Papers by FX S E T I Y O Wibowo

Proceedings of the 1st International Hospitality, Travel and Event Conference (IHTREC 2023), 2023
This study aims to 1) analyze local residents' perceptions of tourism activities in the Baturrade... more This study aims to 1) analyze local residents' perceptions of tourism activities in the Baturraden tourism area from economic, social and environmental aspects, and 2) propose programs that need to be undertaken by Penta Helix. This study employs quantitative analysis with a survey method. Questionnaires were distributed to as many as 69 respondents who were local residents. The results of the study indicate that the local population's perception of tourism activities is good. Yet, field observations found various obstacles dominated by the economic sector, including mentoring and coaching for business actors, business education and training for MSMEs, job opportunities for local communities, prices of goods and local community welfare. The implications of this study are 1) a survey on local residents' perceptions of tourism activities is conducted regularly every 6 months; 2) immediately responds to follow-up any complains by local residents; 3) the importance of developing a blueprint for Sustainable Tourism in the Baturraden Tourism Area; 4) collaboration between the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) with the Office of Manpower, Cooperatives, and UMKM (DisnakerKopUMKM) it is important to increase the involvement of local communities in tourism area management activities; 5) all stakeholders supervise each other with regular tests to monitor river water quality; 6) the importance of special attention related to building permits and regulations related to the environment.

Proceedings of the 1st International Hospitality, Travel and Event Conference (IHTREC 2023), 2023
This study aims to 1) analyze Penta Helix's perceptions of Local Culture Management in the Baturr... more This study aims to 1) analyze Penta Helix's perceptions of Local Culture Management in the Baturraden Tourism Area, and 2) formulate fundamental programs run by Penta Helix. This study uses quantitative analysis with an investigative approach in the form of a survey method. The research instrument was a questionnaire designed using a Likert scale of 1 (strongly disagree)-5 (strongly agree) consisting of 7 statements which were distributed to 300 respondents on a web-based (online) and self-administered (paper-based). Respondents are Penta Helix including academia, business, community, government, and media. The results of the study indicate that Penta Helix's perception of local cultural management in the Baturraden tourism area is good. However, various problems were found including the extinction of several arts and cultures, the synergy between Penta Helix has not yet been established, and the local culture has not yet been managed commercially. The implications of this study are urgently required of 1) teamwork between the private sector and the community to organize cultural attractions on a regular basis; 2) contribution between the private sector and the media in promoting and marketing local cultural attractions as tourist attractions; 3) cooperation between the Government and the private sector in the management of cultural attraction destinations commercially and professionally; 4) collaboration between the Government, the private sector and academics in regeneration and education programs for students and lecturers through research and community service; 5) synergy between the Government and Academics and the Community to provide scholarships for cultural actors.

International Journal of Travel, Hospitality and Events, 2023
This study aims to explore consumption behavior both Gen Y and Gen Z towards ready-to-drink coffe... more This study aims to explore consumption behavior both Gen Y and Gen Z towards ready-to-drink coffee in Indonesia. Research methods: This study is a survey research with quantitative method. The survey was conducted on 200 respondents employing online media by delivering electronic questionnaire consisting of 16 questions related to coffee consumption behavior and 6 demographic questions. Results and discussion : Generations Y and Z like cold brewed coffee, prefer to drink coffee at coffee shops while socializing, buy coffee with the highest price range of IDR 20,000-29,000, often use delivery service by ordering through the app. Implication: it is appropriate for coffee shop owners to carry out a marketing mix (4P) i.e. product, promotion, price and place (distribution mix) with reference to the consumption behavior of coffee from them, so that the sustainability of the ready-to-drink coffee business can be achieved.

VI International Gastronomy Tourism Studies Congress, 2022
This longitudinal study seeks to explore the intentions of community in college to open new
busi... more This longitudinal study seeks to explore the intentions of community in college to open new
businesses in local food during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was
conducted on students, lecturers and university employees who have participated in
entrepreneurship online webinars on culinary business management that were held in May
and June 2020. Questionnaires were delivered to the webinar participants via online media
and filled out by 200 participants regarding their intentions to open a new business.
Furthermore, in June 2022 a survey was organized via email to confirm how many new
businesses have been opened, 17 respondents answered and 8 new businesses have been
opened. The ratio of the formation of new business from academics during and after the
pandemic is 8: 200 or 1:25. It could be interpreted that there are 4% of new entrepreneurs
from 200 online webinar participants organized by universities

Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2022
The study aims to test three variables that are estimated to have powerful performances in sustai... more The study aims to test three variables that are estimated to have powerful performances in sustainable destination management (SDM), i.e., destination management (DM), Panginyongan local culture (PLC), and sustainable tourism (ST). The perceptions of 300 respondents consisting of residents, visitors, private sector, academics, media, and government, were then analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). As a result, DM is significant to ST; PLC is significant to ST; DM is not significant to SDM; PLC is significant for SDM; DM and PLC simultaneously with ST mediation are significant for SDM. The scope of implementation of this study's outcome is for the tourist area manager. The study's novelty is developing an SEM of SDM in the Baturraden tourist area through three variables, i.e., DM, PLC, and ST. The finding that DM is not significant to SDM, however, if applied simultaneously between DM and PLC and mediated by ST, will have a significant effect. In conclusion, some indicators that need to be improved encompass strengthening the function of the management body, the application of the CHSE protocol, the local community's sense of belonging to the local culture, zoning planning and monitoring of tourism activities, and stakeholder complicity in the management of tourist areas. The study's scientific contribution is that, if the two theories are linked, i.e., destination management and sustainable tourism, it will initiate the framework of sustainable destination management

Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal) : Humanities and Social Sciences, 2022
The objective of this research is to determine the impact of stakeholder orientation, strategic c... more The objective of this research is to determine the impact of stakeholder orientation, strategic capability, and shared value creation on the competitiveness of cultural tourist destinations. This study was carried out in order to improve the competitiveness of Banten, which has many cultural advantages but has not been fully utilized. This study employs quantitative methods, such as the analysis of structural equation models (SEM), which are supplemented by qualitative data. This research was performed out by distributing electronic questionnaires to 321 respondents from 8 districts and cities, including tourism officials, tour guide associations, tourism pioneer groups, tourism stakeholder’s social media groups, youth groups, and creative entrepreneur’s associations. In addition, focus group discussions with stakeholders were held to balance and strengthen the data collected. According to the results of the concurrent tests, Orientation Stakeholder (OS), Strategic Capabilities (KS), and Shared Value Creation (PNB) all contribute significantly to the competitiveness of cultural tourist destination variables. Remarkably, partial tests revealed that the variety of OS and KS has no effect on the competitiveness variables of cultural tourist destinations (DS). This implies that the indicators of OS, KS, and PNB should be improved in the future, particularly the variable of shared value creation (PNB), which plays an essential role.

Current Issues in Tourism, Gastronomy, and Tourist Destination Research, 2022
This study aims to determine the role of stakeholder orientation, strategic capability, and joint... more This study aims to determine the role of stakeholder orientation, strategic capability, and joint value creation on the competitiveness of Banten’s cultural tourism destinations. This research is located in Banten Province, Indonesia. This research was conducted by distributing electronic questionnaires to 321 respondents. Furthermore, focus group discussions among stakeholders were conducted to balance and strengthen the data collected. The findings of the test results indicate that Stakeholder Orientation (OS), Strategic Capabilities (KS), and Shared Value Creation
(PNB) have a significant role in the competitiveness variable of cultural tourism destinations. The results of the partial test found that the diversity of OS and KS was not significant for the competitiveness variable of cultural tourism destinations (DS). This means that in the future the OS, KS, and GNP indicators must be improved, especially the shared value creation (PNB) variable which has the biggest role.

Proceedings the 5thInternational Conferences on Cultural Studies, Udayana UniversityTowards the Development of Trans-Disciplinary Research Collaboration in the Era of Global Disruption, 2019
This study aims to find out local culinary products and their marketing in Iwul Village, Bogor an... more This study aims to find out local culinary products and their marketing in Iwul Village, Bogor and to innovate and to market local-based culinary products in Iwul Village, Bogor. The method used in this study is Qualitative Descriptive with the analysis unit is a business based on tempeh, tofu and catfish in Iwul Village. The analytical method used is triangulation technique consisting of interviews, observations and secondary data. This research was conducted from Fabruary to July 2019 in Iwul Village, Kec. Parung, Bogor, West Java. The results obtained are 1) local-based culinary products in Iwul Village are tofu, tempeh and fresh catfish, while the marketing carried out still uses a conventional system, where buyers and sellers meet and some have used social media namely whats app and face book; 2) while the innovations carried out are innovating culinary products made from tempeh, tofu and catfish, namely cassava donuts, cassava balls, soybean jelly milk, dragon feet oncom, tempe katsu, tofu pudding and wonton catfish (dimsum), as for marketing is to use Instagram social media and register it on the online store.

International Conference on Hospitality and Tourism Studies (Iconhosts) , 2021
The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on entrepreneurial intention; economic recessions became ... more The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on entrepreneurial intention; economic recessions became an obstacle to the creation of new venture. But in practice, there is a desire to promote the social development of entrepreneurial spirit towards community. This research aims to explore entrepreneurial intention of entrepreneurship webinar participants for tourism and hospitality during the Covid-19 pandemic. The survey was done after four consecutive national webinar series in May and June 2020. It was conducted to the participants of all four webinars with a total of 142 respondents by using google form which was delivered before the webinar ended. Some of the participants consisted of students, lecturers and teachers, but there were also entrepreneurs, housewives, civil servants, and private workers from Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, even from other provinces in Indonesia. The survey results showed that 3.5% of the 113 respondents answered (very unconvinced) and 2.7% (unsure) if there were culinary business opportunities during the pandemic, the rest were (confident) and (very confident) in the second series webinar. Furthermore, 31% of the 29 respondents at the third series webinar stated (still thinking) and the remaining 69% stated (yes) intend to open a business after attending a webinar about entrepreneurship in the field of tourism and hospitality. The conclusion is that webinars play a role in stimulating the entrepreneurial intention of webinar participants compared to the economic recession situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat dengan tema "Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi yang Berkesinambungan dan Beroriantasi Layanan", 2021
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi kegiatan KKN di Kecamatan Tebas, Kabupatan Sambas, Kalima... more Penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi kegiatan KKN di Kecamatan Tebas, Kabupatan Sambas, Kalimantan Barat yang dilaksanakan oleh lintas Perguruan Tinggi Swasta di Wilayah III Jakarta. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada Bulan Maret 2019 selama 14 hari yang meliputi bidang pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah 1) pemetaan masalah meliputi aspek SDM, aspek inovasi produk, aspek teknologi dan aspek kelembagaan; 2) pemecahan masalah bidang pariwisata oleh Tim KKN Politeknik Sahid dan Universitas Budi Luhur dan pemecahan masalah bidang ekonomi dan kreatif oleh Tim KKN Universitas Mercu Buana, Universitas Krisnadwipayana dan Politeknik Manufaktur Astra. Temuannya adalah kolaborasi yang sangat kuat baik antar perguruan tinggi sebagai tim KKN maupun antar tim KKN dengan lembaga pemerintahan dan masyarakat di Kecamatan Tebas.

Tourism Research Journal, 2020
The study with aims of finding out the solving method for problems in tematic tourist village of ... more The study with aims of finding out the solving method for problems in tematic tourist village of Mulyaharja and designing the development of thematic touris village model based on community empowerment approach. This study is qualitative with action research method. Having five respondents i.e chief of village office, secretary of village office, manager of thematic tourist village, leader of mature farmer group and chief of youth group organization. This study was undertaken in February, 2018 to September, 2019. The generated outcomes are a solving problem method as solving steps chart which consist of explanation of problem, solving and progress report each aspect, those are institutional, vision, activity, amenities, accesbility and entrepreneuship aspect. Furthermore, the model designed for development of thematic tourist village based on community empowerment is a circle with series of steps of eleven steps which connected each other and continuity. The series of steps are 1) choosing the candidate of partner village; 2) deciding the category of tourist village; 3) executing the MoU; 4) determining the program targets; 5) identifying the potentials of tourist village; 6) managing the empowerment programs; 7) implementing the assistance programs; 8) directing the college resources; 9) promoting the outcome of program; 10) evaluating the program and 11) mapping the stakeholder based on their proactive involvements. Abstrak Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menemukan metode pemecahan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Kampung Tematik Mulyaharja dan untuk mendesain model pengembangan kampung tematik berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan. Informan kunci adalah lurah, sekretaris lurah, ketua kelompok tani dewasa dan ketua karangtaruna kelurahan Mulyaharja. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sejak bulan Februari 2018 sampai dengan bulan September 2019. Hasil penelitian adalah sebuah diagram pemecahan masalah yang terdiri dari penjelasan permasalahan, pemecahan dan laporan kemajuan tiap aspek meliputi visi, kegiatan, amenitas, aksesbilitas dan kewirausahaan. Adapun model pengembangan kampung tematik adalah serangkaian langkah dengan sebuah lingkaran yang terdiri dari sebelas langkah yang saling terkoneksi satu sama lain dan berkelanjutan. Tahapan tersebut meliputi 1) menentukan calon desa yang akan diajak kerjasama; 2) menentukan kategori desa wisata yang telah dipilih; 3) membuat MoU; 4) menentukan sasaran program; 5) mengidentifikasi potensi desa wisata; 6) melaksanakan program pemberdayaan; 7) mengimplementasikan program pendampingan; 8) mengarahkan sumber daya perguruan tinggi; 9) mempromosikan hasil program; 10) mengevaluasi program dan 11) memetakan stakeholder berdasarkan keterlibatan aktif mereka dalam program. Kata Kunci: pengembangan; kampung tematik, berbasis pemberdayaan masyarakat

Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 32(4), 1-12., 2019
Aims: Knowing the intentions and motivations that affect students in doing entrepreneurship durin... more Aims: Knowing the intentions and motivations that affect students in doing entrepreneurship during college. Study Design: Descriptive. Place and Duration of Study: Sahid Institute of Tourism, Pondok Cabe, Tangerang, between February 2018 and July 2018. Methodology: The resource persons were students of Sahid Institute of Tourism who already had businesses and numbered 18 people, consisting of 11 men and 7 women, with an average age of 21-29 years, from the hotels department of 12 persons and from tourism management majors 2 persons. They are 12 entrepreneurs in the food and beverage sector, 2 people in the entertainment sector, 1 person is an entrepreneur in the field of clothing. 2 persons in the field of tourist travel services and 1 person in the field of catfish seedlings. The research method used was the survey method using a questionnaire containing closed questions, then recapitulated and described and linked using the theory used. Questionnaire distributed online.

Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kebijakan Kepariwisataan Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, 2012
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi beberapa atraksi potensial yang ada di kelurahan Pondok C... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi beberapa atraksi potensial yang ada di kelurahan Pondok Cabe Udik di Tangerang Selatan.Selain daripada itu ingin mengetahui pandangan masyarakat terhadap perencanaan pariwisata, sehingga dapat menentukan model perencanaan dan pengembangan pariwisata yang ideal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai input dalam proses pembangunan daerah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode action research.Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan menggunakan, kuesioner, wawancara, dan observasi lapangan. Analisis data dilakukan secara secara deskriptif kualitatif menggunakan analisis SWOT. Dari hasil penelitian diidentifikasi beberapa daya tarik wisata serta diketahui pandangan positif masyarakat terhadap perencanaan pariwisata.Adapun model perencanaan pariwisata yang disarankan dari penelitian ini adalah menggunakan konsep eco-cultural, yaitu konsep pembangunan daerah yang berwawasan lingkungan dan budaya.

Sains Kepariwisataan dan Pengetahuan Umum (SKPU), 2013
Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar dan negara dengan jumlah penduduk terpadat ke-... more Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara kepulauan terbesar dan negara dengan jumlah penduduk terpadat ke-5 di dunia (sekitar 237 juta penduduk). Didukung sekitar 17.500 pulau yang memiliki 81.000 km² luas pantai, 33 propinsi dan 300 etnik. Alam dan budaya sebagai atraksi wisata utama. Oleh karena itu, harus digarisbawahi bahwa kegiatan wisata yang bergantung pada potensi alam dapat menjadi sangat rentan terhadap perubahan iklim. Oleh karena itu, harus digarisbawahi bahwa kegiatan wisata yang bergantung pada potensi alam dapat menjadi sangat rentan terhadap perubahan iklim. Perubahan iklim menyebabkan berbagai gangguan iklim seperti el nino dan el nina. Salah satu konsekuensi terhadap sektor agraris akan menjadi kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan menghadapi iklim yang akan datang dihubungkan dengan bencana alam oleh berbagai pihak yag membentuk pariwisata di Indonesia. Tindakan yang harus diambil adalah peningkatan strategi adaptasi untuk mengurangi resiko bencana dan kegiatan memperkuat kapasitas lokal.

Advances in Social Sciences, Education and Humanities Research, 2019
This study aims to determine the characteristics of consumers who visit a restaurant namely Dropb... more This study aims to determine the characteristics of consumers who visit a restaurant namely Dropbox Resto & Cafe and to find out how consumer behavior patterns determine the decision to choose Dropbox Resto & Café. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method. Unit analysis in this study are guests who visit Dropbox Resto and Café with 60 respondents as sample of population consisting of 18 male and 42 female consumers whose age ranges from 17 to 45 years old. The results are: 1) Most of the consumer characteristics of Dropbox restaurant cafe are women, on average of 17-24 years old, and students earning less than IDR 1,000,000 a month; 2) Consumer behaviors of a Dropbox resto and cafe in making purchasing decisions are influenced by suggestions from friends and people around them and not influenced by the family, not to show social status, can be enjoyed by various ages, influenced by work, influenced by the necessities of life and comfort of the place. The implication is that Dropbox Resto & Cafe needs to take several steps, namely 1) Identifying and anticipating consumers in order to provide their needs; 2) Establishing good communication with customers or consumers; and 3) Strengthening strategies that are committed to providing satisfaction to customers and consumers.

Jurnal Destinasi Kepariwisataan Indonesia, 2016
Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) mengetahui identifikasi potensi daya tarik wisata daerah Setu Babak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan : 1) mengetahui identifikasi potensi daya tarik wisata daerah Setu Babakan sebagai langkah pemberdayaan masyarakat; 2) merumuskan potensi unik Setu Babakan sebagai daya tarik pariwisata; 3) mempersiapkan masyarakat untuk menerima kunjungan wisatawan melalui hygiene dan sanitasi dan pengelolaan sampah yang baik. Menggunakan metode kualitatif, yaitu observasi, menyebar kuesioner, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Kesimpulannya : 1) kampung budaya setu babakan mempunyai potensi daya tarik wisata budaya, religi, kuliner dan alam; 2) masyarakat lokal membutuhkan pelatihan dan penambahan wawasan untuk merubah karakter ke arah pembangunan pariwisata yang ramah lingkungan dan ramah terhadap wisatawan; 3) dilakukannya evaluasi terus menerus terhadap program peningkatan sosial ekonomi, kegiatan sadar wisata, sanitasi dan hygiene serta pengelolaan sampah.

Journal of Education, Society and Behavioural Science, 2018
Aims: To measure tourism destination image on tourism river area and to delineate the constructs ... more Aims: To measure tourism destination image on tourism river area and to delineate the constructs of destination image on tourist satisfaction Study Design: This study is Quantitative Research. Place and Duration of Study: The research was conducted in Goa Pindul (Pindul Cave) Gelaran Hamlet, Bejiharjo Village, Karangmojo District, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, since January until May of 2018. Methodology: We included 250 respondents (114 men, 136 women; time to visit range one time until more than three times). The analysis methods are Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) to measure destination image and Structural Equation Model to build destination image on motivation, tourist character and satisfaction model. Original Research Article Ernawati et al.; JESBS, 28(2): 1-24, 2018; Article no.JESBS.45216 2 Results: t-statistic value determines how far does indicator variable predict its construct. The higher t-statistic value, the bigger impact to construct variable. The minimum limit of t-statistic value is 1,96 on significant level of 95%.'Pleased that decided to visit again' is the best predictor of 'satisfaction'. 'Visiting familiar places' is the best predictor of 'motivation' through 'relaxation/familiarity' as a dimension variable. The importance of 'reservation service' is the best predictor of 'destination image'. 'Occupation' is the best predictor of 'tourist character'. In this model, 46,80 % of the variance in 'destination image' is explained by tourist satisfaction, and 58,30% of the variance in 'tourist satisfaction' is explained by 'destination image' which shown in their R 2 value. Conclusion: This study concludes at this time that importance and performance destination attributes provided some measurements of the 'destination image' which simultaneously influence 'tourist satisfaction'. It appears that 'reservation service', 'river and its surroundings', 'reservation personnel friendliness', and 'scenery of Gua Pindul ' are the main indicators of destination image, whereas 'occupation' is the best predictor for 'tourist character'. In the other hand, 'destination image' has the strongest infuence on 'tourist satisfaction'. Most tourists expected very much on 'cleanliness of the place'.'Karst hills phenomena (stalactite, stalagmite)' was appraised as the best performed by most tourists, whereas 'easy of accessibility on premises' had the worst performance. Thus, the results of the study signify the importance of determining a river destination's competitiveness by using different analytical frameworks. Based on the results, theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2018
Aims: (1) To obtain a picture of the skills training conducted by the Social Affairs and Manager ... more Aims: (1) To obtain a picture of the skills training conducted by the Social Affairs and Manager of Street Children in Depok Town, (2) To figure out the implementation of the model of skills training in enhancing the competence of street children, (3) To evaluate the training model. Study Design: Case Study. Place and Duration of Study: Depok Town, West Java, Indonesia, between June until November 2017. Methodology: We included 30 respondents of Street Children (24 men, 6 women; age range 12-23 years) with in-depth interviews with related offices, manager of street children and companies in the local area. Results: (1) The model consists of Managers of Street Children at Sekolah Master as the venue for the training program as well as the education and training of street children, Street Children as the main object in this study and Donors or Community as training program providers and funders; (2) The implementation involves choosing a training that is preferred by street children, the results of the training have a direct impact towards skills, as resource for working, the training is provided Short Research Article Murhadi et al.; AJAEES, 26(4): 1-8, 2018; Article no.AJAEES.42337 2 directly by trainers form company through simulation and practice at workplace or in place which has been provided and equipped with tools and materials needed, training materials tailored to the the competencies required by the company; (3) The evaluation of training model implemented is training should provided the competencies needed by company. Conclusion: (1) The manager of street children at Sekolah Master has conducted periodical guidance to street children through skill training; (2) The manager of street children at Sekolah Master walk to pull through coaching, education and coaching spirituality and in fostering constrained to support the completeness of equipment, facilities, and funding support; (3) Various of training has been given to street children in order that they will have the better of life.

Jurnal Destinasi Kepariwisataan Indonesia, 2015
This study aims to identify the initial studies related to basic information about ecotourism des... more This study aims to identify the initial studies related to basic information about ecotourism destinations Cianjur , Puncak, include attractions, accessibility and amenities. Further more to build a development strategy agro tourism area Cianjur , Puncak to be a tourist destination , especially agro-tourism impact on improving the welfare of local residents in terms of revenue. The method used is descriptive qualitative primary data collection using observation , spreading questionnaires and in-depth interviews to farmers and government officials as many as 60 respondents in Galudra and Cibereum village , Cugenang , Cianjur District. Meanwhile, the secondary data obtained from the Department of Agriculture , Department of Tourism , the Internet , books literature and previous research. Analysis to set the strategy is SWOT analysis. The conclusion is Cugenang, Cianjur District has great potential to be developed into a regional agro natural open space. Agro tourism development strategy is the perpetrator must be heavily promoting agro-tourism in a variety of media, print, electronic, online and others. Agro perpetrators should actively promote and find out the wishes of the tourists. District Government of Cianjur with all policies and activities should work together and cooperate with actors agro and tourism industry players in developing agro tourism Puncak tourist areas especially in the GaludraVillage, Nyalindung Village, and Village Cibereum, Cugenang District.

Jurnal Sains Terapan Pariwisata, 2018
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepuasan pelanggan pada Ibu Djoko Catering dan... more Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepuasan pelanggan pada Ibu Djoko Catering dan untuk mengetahui faktor manakah yang paling dominan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan sampel yang berasal dari konsumen Ibu Djoko Catering yang berjumlah 50 orang dengan menggunakan metode pneelitian kualitatif, menggunakan purposive sampling dengan skala Likert sebagai skala pengukuran dan metode analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kepuasan pelanggan pada variabel kualitas produk dan kualitas pelayanan di Ibu Djoko Catering. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan jumlah bobot Puas sebanyak 378, Sangat Puas sebanyak 138, Cukup Puas sebanyak 288, Tidak Puas sebanyak 8 dan Sangat Tidak Puas sebanyak 2 poin. Rekomendasi yang dapat penulis gunakan adalah untuk lebih meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan hendaknya pihak perusahaan dapat lebih meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Adanya pelayanan yang memuaskan , kemudahan, kecepatan pelayanan, keramahan, dan akan membuat konsumen merasa lebih puas. Untuk itu diharapkan Ibu Djoko Catering memperhatikan hal ini dengan baik.
Papers by FX S E T I Y O Wibowo
businesses in local food during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was
conducted on students, lecturers and university employees who have participated in
entrepreneurship online webinars on culinary business management that were held in May
and June 2020. Questionnaires were delivered to the webinar participants via online media
and filled out by 200 participants regarding their intentions to open a new business.
Furthermore, in June 2022 a survey was organized via email to confirm how many new
businesses have been opened, 17 respondents answered and 8 new businesses have been
opened. The ratio of the formation of new business from academics during and after the
pandemic is 8: 200 or 1:25. It could be interpreted that there are 4% of new entrepreneurs
from 200 online webinar participants organized by universities
(PNB) have a significant role in the competitiveness variable of cultural tourism destinations. The results of the partial test found that the diversity of OS and KS was not significant for the competitiveness variable of cultural tourism destinations (DS). This means that in the future the OS, KS, and GNP indicators must be improved, especially the shared value creation (PNB) variable which has the biggest role.
businesses in local food during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. This research was
conducted on students, lecturers and university employees who have participated in
entrepreneurship online webinars on culinary business management that were held in May
and June 2020. Questionnaires were delivered to the webinar participants via online media
and filled out by 200 participants regarding their intentions to open a new business.
Furthermore, in June 2022 a survey was organized via email to confirm how many new
businesses have been opened, 17 respondents answered and 8 new businesses have been
opened. The ratio of the formation of new business from academics during and after the
pandemic is 8: 200 or 1:25. It could be interpreted that there are 4% of new entrepreneurs
from 200 online webinar participants organized by universities
(PNB) have a significant role in the competitiveness variable of cultural tourism destinations. The results of the partial test found that the diversity of OS and KS was not significant for the competitiveness variable of cultural tourism destinations (DS). This means that in the future the OS, KS, and GNP indicators must be improved, especially the shared value creation (PNB) variable which has the biggest role.
population, hence they influence the current and future coffee trend. Concerning these potential, the characteristics, wants and needs of this market segment should be understood well by coffee stakeholder. Accordingly, coffee providers are able to survive and to be sustainable in the coffee industry. This study aims to explore coffee consumption behavior both Gen Y and Gen Z in Indonesia. This study is a survey research with quantitative method. The survey was conducted on 200 respondents in Indonesia employing online media by delivering electronic questionnaire consisting of 16 questions related to coffee consumption
behavior and 6 demographic questions.
holistik tentang keindahan dan kompleksitas industri
pariwisata. Melalui bahasan yang mendalam, pembaca
akan diantar dalam perjalanan yang menggugah pikiran
mengenai nilai ekonomi, keberlanjutan, dan kekayaan budaya
yang melingkupi dunia pariwisata. Buku ini diharapkan menjadi
sumber inspirasi dan pengetahuan bagi para mahasiswa,
akademisi, dan praktisi pariwisata dalam merespon tantangan
dan peluang yang terus berkembang di era globalisasi ini. Terima
kasih kepada semua kontributor yang telah menyumbangkan
pemikiran dan waktunya untuk menghasilkan karya ini. Semoga
buku ini dapat menjadi pijakan awal yang kokoh bagi pembaca
untuk menjelajahi lebih dalam dunia pariwisata yang begitu
dinamis dan menarik. Selamat membaca!
memahami perbedaan antara bisnis agen perjalanan dan biro perjalanan;
2) mengetahui tren dan praktik saat ini di bidang pariwisata dan sektor
industri perjalanan; 3) mampu mengembangkan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan yang dapat diterapkan dalam industri perjalanan.