Papers by Eliot Lugo-Hernandez
This is an essay I wrote about the theme, the Kingdom of God
This is an icebreaker towards a Bible interpretation class. Before getting into any Bible book, ... more This is an icebreaker towards a Bible interpretation class. Before getting into any Bible book, I use this paper to introduce people to some tools useful for the proper interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.
Is Homosexuality Compatible with Christianity's doctrine?
Christians are usually extremists in their view about any Bible doctrine. No wonder there is so m... more Christians are usually extremists in their view about any Bible doctrine. No wonder there is so much division among the Body of Christ! Taking for example the doctrine of salvation where many Christians divide themselves between predestination and free will, one group emphasizes the biblical doctrine of predestination overlooking free will, while the other group does the opposite. However, both doctrines are biblical and they are applicable to the people of God under the New Covenant that Jesus inaugurated through His death. Now, how Bible readers understand them is a different issue.
The Bible has been, and still is, one of the books most controversial, most questioned, most pers... more The Bible has been, and still is, one of the books most controversial, most questioned, most persecuted, most rejected, and most undervalued. The Bible is not like any other book because the Bible is considered God's written Word. Many writers with many trades from many places and separated by time, culture, and circumstances were moved by the Holy Spirit to share in written form God's message to a fallen human race.
Drafts by Eliot Lugo-Hernandez
Though I gave my life to the Lord under a denomination that believes in the pre-tribulation doctr... more Though I gave my life to the Lord under a denomination that believes in the pre-tribulation doctrine, I never accepted the pre-tribulation doctrine because of its lack of thorough biblical foundation.
Without a doubt, at times we learn what to think; not how to think. As new believers, all of us C... more Without a doubt, at times we learn what to think; not how to think. As new believers, all of us Christians mostly learn what to believe; not how to properly read and study the Bible. Because our Christian leaders do not teach us well (or not at all) how to rightly explain the word of truth, we often become spiritual clones of our Christian upbringing without questioning whether what we are being taught or preached to is sound doctrine. We often repeat what others concluded was the correct interpretation of the biblical texts because we trust these people. The existence of many Christian denominations gives testimony of the facts I mention above.
This short paper is about reminding Christians that we are to be distinguished from the world but... more This short paper is about reminding Christians that we are to be distinguished from the world but united in Christ.
Many people get uncomfortable talking about religion, especially if it is Christianity. Sometimes... more Many people get uncomfortable talking about religion, especially if it is Christianity. Sometimes is because we Christians may act like the religious people during the earthly ministry of Jesus while sometimes it is because there is a conviction in their hearts of the probability of the existence of a God that has set before them what is right or wrong, and good or evil. The topic of God, or a God, is not as divisive as the topic of Jesus; who He is and what He came to do. The theme of God is often generic (too broad) and it often leads to healthy, however unproductive, discussions because those involved in the discussions incorrectly or unnoticeably believe they are talking about the same God, which they might not.
John 3:16 & 17 are passages some people use to believe that they can continue to live in sin beca... more John 3:16 & 17 are passages some people use to believe that they can continue to live in sin because God is love.
Papers by Eliot Lugo-Hernandez
Drafts by Eliot Lugo-Hernandez