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A vital task facing scholars concerned with the structure of ancient Maya society is reconstructing the relationships among subsistence, population, and social organization. Particularly in the southern Maya lowlands, where extremely... more
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      SociologyCultureCase StudyClassical Antiquity
La investigación arqueológica en el Bajo La Justa entre los sitios de Yaxha y Nakum, es parte del Subproyecto Intersitios del Proyecto Triángulo del Instituto de Antropología e Historia (IDAEH). El principal objetivo de la investigación... more
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Entre los monumentos recientemente recuperados o registrados por el Proyecto Izapa (DICPA-INAH), el más notable es la Estela 90, siguiendo la nomenclatura establecida , la que debe su descubrimiento al custodio del Grupo B de Izapa, Sr.... more
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The access to water and the engineered landscapes accommodating its collection and allocation are pivotal issues for assessing sustainability. Recent mapping, sediment coring, and formal excavation at Tikal, Guatemala, have markedly... more
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      Ancient HistoryMedieval HistoryCultural AnthropologyMultidisciplinary
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      Maya ArchaeologyWater ManagementTikal
Tikal, a major city of the ancient Maya world, has been the focus of archaeological research for over a century, yet the interactions between the Maya and the surrounding Neotropical forests remain largely enigmatic. This study aimed to... more
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Historia de dos colapsos: Variabilidad ambiental e interrupción cultural en las tierras bajas mayas nicholas p. dunning a , timothy beach b , liwy Grasiozo sierra c , john G. jones d , david l. lentz e , sheryl luzzadder-beach f , Vernon... more
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      GeographyGeoarchaeologyMaya ArchaeologyMaya
Understanding civilizations of the past and how they emerge and eventually falter is a primary research focus of archaeological investigations because these provocative data sets offer critical insights into long-term human behavior... more
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      GeographyMedicineContaminationWater Contamination
Over the time span of more than a millennium, the ancient Maya polity of Tikal went through periods of growth, reorganization and adaptive cycles of various connected scales. Recent data show that following the reorganization of the Late... more
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Tikal, a major city of the ancient Maya world, has been the focus of archaeological research for over a century, yet the interactions between the Maya and the surrounding Neotropical forests remain largely enigmatic. This study aimed to... more
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The constructions found at the site allow for the establishing of architectural trends and building techniques for each period and its evolution. The development of architectural concepts formed in mud with a layer of boulders,... more
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El Programa de Evaluación, Inventario y Diagnóstico de Kaminaljuyu surge como un apoyo por parte de cinco estudiantes de la Universidad de San Carlos al IDAEH, siendo el propósito recabar información sobre la condición del sitio para el... more
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Modern Archaeology includes the conservation and protection of the cultural patrimony as on of the main tasks. Under this approach, the elaboration of replicas, which has been considered as an independent activity from the investigation,... more
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Desde finales del siglo XIX hasta la fecha, se han realizado diversas investigaciones en el área de Santa Lucia Cotzumalguapa, departamento de Escuintla. Gracias a estos trabajos se cuenta con información sobre la región en materias como... more
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Mis padres Carlos y Conchy (+) por apoyarme en todo momento y enseñarme a valerme por mí mismo sin importar las circunstancias...
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