generative grammar. It’s essential purpose was to explore the effects of direct instruction in the kernel sentences of transformation generative grammar and in parallel concepts of traditional g...
Papers by mangesh adgokar