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We develop a perturbative method of computing spectral singularities of a Schreodinger operator defined by a general complex potential that vanishes outside a closed interval. These can be realized as zero-width resonances in optical gain... more
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Thin and homogeneous graphenes with excellent thickness uniformity were produced on the carbon-rich surface of a SiC crystal using an ultra high vacuum technique. The sample surface was capped by another SiC substrate with a silicon-rich... more
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      Epitaxial GrowthGrapheneSilicon Carbide
The effect of the degree of Si confinement on the thickness and morphology of UHV grown epitaxial graphene on (0 0 0 −1) SiC is investigated by using atomic force microscopy and Raman spectroscopy measurements. Prior to the graphene... more
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      Epitaxial GrowthGrapheneSilicon Carbide
""We have analyzed the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect in 1 μm wide Hall devices fabricated from an exfoliated monolayer graphene transferred on SiOx. We have observed that the deviation of the Hall resistance from its quantized... more
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      GrapheneInteger quantum hall effect
Passive iron-oxide nanocrystals are grown on Fe͑100͒ and Fe͑110͒ facets of single-crystal Fe whiskers. Transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction characterize the oxide spinel structure and their epitaxial growth on Fe... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We have measured the generation and relaxation of excited carriers along their drift direction near the breakdown of the quantum Hall e ect (QHE). The dissipative resistivity xx (x) at current densities close to the critical value for the... more
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      Materials EngineeringNanotechnologyMagnetic fieldCurrent Density
Using a dual-probe scanning tunneling microscope, we have performed three-terminal ballistic electron emission spectroscopy on Au/ GaAs͑100͒ by contacting the patterned metallic thin film with one tip and injecting ballistic electrons... more
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      EngineeringMonte Carlo SimulationField emissionScanning tunneling microscopy
The time evolution of excited charge carriers near the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect is studied within a simple two-Landau-level model. The model incorporates impurity-assisted inter-Landau-level tunneling as the main mechanism,... more
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      Electron TransportQuantum Hall EffectCurrent Distribution
The breakdown of the quantum Hall effect, which is observed as an abrupt escalation in the longitudinal resistance with an associated loss in the quantization of Hall voltage is the major obstacle against improving the resistance standard... more
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We demonstrate a technique to produce thin graphene layers on C-face of SiC under ultra high vacuum conditions. A stack of two SiC substrates comprising a half open cavity at the interface is used to partially confine the depleted Si... more
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The recent detection of pulsations from the ultra luminous X-ray source (ULX) NuSTAR J095551+6940.8 in M82 by Bachetti et al. indicates that the object is an accreting neutron star in a high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) system. The... more
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      High Energy AstrophysicsNeutron Stars
At present, J1819–1458 is the only rotating radio transient (RRAT) detected in X-rays. We have studied the long-term evolution of this source in the fallback disc model. The model can reproduce the period, period derivative and X-ray... more
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      Neutron StarsPulsarsAccretion DisksAccretion
A series of detailed work on the long-term evolutions of young neutron star populations, namely anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs), soft gamma repeaters (SGRs), dim isolated neutron stars (XDINs), “high-magnetic-field” radio pulsars (HBRPs),... more
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    • Physics
Asiri-parlak X-isini kaynaklari (AXK) bir gunes kutlesi icin gecerli Eddington sinirinin 100-1000 kati parlakliga sahip nesnelerdir. Bir goruse gore bu nesneler kutle aktarimi yapan $M \sim 10\,M_{\odot}$ kutleli karadelikler olup... more
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Investigation of the long-term evolution of rotating radio transients (RRATs) is important to understand the evolutionary connections between the isolated neutron star populations in a single picture. The X-ray luminosities of RRATs... more
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The recent detection of pulsations from the ultra luminous X-ray source (ULX) NuSTAR J095551+6940.8 in M82 by Bachetti et al. indicates that the object is an accreting neutron star in a high mass X-ray binary (HMXB) system. The... more
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      PhysicsHigh Energy AstrophysicsNeutron StarsAstrophysics
At present, J1819-1458 is the only rotating radio transient (RRAT) detected in X-rays. We have studied the long-term evolution of this source in the fallback disc model. The model can reproduce the period, period derivative, and X-ray... more
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      Neutron StarsPulsarsAccretion DisksAccretion
The rotational properties and X-ray luminosity of PSR J0726–2612 are close to those of dim isolated neutron stars (XDINs). It was proposed that the source could be the first XDIN with observable pulsed radio emission. We have investigated... more
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We have investigated the detailed torque-reversal behavior of 4U 1626--67 in the framework of the recently developed comprehensive model of the inner disk radius and torque calculations for neutron stars accreting from geometrically thin... more
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We investigated the detailed torque-reversal behavior of 4U 1626–67 in the framework of the recently developed comprehensive model of the inner disk radius and torque calculations for neutron stars accreting from geometrically thin disks.... more
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      PhysicsDust (Astronomy & Astrophysics)AstrophysicsRadius