Books by Valeria Giordano
LE REGOLE DEL CORPO Costruzioni teoriche e decisioni giudiziarie, 2018
Il principio di uguaglianza nasce su un terreno politico e filosofico come prefigurazione di una ... more Il principio di uguaglianza nasce su un terreno politico e filosofico come prefigurazione di una società nuova, eversiva di quella esistente, pretendo di valere quale norma e dunque di lavorare in una direzione costruttiva di "ordine", l'ordine costituzionale democratico 1 .
Journal of Trafficking and Human Exploitation, 2017
Papers by Valeria Giordano

I enclose the abstract for Judicial decision-making: Artificio Razionalita Valori below, as reque... more I enclose the abstract for Judicial decision-making: Artificio Razionalita Valori below, as requested: The book consists of a series of interventions and reflections upon the position and orientation of legal theory in relation to the contemporary transformations in the character and dynamics of law and the methodology of legal theory. It focuses, in particular, upon the emergence of the phenomenon of transnational law and the concomitant effect upon both the primacy of the juridical framework of a national constitution and the position of judicial decision-making. This focus is combined with critical reflection upon the methodological foundations of contemporary legal theory. The critical reflection, guided by the notions of artificiality, reason and values, offers an analysis of the central questions and aporias which arise in the process of construction of a theory of law and judicial decision-making.
Soft Power
What is inside and what is outside the law? A question that is not easy to answer and that forces... more What is inside and what is outside the law? A question that is not easy to answer and that forces legal theory to ask itself about which are today the forms of normative production and which are the boundaries of law. Through the analysis of the deep transformations of the global legal order and of the issues related to the boundaries of law and to the forms of hybrid legality, the essay offers a pluralist and dynamic interpretation of the social genesis of law.
The profound changes of the legal and political structures show ambiguous and contradictory aspec... more The profound changes of the legal and political structures show ambiguous and contradictory aspects of normativity of law. Faced with the proliferation of the global powers devices and asymmetries produced by the transnational circuit, it is essential to recover some important methodological assumptions, that highlight the partiality of legal decisions.

espanolSobre la base de un analisis sociologico, a escala global se destaca un numero cada vez ma... more espanolSobre la base de un analisis sociologico, a escala global se destaca un numero cada vez mayor de sujetos sometidos a dinamicas de explotacion tan fuertes como para estar privados completamente del goce y del ejercicio de derechos fundamentales. En particular, respecto del tema del trafico de organos, se registran practicas de desigualdad radicalizadas en las bolsas de pobreza generadas por los conflictos belicos, por equilibrios politicos precarios y por legislaciones migratorias restrictivas. El ensayo analiza estas problematicas partiendo del tema de la trata de seres humanos con la finalidad de trasplantar organos, hasta llegar a la mas amplia cuestion de la comercialidad del cuerpo humano y de la legalizacion del mercado. EnglishFrom a perspective of sociological analysis it is possible to highlight on a global scale the growing number of human beings subjected to dynamics of exploitation so severe that they are completely deprived of the enjoyment and exercise of their f...
Books by Valeria Giordano
Papers by Valeria Giordano