? ?
Beloved Dawndelyon
7th-Sep-2011 08:30 pm - Time to Start a Gif Party!!!!!!

So, for the past two and a half weeks I've been awaiting someone to hire me.





 So, I've been hired as a desk assitant. No big deal.

4th-Sep-2011 09:52 pm - My Day Out
First of all, I stayed up until 6:30am today in order to take pictures of the riverside view. On a walk the other day, I discovered a part, among all the suicide hills, that'd allow you to safely walk down to the Mississippi. I considered it a "secret spot", until I found people fishing there. Anyway, I can't get Kong to walk down there because she's afraid of the dark surrounding trees.

Anyway, over eating pancakes this morning, Kong and I decided to take a big trip out together. First we went to Panera for snacks. Then she wanted me to show her Berly's, which she agreed was a Wonderland of foodstuff. Next we walked a mile to Barnes and Noble where we picked up the Rainbow Fish book, then we walked another mile to Cashwise for dumplings and apples. Finally, came our longest store visit.
We stopped inside PetCo because Kong has really been wanting a pet. We found these cool things called glass catfish and I wanted a blue gorami. We spent three hours trying to get the approval of the associates in order to get the fishes, but basically we learned the hard way that most fishes are just too sensitive to simply throw in a bowl. We found a small tank that came with a filtration system, but they said we'd have to run the tank for two weeks before we could add fish to it. Simply put, problem after problem kept arising with the associates telling us different things. We eventually gave up when they told us to get a bigger tank with a heater. In the end, we settled on beta.

The red one is Kong's and is named after her boyfriend and the pretty one is Smirnoff Ice, because he's my cool gantsa. Unofficially, a fanfic is in works about East (Kong's) and West (mine) and the Great Blue Wall of Berlin. Tired out, we finished the day by eating fried chicken on the floor.
28th-Aug-2011 01:40 am - My Evening
Or rather, woke up and got ready for the day just in time to grab some brunch with Kong at the fake Japanese place up the road. Then I had to go to class for four hours straight.


After that, it was time to chill and watch movies and snack.

First up: The Roommate and s'mores
It was the second time she had ever had s'mores and I tried using my portable skillet to make them, but I only melted the chocolate and burned the crackers.

I did my best to freak Kong out by repeating, "You're my best friend, don't ever leave, okay?"
Psycho-chick put a kitten in the dryer, that's just---a step too far, to say the least.

We followed up with: Pride and Prejudice and lemon meringue pie.

Unwillingly, I've gotten Kong addicted to Perkins pie

This was all wrapped up with the two of us attending the last five minutes of a dance party while in our pajamas. Just they ended the night with a Jason Derulo song, so I was like, "I'm not dancing to this."

Here's what I remember:

1 1/2 cups flour
1 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tbsp baking soda
1/4 cup melted butter
1 egg
3 bananas
Bake at 375 degrees.

Tell me if I'm missing something or if a measurement is off, please.

On another note, my shoulder's still peeling from the sunburn I got waiting to see the president.
Which is three miles, which would mean about a 30 minute bike ride, but if worse comes to worse, should I just transfer there?
22nd-Aug-2011 11:40 pm - Here's your Day 1 posty

So, I'm already bored. Tomorrow I plan to bake and fill out more applications all day. Good news is, the computers on campus are 32-bit as I figured, which means if the mood strikes I can make slightly better gifs.
All the new chicks are youngens, but I still greet them.
I've only experience two of my four classes this semester. Both of them are with the teachers I don't like, but I noticed today that one is a 200-level class, which should mean easy. The other teacher wants us to go 24 hours without technology, and sure I can stay off a computer, but I need music.
I've decided to name my bike Eisenhower, being as I have a thing for naming my vehicles after presidents.
Nothing else to say, just everyone digs my hair.

23rd-Jul-2011 12:54 am - Adult Manga Sale!
is this love?
Adult Manga / MISC DoujinshiCollapse )

If interested comment here first then, for your privacy, PM the information below
Your country and zip code:
The items interested in:
Any Questions:
23rd-Jul-2011 12:52 am - General Manga Sale!
MISC MangaCollapse )

If interested comment here first then, for your privacy, PM the information below- 
Your country and zip code:
The items interested in:
Any Questions:
Some guy discovered he wasn't dreaming of a white owl and got out a rifle and a handgun. Luckily, his woman and child were able to escape, leaving him to hold himself hostage for seven hours. Right at the end of the block from our house.

Home Sweet Home

Quite So
Gifs story, because that's how I deal with things.

Okay, first of all. I decided to listen to Pandora for the first time in a month and I wasn't even logged-in, but it just started playing, "You Only Disappear" by Tom McRae.
Wait, What?

So, this is how I want my attitude to be:
Talk to the hand
But really it's similar to this:

Nevertheless, I plan to dress adorably tomorrow which on me looks more like this:
Swimsuit beauty

Truth is, I hear that tomorrow is only the start and it'll really go down in October.
I sparkle!

Either way, AISHITERU~ Love you!
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