Fernando Salvaterra

One hand-drawn illustration of BW creatures - stock art
Art pack with 4 mouse-sized adventure scenes
Mouse-sized weapons as stock art
Four hand-drawn BW creatures - stock art
Four hand-drawn BW creatures - stock art
A stock art map for Indie TTRPGs
Art pack with 15 hand-drawn obsidian stone age weapons
Art pack with 32 hand-drawn stone age weapons
Art pack with 4 mouse-sized adventure scenes
A collapsed tower with a crystalized bonfire
Four plain texture battlemaps
A hand-drawn decorative border for indie RPGs
Old School Illustrated Character Sheet II
A stock art map for Indie TTRPGs
A hand-drawn blank notice board as stock art
A hand-drawn RPG battlemap of ancient mosaic at the sea
A hand-drawn RPG battlemap of thin ice with a surprise
A hand-drawn RPG battlemap of improvised camp for a short rest
An illustrated border for RPG zines
A hand-drawn RPG battlemap of a shrine on the sea
A hand-drawn RPG battlemap of a big tree trunk shelter in the swamp
A stock art map for Indie TTRPGs
A stock art map for Indie TTRPGs
A Hand-drawn RPG battle map of a geyser, a mamute skull and some thermal waters.
​A TTRPG battle map of a sailors' tavern on the cliffs overlooking the sea.
A 23"x16" RPG battle map of an old crooked dock at the riverbank
23"x16" map of a piece of road with a freshwater spring, a traveller statue, cliffs and a camp place.
​21" x 14" Map of a grove of spaced trees with a clearing. Who would expect an ambush here?
28" x 30" map of a brook, pond, slopes and hill setting with an optional camp, optional grid and day and night versions.
31 hand-drawn black and white RPG maps