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Hey ! J'ai voulu jouer à ce jeu, mais au premier arrêt l'un des personnages ne réussissait pas à entrer dans le train... Et me voici bloquée ! Je suis sous linux, si un jour vous repassez sur ce jeu et que vous êtes prêt'es à le débuguer, hésitez pas à me faire signe !

En tout cas, je suis contente que des universités apportent leur soutien à ce genre de petits jeux !


It looks like a great game, but unfortunately the controls are quite clunky. I literally cannot leave the game, when i click on the return to menu option, nothing happens, pls fix

Hi, the game requires a keyboard or a controller (as stated on the page) to navigate the menus and play. Thanks.


Very cute and relaxing game. Very short but satisfying.

The only thing I would like to see added is some camera controls, to be able to look at the scenery around.

Thank you for this comment, super glad that you had a good time playing!

Wanting more camera controls is a common and very understandable feedback. We also thought about it but, as a student team with strict constraints, it would've meant multiplying the quantity of environment to produce in quite an unhealthy way haha. 😊


I really like the stylized look of the game. So cozy and relaxing as others have said. This game took my mind off of all my problems... Thanks for making this!

Super happy to read that our game has had this effect, it's a feeling that we were hoping to achieve during the creation of the game. Thank you!✨


The art is great and the story really cute, I really liked it ! 


so cozy so relaxing

but i do find myself wanting to tweak the camera a bit (rotate & zoom in/out) with the mouse at times

thanks for making


Great game, nice work ! 


it's like the trolley problem but instead of murdering people you get to hear them tell you that happiness is always possible.