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This paper deals with post-colonial features in an Argentine fictional text by an eminent regional writer with a brilliant career as an educator, a politician and journalist. Basically it reflects the dichotomy of the country at the time... more
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    • Postcolonial Ecocriticism
In the time-honoured tradition of the American detective novel, Tony Hillerman has come to occupy a respectable place as a permanent best-seller with his series of novels featuring a couple of Navajo Tribal policemen who strive to solve... more
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The global crisis we face today is not about how ecosystems function but rather about how our ethical systems function.
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Within a span of twenty yearsTom Stoppard (Arcadia,1993) andTrevorGriffiths (Comedians, 1975) took their audiences back to school for an exercise of reflection that success fullymixed laughter, varying degrees of emotion and a genuine... more
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We deal with a requirement of the Educational Reform to ‘traverse’ all knowledge we teach with the contents specified in point VI of the Law, namely, the attitudes & values that foster a balanced, ‘whole’ personality in learners. We... more
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By way of hommage to William Shakespeare on the 400 years of his death, we have put up a research team to study the series of plays identified as The Hollow Crown (BBC 2012). They exhibit those qualities that have made of the Bard of Avon... more
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    • Sociology
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    • Art
The Argentine and other Bicentennial celebratory events in our Iberoamerican world have prompted a generalized challenge of the concept and meaning of the so- called «american» identity. Shakespeare, the poet that has for a long time... more
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The intersection of literary and ecological thinking in approaching this play appears irresistible from the very first scene. Among the few and scattered stage directions Shakespeare allowed himself to insert in his writing, there is this... more
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    • Computer Science
These narratives by the writer, teacher and journalist Velmiro Ayala Gauna inscribed in the subcategory of detective stories seek to emulate the great Anglo-Saxon archetype (don Frutos as a native Sherlock Holmes). But, as they place the... more
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      HumanitiesArtNarrativePostcolonial Ecocriticism
La invitamos a colaborar con Gramma a partir de la idea que ha surgido en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de promover el intercambio académico entre los distintos Institutos y de fomentar el diálogo entre los enfoques de nuestras... more
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En Viaje a la Alcarria, Camilo José Cela se propone dejar que la Alcarria hable por sí misma, que muestre su paisaje y su gente. Y lo logra plenamente con un texto rico en imágenes, con diálogos fluidos y pintorescos, con apreciaciones... more
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    • ISSN
Resumen Mirada ecocrítica sobre The Rape of Lucrece (W. Shakespeare). En nuestro proyecto actual el concepto que preside nuestras búsquedas es el mismo de investigaciones anteriores: la violencia, vista desde el distanciamiento... more
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    • Metaphor
En este texto se explican brevemente algunas de las diferencias y similitudes entre el concepto de alma según Platón y Aristóteles.
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