Love and Friendship is a text-based romantic comedy set in 18th-century England during the height of the Regency and British Imperialism. This interactive fiction game is written and built using Twine, an open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories. The game will be released chapter by chapter and will remain free to play until its completion. 

Love and Friendship(LaF) is rated for players, 16 years or older and contains suggestive themes, alcohol use, and explicit language. A full list of content warnings can be found in the game. This rating may change with future updates.

For more information on this project and its development, follow my Tumblr blog. If you enjoyed this content and/or want to support my work, consider making an (optional) small donation on my Kofi page.


Available to play: Prologue, Chapter 1(part 1)

Current Wordcount: 57,597 words


In Love and Friendship, you play a young lady named Miss Merritt, a veteran of Regency Society. The season–a period of the year designated for arguably excessive social interaction and wasteful displays of wealth and status–is yours for the commanding. Decide how you want to spend the next few months among society’s richest, well-sculpted upper echelon. Though the outcome of the season may determine the rest of your life. 


  • Shape your character’s personality and skills
  • Play by Regency rules or break them to your heart’s content
  • Thwart a relation’s convoluted inheritance scheme or ignore it and live on your own terms
  • Pursue 4 eligible members of the Gentry
    • Seek Friendship and Love(platonic or romantic) with whomever your heart desires
  • Find love and friendship and riches; marry for either or both or all three!

Miss Merritt is five and twenty years of age, embarking on another season in Town(London). Being a single child to two well-off parents, growing up in large and covetous property in the countryside, has afforded her the lifestyle to pursue those attributes considered non-negotiable among respectable young women. And while the Merritt’s hold no title, they are highly regarded as one of the older, settled families in society. 

This season holds particular merit as most young ladies are expected to be attached or actively engaged in searching for a life partner by their third season. Miss Merritt has let that aspect of herself languish in favor of cultivating her skills and experience. But the external pressures do not come alone. A cunning ploy orchestrated by one of the Merritt’s estranged relations threatens to wrest control of the Merritt's estate unless the young lady can find herself a suitable match by the season’s end.

“What’s a lady to do but follow her heart.”

Growing up only a mile or so from the Merritt's residence in Easton, Sam is your first and closest friend. Sam can be quiet and rather shy, which makes her the perfect partner in crime. But the merry times ended with Mrs. Renold's sudden bout of illness and the family's departure to the continent. This season will be the first time in over five years that you'll be seeing one another. There’s no telling what remains of your friendship after such a gap if anything at all.

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. Hugh Langley is not. Not in a way that matters, but that won’t stop the hoards of mothers springing their daughters upon him. His income, his family history, and his address are all up for public discussion, it seems.  All he wants is to get through the season without entangling himself with someone he cannot stand, and maybe have some fun if he can find a moment of peace. 

While many in society know of her, her family, and her husbands(oh yes, plural!) for many years, no one can claim closeness to the thrice-now widow. One has to wonder….three very rich, very influential husbands dead. Yet, since the death of her third and final husband two years ago, Vivian has worn nothing but mourning colors. The rumors have quieted down, but some still whisper of the widow’s heart of stone, her curse to bear alone. 

Lord Warren Hind is known for two things, wicked eyes, and scandalous rumors. A second son, Warren took advantage of life’s carnal pleasures, earning him the dubious reputation as society’s untouchable rake. All was well and good until the sudden death of his elder brother only a few years prior. Now saddled with the responsibility of a title, acres of land, and the wellbeing of his brother’s widow and child, Warren has been quiet as of late. To the dismay of wagging tongues, Lord Hind may be better behaved than he looks.


Character Art by @Kutekitsunekiki on Tumblr

Image Assets

Main background - Simon Marsult on Unsplash

Journal background - Jez Timms on Unsplash

StatusIn development
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(165 total ratings)
AuthorSalty Stories
GenreInteractive Fiction
Made withTwine
TagsAmare, Comedy, Female Protagonist, Historical, jane-austen, LGBTQIA, Romance, Story Rich, Text based, Twine
Average sessionAbout an hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen

Development log


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I love this so much!!!!! I really hope this gets to continue <3

Hi there, created an account just to comment on your writing. Would like to say that you're one of my favourite interactive fiction story writers. If there are other works that you've done, I would definitely like to follow them and support accordingly.

Thanks and keep up with the good work. I do hope that this story receives a chapter 2 eventually in the near future. Would love to see where the FL's life story unfolds.

(1 edit) (+1)

ughh idk how i feel about forgiving Sam. like obvi i still want to be her friend but i don't like that we don't get to respond to her blaming US for not replying anymore as if she didn't stop first. like i do get that it was bad timing and now that i know that i'm not mad but i'm DEF mad that she just got so defense and was all "so?" to not replying. idk like UGHHh girl YOU started the miscommunication even accidentally, and i get it was hard for you but like... idk you can't blame us for taking the very tiny amount of responses we got as a rejection. its not like we got any info either, so idk what Sam expected us to think, how she expects to be trusted blindly without faith when it was her descison to hide her reasoning for leaving from us.

again, i WANT to forgive her, but its annoying that we don't get to tell her how hurt we were like she gets to. technically she's more at fault for the letters yet shes the only one who gets to talk about it. like obvi she should so we can clear up the misunderstanding but its frustrating that the only choices are to completely shut her down to the point where she'll coldy dismiss you after, or to immediately fully cave in. like NO why cant we just openly communicate and then try again as friends??? the most "blamey" we get to be in comparison is saying "as sudden and lonely as the last five years have been, the loss of your person was missed more than the letters." at the very start of the convo, and a bit of a bitter tone and snarkily timed questions.

idk if this is just because i focused on meeting the guys first (met her originally and saw the slight progression at the ball but i redid it to meet Langley lol) so if it is because of that i don't mind. i also chose to understand but still be hurt by Sam. and its not hate BTW its just so frustratingingly realistic lol

also, FML i didn't realize this was unfinished i gotta stop breaking my heart like that


I really love this. The details of the journal, and how it doesn't just give stats in numerical form is really different and interesting. Hope to read more :)


i loovee this sm: (


i love this so much im obsessed (although the itchy feeling in my brain when being referred to as 'she' is bad) WE LOVE <33


I need more! Please of course.


Absolutely love what you have so far. My only gripe is that I know I cannot romance Ben ;.;


I haven't even finished the PROLOGUE and I'm already invested in the underlying plot with the family!


im so in love with Vivian and warren omfg they got me kicking my feet and giggling LOL


10/10 ✨

Hi! Your writing is amazing, I really enjoyed reading it :D However, I noticed (on pc) whenever there's the title page for a chapter or chapter introduction (not quite sure what to call it) I couldn't scroll down to actually open the next part. I'm not sure if it's just a glitch on my part but I just wanted to let you know (just in case)! 

Once again, I loved reading this IF! It's definitely one of my favorites! Thank you for all of your hard work! :)


"Life's too quick to be lost in something so opaque as the truth." Wow. I find myself at a point in my life where I'm almost hopeless about life because I struggle to let go of horrible truths. It's a very motivating line, I wrote it on my whiteboard. I hope it will help! Thank you!

Hello! Amazing writing, I really enjoyed it! Although, I do believe I may have possibly found a glitch in the prologue upon meeting Ben.

"“Miss Merritt.” To your surprise, Ben smiles at you before bowing, which always managed to highlight his height further, a problem you ran into yourself, though Ben managed to tower over even you."

This was after I picked the shortest height option and it seems like the game thinks I'm tall in these lines. Am I miss-reading or has something gone wrong?

Good catch! Yes, that was a bug, but it should be fixed now. Thank you so much for the feedback! I’m glad you’re enjoying the update^^

It's no problem! As a game-maker in the making I really enjoy supporting other writers. I understand there can be a lot of pressure and stress in writing and game design, so I appreciate the effort you've put into the game. Thank you. ^^


I'm so excited for the latest update!


The games we play in pretty ballrooms are idiotic and stupid, but chasing a night of fun and falling in love with ruin are two very different things."

"Do you understand me, girl?"

You hesitate but eventually give her a "yes." But the words stick and you can't help the follow-up question.

"And how will I know? How can I know who is worth the ruin?"

Amazing game


Thank you so much for the feedback!


i really hope this gets continue


Hello! Currently, the project is on hiatus, but it is not abandoned. Thank you for the feedback!

Is this game going to be continued?

Hello! Currently, the project is on hiatus, but it is not abandoned. Thank you for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Is it still in hiatus?


This is an incredible piece of writing, but I have to ask, are you still working on this? As Avinni said, it's been a year now... if you need any help with the writing, I'd gladly help, but just Please don't have abandoned this.


According to the author's tumblr, they're taking a break from LaF since they're not happy with the story in it's current form and need a break from it. It's not abandoned, they just aren't going to touch it for a bit. The post in question, if you want to read. 

Thank you for responding. 😁

No prob!

Hello! Thank you for the feedback! I’m so glad you enjoyed LaF. I appreciate the offer of help, but LaF is not abandoned. The project is on hiatus due to the reasons outlined in the post linked in Over the Moon’s comment.

I LOVE IITTTT but i have to ask, has this been abandoned? it's been over a year now

Thank you for the feedback! LaF is currently on hiatus.

Has this been abandoned? Loved the game <3

Hi! Thank you for the feedback! LaF is currently on hiatus.

Deleted 3 years ago

I totally agree! I do not use she/her so it's uncomfortable to be referred to as a lady and a woman and a her. I can mostly push the feeling aside because of my love for the Regency Era and the understanding that being a "woman" is necessary for this particular story... but it still makes me go :/


I mean, just don't play it if it makes you feel that way, it's unfortunate but I can't imagine why you would want to keep feeling uncomfortable


I am not forcing myself to play out of misguided spite. I play this game (and others with solely female MCs) because I want to. I love the Regency Era, I love romance, and I love the pining that comes with being a lesbian in a period story. There's not many games with all three that I can live through vicariously, so some sacrifices must be made.

Not to say that it is a sacrifice to pretend to be a woman. You do not know my gender identity, therefore you do not know my limits, but it isn't as cut and dry as "being referred to as a woman is bad for me". I still identify with womanhood and its societal expectations. I still identify with sapphic relationships. I much prefer pretending to be a cis woman to be lesbian in a game because the feeling in the relationship is entirely different to me. Being a cis woman in a game whose only romance options are men doesn't feel... as fulfilling. And it's amazing that there's a Regency Era game where those lesbian relationships are at the head of the game (with a 2:1 ratio!!) and it's unapologetically lesbian. Not a half-hearted participatory award in representation.

TL;DR... I would pick a nonbinary option if I could, but I'm completely fine with being cis as long as I still get to romance ladies because the dynamics feel fuller than a hetero relationship. And please consider how already niche genres are even more limited for people who aren't cishet, so we usually have to make do with what's available.

Lmao accidentally deleted the comment while relooking through notifications 🧍


Thank you so much for the feedback! I really appreciate hearing this perspective. I’m so glad to hear that the focus on sapphic relationships resonated with you, as that was my original aim with the story.

I also want to acknowledge the discomfort of being addressed in an inauthentic way in a gender-locked game. It wasn’t my intention to make players uncomfortable, but it’s an unfortunate outcome of LaF’s current gender-locked state.

I started writing LaF when I thought I was a cis woman and hadn’t worked out my own gender and presentation. I was comfortable writing female protagonists, and that informed my decision to gender-lock the protagonist. I no longer consider myself a cis woman, nor do I present that way. I’ve also gotten comfortable writing protagonists and perspectives outside my own lived experience.

LaF’s hiatus is (in part) due to my discomfort with continuing the story in a gender-locked state. I am still unsure how I want to address this going forward. But hearing this perspective resonates with me. I will keep this in mind as I continue to work on Love and Friendship.

Thank you again for the feedback and support!


This is amazing! Can't wait for more. ❤️ I hope you're doing well, dear author. 😊

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback and love!


First things first loved the story!👏 And the characters, minor and major, they were all well written and fleshed out. Reading through your story I felt as if I had a movie being played in my head. I could visualize and develop a sense of feeling, of the atmosphere. I pathetically fell for one of the ro's within their first line spoken🤭 im looking at you Vivian... 😳 I also enjoyed her scenes the most, I can't wait to learn more about her. I adored the gossip as well, between mother and her dear friend, I can't wait to hear some more tea. Warren caught my attention the least, but he became my second favorite ro! His scenes were a fun read, there definitely is more to him which I can't wait to indulge in. I have a question, will there be a happy ending with the ro's? I feel as if any ro will cause some form of scandal and some more scandalous than others🤔 This was a pleasant read! I can't wait for the next update!

Thank you so much! I’ve been a bit self-conscious of my style, and to hear that you could visualize everything is amazing! I’m also glad to hear that Warren grew on you; the amount of love for him as a RO has surprised me as well.

I can’t promise a happy ending for every Miss Merritt and her companions as it depends on the choices made during the story. But there will be a couple of endings that are “happy” and some not so “happy” to achieve.

(3 edits)

Something that really stood out is the comments on Sam's and the dude twin's heights. I was expecting your height to be set because of that (and it made me very sad), but then the options came up. Those comments appear before you choose your own, so unless they are pushing seven feet, they could be wildly inaccurate if you are tall yourself.

Also, is it an intended or expected reaction to hate (nearly) everyone? It wouldn't be the first time I have such a wrong reaction, but I feel like it may be one of the reactions you were expecting. I just don't want to go with those feelings if it was unintended.

Unrelated, I really appreciate your collections :)


Thank you for feedback! And I’m so glad that you enjoy my collections.

(1 edit) (+1)

The game looks good so far! I'm always eager to play a Regency/Victorian game, as there are too far and few in-between. 

Small error: When meeting Lord Warren Hind in the ballroom, he calls us Dorothea, even though I changed my character's name to something else. And the same happens in the next page.


That’s true! The genre def needs some more love!

Also, yes! Thank you for catching that! Warren is actually using a fake name for Miss Merritt(if you were to use the default name, he’d call you Jane for example) in that scene as they’ve never met and in his mind, pretending to know her will ease some of the gossip others might spread. However, it’s unclear in the current draft, so no worries! I’m going to make that more obvious in the next small update^^


I'm so pumped to see another update soon! Please continue on making this. <3 This is my favorite story so far.

Thank you!! I definitely will, laf has been so much fun to work on and you guys are such positive and encouraging people<3333 I can’t promise an update super soon as real-life has slowed me down but the story will continue!


As someone who believes in Friends to Lovers Supremacy I already know who I'm going to romance <3

hehe friends to lovers is a fun one^^ I’m glad you’re enjoying the game, there’ll be more Sam content in chapter one!


there's an error in the game it won't run and pops up an error message when I click to begin.


Hi there! I’m sorry to hear that, what does the error message say? The most common issue tends be your cookies are disabled and the game needs them to run or your browser might need updating. Let me know if that fixes it!


It says html lower case code missing.


Okay, so I did some testing and wasn’t able to replicate the error? I, also, did some digging and the best I can find is that there is a browser error? It doesn’t seem to be an issue with the twine game, itself. Perhaps a different browser might solve the error? If that doesn’t fix it, can you post a screenshot of the error message? I’m so sorry that it’s not working out.

Lol I will try to find one I started using chrome awhile back when browser games stopped being compatible with mozzilla firefox.

(Update) I dont get why this worked but it works on Mozilla Firefox which is odd ( there's other games that are text and in browser like this I play on my chrome so idk why it messed up for yours)


I just played it. It's so good! I like Samantha a lot. 


This sounds so exciting and I love what I've seen of it from the screenshots! :) 

Unfortunately, the game doesn't seem to be loading (for me, at least) as it says that there is an "error: no valid storage adapters found". 

Hello! Thank you!! I'm sorry to hear you're getting an error! It can happen if your browser version is a bit older or if the browser settings have disabled cookies, since that how the game is stored and retrieved.  I hope that helps! Please let me know if the error continues!


That helped a lot, thank you! Managed to play the game and it was even better than what I was expecting. I especially love the fact that we have several different pages in our journal, especially the one listing all the rumours we hear. I'm looking forward to the update!


I am so excited for this story! I started two saves because I started one in the morning on my computer at home and another on a work computer during my lunch break because I couldn't wait until I got home to read more <3 As far as critiques, I don't think I have any outside of typos. For me, there wasn't a time when I wanted to have a choice but didn't, and the conversations seemed pretty natural. I had fun reading the journal pages as they were unlocked. Totally stoked to figure out what's going on with Sam and banter more with Mr. Langley. Excited to meet the others, as well! Great work and bless you for this project.

Ahhhh!!!! I totally understand the feeling! I'm so giddy to hear you enjoyed LaF that much^^ Thank you for the lovely comment!!


This is absolutely amazing! I love your writing style and romance games are just my cup of tea. The characters are wonderfully fleshed out, even in the short amount you have. I look forward to playing more of the game and can't wait to romance the characters. Great job! 😊


Thank you!! I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed the characters! I really wanted to make them feel like actual people to interact with, rather than set dressing or vague npcs.

Well you definitely succeeded in that! :)


Can't wait for more! Really well written so far, best of luck completing it :)

Thank you so much!! I'm so glad you like it^^


Good job so far! Keep up the good work!

Thank you!!