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Discrimination of and memory for others’ generous and selfish behaviors could be adaptive abilities in social animals. Dogs have seemingly expressed such skills in both direct and indirect interactions with humans. However, recent studies... more
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      PsychologyAnimal BehaviorEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)Cooperation
Discrimination of and memory for others’ generous and selfish behaviors could be adaptive abilities in social animals. Dogs have seemingly expressed such skills in both direct and indirect interactions with humans. However, recent studies... more
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      Social CognitionDogs
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Ideas to work with adolescents  at school
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Aportes para seguir construyendo los dispositivos de las Mesas de Participación en el marco de la Comunicación Nº 3/10
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" Somos culpables de muchos errores y faltas, pero nuestro mayor delito es abandonar a los niños… Muchas cosas pueden esperar. El niño NO. Ahora es el momento en que sus huesos se forman, su sangre se constituye y sus sentidos se... more
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