Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
Enhancement of mechanical properties of aluminium/epoxy composites with silane functionalization of aluminium powder, Composites: Part B (2012),
In this study we have fabricated different combinations of aluminium powder, epoxy and carbon nano tubes to have a novel material with better structural properties, especially for small and medium size wind turbines in the Rank of 0.100... more
In this study we have fabricated different combinations of aluminium powder, epoxy and carbon nano tubes to have a novel material with better structural properties, especially for small and medium size wind turbines in the Rank of 0.100 to 100 Kilowatts, for functionalization we modified the surface of aluminium powder and nanotubes with 3 aminopropyltriethoxysilane to have a bonding and adhesion with the epoxy and aluminium-nanotubes in the particulate Nano composite tensile, flexion, hardness test were performed in Universal testing machine and Vickers hardener tester, stress-strain curves of different combinations of particles and materials in the Nano composites and also compared with the standard materials utilized to fabricate the blades like, Nylon 6, carbon fiber, fiber glass are showed after the results of the different tests. Toughness, ductility, bending were studied to analyze which materials have better performance in some sizes and powers of wind turbines.
Abstract In this research we are studying the improve of health of people by application of new technologies in water and wastewater treatment as Nanotechnology in Guatemala, Central America and other parts of the world affected with... more
In this research we are studying the improve of health of people by application of new technologies in water and wastewater treatment as Nanotechnology in Guatemala, Central America and other parts of the world affected with pollution of rivers, lakes, underground water resources and scarcity of purified drinking water. The drought, flooding, and the negatives effects of Climate Change have worsened the situation for millions of people. According to UN there are more that 1000 million people without access to purified water. Nanotechnology will be a part of the solution for drinking water access around the World and the effect in health and biodiversity.
Keywords: Climate Change. Nanotechnology. Water. Health. Nano filtration.
1 Profesor Investigador, Facultad de Ingeniería, USAC. Maestría en Ingeniería Mecánica y Nanotecnología. Cursante Doctorado en Cambio Climático y Sostenibilidad Contacto: [email protected]
In this research we are studying the improve of health of people by application of new technologies in water and wastewater treatment as Nanotechnology in Guatemala, Central America and other parts of the world affected with pollution of rivers, lakes, underground water resources and scarcity of purified drinking water. The drought, flooding, and the negatives effects of Climate Change have worsened the situation for millions of people. According to UN there are more that 1000 million people without access to purified water. Nanotechnology will be a part of the solution for drinking water access around the World and the effect in health and biodiversity.
Keywords: Climate Change. Nanotechnology. Water. Health. Nano filtration.
1 Profesor Investigador, Facultad de Ingeniería, USAC. Maestría en Ingeniería Mecánica y Nanotecnología. Cursante Doctorado en Cambio Climático y Sostenibilidad Contacto: [email protected]
Abstract Hospitals are environments that require strict control of many variables, such as steam, air quality, temperature facilities, fire and radiation emissions. This control is necessary because the health and lives of many people is... more
Hospitals are environments that require strict control of many variables, such as steam, air
quality, temperature facilities, fire and radiation emissions. This control is necessary because
the health and lives of many people is at stake, therefore reducing risk and minimize
unsanitary conditions is vital. The use of automated systems, such as smoke detection and
alarm implied, and systems requiring human intervention, such as measuring radiation, to
have all the variables under acceptable levels and also to keep a historical record is necessary
projected to unusual behavior of the variables, with outstanding control charts.
Keywords: Industrial Instrumentation, Hospital, Mechanical, Engineering, Health
Hospitals are environments that require strict control of many variables, such as steam, air
quality, temperature facilities, fire and radiation emissions. This control is necessary because
the health and lives of many people is at stake, therefore reducing risk and minimize
unsanitary conditions is vital. The use of automated systems, such as smoke detection and
alarm implied, and systems requiring human intervention, such as measuring radiation, to
have all the variables under acceptable levels and also to keep a historical record is necessary
projected to unusual behavior of the variables, with outstanding control charts.
Keywords: Industrial Instrumentation, Hospital, Mechanical, Engineering, Health
ABSTRACT This article aims to inform what kind of instrumentation and control must be in a wind power generating plant. It has a structure which twelve pages were made with the relationship at work and investigation of this type of... more
This article aims to inform what kind of instrumentation and control must be in a wind power generating plant. It has a structure which twelve pages were made with the relationship at work and investigation of this type of industry. In the first pages you can find the parameters and activities that should be considered and appropriate instrumentation to perform different activities, intermediate pages are beginning to address the issue of control that best suits the system wind power generation
Keywords: Onshore, TLC, TCM, instrumentation, turbine, turbine, Tip Speed Ratio (TSR), power coefficient (Cp), anemometer, Instruments, energy generation.
This article aims to inform what kind of instrumentation and control must be in a wind power generating plant. It has a structure which twelve pages were made with the relationship at work and investigation of this type of industry. In the first pages you can find the parameters and activities that should be considered and appropriate instrumentation to perform different activities, intermediate pages are beginning to address the issue of control that best suits the system wind power generation
Keywords: Onshore, TLC, TCM, instrumentation, turbine, turbine, Tip Speed Ratio (TSR), power coefficient (Cp), anemometer, Instruments, energy generation.
ABSTRACT Renewable energy sources are those that managed properly, can be exploited without limit, that is, the amount available not decreases as exploits. To have a policy of sustainable development is essential for the majority of... more
Renewable energy sources are those that managed properly, can be exploited without limit, that is, the amount available not decreases as exploits. To have a policy of sustainable development is essential for the majority of resources, particularly energy, are the renewable type. The aim of all renewable sources, and photovoltaics is no exception, it is to generate electricity at low costs that allow competing with the production of electrical energy obtained from fossil fuels. Manufacture solar cells with high conversion efficiency is one of the fundamental purposes in order to reduce the price per kWh of electricity. A photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor with two doped layers (p-type and n-type). When light shines on the cell, electrons are released and results in an electric current. Of monocrystalline silicon wafers obtained in the laboratory, higher yielding portion (the core material) 25% to 30% is used in electronics applications and in space applications. The perimeter or kernel environment, which has a performance about 15% - 18%, is used to produce monocrystalline photovoltaic cells.
Keywords: Renewable, Photovoltaic Energy, Cells, Solar.
Renewable energy sources are those that managed properly, can be exploited without limit, that is, the amount available not decreases as exploits. To have a policy of sustainable development is essential for the majority of resources, particularly energy, are the renewable type. The aim of all renewable sources, and photovoltaics is no exception, it is to generate electricity at low costs that allow competing with the production of electrical energy obtained from fossil fuels. Manufacture solar cells with high conversion efficiency is one of the fundamental purposes in order to reduce the price per kWh of electricity. A photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor with two doped layers (p-type and n-type). When light shines on the cell, electrons are released and results in an electric current. Of monocrystalline silicon wafers obtained in the laboratory, higher yielding portion (the core material) 25% to 30% is used in electronics applications and in space applications. The perimeter or kernel environment, which has a performance about 15% - 18%, is used to produce monocrystalline photovoltaic cells.
Keywords: Renewable, Photovoltaic Energy, Cells, Solar.
Abstract Actually, the instrumentation is a fundamental part of industry, it is used to make more efficient what we knew before as deficient. In this case we use the instrumentation for a description of thermal solar power generated by... more
Actually, the instrumentation is a fundamental part of industry, it is used to make more efficient what we knew before as deficient. In this case we use the instrumentation for a description of thermal solar power generated by Stirling engines and steam plants; the Stirling machine was developed in the early twentieth century, had been forgotten, but in recent years has risen, thinking about the possible solution to global energy problems. This hot air engine has outstanding performance and was designed by Robert Stirling, for everything that it can be used even has space use, trying to supply energy to satellites and human settlements outside our planet by what has been studied by NASA and universities as ESA. This is a way of generating energy in a simple and economical way, because you do not need too much maintenance and is a powerful machine to transform energy. But this time there will not be a focus around the operation of this machine, in all its applications and its advantages and disadvantages this time will be in all the instrumentation used for the generation of solar power plants with steam.
Keywords: temperature, heat, steam, solar, instrumentation, control, thermometer, pressure gauge, flow meter.
En la actualidad la instrumentación es parte fundamental de la industria, pues se utiliza para hacer más eficiente lo que antes conocíamos deficiente. En este caso utilizaremos la instrumentación para hacer una descripción de la energía solar térmica, generada a través de motores Stirling y plantas de vapor; la máquina Stirling fue desarrollada a principios del siglo xx y había sido olvidada, pero en los últimos años ha resucitado, pensando en la posible solución a los problemas energéticos mundiales. Este motor de aire caliente tiene un excepcional rendimiento y fue ideado por Robert Stirling, para todo lo que este pueda ser utilizado incluso tiene uso espacial, tratando de abastecer de energía a los satélites y asentamientos humanos fuera de nuestro planeta por lo que ha sido estudiado por la NASA y universidades como ESA. Esta es una manera de generar energía de una manera sencilla y económica, dado que no necesita exceso de mantenimiento y es poderosa esta máquina para transformar la energía. Pero esta vez no será un enfoque mayormente en todo el funcionamiento de esta máquina, en todas sus aplicaciones y en sus ventajas y desventajas esta vez será en toda la instrumentación que utiliza, para la generación de energía solar térmica junto con plantas de vapor.
Palabras clave: temperatura, calor, vapor, solar, instrumentación, control, termómetro, manómetro, fluxómetro.
Actually, the instrumentation is a fundamental part of industry, it is used to make more efficient what we knew before as deficient. In this case we use the instrumentation for a description of thermal solar power generated by Stirling engines and steam plants; the Stirling machine was developed in the early twentieth century, had been forgotten, but in recent years has risen, thinking about the possible solution to global energy problems. This hot air engine has outstanding performance and was designed by Robert Stirling, for everything that it can be used even has space use, trying to supply energy to satellites and human settlements outside our planet by what has been studied by NASA and universities as ESA. This is a way of generating energy in a simple and economical way, because you do not need too much maintenance and is a powerful machine to transform energy. But this time there will not be a focus around the operation of this machine, in all its applications and its advantages and disadvantages this time will be in all the instrumentation used for the generation of solar power plants with steam.
Keywords: temperature, heat, steam, solar, instrumentation, control, thermometer, pressure gauge, flow meter.
En la actualidad la instrumentación es parte fundamental de la industria, pues se utiliza para hacer más eficiente lo que antes conocíamos deficiente. En este caso utilizaremos la instrumentación para hacer una descripción de la energía solar térmica, generada a través de motores Stirling y plantas de vapor; la máquina Stirling fue desarrollada a principios del siglo xx y había sido olvidada, pero en los últimos años ha resucitado, pensando en la posible solución a los problemas energéticos mundiales. Este motor de aire caliente tiene un excepcional rendimiento y fue ideado por Robert Stirling, para todo lo que este pueda ser utilizado incluso tiene uso espacial, tratando de abastecer de energía a los satélites y asentamientos humanos fuera de nuestro planeta por lo que ha sido estudiado por la NASA y universidades como ESA. Esta es una manera de generar energía de una manera sencilla y económica, dado que no necesita exceso de mantenimiento y es poderosa esta máquina para transformar la energía. Pero esta vez no será un enfoque mayormente en todo el funcionamiento de esta máquina, en todas sus aplicaciones y en sus ventajas y desventajas esta vez será en toda la instrumentación que utiliza, para la generación de energía solar térmica junto con plantas de vapor.
Palabras clave: temperatura, calor, vapor, solar, instrumentación, control, termómetro, manómetro, fluxómetro.
10 different papers and authors in Climate Change qualitative research for mitigation and adaption as part of the Phd in Climate Change and Sustainabiloity at University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Climatology. Water , Hidrology. Risk and... more
10 different papers and authors in Climate Change qualitative research for mitigation and adaption as part of the Phd in Climate Change and Sustainabiloity at University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Climatology. Water , Hidrology. Risk and disaters, Nanpotechnology for water filtration. Sustainability.
Abstrac The objective of this article is to identify the instrumentation at ports and airports, so that the reader knows the instruments operation and the importance they have to guide aircraft and ships and land circulating in these... more
The objective of this article is to identify the instrumentation at ports and airports, so that the reader knows the instruments operation and the importance they have to guide aircraft and ships and land circulating in these areas.
These tools are essential and are part of a control of atmospheric variables that could influence the functionality of these facilities.
Instrumentation, ports, airports, aircraft
The objective of this article is to identify the instrumentation at ports and airports, so that the reader knows the instruments operation and the importance they have to guide aircraft and ships and land circulating in these areas.
These tools are essential and are part of a control of atmospheric variables that could influence the functionality of these facilities.
Instrumentation, ports, airports, aircraft
Resumen La industria láctea es un sector de la industria que tiene como materia prima la leche procedente de animales (por regla general vacas. Esta es uno de los alimentos más básicos de la humanidad. Uno de los sub-productos principales... more
Resumen La industria láctea es un sector de la industria que tiene como materia prima la leche procedente de animales (por regla general vacas. Esta es uno de los alimentos más básicos de la humanidad. Uno de los sub-productos principales de la industria láctea es el queso.Para producir quesos de buena calidad es de vital importancia tratar la leche a utilizar de una forma correcta. El queso se produce por coagulación de las proteínas de la leche, a partir de fermentos lácteos y/o cuajo. En cualquier proceso productivo es necesario el conocimiento de la correcta aplicación de los equipos para apoyar al usuario en la medición, regulación, transformación, etc., de una variable deseada. La instrumentación industrial tiene por fin medir variables así como seleccionar y calibrar instrumentos. Los instrumentos de control pueden clasificarse según su función y la variable del proceso a medir. Los instrumentos industriales se componen de las siguientes partes: elemento primario, transmisor, controlador y elemento final de control. Abstract The dairy industry is an industry whose raw milk from animals (usually cows). This is one of the staples of humanity. A major by-products of the dairy industry is the cheese .To produce a good quality cheese is vital to use milk treated in a correct way. Cheese produced by the coagulation of milk protein, from milk enzymes and / or rennet. In any production process is necessary knowledge of the correct application of equipment to support the user in the measurement, control, transformation, etc., of a desired variable. Industrial instrumentation is intended to measure variables, select and calibrates instruments. The controls instruments can classify by function and process variable to measure. Instruments consist of the following parts: primary element, transmitter, controller and final control element.
RESUMEN La forma más común de las celdas solares se basa en el efecto fotovoltáico, en el cual la luz que incide sobre un dispositivo semiconductor de dos capas produce una diferencia del fotovoltaje o del potencial entre las capas. Este... more
RESUMEN La forma más común de las celdas solares se basa en el efecto fotovoltáico, en el cual la luz que incide sobre un dispositivo semiconductor de dos capas produce una diferencia del fotovoltaje o del potencial entre las capas. Este voltaje es capaz de conducir una corriente a través de un circuito externo de modo de producir trabajo útil, en el presente informe se da a conocer detalladamente dicho efecto y la tecnología de fabricación de celdas fotovoltáicas con el fin de promover el uso de fuentes de energía alternativas a las tradicionales.
Renewable energy sources are those that managed properly, can be exploited without limit, that is, the amount available not decreases as exploits. To have a policy of sustainable development is essential for the majority of resources,... more
Renewable energy sources are those that managed properly, can be exploited without limit, that is, the amount available not decreases as exploits. To have a policy of sustainable development is essential for the majority of resources, particularly energy, are the renewable type. The aim of all renewable sources, and photovoltaics is no exception, it is to generate electricity at low costs that allow competing with the production of electrical energy obtained from fossil fuels. Manufacture solar cells with high conversion efficiency is one of the fundamental purposes in order to reduce the price per kWh of electricity. A photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor with two doped layers (p-type and n-type). When light shines on the cell, electrons are released and results in an electric current. Of monocrystalline silicon wafers obtained in the laboratory, higher yielding portion (the core material) 25% to 30% is used in electronics applications and in space applications. The perimeter or kernel environment, which has a performance about 15%-18%, is used to produce monocrystalline photovoltaic cells. RESUMEN Las fuentes renovables de energía son aquellas que, administradas de modo adecuado, pueden explotarse ilimitadamente, es decir, la cantidad disponible no disminuye a medida que se aprovecha. Para tener una política de desarrollo sostenido es indispensable que la mayoría de los recursos, particularmente la energía, sean del tipo renovable. El objetivo de todas las fuentes renovables, y la fotovoltaica no es la excepción, es generar energía eléctrica a bajos costos que permitan competir con la producción de energía eléctrica que se obtiene de combustibles fósiles. Fabricar celdas solares con alta eficiencia de conversión es uno de los propósitos fundamentales en aras de disminuir el precio del kWh de energía eléctrica. Una célula fotovoltaica es un semiconductor con dos capas dopadas (tipo p y tipo n). Cuando la luz incide sobre la célula, se liberan electrones y da lugar a una corriente eléctrica continua. De las obleas de silicio monocristalino obtenidas en el laboratorio, la
Different papers in Instrumentation and control nanosensors, nanotriblogy, in spanish from school of mechanical engineering University of San Carlos of Guatemala