Papers by Danin Christianto

IJIET (International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching)
In teaching English, many teachers employ different approaches in order to make the teaching and ... more In teaching English, many teachers employ different approaches in order to make the teaching and learning process successfully delivered to students. One of the approaches which is oftenly used is the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach. This research aims to investigate the teachers perceptions on the use of CLT in English classrooms. This qualitative study used personal interview method to collect the data. Five REAL English teachers at IONs International Education were chosen as the subjects of this research. The results showed that the teachers had positive responses towards the use of this approach. There were also several different perceptions on the weaknesses, difficulties, and criteria on applying it. The researcher hopes that this research can be beneficial to readers, particularly English teachers who wish to seek out the perceptions on the use of CLT approach in teaching students.DOI:

JoPR (Journal of Pragmatics Research), 2020
Speech act is a functional unit in the form of an act which helps humans understand or a... more ABSTRACT
Speech act is a functional unit in the form of an act which helps humans understand or accomplish things with words in communication. This research was aimed to find out and analyse the types of speech acts which were performed by teachers and students in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. The researcher employed the speech act theory from Cruse (2000) to analyse and interpret the research results. Qualitative research was applied in this research due to the data source was from the teaching and learning activities in naturalistic environments in English classrooms. The subjects of this research were teachers and students in REAL Equivalent English classrooms. The results showed that there were three types of speech acts found in the interactions between the teachers and students, namely locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. Locutionary act was performed when teachers and students uttered expressions with no certain intentions. Illocutionary act, on the other hand, was performed when the expressions contained certain intentions to listeners. Perlocutionary act was performed when the listeners showed responses and acted as feedback to the speakers’ utterances. By conducting this research, the researcher hopes that it can give more insights to readers regarding to the study of speech act theory in pragmatics field.
Keywords: English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classrooms, Speech Acts, REAL Equivalent English, Teachers and Students.

LLT Journal, Apr 2020
Language is a mean of communication which is used by living beings to communicate with each other... more Language is a mean of communication which is used by living beings to communicate with each other. There are many important components in language to create a successful communication, such as sound, sentence, meaning, and etc. One of the components is word. Word can be considered as a complex part in language since it has many different forms. Compound word, for example, is a word which is formed through one of the word-formation processes by combining one lexical item with another and thus produces a new word with a new meaning. This paper investigates the types of English compounds and the lexical categories which are resulted from the process of compounding. The first results showed that the types of English compounds are endocentric, exocentric, and copulative compounds. The second results showed that the lexical categories resulted from the process of compounding are noun compound, verb compound, and adjective compound. Based on the results, the researcher hopes that readers can gain deeper insight and knowledge on English compound words.

International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching (IJIET), Jan 24, 2019
In teaching English, many teachers employ different approaches in order to make the teaching and ... more In teaching English, many teachers employ different approaches in order to make the teaching and learning process successfully delivered to students. One of the approaches which is oftenly used is the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach. This research aims to investigate the teachers’ perceptions on the use of CLT in English classrooms. This qualitative study used personal interview method to collect the data. Five REAL English teachers at IONS International Education were chosen as the subjects of this research. The results showed that the teachers had positive responses towards the use of this approach. There were also several different perceptions on the weaknesses, difficulties, and criteria on applying it. The researcher hopes that this research can be beneficial to readers, particularly English teachers who wish to seek out the perceptions on the use of CLT approach in teaching students.
By years passed, not only new words, but also phrases have been created. It is because the langua... more By years passed, not only new words, but also phrases have been created. It is because the language has been changing from time to time. There are many variations in language features such as morphological, semantic, phonetic, and syntactic features. This paper will discuss the morphophonemic changes in derivational English suffix -ion. The consideration of choosing the topic is because affixation is the commonest way of building new words in language. Besides of that, suffix, which is one of the types of affixes, is used in many English words. This paper focuses on verbs as the stems. The aim of this paper is to explain what morphophonemic processes involved in the affixation -ion.

The use of language is really important as it helps people in communicating and interacting to ea... more The use of language is really important as it helps people in communicating and interacting to each other. Various kinds of language exist within their daily lives. In newspapers, particularly, there are several issues of language which have been found. Block language, for instance, is one of the issues which occurs in the newspapers' headlines. The researcher formulated two questions to be answered, namely (1) "What issue of block language does mostly influence newspapers' headlines?" and (2) "What makes readers impressed with English newspapers' headlines?". This research aims to analyse this special kind of language in the headlines. The data of this research were collected from two online English newspapers, namely The China Daily and The Daily Telegraph. There were ten headlines which were collected from each newspapers. The first result showed that the most frequent issue found in the headlines was the use of simple present tense. The second result was the use of certain vocabulary items made readers impressed. Through this research, the researcher hopes that it can be beneficial to readers, especially English learners, when they practise analysing and understanding vocabulary items and grammar of block language.

In nowadays era, the use of smartphones keeps increasing as they are considered as one of the peo... more In nowadays era, the use of smartphones keeps increasing as they are considered as one of the people’s daily needs to communicate with others. One of the applications is WhatsApp (WA), which is currently so popular and mostly used. WA Messenger is the improved version of the previous Short Message Service (SMS). The formulated problems in this research are (1) “what styles are used in WhatsApp (WA) messenger?” and (2) “what factors are influencing the use of the styles in WhatsApp (WA) messenger?”. The data of this research were analysed by using qualitative methods. The researchers employed the theory of SMS styles proposed by Azhar (2010) to identify the styles in WhatsApp mesages and focused on the graphology aspect which included clipping, substitution of word with number, coinage, and a combination of lowercase and uppercase styles. The first result showed that the WA senders used the combination of the styles mentioned. The second result were factors of age, status, and relationship.
Keywords: language style, SMS Style, WhatsApp

Ambiguity happens in a sentence which contains more than one meaning. Ambiguity can be caused by ... more Ambiguity happens in a sentence which contains more than one meaning. Ambiguity can be caused by the ambiguous lexicon in which a word has more than one meaning and it can also be caused by the syntactic structure. Context also determines whether the sentence can be interpreted differently and become ambiguous. Ambiguity often causes confusion and it has become one of the phenomena in linguistic studies, particularly semantics. This study investigates ambiguity in creating humors in which the data were gathered from electronic sources in forms of newspaper headlines, jokes, riddles and anecdotes. The number of the data collection includes 25 cases of ambiguity. 12 sentences were lexically ambiguous, while the other 13 sentences were syntactically ambiguous. The results showed that lexical ambiguity and syntactic ambiguity were the language devices used to create puns in humor. The results also suggested that the ambiguity could be an effective source of humor when it particularly involves dual interpretations in which one interpretation gives a serious meaning and tone, whereas the other interpretation gives a humorous meaning which is not likely to occur in normal contexts.

In this world, every living thing has at least one language in order to have a communication wi... more In this world, every living thing has at least one language in order to have a communication with each other. Humans, for example, are able to show feelings and emotions and socialize by using languages. In Indonesia, English learners do not get familiar enough with English sentence patterns. In learning language, studying sentence patterns in song lyrics becomes more necessary as there are often misinterpretations of words when they are combined into sentences in song lyrics in the forms of sentence pattern construction. Considering the issue, the researcher got interested to analyse syntactically the sentence patterns in John Denver’s song lyrics.
This research was conducted to answer one research question: What sentence patterns are used in John Denver’s song lyrics? In order to answer the research question, the researcher employed qualitative approach as the nature of this research since it described about certain phenomena in detail. The method used in this research was content analysis as it analysed the sentence patterns in the John Denver’s song lyrics. Finally, the researcher employed the theory of Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) to analyse the sentence patterns in the lyrics. Additionally, the researcher also employed the theory of O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba (1996) to represent the tree diagrams and phrase structure rules of the chosen sentences.
Based on the results, the researcher found out that there were 8 out of 9 patterns which were used in the song lyrics. The sentence pattern which was frequently used was pattern 3: S + Vt + dO. There were 12 sentences which used the pattern in John Denver’s song lyrics. However, there was no sentence which used pattern 6: S + Vt + iO + dO. Finally, the researcher hopes that the results can help English learners to improve their understanding on sentence patterns and phrase structure rules.

English has become one of the global languages which is used in many fields, including in the fie... more English has become one of the global languages which is used in many fields, including in the field of education. In Indonesia, especially, English is considered as a foreign language which means that this language is not always used in daily lives, only in certain conditions or situations. Considering the issue, the rate of English language learning and practice is still low. In order to learn English, learners require motivation so that they can be successful in learning the language. Therefore, the roles of motivation is very crucial during the teaching and learning process. Previously, some of the researches stated that external or instrumental motivation was the one which drove learners to learn English in countries where this language was considered as a foreign language. The result implicated that motivation which dominated the English language learning process was instrumental motivation. It means that such a motivation was the foundation which encouraged learners to learn English in order to get good scores in schools, get jobs, pass examination, and pursue careers. On the other hand, in countries where English is used as a second language, learners learn English are directly motivated because of the inner needs to learn and develop their English skills. In addition, external factors, like environment and media, also play important roles in motivating learners to learn English. Keywords: English as a Foreign Language (EFL), learning, motivation
Teaching and learning English always become difficult things to do, particularly to teachers and ... more Teaching and learning English always become difficult things to do, particularly to teachers and students in Indonesia. There are many ways and methods of how to teach and learn the language. This study aims to show the importance of choosing methods in teaching and learning English as a Lingua Franca.

Vocabulary is very crucial in the process of learning a second language. In mastering English voc... more Vocabulary is very crucial in the process of learning a second language. In mastering English vocabularies, there are a lot of synonyms that should be covered. One type of synonyms is what we call “near-synonym”. Near-synonyms are expressions that are more or less similar, but not identical in meaning (Lyons, 1996). Most students of Junior High School are assumed not to master near-synonyms. Therefore, the researchers proposed contrasting pictures which included the synonyms’ illustrations and captions as one learning media to understand near-synonyms. This study aimed to find out to what extent contrasting pictures could improve the ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati’s mastery in synonyms. In collecting the data, the researchers conducted experimental research towards 63 students of ninth grade students of SMP Negeri 2 Mlati’s. The instruments of this research were vocabulary tests, an observation sheet and interviews. After conducting the research, the researchers found out that the total mean score of the experimental group increased in the amount of 40.6 which is 22 points higher than the total mean score of the higher group. Moreover, from the observation sheet and interview, the researchers figured out that contrasting pictures could appeal the students’ interest in learning near-synonyms.

Nowadays, many GOJEK drivers in Yogyakarta use different codes to communicate with customers and ... more Nowadays, many GOJEK drivers in Yogyakarta use different codes to communicate with customers and other people. This research aims to investigate linguistic repertoire used by GOJEK drivers in Yogyakarta. The researchers formulate two problems: (1) What language varieties do GOJEK drivers have? and (2) Why do GOJEK drivers use specific language varieties in particular contexts? To answer the first problem, the researchers interviewed five GOJEK drivers (three men and two women) and collected information about the use of different codes in different communities. To answer the second problem, the researchers employed Holmes' (2001) theory of social factors affecting code choice to analyse why GOJEK drivers use specific language varieties in particular contexts. The first finding showed that most of GOJEK drivers' language varieties are Javanese Krama, Javanese Ngoko, and Formal Indonesian. The second finding showed that the language varieties in particular contexts are influenced by social factors.

Language is an important medium which is always used to communicate with each other in daily life... more Language is an important medium which is always used to communicate with each other in daily life. In English Education Study Program (ELESP), particularly, English is used as the primary instructional language during the teaching and learning process and the interaction between lecturers and students. Several lecturers use code switching to assist students from the third semester in learning English. From the description, the researcher formulated two research questions. The first question is " what are the types of code switching used by ELESP lecturers in giving instructions? ". The second question is " why do the ELESP lecturers code switch their language in giving instructions to their students? ". This research is a basic interpretative research. It employed the interview guidelines to comprehend experiences of some lecturers who practiced code switching. To answer the first question, the researcher used the theory of code switching from Blom and Gumperz (1972) and Wardhaugh (2006) and the second question was answered using the theory from Hoffman (1991), Holmes (2001), and Wardhaugh (2006). The results showed that in terms of the types of code switching, the lecturers used both metaphorical and situational code switching. While, in relation to the reason of the use of code switching, the lecturers employed code switching due to the factors of topic, addressee, emphasis, persuasion, solidarity, and affection.

In this research, the researcher aims to investigate the existance of code switching occured in a... more In this research, the researcher aims to investigate the existance of code switching occured in a formal conversation between lecturers and students in the English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) classrooms of Sanata Dharma University. The formulated research question to be discussed is " how does code switching exist between English lecturers and students of Sanata Dharma University in informal conversation? ". To answer the question, the researcher employed the theories of code switching from McCormick (1994) and Bokamba (1988). This research was considered as qualitative since the data were interpreted in the forms of discussion. The data of this research were collected from the observation during the teaching and learning processes in the three ELESP classrooms. There were three ELESP lecturers which were chosen randomly in order to be observed the use of code switching between them and their students. The results are that the lecturers employed code switching by applying single word code switching since they tended to borrow a single word from English and place it within the Indonesian language utterances. Also, the lecturers mostly used code switching in the certain lexical items, namely a noun.

Learning politeness in English language as a Foreign Language (EFL) is important as it concerns o... more Learning politeness in English language as a Foreign Language (EFL) is important as it concerns on how language is used in social contexts. In discussions, there are several politeness problems which attract researchers to analyse them. This research aims to investigate the politeness strategies used in discussion. There are two research problems formulated: (1) What types of politeness strategies are used in the discussions? (2) What factors affecting the politeness strategies in the discussions? To interpret the first result, the researchers used the politeness theories according to Brown and Levinson (1987) to analyse the types of politeness strategies used in discussion. To interpret the second result, the researchers used the theory from Spolsky (1998) about the factors affecting the politeness strategies in the discussion. The data of this research are taken from the discussion dialogue in The first finding shows that the politeness strategies found in the discussion are positive politeness, negative politeness, off-record, and bald-on-record. The second finding shows that the factor affecting politeness strategies was language and style.

In learning language, gender has an important connection with it. There are several theories whic... more In learning language, gender has an important connection with it. There are several theories which discuss about the feature differences between how men and women use language in their daily communications. Women, nowadays, use different features of language in writing their instagram's captions. This paper aims to analyse the women's language features found in Chelsea Olivia's instagram captions. The problem of the research is (1) What are women language features used by Chelsea Olivia in writing her instagram captions? The researchers used the theories from Lakoff (1975) to analyse what women language features are used by Chelsea Olivia in her instagram captions. There were 10 instagram captions captured as the data. This research used qualitative method to interpret the data and the methodology used was content analysis to analyse the data. The finding showed that the women language features used mostly were intensifiers, 'empty' adjectives, 'hypercorrect' grammar, and precise colour terms.

Second Language Acquisition (L2 Acquisition) is the study of how languages are acquired after fir... more Second Language Acquisition (L2 Acquisition) is the study of how languages are acquired after first languages (Fromkin, 2014, p. 578). English has been a global language in this modern era nowadays. Most people are obliged to learn this language as it will be used for many purposes whether it is for school, job, or academic purpose. In Indonesia, acquiring English as a second language is not an easy thing to do for Indonesian people as there are many differences compared to Indonesian language, which is their mother tongue or native language. People find it difficult to study English language because of the phonological, morphological, and grammatical differences and their complexities make the language difficult to be learned. This paper investigated the errors of eight-grade students in using Regular and Irregular verbs. The researcher collected the data of this research by making an exercise containing the use of Regular and Irregular verbs and distributing the exercise to the eight-grade students.

In terms of linguistics, morphology is the study of grammatical structure of words and the catego... more In terms of linguistics, morphology is the study of grammatical structure of words and the categories which are realized by them and phonology is the study of individual languages and the nature of such systems generally. There are many issues in studying languages and many people do not often realize them. One of the issues is that people do not realize the pronunciation of the words which are ended with the suffix -ation. Such an issue made the researcher interested to study about it. The object of this study is to discuss two things. Those are: (1) the base words which attach to the suffix -ation, (2) a type of phonological change which occur in the suffixation process of the suffix –ation. The findings of this study were conducted by using a library study as the method of collecting data. This kind of study is useful to comprehend the material competence which is accurate to get the source of title as the quality of analyzing the data is searchable.
Keywords: morphology, phonology, base words, phonological change, suffix –ion
Talks by Danin Christianto
In this era of information and technology, the use of the internet as a resource for language lea... more In this era of information and technology, the use of the internet as a resource for language learning materials has become more popular among language teachers. The internet as a resource can enrich and expand language instruction. The teacher, however, must remember that the internet cannot replace the real interaction between the teacher and students in a language classroom. The point is that a computer is only a machine, not a method. The following four main factors explain why the internet cannot completely take over the roles of the teacher or replace the direct interaction between the teacher.
Papers by Danin Christianto
Speech act is a functional unit in the form of an act which helps humans understand or accomplish things with words in communication. This research was aimed to find out and analyse the types of speech acts which were performed by teachers and students in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. The researcher employed the speech act theory from Cruse (2000) to analyse and interpret the research results. Qualitative research was applied in this research due to the data source was from the teaching and learning activities in naturalistic environments in English classrooms. The subjects of this research were teachers and students in REAL Equivalent English classrooms. The results showed that there were three types of speech acts found in the interactions between the teachers and students, namely locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. Locutionary act was performed when teachers and students uttered expressions with no certain intentions. Illocutionary act, on the other hand, was performed when the expressions contained certain intentions to listeners. Perlocutionary act was performed when the listeners showed responses and acted as feedback to the speakers’ utterances. By conducting this research, the researcher hopes that it can give more insights to readers regarding to the study of speech act theory in pragmatics field.
Keywords: English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classrooms, Speech Acts, REAL Equivalent English, Teachers and Students.
Keywords: language style, SMS Style, WhatsApp
This research was conducted to answer one research question: What sentence patterns are used in John Denver’s song lyrics? In order to answer the research question, the researcher employed qualitative approach as the nature of this research since it described about certain phenomena in detail. The method used in this research was content analysis as it analysed the sentence patterns in the John Denver’s song lyrics. Finally, the researcher employed the theory of Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) to analyse the sentence patterns in the lyrics. Additionally, the researcher also employed the theory of O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba (1996) to represent the tree diagrams and phrase structure rules of the chosen sentences.
Based on the results, the researcher found out that there were 8 out of 9 patterns which were used in the song lyrics. The sentence pattern which was frequently used was pattern 3: S + Vt + dO. There were 12 sentences which used the pattern in John Denver’s song lyrics. However, there was no sentence which used pattern 6: S + Vt + iO + dO. Finally, the researcher hopes that the results can help English learners to improve their understanding on sentence patterns and phrase structure rules.
Keywords: morphology, phonology, base words, phonological change, suffix –ion
Talks by Danin Christianto
Speech act is a functional unit in the form of an act which helps humans understand or accomplish things with words in communication. This research was aimed to find out and analyse the types of speech acts which were performed by teachers and students in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. The researcher employed the speech act theory from Cruse (2000) to analyse and interpret the research results. Qualitative research was applied in this research due to the data source was from the teaching and learning activities in naturalistic environments in English classrooms. The subjects of this research were teachers and students in REAL Equivalent English classrooms. The results showed that there were three types of speech acts found in the interactions between the teachers and students, namely locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. Locutionary act was performed when teachers and students uttered expressions with no certain intentions. Illocutionary act, on the other hand, was performed when the expressions contained certain intentions to listeners. Perlocutionary act was performed when the listeners showed responses and acted as feedback to the speakers’ utterances. By conducting this research, the researcher hopes that it can give more insights to readers regarding to the study of speech act theory in pragmatics field.
Keywords: English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classrooms, Speech Acts, REAL Equivalent English, Teachers and Students.
Keywords: language style, SMS Style, WhatsApp
This research was conducted to answer one research question: What sentence patterns are used in John Denver’s song lyrics? In order to answer the research question, the researcher employed qualitative approach as the nature of this research since it described about certain phenomena in detail. The method used in this research was content analysis as it analysed the sentence patterns in the John Denver’s song lyrics. Finally, the researcher employed the theory of Quirk and Greenbaum (1973) to analyse the sentence patterns in the lyrics. Additionally, the researcher also employed the theory of O’Grady, Dobrovolsky, and Katamba (1996) to represent the tree diagrams and phrase structure rules of the chosen sentences.
Based on the results, the researcher found out that there were 8 out of 9 patterns which were used in the song lyrics. The sentence pattern which was frequently used was pattern 3: S + Vt + dO. There were 12 sentences which used the pattern in John Denver’s song lyrics. However, there was no sentence which used pattern 6: S + Vt + iO + dO. Finally, the researcher hopes that the results can help English learners to improve their understanding on sentence patterns and phrase structure rules.
Keywords: morphology, phonology, base words, phonological change, suffix –ion