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Exploring Postmodernist stance in Salman Rushdie's  Midnight's Children
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The article investigates into the different layers of subalternity in Girish Karnad's play The Fire and the Rain
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      Subaltern StudiesMythopoesisINDIAN DRAMA & THEATREGirish Karnad
Mahesh Dattani's Final Solutions gives us the realism of contemporary India steeped in communalism and violence. It is one of the masterpieces of Dattani that won him the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award. Written and commissioned just... more
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      Theatre StudiesFilm StudiesPosthumanismNeo-Noir
Despite the evident locational identity and the inter-referential narrative strategy, it is difficult to identify thematic points of resonance or continuity among the different episodes of Kieslowski's The Decalogue. An investment in the... more
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    • Post-postmodernism
Milan Kundera had defined the novel as a genre as " the great prose form in which the author thoroughly explores, by means of experimental selves (characters), some great themes of existence, " thus taking an apparently solipsistic view... more
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    • Literature
Milan Kundera had defined the novel as a genre as “the great prose form in which the author thoroughly explores, by means of experimental selves (characters), some great themes of existence,” thus taking an apparently solipsistic view of... more
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    • Literature
This paper offers an interpretation of Orhan Pamuk's novel The Museum of Innocence (2008), and also the actual museum by that name curated by Pamuk in Istanbul. The museum differs fundamentally from any ''real'' museum in that it is a... more
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The title of Shyam Selvadurai’s Funny Boy is ironic, since the content and conclusion of the novel are profoundly sombre and bleak. Recognisably a term for the queer subject, a closer scrutiny reveals its implication in a very peculiar... more
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      Queer StudiesDiaspora StudiesPostcolonial LiteratureHumour
Published in Langlit: A Journal for English language & Literature.
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    • Poetry
(Following is a treatise of Poetry which emerged through a series of serious discussions for over five years between my Master, Asis Chakravarti and I. Much of what I put forward in this critical piece has been thought of and named by... more
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    • Literature and Philosophy
134 135 ANANTA SUKLA As They Know Him singlehandedly for over 40 years. This is no less than a Herculean feat. He sacrificed all his life, energy and financial resources to keep this Journal going year after year. JCLA is one of the... more
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      PhilosophyEnglish LiteratureNineteenth-Century Literature and Culture
An orientalist's interpretation to questions of Intuition, Imagination, Genius, Talent, Metaphysics, Idea and Inspiration.
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      PhilosophyPoetryPhilosophy of Literature
I expound upon the methodical approach of the author in the creation of the poem. Beginning with the ambivalence of ascription, I chart the elimination, selective inclusion, the making of the moral imagination and hint at what I shall... more
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      MetaphysicsShakespeareMoral Imagination
In this paper, I shall explicate upon the phrase 'sinking sublime'-its application and subsequent interpretation of Wordsworth's lesser known but revealing Lycoris poems. I proceed with a study of his fragmentary "Essay on Morals" and... more
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      William WordsworthThe Sublime
This essay and its purposes are twofold; it commences with an interactive discussion on the broad ideas associated with the module of Reincarnation as propagated primarily in Hinduism. The textual references are drawn from Swami... more
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      RomanticismScience FictionReincarnation
A Review of Prof. Jonathan Culler's 'Theory of the Lyric'.
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      AestheticsPoetryLiterary Theory
Ecstasy is a pre-tension to melancholy - a tension before tension - a transcendental tension preceding the physiological and psychological tension of melancholy.
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      American transcendentalismRomantic English poetry
Review of 'The Goddess in Hindu-Tantric Traditions: Devi as Corpse' by Anway Mukhopadhyay (Routledge, 2018)
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      Tantric StudiesFeminismWomen In Hinduism