Papers by Nuryadina Augus Rini

Advances in economics, business and management research, 2023
This study aims to 1) analyze local residents' perceptions of tourism activities in the Baturrade... more This study aims to 1) analyze local residents' perceptions of tourism activities in the Baturraden tourism area from economic, social and environmental aspects, and 2) propose programs that need to be undertaken by Penta Helix. This study employs quantitative analysis with a survey method. Questionnaires were distributed to as many as 69 respondents who were local residents. The results of the study indicate that the local population's perception of tourism activities is good. Yet, field observations found various obstacles dominated by the economic sector, including mentoring and coaching for business actors, business education and training for MSMEs, job opportunities for local communities, prices of goods and local community welfare. The implications of this study are 1) a survey on local residents' perceptions of tourism activities is conducted regularly every 6 months; 2) immediately responds to follow-up any complains by local residents; 3) the importance of developing a blueprint for Sustainable Tourism in the Baturraden Tourism Area; 4) collaboration between the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) with the Office of Manpower, Cooperatives, and UMKM (DisnakerKopUMKM) it is important to increase the involvement of local communities in tourism area management activities; 5) all stakeholders supervise each other with regular tests to monitor river water quality; 6) the importance of special attention related to building permits and regulations related to the environment.
Analisa Layanan Pemesanan Makanan Menggunakan Aplikasi Burger King Indonesia Di Restoran Fast Food Burger King Salemba
Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, Jun 29, 2024

Global Research on Tourism Development and Advancement, Jan 10, 2020
Indonesia is an archipelago with nature wealth and cultural d iversity . The tourism sector has b... more Indonesia is an archipelago with nature wealth and cultural d iversity . The tourism sector has become a principal source of inco me tourism in Jakarta. The tourists who come to Jakarta is expected to not only interested in natural beauty, the unique nature, but also interested in its culinary. Specialty culinary in Jakarta are Kerak Telur (Crust Eggs). The purpose of this research is to find the attitudes and perception of tourists in selecting Kerak Telu r. These factors can be seen in terms of products, the price, pro motion, place, services, the process, and suggestions physical. The research was conducted in DKI Jakarta during one years by using quantitative and qualitative methods. The use of quantitative method was the quantitative instruments and a qualitative method was used to describe and exp lain why tourists select Kerak Telur (Crust Eggs) in Jakarta detail. Fro m this research result, it was known that some factors influencing the tourist in interest in buying Kerak Telur (Crust Egg) partially was the location, the process and people, but simultaneously the products, the price, the promotion, the location, the process, physical means, and people have a great influence to buy Kerak Telur (Crust Eggs ).

Perilaku Berwisata Wisatawan Generasi Milenial DI Jakarta Pada Era Revolusi Industri 4.0
Millennial generation is predicted to become the main market in the next 5-10 years. This generat... more Millennial generation is predicted to become the main market in the next 5-10 years. This generation has social characteristics that are relatively different from previous generations, mainly because they grew and developed in the technological era. Information related to Millennials' habits in traveling (pre-trip, during travel, and after travel), is now very important for the tourism industry to determine the right marketing strategy. This study aims to identify the behavior of millennial tourists visiting, especially in the 4.0 revolution era. The sample of this research is Millennial generation (teenagers) born between 1981 and 2000 and living in Jakarta. The approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative, while the data analysis method used is the method of data triangulation and source triangulation (interviews, literature studies and questionnaires). The study found that the characteristics of millennial generation tourists on a trip tended to be very "dep...

Global Research on Tourism Development and Advancement
Hotel adalah sarana tempat menginap bagi beberapa orang yang sedang berkunjung ke suatu tempat. K... more Hotel adalah sarana tempat menginap bagi beberapa orang yang sedang berkunjung ke suatu tempat. Kunjungan mereka memiliki tujuan tertentu yang pada umumnya untuk urusan bisnis atau berlibur. Alasan beberapa orang memilih hotel sebagai tempat menginap sementara karena mimiliki fasilitas yang tamu inginkan, dan mengharapkan pelayanan yang baik yang mereka ingin dapatkan. Salah satu departemen yang memberikan pelayanan disaat pertama kali masuk di ruang lobby adalah departemen Front Office. Departemen FO memberikan pelayanan yang lengkap bagi tamu yang datang. Sejak memasuki ruang lobby, tamu akan mendapatkan pelayanan reservasi, informasi, telephone operator, concierge bertugas melayani tamu dan barang-barang yang dibawa, dan kasir. Tamu akan lebih banyak berinteraksi dengan karyawan front desk, sehingga karyawan front desk perlu membangun interaksi yang baik melalui komunikasi. Komunikasi yang baik dan sopan menjadi daya tarik tamu untuk datang menginap berulang di lain waktu. Namun ...

International Journal of Travel, Hospitality and Events
Purpose: This research has some purposes in communication for Tour Guide. Tour guide are defined ... more Purpose: This research has some purposes in communication for Tour Guide. Tour guide are defined as someone who leads tour groups organized for a brief period and a long period of time. The duty of tour guide is building an effective communication with tourists using many different languages. Tour guide is someone who will accompany tourist, inform, and advice someone / a group of travelers who was travelling tours for getting information about tourist attractions to be visited. Research methods: The methods used in this research is qualitative research. Researcher chooses stages of research starting from composing the research phase, choosing the field, take care of entreaty research, choosing and using information, and preparing supplies for research. Results and discussion: A tour guide should have the capacity to deal with a problem on assignments wisely and using a persuasive approach to visitors to communicate with tourists using simple language simple and combine some languag...
Kualitas Pelayanan Mempengaruhi Jumlah Kunjungan Tamu DI Restoran Nom Nom Nom
Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, Feb 20, 2020
Pemanfaatan Tepung Ubi Ungu Sebagai Substitusi Tepung Beras Untuk Pembuatan Kue Kembang Goyang
Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, Jun 30, 2019

Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Kue Pancong DI Jakarta
Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has very rich natural wealth and cultural div... more Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has very rich natural wealth and cultural diversity from Sabang to Merauke with different ethnic, tribal, and social life backgrounds. Traditional foods is one of the products of cultural variety in Indonesia. Indonesia also have many various beautiful traditional foods of which are supported by the diversity of food material. Hundreds of ethnic groups scattered almost in thousands of islands have their own regional specialties. So it is appropriate to state that Indonesian cuisine is an invaluable wealth. Jakarta is outstanding with typical food of betawi, rich in taste, where people betawi style is an aboriginal tribes of the area. But with the increasing number of modern food appears , so the level of consumption of against some traditional foods being declined. Marketing strategy is the process of recognizing markets, research needs markets, and develop products, price, and promotion. Marketing strategies aims to attract and re...

Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, Oct 18, 2018
Perkampungan Betawi Setu Babakan adalah sebuah kawasan perkampungan betawi yang lingkungan alam d... more Perkampungan Betawi Setu Babakan adalah sebuah kawasan perkampungan betawi yang lingkungan alam dan budayanya yang masih terjaga secara baik. Wisatawan yang berkunjung ke kawasan cagar budaya ini akan disuguhi panorama pepohonan rindang yang akan menambah suasana sejuk dan tenang ketika memasukinya. Di kanan kiri jalan utama, pengunjung juga dapat melihat rumah-rumah panggung berarsitektur khas Betawi yang masih dipertahankan keasliannya.Yang tak kalah menarik, di perkampungan ini juga banyak terdapat warung yang banyak menjajakan makanan-makanan khas Betawi, seperti ketoprak, ketupat , kerak telor, ketupat sayur, bakso, laksa, arum manis, soto betawi, mie ayam, soto mie, roti buaya, nasi uduk, dodol betawi,kue apem, toge goreng, tahu gejrot, bir pletok,es potong, es goyang es duren,es kelapa muda, cincau.Wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Setu Babakan juga dapat menyaksikan pagelaran seni budaya Betawi, antara lain tari cokek, tari topeng, kasidah, marawis, seni gambus, lenong, tanjidor...
Papers by Nuryadina Augus Rini