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      Composite Materials and StructuresCompositesComposite MaterialsPolymer Composites
Enhancement of mechanical properties of aluminium/epoxy composites with silane functionalization of aluminium powder, Composites: Part B (2012),
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      Composite Materials and StructuresComposite MaterialsNano CompositesAluminum
In this study we have fabricated different combinations of aluminium powder, epoxy and carbon nano tubes to have a novel material with better structural properties, especially for small and medium size wind turbines in the Rank of 0.100... more
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      Materials EngineeringComposite Materials and StructuresNanocompositesComposite Materials
Abstract In this research we are studying the improve of health of people by application of new technologies in water and wastewater treatment as Nanotechnology in Guatemala, Central America and other parts of the world affected with... more
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      WaterQualitative methodologyWater qualityWastewater Treatment
Abstract Hospitals are environments that require strict control of many variables, such as steam, air quality, temperature facilities, fire and radiation emissions. This control is necessary because the health and lives of many people is... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringControl EngineeringInstrumentacion Industrial
ABSTRACT This article aims to inform what kind of instrumentation and control must be in a wind power generating plant. It has a structure which twelve pages were made with the relationship at work and investigation of this type of... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringWind EngineeringWind PowerInstrumentacion Y Control
ABSTRACT Renewable energy sources are those that managed properly, can be exploited without limit, that is, the amount available not decreases as exploits. To have a policy of sustainable development is essential for the majority of... more
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      Instrumentation and ControlSolar EnergyEnergia SolarInstrumentacion Industrial
Abstract Actually, the instrumentation is a fundamental part of industry, it is used to make more efficient what we knew before as deficient. In this case we use the instrumentation for a description of thermal solar power generated by... more
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      InstrumentationInstrumentation and ControlSolar PowerInstrumentacion Y Control
10 different papers and authors in Climate Change qualitative research for mitigation and adaption as part of the Phd in Climate Change and Sustainabiloity at University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Climatology. Water , Hidrology. Risk and... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationSustainable DevelopmentDrinking Water Treatment
Abstrac The objective of this article is to identify the instrumentation at ports and airports, so that the reader knows the instruments operation and the importance they have to guide aircraft and ships and land circulating in these... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringControl EngineeringInstrumentation and Measurement ScienceInstrumentation and Control
Resumen La industria láctea es un sector de la industria que tiene como materia prima la leche procedente de animales (por regla general vacas. Esta es uno de los alimentos más básicos de la humanidad. Uno de los sub-productos principales... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringInstrumentation and Measurement ScienceMilk Technology
RESUMEN La forma más común de las celdas solares se basa en el efecto fotovoltáico, en el cual la luz que incide sobre un dispositivo semiconductor de dos capas produce una diferencia del fotovoltaje o del potencial entre las capas. Este... more
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      Educational ResearchSolar EnergySolar PVFotovoltaic Energy
Renewable energy sources are those that managed properly, can be exploited without limit, that is, the amount available not decreases as exploits. To have a policy of sustainable development is essential for the majority of resources,... more
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      Instrumentation EngineeringRenewable EnergyControl EngineeringSolar Energy
Different papers in Instrumentation and control nanosensors, nanotriblogy, in spanish from school of mechanical engineering University of San Carlos of Guatemala
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      Instrumentation EngineeringWind EnergyAeronautical EngineeringMeteorology