Papers by Sevgi Dönmez Maç
The International Journal of Business and Management, 2011
Considering theoretical framework of Matten and Moon (2005, 2008) based on New Institutionalism a... more Considering theoretical framework of Matten and Moon (2005, 2008) based on New Institutionalism and National Business System Approach, this research studied “explicit” CSR policies and practices of automotive manufacturer companies in Turkey. It was seen that automotive manufacturer companies composing sample group of the research focused on community involvement and development, environment and consumer issues rather than labour practices in the content of CSR. Disclosed labour practices were mostly related to individualistic practices rather than collectivist elements.
This study aims to trace the evolution of philanthropy towards CSR and to reach an elucidating sc... more This study aims to trace the evolution of philanthropy towards CSR and to reach an elucidating scheme about the current context and contemporary practices in Turkey. The evolution of the concept of philanthropy is evaluated regarding the period of Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey, the development of the private sector, and finally the influence of globalization. Accordingly the paper concluded that the historical evolution of philanthropy in Turkey brings about a scheme in which corporate philanthropy and CSR perspectives coexist. The contemporary practices such as awarding, CSR reporting and the signing of CSR standards are claimed to be reflections of CSR perspective. On the other side, philanthropy carries on to be influential to some extent in a corporate character, in the practices of the companies.

Bu calismanin amaci, IK profesyonellerinin etik olmayan davranislarin ve etik ikilemlerin ustesin... more Bu calismanin amaci, IK profesyonellerinin etik olmayan davranislarin ve etik ikilemlerin ustesinden gelmesine destek olabilecek bir kaynak olarak IK egitimini tartismaktir. Makalede oncelikle, IK profesyonellerinin karsilasabilecegi etik disi durumlar ve etik ikilemler ana hatlariyla incelenmistir. Ardindan, daha insancil bir isyerinin gelistirilebilmesi icin IK egitimi kavramsal olarak tartisilmistir. Ucuncusu, Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu’nun IK ile iliskili mesleklere iliskin hazirladigi ulusal meslek standartlarinda mevcut olan bakis acisi ile lisans seviyesindeki IK egitiminde gecerli olan mevcut perspektif ana-akim ve etik/elestirel IK anlayislari baglaminda incelenmistir. Son olarak, calisma hayatina daha dengeli bir bakis acisi icin etik IK egitiminin katkilari tartisilmistir. IK egitimi veren bolumlerin ders planlarinin ve meslek standartlarinin degerlendirilmesinde icerik analizi yontemi kullanilmistir. Calismanin bulgulari hem ozel sektorun beklentilerinin hem de IK egitim...

Ethical HRM, along with mainstream and critical perspectives of HRM, is seen as a developing pers... more Ethical HRM, along with mainstream and critical perspectives of HRM, is seen as a developing perspective. Ethical analysis of HRM may take two forms considering whether HRM is ethical at macro level or HR practices are ethical at micro level. This paper reviews the theoretical perspectives and evaluates social responsibility within the ethics and HRM debates. Within the scope of main perspectives, the ethics of duty, fairness, justice, utility, liberty, virtue and care and within the scope of social responsibility, global compact and SA8000 social responsibility standard are analyzed. Ethics is described as practices of deining the reasons of right and wrong and moral studies (Bayrak Kök, 2012, p. 60). Business ethics, as the subset of ethics, reviews the ethical problems of business world and aims to develop rules to guide these behaviors (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 1994, p. 6). he incorporation of ethical analyses into human resource management (HRM) and industrial relations provides th...

Evolution of Traditional Philanthropy to Corporate Social Responsibility: The Overview of the Context and Practices in Turkey, 2019
This study aims to trace the evolution of philanthropy towards CSR and to reach an elucidating sc... more This study aims to trace the evolution of philanthropy towards CSR and to reach an elucidating scheme about the current context and contemporary practices in Turkey. The evolution of the philanthropy concept is evaluated regarding the period of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey, the development of the private sector, and finally the influence of globalization. Accordingly , the paper concluded that the historical evolution of philanthropy in Turkey brings about a scheme in which CSR perspective has been emerging. The contemporary practices such as awarding, CSR reporting and following of CSR standards are claimed to be reflections of CSR perspective. On the other side, philanthropy carries on to be influential to some extent in a corporate character, in the practices of the companies.
The aim of the paper is to highlight the factors affecting trade unions’ CSR understanding, polic... more The aim of the paper is to highlight the factors affecting trade unions’ CSR understanding, policies and engagement. The paper focuses on Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom The factors highlighted in the paper both reflect the theoretical frameworks of national business system and neo-institutionalist perspectives. It is also seen that agency and organizational factors are also effective.
─Abstract ─ Considering theoretical framework of Matten and Moon (2005, 2008) based on New Instit... more ─Abstract ─ Considering theoretical framework of Matten and Moon (2005, 2008) based on New Institutionalism and National Business System Approach, this research studied " explicit " CSR policies and practices of automotive manufacturer companies in Turkey. It was seen that automotive manufacturer companies composing sample group of the research focused on community involvement and development, environment and consumer issues rather than labour practices in the content of CSR. Disclosed labour practices were mostly related to individualistic practices rather than collectivist elements.
Ethical HRM, along with mainstream and critical perspectives of HRM, is seen
as a developing pers... more Ethical HRM, along with mainstream and critical perspectives of HRM, is seen
as a developing perspective. Ethical analysis of HRM may take two forms considering
whether HRM is ethical at macro level or HR practices are ethical at micro level. This paper
reviews the theoretical perspectives and evaluates social responsibility within the ethics
and HRM debates. Within the scope of main perspectives, the ethics of duty, fairness,
justice, utility, liberty, virtue and care and within the scope of social responsibility, global
compact and SA8000 social responsibility standard are analyzed.
Bilgi 21/2/2019 by Sevgi Dönmez Maç
This study aims to trace the evolution of philanthropy towards CSR and to reach an elucidating sc... more This study aims to trace the evolution of philanthropy towards CSR and to reach an elucidating scheme about the current context and contemporary practices in Turkey. The evolution of the philanthropy concept is evaluated regarding the period of the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Turkey, the development of the private sector, and finally the influence of globalization. Accordingly , the paper concluded that the historical evolution of philanthropy in Turkey brings about a scheme in which CSR perspective has been emerging. The contemporary practices such as awarding, CSR reporting and following of CSR standards are claimed to be reflections of CSR perspective. On the other side, philanthropy carries on to be influential to some extent in a corporate character, in the practices of the companies.
Papers by Sevgi Dönmez Maç
as a developing perspective. Ethical analysis of HRM may take two forms considering
whether HRM is ethical at macro level or HR practices are ethical at micro level. This paper
reviews the theoretical perspectives and evaluates social responsibility within the ethics
and HRM debates. Within the scope of main perspectives, the ethics of duty, fairness,
justice, utility, liberty, virtue and care and within the scope of social responsibility, global
compact and SA8000 social responsibility standard are analyzed.
Bilgi 21/2/2019 by Sevgi Dönmez Maç
as a developing perspective. Ethical analysis of HRM may take two forms considering
whether HRM is ethical at macro level or HR practices are ethical at micro level. This paper
reviews the theoretical perspectives and evaluates social responsibility within the ethics
and HRM debates. Within the scope of main perspectives, the ethics of duty, fairness,
justice, utility, liberty, virtue and care and within the scope of social responsibility, global
compact and SA8000 social responsibility standard are analyzed.