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Perkampungan Betawi Setu Babakan adalah sebuah kawasan perkampungan betawi yang lingkungan alam dan  budayanya yang masih terjaga secara baik. Wisatawan yang berkunjung ke kawasan cagar budaya ini akan disuguhi panorama pepohonan rindang... more
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Purpose: This research has some purposes in communication for Tour Guide. Tour guide are defined as someone who leads tour groups organized for a brief period and a long period of time. The duty of tour guide is building an effective... more
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Hotel adalah sarana tempat menginap bagi beberapa orang yang sedang berkunjung ke suatu tempat. Kunjungan mereka memiliki tujuan tertentu yang pada umumnya untuk urusan bisnis atau berlibur. Alasan beberapa orang memilih hotel sebagai... more
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    • Humanities
Indonesia is an archipelago with nature wealth and cultural d iversity . The tourism sector has become a principal source of inco me tourism in Jakarta. The tourists who come to Jakarta is expected to not only interested in natural... more
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This study aims to 1) analyze local residents' perceptions of tourism activities in the Baturraden tourism area from economic, social and environmental aspects, and 2) propose programs that need to be undertaken by Penta Helix. This study... more
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      GeographyPerceptionTourism StudiesEconomics for Business and Management.
Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat adalah produsen beras kedua terbesar setelah Indramayu. Namun, lahan pertanian di Kabupaten Karawang mulai terancam seiring dengan berkembangnya sektor industri di daerah tersebut. Jika lahan pertanian di... more
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      GastronomyFood and Gastronomy Tourism
Potensi makanan tradisional dapat menjadi sebuah jalan atau jawaban untuk memulai atau membuka upaya pembagunan pariwisata di kota Kupang melalui potensi wisata kuliner di kota Kupang. Di kota Kupang ada salah satu desa kecil yang... more
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      GastronomyFood and Gastronomy TourismTraditional Foods
Tourism has become one of the largest industries in the world, and the mainstay in generating foreign exchange on many countries. Indonesia is a country with many areas that have a natural wealth potency to be expanded within the... more
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      Tourism StudiesGastronomy
Saat ini dalam persaingan bisnis perhotelan semakin ketat. Hotel Aryaduta Lippo Village, yang telah dibangun sejak tahun 1994 diharuskan melakukan upaya untuk menjaga pelanggan. Salah satu strategi yang bisa mereka lakukan adalah... more
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      Tourism and Hotel ManagementHotel ManagementHotel Marketing
Sate Taichan Goreng terletak di Galaxy dan Harapan Indah, Bekasi yang memiliki cita rasa dan variasi menu yang unik. Ada Taichan Paha, Sayap Taichan, Sate Kulit, Sate Kikil, Sate Cumi-Cumi, dan variasi Sate lainnya. Dalam penelitian ini,... more
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      GastronomyFood and TourismFood and Gastronomy Tourism
Salsa Verde Restaurant is part of the Grand Hyatt Nusa Dua Hotel, Bali, located in ITDC which is an elite complex on the beach and has an Italian restaurant concept. To attract the interest of guests, many innovative and good quality... more
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      Tourism MarketingHotel Management
Ragunan Park (TMR) as the only zoo in the city of Jakarta is one of the recreation area which featuring a variety of attractions flora and fauna. TMR has increased tourist visit each year was not significant. It is unfortunate that TMR is... more
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      MarketingTourism Marketing
Hotel Horison Bekasi adalah hotel pertama di Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Untuk bertahan dan memenangkan kompetisi dengan para kompetitior, Hotel Horison Bekasi harus mengerti kelebihan dan kekurangan dari strategi marketing yang bertujuan... more
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      Tourism and Hotel ManagementHotel ManagementHotel Marketing
Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh brand image terhadap keputusan pembelian pada Domino's Pizza Lippo Karawaci Utara dan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh kedua variable tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode... more
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      Tourism MarketingHotel ManagementTourism and Hotels
Aims: (1) To know the impact of tourism development on environmental conditions in the Taman Sari tourism area of Yogyakarta, (2) To know the impact of tourism development on the sociocultural conditions of the people in the Taman Sari... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism Management
The city of Jakarta as one of the largest cities in Indonesia and is the capital city of the country is a city that is the target of the arrival of travelers, both tour operators and industry players. Jakarta has the potential of natural... more
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      Tourism and Hotel ManagementHotel Management
This research aims to determine the role played by local communities in developing tourism on the island of Siau and also to find out how the government moves local people in the tourism sector. The research method used is qualitative... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism Management
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing turmoil in the health aspect and spread to the economic sector where most of the economic activity has stopped to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Businesses will be disrupted, including business actors who... more
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    • Business
The enactment of government policies to stop the spread of the virus, requires DUFAN to face new habitual adaptation situations by implementing health protocols, devising various strategies to ensure visitors even if limited movement can... more
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      Tourism StudiesTourism MarketingTourism ManagementTourism Business Strategy
Cucur cake is one of a variety of traditional cake preparations commonly found in several areas such as East Nusa Tenggara. This round cucur cake has a very sweet taste which is processed by frying it. The main ingredients in making... more
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    • Food and Gastronomy Tourism