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Measurements of the hemodynamic parameters of the superior mesenteric artery were performed in 18 patients with celiac disease. Ten were studied at the time of diagnosis, when a small bowel biopsy showed a flat mucosa. The remaining eight... more
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      RheologyFastingCeliac DiseaseDoppler Ultrasound
Spontaneous chromosome aberrations (CAs) and induced fragile sites (FSs) were analysed in 12 untreated adult coeliac disease (CD) patients and 8 healthy controls. Blood lymphocytes from each individual were cultured for 72 h at 37 degrees... more
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      AdolescentDisease susceptibilityLymphomaMutagenesis
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      Ulcerative colitisAnti-inflammatory agentsClinical SciencesAged
Pouchitis has been suggested to be a recurrence of ulcerative colitis in a colon-like mucosa. Topical steroids are a valid therapeutic alternative for distal forms of ulcerative colitis. To investigate the efficacy and tolerability of... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentAnti-inflammatory agentsClinical Sciences
The screening and diagnosis of coeliac disease have been simplified by the advent of new serological tools. Aim: To assess the clinical utility of a newly developed kit for antibodies to human recombinant tissue transglutaminase... more
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      AdolescentAntibodiesCeliac DiseaseClinical Sciences
Aim : To assess the long-term effect of a gluten-free diet on bone mineral density of adults with untreated coeliac disease. Methods : Bone mineral density was assessed at baseline and after a mean duration of 37 months of treatment in 25... more
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      Clinical SciencesBone Mineral DensityLong Term EffectCoeliac Disease
Elafi n, an endogenous serine protease inhibitor, modulates colonic infl ammation. We investigated the role of elafi n in celiac disease (CD) using human small intestinal tissues and in vitro assays of gliadin deamidation. We also... more
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      Mass SpectrometryIntestinal MucosaCeliac DiseaseGliadin
Coeliac disease predisposes to metabolic osteopathy. The entity of bone loss is higher in patients with malabsorption at diagnosis but it is also present in asymptomatic or poorly symptomatic patients, occurring in roughly half of them.... more
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      Celiac DiseaseBest practiceBone DensityClinical Sciences
A decade ago celiac disease was considered extremely rare outside Europe and, therefore, was almost completely ignored by health care professionals. In only 10 years, key milestones have moved celiac disease from obscurity into the... more
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      Autoimmune diseasesCeliac DiseasePrevalenceAmino Acid Sequence
Background: Noninvasive serologic tests have shown high diagnostic accuracy for celiac disease (CD) in selected populations. Our aim was to determine prospectively the performance of CD-related serology in individuals undergoing... more
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      AdolescentBiopsyClinical ChemistryAntibodies
Methods: Twenty healthy volunteers (age range, 19 -64 years) underwent video capsule endoscopy (VCE), fecal calprotectin, and permeability tests (sucrose and lactulose/ mannitol [lac/man] ratio) before and after ingestion of 100 mg of... more
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      GlucoseIntestinal MucosaLow DoseClinical
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Our aim was to explore the diagnostic value of a newly developed synthetic peptide antibody assay addressing specific synthetic gliadin-derived deamidated peptides (AGA II) for the diagnosis of celiac disease (CD).
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      AdolescentCeliac DiseaseGliadinClinical
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentCeliac DiseaseClinical
Abbreviations used in this paper: a-tTG, anti-tissue transglutaminase; CD, celiac disease; DH, dermatitis herpetiformis; EmA, antiendomysial; lac/man, lactulose/mannitol.
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      AdolescentComorbidityProbabilityCeliac Disease
Cytogenetic studies were performed in celiac disease (CD) patients to determine if the presence of chromosome instability is related to the predisposition to cancer. Chromosome aberrations (CA) and sister chromatid exchange (SCE)... more
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      GeneticsCell CycleAdolescentCeliac Disease
To assess the joint contribution of interleukin 1 beta (IL-1B) and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFa) to the genetic risk of developing celiac disease (CD), we analyzed four biallelic polymorphisms of TNFA and IL-1B genes in 228 patients... more
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Background: Deterioration of quality of life in the long term has been suggested for celiac disease patients on a gluten-free diet. Aims: To determine long-term quality of life of celiac disease patients and to assess the benefits of... more
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      Quality of lifeAdolescentProspective studiesCeliac Disease
Objective. Diagnosis of coeliac disease is based on the presence of villous atrophy which recovers following a gluten-free diet. The presence of circulating antiendomysial antibodies as well as their disappearance after a gluten-free diet... more
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Background/aims. Celiac disease (CD) patients are affected in their quality of life (QoL). Our objectives were to assess differences in quality of life of patients according to the clinical presentation at diagnosis, and to determine the... more
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      Quality of lifeTreatment OutcomeAdolescentProspective studies