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CARTAS DE LECTORES Abordaje transeptal para el reemplazo valvular mitral Al Director El trabajo de Borracci y colaboradores (1) muestra la evolución de otra de las técnicas disponibles para el abordaje de la válvula mitral. En 1958,... more
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Background: We explored the relationship between QRS characteristics and myocardial phenotype by delayed-enhancement cardiac magnetic resonance (DE-CMR) in patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). Methods and results: Eighty five... more
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      FragmentationArteryClinical SciencesLVEF
Until recently, computed tomography coronary angiography was restricted to the anatomical assessment of coronary stenosis, whereas the functional significance of coronary lesions remained outside of its scope. Nevertheless, the kinetics... more
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The European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation II (EuroSCORE II) is an updated version of the original EuroSCORE that must be extensively validated. The objective was to prospectively evaluate the efficacy of EuroSCORE II in... more
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      ArgentinaRisk assessmentProspective studiesAged
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El gran valor predictivo negativo de la angiografía coronaria por tomografía computada multidetector (ACTCMD), ha llevado a la creciente incorporación del método en el algoritmo diagnóstico para pacientes con sospecha de enfermedad... more
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      TomographyPerfusionDiagnostic Imaging
introduction: Endovascular repair of aortic aneurysm emerges as a less invasive option for patients with high operative risk, constituting a feasible and safe treatment due to technical advances. For this reason, our institution considers... more
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OBJECTIVES: The aim was to analyse in-hospital outcomes of patients over 70 years of age undergoing routine immediate operation theatre (OT) extubation after on-pump or off-pump cardiac surgery. METHODS: A retrospective analysis was... more
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      ArgentinaRisk assessmentCritical CareFollow-up studies
Introducción La ateromatosis carotídea es una alteración temprana de la aterosclerosis subclínica que puede determinarse en forma rápida, económica, repetible y no invasiva. Su correlación anatómica y su asociación con los factores de... more
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      TomographyPerfusionDiagnostic Imaging
Introducción La ateromatosis carotídea es una alteración temprana de la aterosclerosis subclínica que puede determinarse en forma rápida, económica, repetible y no invasiva. Su correlación anatómica y su asociación con los factores de... more
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