Öz Büyük ölçekli şirketlerde olduğu gibi, bu şirketlere fason üretim yapan orta ve küçük ölçekli ... more Öz Büyük ölçekli şirketlerde olduğu gibi, bu şirketlere fason üretim yapan orta ve küçük ölçekli işletmelerde de iş süreçleri yönetimi son derece önemlidir. Bu işletmelerin günümüzde varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri ve rekabet avantajını sağlayabilmeleri için üretim süreçlerini gözden geçirerek, çıktıyı arttıracak çalışmalar yürütebilmesi ve bunun sonucunda ürün teslim sürelerini daha kısa sürede gerçekleştirebilmeleri gerekmektedir. İmalat çevrim süresinin kısaltılması, fason üreticilerin pazar paylarında ve üretim kapasitelerinde artışa imkan sağlayacaktır. Bu avantajları elde edebilmek için, mevcut üretim sistemlerini detaylı bir şekilde analiz etmeleri ve sistemi iyi yönetebilmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, emniyet ve güvenlik sistemleri sektörüne fason imalat yapan bir firmada, emniyet kilidi üretim ve montaj süreçlerinde ortaya çıkan aksaklıklar ve gecikmeler tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Sürecin, hammaddenin sisteme girişi ve nihai ürün olarak çıkışına kadar simülasyonu oluşturulmuş ve tüm istasyonların sistemin çıktısına olan etkisi incelenmiş, darboğazlar tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda sistem üzerinde yapılan bazı değişiklikler ile çıktı miktarının artarak gecikmelerin azalabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2018
In a competitive environment, companies need to respond to customers faster. Knowing what custome... more In a competitive environment, companies need to respond to customers faster. Knowing what customers exactly want may enable firms to plan more accurately. Hence, synchronising demand and supply is important for order processing to achieve responsiveness. This study focuses on demand integration practices and is carried out at the office furniture factory. Considering the integration of customer and supply chain strategy, a web-based expert system (ES) is developed in this study. Moreover, database of enterprise resource planning (ERP) of factory is integrated to the web-based ES in order to take account of availability of materials and capacities. The developed ES captures the customers’ requirements in a consistent manner and compares them against the specifications of product inventory on hand. If there is a need, it evaluates factory capabilities in order to decide to manufacture or not according to the requested due date and then, it can generate new alternative due date when th...
Supplier evaluation is a significant work for a company in order to enhance productivity and prof... more Supplier evaluation is a significant work for a company in order to enhance productivity and profitably. When a well-managed supplier evaluation is developed, it has an important impact on the competitiveness of the entire supply chain. By examining the literature, it was seen that a great deal of papers are related to evaluation during new supplier selection process. However, there is the scarcity of studies to evaluate performance depending on the difficulty. The purpose of this paper is to focus on performance evaluation currently being worked with suppliers. In this context, it is investigated Enterprise Resource Planning usage in order to collect and track real-time data for supplier evaluation systems, especially examined small-to-medium-sized enterprises. With this in mind, this study conducts a questionnaire on the small-to-medium-sized enterprises. Subsequently, by referring to the results of this work, a new evaluation model with dynamic structure is developed with the uti...
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2020
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of lean criteria on leanness as well a... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of lean criteria on leanness as well as prioritize them, taking the relationships between dimensions into consideration for manufacturing enterprises.Design/methodology/approachThis study considers leanness over quality, cost, delivery and innovation (QCDI) performance dimensions. Twenty eight criteria related with these dimensions were determined that are focused on manufacturing organizations and then fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) approach was used to determine the influence value of each criterion on leanness.FindingsThe existing literature shows a lack of studies on systematically measuring the impact of lean criteria on leanness. To fill the gap, this paper presents a fuzzy ANP approach. Firstly interactions between the performance dimensions were configured. Then, according to the relationship, weights were obtained while taking the network structure that allows dynamic multidirectional relationships for interde...
Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science, 2018
Hazır giyim üretiminde giysilerin ana malzemesi olan kumaşın kalite düzeyi, müşteriye hatasız ürü... more Hazır giyim üretiminde giysilerin ana malzemesi olan kumaşın kalite düzeyi, müşteriye hatasız ürünlerin teslimi açısından oldukça önemlidir. Hatalı ürün müşteri kaybına sebep olabileceği gibi, eğer müşteriye teslim edilmeden önce tespit edilmişse de yeniden işlemenin getirdiği zaman ve işçilik kayıpları gibi üretim kayıplarına sebep olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, konfeksiyon üretimi yapan bir fabrikada kumaş kalitesine etki eden faktörler bulanık DEMATEL (The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Kullanılan yöntem ile bu faktörlerin birbirleri ile olan ilişkilerinin ortaya konulması ve kumaş kalitesi üzerindeki etki değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada DEMATEL tekniğinin bulanık küme teorisinden faydalanarak güçlendirilmesi ile uzmanların sahip oldukları bilgi ve tecrübelerinin ışığında yaptıkları dilsel değerlendirmelerin içerdiği belirsizliğin üstesinden gelinmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre, boyama işleminde kullanılan suyun sertliği faktörü, kaliteye etki eden en önemli faktör olarak belirlenmiştir.
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2014
Research and development (R&D) projects should be one of the main dimensions of universities for ... more Research and development (R&D) projects should be one of the main dimensions of universities for providing academic development. It is also a core performance indicator for monitoring and ranking universities. For these reasons, usually there are many projects submitted to the institutions that fund R&D projects. Funding institutions should evaluate the submitted projects in terms of multi-criteria and select the suitable ones among them. Therefore multi-criteria decision making techniques can be implemented as a useful tool for these kinds of problems. In this study an integrated approach which includes DEMATEL, ANP and TOPSIS methods is used for evaluating and ranking projects. The criteria are determined by taking the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institute's (TÜBİTAK) project selection procedures into consideration. DEMATEL method is used in order to detect the cause and effect interaction among main criteria. Then ANP method is implemented for calculating the weights of each criterion. Finally, TOPSIS method is applied for ranking the projects.
In today's competitive business environment, enterprises are facing tremendous pressure of custom... more In today's competitive business environment, enterprises are facing tremendous pressure of customers' various requests, demand responsiveness, and reducing cost. To meet with such expectations and to enhance the effectiveness of processes of enterprise, lean philosophy is one of the best initiatives. This paper proposes a model that assesses leanness out of four perspectives, three level structures of leanness criterion and twenty eight main criterions.
Tedarikçi seçimi, karlılık, büyüme ve artan küresel rekabet ortamında işletmeler açısından strate... more Tedarikçi seçimi, karlılık, büyüme ve artan küresel rekabet ortamında işletmeler açısından stratejik önem taşımaktadır. Tedarikçi seçim kararı, işletmede karar sahibi olan kişilerin grupça değerlendirmesi bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Ancak bu tür kararlar, niteliksel ve niceliksel birçok faktör ve birden fazla karar verici içerdiği için genellikle belirsiz ve karmaşıktır. Bu nedenle bulanık çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri bu sorunların çözümü için geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemler karar vericilerin tercihlerindeki belirsizliği ortaya koyup birçok kriteri aynı anda değerlendirir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biri olan bulanık TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions) yöntemi kullanılarak Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren bir mobilya fabrikasının tedarikçi seçimi incelenmiştir. Çalışma, bulanık TOPSIS yönteminin tedarikçi seçiminde etkin bir yöntem olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2009
Manufacturing enterprises need the ability to respond to rapid changes in the market more than ev... more Manufacturing enterprises need the ability to respond to rapid changes in the market more than ever before. Besides, they are forced to constantly modify their culture and internal organization structures because of change and intense competition in the market. This ...
To acquire a competitive advantage in the expanding market, manufacturing companies should be abl... more To acquire a competitive advantage in the expanding market, manufacturing companies should be able to manage their supply chain as much effective as possible. Measuring the supply chain performance is one of the main indicators of business success. Supply chain management (SCM) involves managing the flow of materials from suppliers to manufacturing units. This paper proposes a SCM model with performance measurement capabilities. The model is designed in such a way that it well suits to multi agent systems and related implementations. This paper highlights the components of the model especially pointing out the key parameters of performance indicators.
Manufacturing systems need to cope with marketing changes and dynamic events to remain competitiv... more Manufacturing systems need to cope with marketing changes and dynamic events to remain competitive environment. The heterogeneity of the environment makes the total management of manufacturing a complex problem. This indicates importance of manufacturing planning as it actively affects the overall manufacturing system. This paper describes a multi-agent based architecture for manufacturing planning. Decision making process is distributed among intelligent and autonomous agents. Such an approach allows easy overcoming of manufacturing planning problems. Coordination in the planning system is established through own behavior of the agents. This paper describes the general architecture and introduces respective planning agents. Note that, the proposed approach can promote integrated manufacturing environment which seems inevitable in the near future.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2009
Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the... more Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the best decisions in the shortest possible time. The ability to provide concurrency among manufacturing functions is a critical need for modern organizations as, especially, ...
Musteri memnuniyetini saglamak icin hatalari tespit etmek, ortadan kaldirmak veya en aza indirmek... more Musteri memnuniyetini saglamak icin hatalari tespit etmek, ortadan kaldirmak veya en aza indirmek onemlidir. Hata turu ve etkileri analizi (HTEA), kalite iyilestirme icin etkin bir arac olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu calismada; FMEA, orme surecinde bulanik TOPSIS kullanilarak gerceklestirilmistir. Bulanik mantigin gercek dunya problemlerindeki kesin olmayan enformasyonla ve belirsizlikle basa cikma becerisi nedeniyle, bulanik yaklasimi TOPSIS teknigine entegre edilerek kullanilmistir. Bu sekilde, hatalarin uzmanlar tarafindan dilsel degiskenler kullanilarak onceliklendirilmesi, yoneticilerin daha guclu oncelik siralamasina sahip en kritik olanlara odaklanmalarina olanak tanir.Bu calismada elde edilen sonuclara gore, merdane cekim hatasi, yag lekesi, olcu esitsizligi, tuse hatasi, kacik patlak, desen hatasi ve iplik kopmasi kritik hatalar olarak belirlenmistir. Bu hata turleri genellikle orgu makinesinin ayarlarinin dogru yapilmamasindan kaynaklanmaktadir. Bu hatalari gidermek icin; f...
Strategic planning in higher education institution is a systematic planning process designed to g... more Strategic planning in higher education institution is a systematic planning process designed to guide decisions about the improvement of education and training, research and development, and application and service processes. It also provides the allocation of financial and other resources, and the procurement of new resources. There are two fundamental regulations in Turkey which oblige universities to prepare strategic plans and set methods of preparation. These regulations have some points in common as well as differences. This paper aims to analyze these two approaches by addressing differences and similarities, and discuss jointly applicability of them. Preparing reports according to both DPT K models causes trouble in practice for universities. Therefore, a single model to be prepared jointly by relevant ministries and the Council of Higher Education should be formed instead of implementation two distinctive models. This integrated model also facilitates benchmarking by determining common targets and indicators for higher education institutions.
Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the best... more Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the best decisions in the shortest possible time. The ability to provide concurrency among manufacturing functions is a critical need for modern organizations as, especially, distributed environment requires synchronization of manufacturing functions. Moreover, manufacturing companies need to have strong capability of adaptation (agility) mainly because of the dynamic relationships that must be established between manufacturing units. To achieve these, there is a need for an integrated manufacturing system that will handle all interactions and interrelationships which will then be affected by the changes and create maximum gain under limited resources. In order to create and effectively manage such an integrated manufacturing system there is a need for a reference model. In this paper, such a reference model called REference Model for intelligent Integrated Manufacturing System (REMIMS) is introduced. REMIMS has hierarchical architecture with several agents responsible for different manufacturing functions. To facilitate REMIMS and allow interaction among the agents to share their knowledge, a specific knowledge exchange protocol in a knowledge network is being developed.
Öz Büyük ölçekli şirketlerde olduğu gibi, bu şirketlere fason üretim yapan orta ve küçük ölçekli ... more Öz Büyük ölçekli şirketlerde olduğu gibi, bu şirketlere fason üretim yapan orta ve küçük ölçekli işletmelerde de iş süreçleri yönetimi son derece önemlidir. Bu işletmelerin günümüzde varlıklarını sürdürebilmeleri ve rekabet avantajını sağlayabilmeleri için üretim süreçlerini gözden geçirerek, çıktıyı arttıracak çalışmalar yürütebilmesi ve bunun sonucunda ürün teslim sürelerini daha kısa sürede gerçekleştirebilmeleri gerekmektedir. İmalat çevrim süresinin kısaltılması, fason üreticilerin pazar paylarında ve üretim kapasitelerinde artışa imkan sağlayacaktır. Bu avantajları elde edebilmek için, mevcut üretim sistemlerini detaylı bir şekilde analiz etmeleri ve sistemi iyi yönetebilmeleri gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, emniyet ve güvenlik sistemleri sektörüne fason imalat yapan bir firmada, emniyet kilidi üretim ve montaj süreçlerinde ortaya çıkan aksaklıklar ve gecikmeler tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Sürecin, hammaddenin sisteme girişi ve nihai ürün olarak çıkışına kadar simülasyonu oluşturulmuş ve tüm istasyonların sistemin çıktısına olan etkisi incelenmiş, darboğazlar tespit edilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda sistem üzerinde yapılan bazı değişiklikler ile çıktı miktarının artarak gecikmelerin azalabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2018
In a competitive environment, companies need to respond to customers faster. Knowing what custome... more In a competitive environment, companies need to respond to customers faster. Knowing what customers exactly want may enable firms to plan more accurately. Hence, synchronising demand and supply is important for order processing to achieve responsiveness. This study focuses on demand integration practices and is carried out at the office furniture factory. Considering the integration of customer and supply chain strategy, a web-based expert system (ES) is developed in this study. Moreover, database of enterprise resource planning (ERP) of factory is integrated to the web-based ES in order to take account of availability of materials and capacities. The developed ES captures the customers’ requirements in a consistent manner and compares them against the specifications of product inventory on hand. If there is a need, it evaluates factory capabilities in order to decide to manufacture or not according to the requested due date and then, it can generate new alternative due date when th...
Supplier evaluation is a significant work for a company in order to enhance productivity and prof... more Supplier evaluation is a significant work for a company in order to enhance productivity and profitably. When a well-managed supplier evaluation is developed, it has an important impact on the competitiveness of the entire supply chain. By examining the literature, it was seen that a great deal of papers are related to evaluation during new supplier selection process. However, there is the scarcity of studies to evaluate performance depending on the difficulty. The purpose of this paper is to focus on performance evaluation currently being worked with suppliers. In this context, it is investigated Enterprise Resource Planning usage in order to collect and track real-time data for supplier evaluation systems, especially examined small-to-medium-sized enterprises. With this in mind, this study conducts a questionnaire on the small-to-medium-sized enterprises. Subsequently, by referring to the results of this work, a new evaluation model with dynamic structure is developed with the uti...
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2020
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of lean criteria on leanness as well a... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact of lean criteria on leanness as well as prioritize them, taking the relationships between dimensions into consideration for manufacturing enterprises.Design/methodology/approachThis study considers leanness over quality, cost, delivery and innovation (QCDI) performance dimensions. Twenty eight criteria related with these dimensions were determined that are focused on manufacturing organizations and then fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) approach was used to determine the influence value of each criterion on leanness.FindingsThe existing literature shows a lack of studies on systematically measuring the impact of lean criteria on leanness. To fill the gap, this paper presents a fuzzy ANP approach. Firstly interactions between the performance dimensions were configured. Then, according to the relationship, weights were obtained while taking the network structure that allows dynamic multidirectional relationships for interde...
Academic Platform Journal of Engineering and Science, 2018
Hazır giyim üretiminde giysilerin ana malzemesi olan kumaşın kalite düzeyi, müşteriye hatasız ürü... more Hazır giyim üretiminde giysilerin ana malzemesi olan kumaşın kalite düzeyi, müşteriye hatasız ürünlerin teslimi açısından oldukça önemlidir. Hatalı ürün müşteri kaybına sebep olabileceği gibi, eğer müşteriye teslim edilmeden önce tespit edilmişse de yeniden işlemenin getirdiği zaman ve işçilik kayıpları gibi üretim kayıplarına sebep olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada, konfeksiyon üretimi yapan bir fabrikada kumaş kalitesine etki eden faktörler bulanık DEMATEL (The Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory) tekniği ile analiz edilmiştir. Kullanılan yöntem ile bu faktörlerin birbirleri ile olan ilişkilerinin ortaya konulması ve kumaş kalitesi üzerindeki etki değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada DEMATEL tekniğinin bulanık küme teorisinden faydalanarak güçlendirilmesi ile uzmanların sahip oldukları bilgi ve tecrübelerinin ışığında yaptıkları dilsel değerlendirmelerin içerdiği belirsizliğin üstesinden gelinmiştir. Yapılan çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlara göre, boyama işleminde kullanılan suyun sertliği faktörü, kaliteye etki eden en önemli faktör olarak belirlenmiştir.
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2014
Research and development (R&D) projects should be one of the main dimensions of universities for ... more Research and development (R&D) projects should be one of the main dimensions of universities for providing academic development. It is also a core performance indicator for monitoring and ranking universities. For these reasons, usually there are many projects submitted to the institutions that fund R&D projects. Funding institutions should evaluate the submitted projects in terms of multi-criteria and select the suitable ones among them. Therefore multi-criteria decision making techniques can be implemented as a useful tool for these kinds of problems. In this study an integrated approach which includes DEMATEL, ANP and TOPSIS methods is used for evaluating and ranking projects. The criteria are determined by taking the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institute's (TÜBİTAK) project selection procedures into consideration. DEMATEL method is used in order to detect the cause and effect interaction among main criteria. Then ANP method is implemented for calculating the weights of each criterion. Finally, TOPSIS method is applied for ranking the projects.
In today's competitive business environment, enterprises are facing tremendous pressure of custom... more In today's competitive business environment, enterprises are facing tremendous pressure of customers' various requests, demand responsiveness, and reducing cost. To meet with such expectations and to enhance the effectiveness of processes of enterprise, lean philosophy is one of the best initiatives. This paper proposes a model that assesses leanness out of four perspectives, three level structures of leanness criterion and twenty eight main criterions.
Tedarikçi seçimi, karlılık, büyüme ve artan küresel rekabet ortamında işletmeler açısından strate... more Tedarikçi seçimi, karlılık, büyüme ve artan küresel rekabet ortamında işletmeler açısından stratejik önem taşımaktadır. Tedarikçi seçim kararı, işletmede karar sahibi olan kişilerin grupça değerlendirmesi bakımından oldukça önemlidir. Ancak bu tür kararlar, niteliksel ve niceliksel birçok faktör ve birden fazla karar verici içerdiği için genellikle belirsiz ve karmaşıktır. Bu nedenle bulanık çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri bu sorunların çözümü için geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemler karar vericilerin tercihlerindeki belirsizliği ortaya koyup birçok kriteri aynı anda değerlendirir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biri olan bulanık TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions) yöntemi kullanılarak Türkiye'de faaliyet gösteren bir mobilya fabrikasının tedarikçi seçimi incelenmiştir. Çalışma, bulanık TOPSIS yönteminin tedarikçi seçiminde etkin bir yöntem olarak kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir.
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 2009
Manufacturing enterprises need the ability to respond to rapid changes in the market more than ev... more Manufacturing enterprises need the ability to respond to rapid changes in the market more than ever before. Besides, they are forced to constantly modify their culture and internal organization structures because of change and intense competition in the market. This ...
To acquire a competitive advantage in the expanding market, manufacturing companies should be abl... more To acquire a competitive advantage in the expanding market, manufacturing companies should be able to manage their supply chain as much effective as possible. Measuring the supply chain performance is one of the main indicators of business success. Supply chain management (SCM) involves managing the flow of materials from suppliers to manufacturing units. This paper proposes a SCM model with performance measurement capabilities. The model is designed in such a way that it well suits to multi agent systems and related implementations. This paper highlights the components of the model especially pointing out the key parameters of performance indicators.
Manufacturing systems need to cope with marketing changes and dynamic events to remain competitiv... more Manufacturing systems need to cope with marketing changes and dynamic events to remain competitive environment. The heterogeneity of the environment makes the total management of manufacturing a complex problem. This indicates importance of manufacturing planning as it actively affects the overall manufacturing system. This paper describes a multi-agent based architecture for manufacturing planning. Decision making process is distributed among intelligent and autonomous agents. Such an approach allows easy overcoming of manufacturing planning problems. Coordination in the planning system is established through own behavior of the agents. This paper describes the general architecture and introduces respective planning agents. Note that, the proposed approach can promote integrated manufacturing environment which seems inevitable in the near future.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2009
Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the... more Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the best decisions in the shortest possible time. The ability to provide concurrency among manufacturing functions is a critical need for modern organizations as, especially, ...
Musteri memnuniyetini saglamak icin hatalari tespit etmek, ortadan kaldirmak veya en aza indirmek... more Musteri memnuniyetini saglamak icin hatalari tespit etmek, ortadan kaldirmak veya en aza indirmek onemlidir. Hata turu ve etkileri analizi (HTEA), kalite iyilestirme icin etkin bir arac olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu calismada; FMEA, orme surecinde bulanik TOPSIS kullanilarak gerceklestirilmistir. Bulanik mantigin gercek dunya problemlerindeki kesin olmayan enformasyonla ve belirsizlikle basa cikma becerisi nedeniyle, bulanik yaklasimi TOPSIS teknigine entegre edilerek kullanilmistir. Bu sekilde, hatalarin uzmanlar tarafindan dilsel degiskenler kullanilarak onceliklendirilmesi, yoneticilerin daha guclu oncelik siralamasina sahip en kritik olanlara odaklanmalarina olanak tanir.Bu calismada elde edilen sonuclara gore, merdane cekim hatasi, yag lekesi, olcu esitsizligi, tuse hatasi, kacik patlak, desen hatasi ve iplik kopmasi kritik hatalar olarak belirlenmistir. Bu hata turleri genellikle orgu makinesinin ayarlarinin dogru yapilmamasindan kaynaklanmaktadir. Bu hatalari gidermek icin; f...
Strategic planning in higher education institution is a systematic planning process designed to g... more Strategic planning in higher education institution is a systematic planning process designed to guide decisions about the improvement of education and training, research and development, and application and service processes. It also provides the allocation of financial and other resources, and the procurement of new resources. There are two fundamental regulations in Turkey which oblige universities to prepare strategic plans and set methods of preparation. These regulations have some points in common as well as differences. This paper aims to analyze these two approaches by addressing differences and similarities, and discuss jointly applicability of them. Preparing reports according to both DPT K models causes trouble in practice for universities. Therefore, a single model to be prepared jointly by relevant ministries and the Council of Higher Education should be formed instead of implementation two distinctive models. This integrated model also facilitates benchmarking by determining common targets and indicators for higher education institutions.
Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the best... more Today's highly competitive business environment forces the managers to continuously make the best decisions in the shortest possible time. The ability to provide concurrency among manufacturing functions is a critical need for modern organizations as, especially, distributed environment requires synchronization of manufacturing functions. Moreover, manufacturing companies need to have strong capability of adaptation (agility) mainly because of the dynamic relationships that must be established between manufacturing units. To achieve these, there is a need for an integrated manufacturing system that will handle all interactions and interrelationships which will then be affected by the changes and create maximum gain under limited resources. In order to create and effectively manage such an integrated manufacturing system there is a need for a reference model. In this paper, such a reference model called REference Model for intelligent Integrated Manufacturing System (REMIMS) is introduced. REMIMS has hierarchical architecture with several agents responsible for different manufacturing functions. To facilitate REMIMS and allow interaction among the agents to share their knowledge, a specific knowledge exchange protocol in a knowledge network is being developed.
Papers by Esra Tekez