Papers by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz

Çeviri, Sermaye ve Kimlik Edinci İlişkisi, 2021
The prepared study is based on Prof. Dr. Aykut Kazancıgil's varying identities firstly as a scien... more The prepared study is based on Prof. Dr. Aykut Kazancıgil's varying identities firstly as a scientist in the academic field at Istanbul University-Faculty of Medicine and subsequently as a translator/interpreter, and a writer and editor. He could transform all his experience gained through the oral and written translating processes into cultural and social capitals constructed upon his own habitus. Thanks to the success as an actor in his academic field, it was also observed that Kazancıgil acquired multiple identities as a translator/interpreter, a writer and an editor as well as his being an academic as a surgeon and a gynecologist. From this point of view, this study focuses on his journey of becoming a leading name having a say in both domestic and foreign academic fields. During the founding years of Istanbul University, asylum-seeking academics fleeing from Hitlerite Germany started to get involved in the teaching staff of the new university. The need for translation was at the top of the agenda in order to provide communication between incoming German professors and Turkish undergraduates. In this perspective, it was seen Kazancıgil's efforts of providing translational support to foreign professors could increase his own social and cultural capitals through these activities. While analyzing the transformation of academic fields in our country, started with the university reform in 1933, the increase in the types and volume of the capital which Kazancıgil acquired thanks to the translations he made for German professors, and these relevant perspectives were sought to be revealed. The key role of translational activities on the agent's multiple identities was discussed. An interdisciplinary study was conducted by including the concepts from sociology such as habitus, social, cultural and symbolic capital which were brought to the literature by French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu who was one of the leading names in the 20th century in the field of sociology, and it was hoped that this study which was primarily conducted in the field of translation studies, would contribute to similar approaches.

Turkish Studies-Language and Literature, 2021
Four faculties were opened at Istanbul University, which was established with the university refo... more Four faculties were opened at Istanbul University, which was established with the university reform in 1933. German professors who escaped from Nazi Germany and took refuge in our country, and Turkish academicians who earned a PhD abroad lectured at these IU faculties. The communication between German professors who could not speak Turkish and undergraduates who could not speak German was the most essential necessity, and this situation was tried to be overcome with the support of oral translation. Turkish associate professors and assistants who earned a PhD abroad and had a foreign language capital started interpreting for foreign professors in many fields and this support continued for many years. By this means, Turkish scientists acquired new identities such as communication expert and translator apart from their academic status. Referring to the educational backgrounds of Turkish scientists who interpreted for German professors settling down in our country from 1933 to 1953, the purpose of this study is to determine what Turkish scientists experienced in the process of oral translation, their positive contributions to this translation process as well as the negative aspects of this process. One of the methods used is to include directly the subjective opinions and evaluations of German professors about the process of oral translation. As a result, it was determined who were the actors involved in the process of oral translation, how Turkish scientists took part in the interpreting process without having any academic translation experience or degree, which type of interpretation they adopted in the interpreting process they conducted, their individual influences on the production of translation, how the interpreting practice worked in the cause-effect relationship considering the physical conditions.

With the reform of Istanbul University in 1933, the faculties of Medicine, Science, Literature, L... more With the reform of Istanbul University in 1933, the faculties of Medicine, Science, Literature, Law and Economics were established. Discussing with foreign professors fleeing Hitler’s Germany, a contract was signed to fill a gap in the teaching staff. After the Language- and Alphabet Revolution, scientific works written in the new language were needed in libraries. The need was tried to be fulfilled by adding an article to the respective contract, and oral and written translation into Turkish started, the field where the new alphabet was used in the scientific sense was the university. Turkish scholars translated foreign scholars’ scientific works, exam questions and lessons. Although this translation support seemed like a pertinent step at the beginning, it resulted in some obstacles over time in terms of foreign scholars and Turkish students needing translation and Turkish scholars providing it. There were some positive aspects, such as being competent in the scientific field through the translations, increasing the forms capital in the context of Bourdieu, and having the opportunity to work with foreign professors, but the involvement of Turkish scholars even in the examination processes caused them not to have sufficient and effective time to develop themselves and do scientific research. German professors’ subjective evaluations about interpreting were included in the findings of this research. Thus, the perspectives towards the ones described as lay interpreters were discussed. This study carried out in the fields of Translation Studies and translation history will enrich the related literature, hoping to contribute to similar studies.

The Reform of Istanbul University: The Relationship between Translator and Writer Identities of Turkish Scientists in Publishing Activities and Bourdieusian Sociology, 2019
Kendisinden beklenen eğitim atılımlarını yerine getirememesi ve akademisyenlerin ders notlarını d... more Kendisinden beklenen eğitim atılımlarını yerine getirememesi ve akademisyenlerin ders notlarını değiştirmeyip uzun yıllar kullanması gibi birçok sebepten ötürü Darülfünun kapatılmıştır. Eğitim alanındaki bilim insanı ihtiyacı, uluslararası görüşmeler sonucunda Hitler Almanya’sından kaçan Almanca konuşan bilim insanlarıyla karşılanmaya çalışılmıştır. Türkiye’de kaldıkları süre zarfında akademik faaliyetlerde bulunarak bilimsel alana hizmet etmiş, birçok Türk akademisyenin habitusunun ve alanda sahip oldukları sermayelerin gelişmesine katkı sağlamışlardır. İstanbul Hukuk Mecmuası ve İstanbul İktisat Dergisi örneğinde Bourdieu sosyolojisindeki alan, sermaye ve habitus gibi anahtar kavramlar, Türk öncüllerin çevirmen ve yazar kimliklerine yansıması açısından ele alınmıştır. Böylece Bourdieu sosyolojisi ile disiplinler arası ve toplumsal bir bilim dalı olan çeviri alanı arasında Türk akademisyenlerin kimliklerinde dönüşümün nasıl gerçekleştiği gözlenmiştir. Nitekim ilk başlarda çevirmen ardından yazar kimlikleriyle bilimsel alanda konum aldıkları dikkat çekmektedir. “Birey, alandaki sosyal yapıları içselleştirerek habitusunu dönüştürebilir” düşüncesinden yola çıkarak İstanbul Üniversitesi Reformu’nda birçok Türk akademisyenin yabancı bilim insanlarıyla aynı toplumsal alanda yer alarak habituslarını geliştirip, sermaye paylaşımı yaptığı söylenebilir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Atatürk ve Üniversite Reformu, Darülfünun, İÜ fakülte mecmuaları, Bourdieu sosyolojisi, çevirmen ve yazar kimliği.

Teaching Turkish as a foreign language (TTFL) has recently gained much importance in modern life.... more Teaching Turkish as a foreign language (TTFL) has recently gained much importance in modern life. For some reason, a large number of people and students within dissimilar contexts come from other countries so as to start off a new life primarily in Istanbul and/or many other cities in Turkey. The majority of them need to ensure their arrival and long term accommodations by visiting a language center. Some language institutes and foreign language centers, therefore, have been trying to meet these needs and give a certificate in accordance with European language portfolio (ELP) levels. The challenges foreign students encounter in Turkish courses and the ways by which language teachers/instructors help them to cope with these problems, the activities teachers carry out in the classroom and the materials and games they use in courses. The results of the illustrative case study reveal the mistakes which students make while learning their first, second or more foreign languages and it also evaluates them within the most frequently used language teaching methods.
Kudüs'te. (çev. Özge Çelik), Metis Yayınları, İstanbul 2012, 315 Sayfa, ISBN-13: 978-975-342-732-6.

Today there are many translations of Mevlana’s work called ‘Masnavi’ in foreign languages. We can... more Today there are many translations of Mevlana’s work called ‘Masnavi’ in foreign languages. We can see the effects of Mevlana’s international living teachings both in the period when he lived and even after his death. The importance of the translations, which made Mevlana’s teachings international, can never be ignored because Mevlana’s teachings are based on the human beings’ feelings and they are all such kind of expressions where we sense the mystic atmosphere. The aim of ranslation is to be like a torch fire setting a light to the source culture and it helps to illuminate the target culture at the same time. By constructing the English translations of Masnavi, this study examines the term différence’ of J. Derrida, where the translators especially focused on in their translations while translating the source text and which elements were ignored during the transfer and also what type of selections meaning transfer or style transfer) the translators made. The purpose
of this paper is to present an interdisciplinary study between the term deconstruction of J. Derrida (1930-2004) and this notion put forward by estalt psychologists: “The whole is different than the sum of parts.”
Key words: Mevlana, Masnavi, Gestalt Theory, Derrida and Deconstruction
The current study involves the international aspect of Mevlana’s invitation
in consideration of s... more The current study involves the international aspect of Mevlana’s invitation
in consideration of symbolic statements of Masnavi. Translations play an
important role in the universal dimension of these teachings. Translating
Masnavi and commenting on Masnavi translation is a kind of job that is
beyond the bounds of translation and translatorship. To spread Mevlana’s
invitation stated in Masnavi translations, when Masnavi translations are
assumed just as a translation mission, the invitation of Masnavi does not
gain international value.
Keywords: Mevlana, Masnavi Teachings, Translator, Turkish, German
and English Translations.
Thesis Chapters by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz

In this study called “Analysing the Translation Methods used in Masnavi Translations in terms of ... more In this study called “Analysing the Translation Methods used in Masnavi Translations in terms of Translation Theory”, a short definition of mysticism and sufism, life of Mevlana and some examples of English, Turkish and German translations are included. In the first part of this study, it is emphasized what kind of differences there are between mysticism perception in the east and west. We explained the western and eastern perception of mysticism with some specific examples. Also the effects of mysticism, what would like to be explained but how was understood are argued with evidences in the particular example called “Masnavi”. Apart from them, the words belonging to sufism are used in the daily language and the real meanings of them are defined in some examples. In the second part of our study, some information have been included about Mevlana‟s life, the author of Masnavi, his migration from Belh to Konya, ġemsi Tebriz, the provider of being as Mevlana of him. In the fourth part of our study, English, Turkish and German translations of Matnavi and Persian texts are analyzed according to their styles, meanings and word preferences. The translations are examined in the way of text types. As a result of the comments, we try to find out a new alternative theory and mention its reasons.
Keywords: Mevlana, Masnavi, Text Types, Comments of Turkish, German and English Translations, Mysticism and Sufism
Conference Presentations by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz

Teaching Turkish as a foreign language (TTFL), is a very new branch in modern life. For some reas... more Teaching Turkish as a foreign language (TTFL), is a very new branch in modern life. For some reason, a great deal number of students and people coming from other countries all over the world start a current life in Istanbul and/or many other cities in Turkey. As a result of this point, some courses of foreign language have been trying to meet the needs and give certificate in accordance with European language portfolio. As a result, there are two types of Turkish teachers/instructors: First group graduate from the Department of Turkish Teaching or Turkish Language and Literature and second group (myself) graduate from the Department of Foreign Languages. The aim of this study is to examine teaching Turkish as a foreign language (TTFL) by Turkish instructors as native speakers in the framework of Sprachgefühl (instinctive feel for a certain language). When studying this significant Language, I attempt to clarify some questions occurring in this process: "What is some challenges foreign students face in Turkish courses and how the language teachers or instructors help them to overcome these problems, what kind of activities the teachers carry out and what materials and games they use in courses. This paper reports the findings of a study about what type of mistakes the students make as learning even their first, second or more foreign languages. If we purposely select some students as a specific example, many of them whose mother language is Arabic are not able to pronounce the Turkish vocals such as "o, ö (oe), u, ü (ue)" and the Turkish consonants "ç (ch), ş (sh), b, p" as well. To conclude, these students need intensive assistance for good pronunciation in Turkish for the result of articulation.
Books by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz

Çevirenler: Çiğdem Yavuz Güler, Elvan Melek Ertürk, Gaye Topuz, Gizem Çakır, Gökben Aydın, Kerim ... more Çevirenler: Çiğdem Yavuz Güler, Elvan Melek Ertürk, Gaye Topuz, Gizem Çakır, Gökben Aydın, Kerim Selvi, Muzaffer Şahin, Selin Temizel, Şule Erdoğdu Yilmaz, Tubanur Bayram Kuzgun, Yılmaz Özakpınar
Öğrenmenin Kuramları kitabının yazarları Matthew H. Olson ve B. R. Hergenhahn tüm kuramlar hakkında çok fazla kaynak tarayarak, çok değerli seçkiler yaparak bu eseri alandaki öğrenci ve akademisyenlere sunmuşlardır.
Bu kitap, ABD ve diğer ülkelerde öğrenme alanında en değerli kitaplardan biri olarak kabul görmektedir. Eserde, öğrenme psikolojisi ve kuramları hakkında ülkemizde şimdiye kadar çevrilmiş ve yazılmış kitaplardan çok farklı bir bakış sunulmakta ve çok üst düzeyde analizler yapılmaktadır. Her bölümde, öğrenmenin temel kuramları açıklanırken bölümün sonunda kuramın öğrenme alanına getirdiği katkılar ve kuramla ilgili eleştiriler hatta zaman zaman kuramcının kendi kuramına yönelik eleştirileri de sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca, hemen akabinde her kurama farklı katkılar sağlayan diğer kişilerin görüşlerine de yer verilmektedir.
Yalnız eski kuramlara değil, öğrenmeye daha farklı bakışlar getiren yeni yaklaşımlara da bu kitapta yer verilmiştir.
Öğrenmenin Kuramları kitabı, öğrenme alanında büyük bir boşluğu dolduracak ve eğitim fakültelerinin bütün bölümlerinde lisans öğrencileri için; psikoloji bölümlerinde hem lisans, hem yüksek lisans, hem de doktora öğrencilerinin eğitimleri sırasında yararlanabilecekleri en temel kaynaklardan biri olacaktır.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Papers by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz
Anahtar Kelimeler: Atatürk ve Üniversite Reformu, Darülfünun, İÜ fakülte mecmuaları, Bourdieu sosyolojisi, çevirmen ve yazar kimliği.
of this paper is to present an interdisciplinary study between the term deconstruction of J. Derrida (1930-2004) and this notion put forward by estalt psychologists: “The whole is different than the sum of parts.”
Key words: Mevlana, Masnavi, Gestalt Theory, Derrida and Deconstruction
in consideration of symbolic statements of Masnavi. Translations play an
important role in the universal dimension of these teachings. Translating
Masnavi and commenting on Masnavi translation is a kind of job that is
beyond the bounds of translation and translatorship. To spread Mevlana’s
invitation stated in Masnavi translations, when Masnavi translations are
assumed just as a translation mission, the invitation of Masnavi does not
gain international value.
Keywords: Mevlana, Masnavi Teachings, Translator, Turkish, German
and English Translations.
Thesis Chapters by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz
Keywords: Mevlana, Masnavi, Text Types, Comments of Turkish, German and English Translations, Mysticism and Sufism
Conference Presentations by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz
Books by Sule Erdogdu Yilmaz
Öğrenmenin Kuramları kitabının yazarları Matthew H. Olson ve B. R. Hergenhahn tüm kuramlar hakkında çok fazla kaynak tarayarak, çok değerli seçkiler yaparak bu eseri alandaki öğrenci ve akademisyenlere sunmuşlardır.
Bu kitap, ABD ve diğer ülkelerde öğrenme alanında en değerli kitaplardan biri olarak kabul görmektedir. Eserde, öğrenme psikolojisi ve kuramları hakkında ülkemizde şimdiye kadar çevrilmiş ve yazılmış kitaplardan çok farklı bir bakış sunulmakta ve çok üst düzeyde analizler yapılmaktadır. Her bölümde, öğrenmenin temel kuramları açıklanırken bölümün sonunda kuramın öğrenme alanına getirdiği katkılar ve kuramla ilgili eleştiriler hatta zaman zaman kuramcının kendi kuramına yönelik eleştirileri de sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca, hemen akabinde her kurama farklı katkılar sağlayan diğer kişilerin görüşlerine de yer verilmektedir.
Yalnız eski kuramlara değil, öğrenmeye daha farklı bakışlar getiren yeni yaklaşımlara da bu kitapta yer verilmiştir.
Öğrenmenin Kuramları kitabı, öğrenme alanında büyük bir boşluğu dolduracak ve eğitim fakültelerinin bütün bölümlerinde lisans öğrencileri için; psikoloji bölümlerinde hem lisans, hem yüksek lisans, hem de doktora öğrencilerinin eğitimleri sırasında yararlanabilecekleri en temel kaynaklardan biri olacaktır.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Anahtar Kelimeler: Atatürk ve Üniversite Reformu, Darülfünun, İÜ fakülte mecmuaları, Bourdieu sosyolojisi, çevirmen ve yazar kimliği.
of this paper is to present an interdisciplinary study between the term deconstruction of J. Derrida (1930-2004) and this notion put forward by estalt psychologists: “The whole is different than the sum of parts.”
Key words: Mevlana, Masnavi, Gestalt Theory, Derrida and Deconstruction
in consideration of symbolic statements of Masnavi. Translations play an
important role in the universal dimension of these teachings. Translating
Masnavi and commenting on Masnavi translation is a kind of job that is
beyond the bounds of translation and translatorship. To spread Mevlana’s
invitation stated in Masnavi translations, when Masnavi translations are
assumed just as a translation mission, the invitation of Masnavi does not
gain international value.
Keywords: Mevlana, Masnavi Teachings, Translator, Turkish, German
and English Translations.
Keywords: Mevlana, Masnavi, Text Types, Comments of Turkish, German and English Translations, Mysticism and Sufism
Öğrenmenin Kuramları kitabının yazarları Matthew H. Olson ve B. R. Hergenhahn tüm kuramlar hakkında çok fazla kaynak tarayarak, çok değerli seçkiler yaparak bu eseri alandaki öğrenci ve akademisyenlere sunmuşlardır.
Bu kitap, ABD ve diğer ülkelerde öğrenme alanında en değerli kitaplardan biri olarak kabul görmektedir. Eserde, öğrenme psikolojisi ve kuramları hakkında ülkemizde şimdiye kadar çevrilmiş ve yazılmış kitaplardan çok farklı bir bakış sunulmakta ve çok üst düzeyde analizler yapılmaktadır. Her bölümde, öğrenmenin temel kuramları açıklanırken bölümün sonunda kuramın öğrenme alanına getirdiği katkılar ve kuramla ilgili eleştiriler hatta zaman zaman kuramcının kendi kuramına yönelik eleştirileri de sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca, hemen akabinde her kurama farklı katkılar sağlayan diğer kişilerin görüşlerine de yer verilmektedir.
Yalnız eski kuramlara değil, öğrenmeye daha farklı bakışlar getiren yeni yaklaşımlara da bu kitapta yer verilmiştir.
Öğrenmenin Kuramları kitabı, öğrenme alanında büyük bir boşluğu dolduracak ve eğitim fakültelerinin bütün bölümlerinde lisans öğrencileri için; psikoloji bölümlerinde hem lisans, hem yüksek lisans, hem de doktora öğrencilerinin eğitimleri sırasında yararlanabilecekleri en temel kaynaklardan biri olacaktır.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)