Papers by Pradeep Uluwaduge

Shanara, 2023
Sri Lanka's enduring social stratification presents a complex interplay between caste and class f... more Sri Lanka's enduring social stratification presents a complex interplay between caste and class factors. Although the British abolished the colonial caste-based compulsory labor (Rajakari Kramaya) during their rule and ushered in Sri Lanka's transition to capitalism, the legacy of caste persists at an ideological level, influencing social status, power relations, and individual worldviews. This study investigates the contemporary forms of social stratification at the regional level, focusing on an area that played a key role in the development of Sri Lanka's capitalist system. Through participant observation, interviews, and the use of relevant written sources, the research reveals a regional stratification model built around dominant castes. This model is characterized by layered social groups differentiated by factors like profession, wealth, power, and respect, forming distinct status circles within the region.
Journal of Samaja Vimasuma , 2022

International Conference on Social Sciences and Languages - ICSSL 2023, 2023
This study intended to investigate how social media has impacted on women's political participati... more This study intended to investigate how social media has impacted on women's political participation, selecting the 2019 presidential election as a case study. The study used a mixed-method approach. The qualitative and quantitative data were gathered by using primary and secondary sources. Primary data was collected through structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The sample size consisted of 80 respondents. Secondary data was collected from books, research reports, official reports, journal articles, newspapers, websites, etc. The SPSS was used to analyze quantitative data. The content analysis and thematic analysis were used to analyze the qualitative data, and they were presented using texts, narratives, tables, charts, and figures. The study found that as a result of social media, women are now able to speak for themselves and express their political opinions. A key role played by social media in enhancing political changes and women's literacy in using technological equipment was the reason behind these factors. The study also highlighted that, it is also important to ensure gender equality and establish networks, websites, and a pool of candidates on special platforms through appropriate policies. The study finally found that Sri Lanka can increase women's political participation by strengthening its cyber security law and advocating them.

the 1st International Conference on the Social Sciences and the Humanities. University of Peradeniya, 2011
Local government (LG) service delivery system in Sri Lanka has unique potential like many other d... more Local government (LG) service delivery system in Sri Lanka has unique potential like many other developed and developing countries. It affects on day-to-day activities of citizens at the grassroots level. Generally, types of public goods and services and the way services are delivered by LG are frequently changing in the context of people’s expectation, changes in the technology, scientific innovation, availability of resources, and challenges that emerge either internally or externally. Though, several attempts had been taken to enhance service delivery of LG through continuous technical and financial assistance in Sri Lanka during last two decades, in most cases service receivers were socially excluded or faced problems in getting basic goods and service from the LG. This situation has emerged due to a number of factors such as shortage of sufficient and competence human racecourses, inconsistency politics, unclear powers and functions to undertake service delivery, poor public-private partnership, inadequate financial resources, inaccessibility to community for services, and poor public participation. Therefore, this study attempts to explore the challenges of LG service delivery in Sri Lanka. In view of this, newly constituted Matara Municipal Council was selected as a case study. Through this case, researcher tried to find the answers to research questions of what are the challenges faced by MMC in terms of better service delivery? And how MMC would overcome its challenges and what innovations and strategies would work to deliver the better service to the public. The study also tested hypothesis of constitutional and legal framework, consistency politics, institutional capacity and service delivery mechanism built up by public-private partnership at the micro level can ensure the better service delivery. The study was largely guided by the service delivery models especially decentralization service delivery model and alternative service delivery model (multi-level governance model). Using these two models, researcher identified following as crucial variables affecting the better service delivery at the lower levels of government: (a) constitutional and legal framework, (b) consistency politics, (c) institutional capacity, and (d) service delivery mechanism. Taking these variables as an independent variables, analytical framework had been developed. This framework analysis what are the challenges faced by MMC in terms of better service delivery? And how MMC would overcome its challenges and what innovations and strategies would work to deliver the better service to the public? The study was based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative and quantitative data was gathered by using primary and secondary sources, and data was presented using texts, tables, chats and figures. The major findings of the study is that though as a decentralized LG institution, MMC implemented several strategies and innovations, has developed partnership with the private sector and enhanced the public participation in the health service delivery process, it failed to ensure the better health service delivery to the public. The main factor for that it doesn’t has an appropriate constitutional and legal framework, institutional capacity, service delivery mechanism built up by public-private partnership and mutual understand between national and local political leadership. This situation leaded to emerge the various challenges in health service delivery include shortage of sufficient and competence human racecourses, inconsistency politics, unclear powers and functions to undertake the health service delivery, poor public-private partnership, inadequate financial resources, inadequate physical resources, inaccessibility to community for health services, and poor public participation. For the sustainability of health service delivery at the grassroots level, the study recommends mobilizing public to participate in health service delivery, introduction of new strategies and innovations, filling vacancies and enhancing competency of the staff, regularizing the Internal Auditing Mechanism, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the health service delivery through Five Year Plan and enhancing Public-Private Partnership in health service delivery.

This study focused to examine role of informal women entrepreneurs in livelihood development and ... more This study focused to examine role of informal women entrepreneurs in livelihood development and regional development. Objectives of the study are, to identify the significance of informal women entrepreneur's role in livelihood development of family, to understand socioeconomic potentialities of informal women entrepreneurs and to determine gender barriers in formation of women entrepreneurs. Study was carried out in Sella Kataragama in 2010. Data were collected through structured questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The study sample was consisted of 60 entrepreneurs. Study revealed that women are engaging in divers of business as informal entrepreneurs than men. More women entrepreneurs are performing their entrepreneur role parallel to domestic role and they generate additional income to the family. Study further revealed that women are motivated to entrepreneurship by several factors. Among them, easy to managing the domestic role and business, achieving social recognition, escaping from dependency, and satisfying with minimum profit and utilizing self knowledge and skills are significant. Traditional stereotyped gender role at home and the perception of lack of social security can be identified as major barriers that discourage women entrepreneurs.

The United Front Government, which came to power in 1970, concentrated onselective administration... more The United Front Government, which came to power in 1970, concentrated onselective administration, decentralization and the establishment of numerous local levelinstitutions for bringing decision-making authority down to lower levels and thereby topromote rural development. Another feature of the new approach was the emphasis ondecentralized planning and greater opportunities provided for rural development.District Development Councils (DDCs), Divisional Development Councils (Div. DCs)Agricultural Productivity Committees (APCs), Cultivation Committees and People'sCommittees, District Political Authority and Decentralized Budget were some of theimportant initiatives for the promotion of rural development (Perera, 1999, Lietan, 1979& Wijeweera, 1994). Theoretically, the above institutional framework, thus established covering thethree sub national levels, i.e. the district, division and the village, provided ampleopportunities and a broad base for local participation in decision-m...

Historically, Buddhism in Sri Lanka has been shaped by various socio-economic and political frame... more Historically, Buddhism in Sri Lanka has been shaped by various socio-economic and political frameworks. Within the existing sociological and anthropological literatures on Buddhism's changes in Sri Lanka, the present paper intended on analyzing the impact of Christian teachings on Buddhist religious pantheon as related to the legend of God Sakra at present social context. According to Buddhist teachings, an individual is provided with positive consequences depending on his/her meritorious actions and demerits depending on his/her evil actions. This is a fundamental principle in the Buddhist philosophy. The concept of merit-sin (Pin-paw) is based on this fundamental principle. There is no Buddhist teaching on chasing or flushing of sin. Nevertheless, there is an organized religious cult with ritual performing to god Sakra at Kataragama new Lakshmi shrine which is believed to be influencing the devotees to believe in flushing or canceling their sins in this world. The God Sakra is...

Nationalist movement in Sri Lanka was organized for liberating the local religious, languages and... more Nationalist movement in Sri Lanka was organized for liberating the local religious, languages and culture from British influences. Initially, Sinhala, Tamil and Muslims leaders worked together for re-waking the local cultures. The ethnic harmony was collapsed in post independent period, due to the decisions of local elite who were in power. The legislative acts as citizenship defining, Sinhala only and education standardization created uneven opportunities for ethnicminority groups as Tamil, and Muslims mainly. The research problem is that, why society emphasizes more on emotional historical values based on ethnicity; even states want to construct one nation, one country. The research questions are why do government policies not have strength on changing the attitude of pressure groups in society and follow the integration polices? And why people from different ethnic communities do interviews, focused not drive their attention on cooperation? The data is found from primary and seco...

This study focused to analysis of women’s economic participation, with special focus on women’s c... more This study focused to analysis of women’s economic participation, with special focus on women’s changing gender roles in the context of rural development. Due to women’s labor force participation, their reproductive role have changed, and giving the productive role a significant place. Hence, their participation in rural development has increased and has taken a significant place in development programs and policy discourses all over the world. Women’s labor force participation has created dynamics in the rural sector. The objectives of this study are to examine effects of women’s changing role on rural development, to identify women’s changing roles in the households and in the economic sphere, to study the socio-economic and cultural hindrance to female participation in economic affairs, to identify how far women’s paid and unpaid labor is important to the rural community and to recognize how women have responded to poverty conditions in the rural sector. The study found that, the...

Cyber Gate Service Pvt. Ltd, 2010
ihs m% ia .egq fï ft;s ydis l miq ìu iy kj m% jK;d ms <s n| úYa f,a IKhla tÉ. hQ. tia. m% §ma foa... more ihs m% ia .egq fï ft;s ydis l miq ìu iy kj m% jK;d ms <s n| úYa f,a IKhla tÉ. hQ. tia. m% §ma foa Ymd,k úoHd wOHkdxYh, fma rdfoKs h úYa júoHd,h idrdxYh 1960 ka werô, j¾;udkh ola jd úúO ÈYdk;S ka Tia fia bÈßhg meñKs ihs m% ia .egq fï ft;s ydis l miq ìu, kj m% jK;d iy .egq u iduldó ks rdlrKhg y|q ka jdÿka m% h;a khka wid¾:l ùug n,mE miq ìï idOl úYf,a IKh ls Íu fuu wOHkfha wruq Kq úh. .egq ï yd iïnka O md¾Yjhka w;r wfkHda kH wjfnda Ohla fkdue;s úg .egq ï ks rdlrKhg .kq ,nk id¾:l úi|q ï mjd wid¾:l fõ. hk WmkHdih u; mokïj is ÿ l< fuu wOHkfha , wOHhk .eg¨j jQ fha , ihs m% ia .egq u ks rdlrKfha wruq Ks ka ;= ka jk md¾Yjhl ueÈy;a ùfuka id¾:l ks rdlrK m% fõYhka ls ys mj;djl § y|q ka jdÿka k;a , ihs m% ia .egq u È.a .eiq Kq iudc .egq ula njg mßj¾:kh jQ fha wehs @ hka khs. fuu wOHhkfha wOHhk l% ufõoh o;a ; /ia ls Íu yd o;a ; úYa f,a IKh hkq fjka fldgia folls ka hq la ; jQ w;r, o;a ; /ia ls Íu uq ,s l jYfhka oa ù;s l o;a ; ^fmd;a m;a , iÕrd iy mq j;a m;a & u; mokï úh. tfia /ia l< o;a ; úia ;rd;a ul l% ufõoh iy ft;s ydis l l% ufõoh Wmfhda .S lr .ks ñka úYa f,a IKh lrk , §. wjika jYfhka fuu wOHhkfha fidhd.ekS ï my; mßÈ idrdxY .; l< yels fõ. 1. 1964 iy 1974 m% pKa vldÍ j;djrKfhka miq ihs m% ia .egq u cd;s l uÜgñka Tíng f.dia cd;Hka ;ÍlrKh ùu¡ 2. .egq u cd;Hka ;ÍlrKh ùu;a iu. iduldó ud¾. Tia fia ks rdlrKhg .kq ,enq m% h;a khka wid¾:l úu. 3. wfma % ,a ui mej;s cku;úpdrKfhka wka kka V ie<iq u i|yd ihs m% ia ck;djf.a wlue;a ; m% ldY ùu;a iu. .egq u i|yd bÈßm;a jQ id¾:lu úi|q ï m% h;a kh o ls % hdúrys ; úu. 4. kq ;kh jk úg ihs m% ia .egq u ch-mrdchla ^Non-Win Situation& fkdue;s ;;a ;a jhla njg m;a ùu¡ ye|s ka ùu 1950 oYlfhka miq f,dj mq rd rdcHhka w;r .egq ï j,g ^Inter-States Conflict& idfmla Ij rdcH wNHka ;r .egq ïys ^Intra-State Conflict& j¾Okhla oels h yels fõ¡ fuu rdcH wNHka ;r .egq ï fndfyda uhla jd¾.s l;a jh" NdIdj" b;s ydih" wd.u yd whs ;s jdis lï hk lreKq mokï fldgf.k mek ke.S we;s w;r" tu .egq ï È.a .eiq Kq iudc .egq ï ^Social Protracted Conflict& njg o m;a j we;¡ 1960ka werô, j¾;udkh ola jd úúO ÈYdk;S ka Tia fia bÈßhg meñKs tjeks È.a .eiq Kq iudc .egq ula f,i ihs m% ia .egq u y|q kd.; yels fõ¡ cd;s l uÜgñka oeä n,meula iys ;j wdrïN ù miq j cd;Hka ;ÍlrKh jQ fuu .egq fï wdrïNh ls % ¡ j¡ 1570 ola jd b;s ydihlg .uka lrhs ¡
Sociology of South Asia (දකුණු ආසියාව පිළිබඳ සමාජ විද්යාව), 2017
mYapd;a hg;aúð; ol=Kq wdishdkq rdcHhkays cd;sh f.dvke.Su iy wd.u: YS % ,dxlSl iy bkaÈhdkq w;aoelS... more mYapd;a hg;aúð; ol=Kq wdishdkq rdcHhkays cd;sh f.dvke.Su iy wd.u: YS % ,dxlSl iy bkaÈhdkq w;aoelSï m% §ma W¿jvqf.a 1 iy rxÔ;a Èlaje,a, 2 1 lÓldpd¾h, iudÔh úoHd wOHkdxYh, YS% ,xld iur.uqj úYajúoHd,h 2 fcHIaG lÓldpd¾h, foaYmd,k úoHd wOHkdxYh, fmardfoKsh úYajúoHd,h ye|skaùu ol=Kq wdishdkq rdcHhka ksoyi ,nd .ekSu;a iu. uqyqK ÿka m%Odk wNsfhda.hla jkafka cd;sh f.dvke.Su Ndú; lrkafka fuu úêl%uhhs ^Phadnis and Ganguly 2001 and Nayak 2001&. uOH;k hq.fha wd.u iy foaYmd,k w;r mej;s in|;djh mqkreo hQ.fha fjkilg fhduqjQfõ hehs mejiqk o, kQ;fha wd.ñl ixia:dj f,dj fndfyda rdcHhkays foaYmd,k wêldrhkaf.a l%shdldÍ;ajhg 1
the 1st International Conference on the Social Sciences and the Humanities. University of Peradeniya, 2011

Chanoddipana. Venerable Nugethanne Sri Felicitation, 2013
mqrjeisNdjh ms<sn| iïNdjH .S%l iy frdau ixl,amkh: úfõpkd;aul we.hqula tÉ' hQ' tia¡ m% §ma 1 iy iq... more mqrjeisNdjh ms<sn| iïNdjH .S%l iy frdau ixl,amkh: úfõpkd;aul we.hqula tÉ' hQ' tia¡ m% §ma 1 iy iqika; riakdhl 2 ye|skaùu foaYmd,k úoHdfõ;a, iudc úoHdfõ;a, wdKavql%u jHjia:d ks;Sfh;a fukau foaYmd,k ls%hdj,sh ;=<;a, uy;a ixlS¾K;djkag ;=vq § we;s ixl,amhls mqrjeisNdjĥ Citizenship&. fuu ixlS¾K;djh wju lr .ekSu ioyd mqrjeisNdjh ms<sn| ixl,amfha wdrïNh isÿjQfõ flfiao@ wdrïNl hq.hkays § mqrjeisNdjh hkqfjka w¾:.ekajQfha l=ulao@ hkak ms<sn| j ms<s;=re imhd .ekSu jeo.;a fõ¡ fjk;a wdldrhlg mjikafkakï, mqrjeisNdjh ms<sn| l;sldjf;a wdrïNl hq.hka ksfhdackh lrkq ,nk iïNdjH .S%l iy frdau hq.hka ;=< § mqrjeisNdjh ixl,am .; jQfha flfiao@ hkak ms<sn|j wOHhkh lsÍu jeo.;a fõ¡ ta i|yd .kq ,nk W;aiyhla jYfhka fuu ,smsh y÷kd.; yels fõ¡ fuu ,smsfha m<uq fldgi mqrjishd iy mqrjeisNdjh hkak w¾ : .ekaùug fjkalr we; ¡ fojk fldgi u.ska mqrjeisNdjh ms<sn| iïNdjH .S%l ixl,amkh úfõpkd;aulj w.hkq ,nhs¡ ;=kajk fldgi u.ska mqrjeisNdjh ms<sn| iïNdjH frdau ixl,amkh úfõpkd;aulj ,o w ;r, wjika fldgi u.ska ks.ukhka lsysmhlg meñfKk , §¡ mqrjeishd iy mqrjeisNdjh 'mqrjeishd' ^Citizen& iy 'mqrjeisNdjh' ^Citizenship& hkq tlsfklg ne÷Kq ixl,am folls¡ fuu ixl,am fol ir, ixl,am folla f,i flfkl=g is;kakg mq¿jk¡ kuq;a th tfia fkdfõ¡ tajd foaYmd,k úoHdfõ;a, iudc úoHdfõ;a, wdKavql%u jHjia:d ks;Sfh;a, fukau foaYmd,k ls %hdj,sh ;=<;a, uy;a ixlS¾K;djkag ;=vq § we;s ixl,am folls¡ tuksid mqrjeisNdjh ms<sn|j isÿlrkq ,nk wOHhkhl § fuu ixls¾K;djh u.yrjd .ekSu i|yd m<uqj mqrjeishd iy mqrjeisNdjh hkqfjka w¾:.kajkafka l=ulao@ hk .eg¿jg ms<s;=re imhd.; hq;=h. mqrjeishd hkak ,;ska NdIdfjka 'isúla' ^Civic& f,i y|qkd .kq ,nk w;r, th bx.S%is NdIdjg meñfKk úg 'isáikaa' Citizen& njg m;a úh. tyS jpkd¾:h jkafka rdcHhl idudðlfhl= hkakhs¡ tfia idudðlfhl= ùu ksid Tyqg fyda wehg iqúfYaIs jrm%ido iy whs;sjdislï ysñjk ;;a;ajhla o fï ;=< fõ ^Mahajan 1999&. fjíiag¾ YíofldaYh ^Webster Dictionary& ;=< mqrjeishd hkak i|yd imhk ks¾jpkd;aul w¾:h úYaf,aIKh lsÍfuka fuh ;jÿrg;a ;yjqre lr .; yels fõ¡ 1 foaYmd,k úoHdj ms<sn| lÓldpd¾h" iudÔhúoHd wOHhkdxYh" Y%S ,xld inr.uqj úYajúoHd,h 2 iudcúoHdj ms<sn| lÓldpd¾h" iudcúoHd wOHhkdxYh" fmardfoKsh úYajúoHd,h

Sabaragamuwa Visvaviddiyaliya Sastriya Sangahaya. Vol. 7, 2013
1 2 foa YS h wêlrK n,h ;= < wka ;¾cd;s l ks ;S fha wod<;a jh: YS % ,xldj weiq ßka wOHhkhla m% §ma... more 1 2 foa YS h wêlrK n,h ;= < wka ;¾cd;s l ks ;S fha wod<;a jh: YS % ,xldj weiq ßka wOHhkhla m% §ma W¿jvq f.a 1 , tÉ¡ rxÔ;a 2 iy Ô¡ iS ¡ t,a ¡ m;s rK 3 1 foa Ymd,k úoHdj ms <s n| lÓldpd¾h, iudÔh úoHd wOHkdxYh, YS % ,xld inr.uq j úYa júoHd,h 2 foa Ymd,k úoHdj ms <s n| fcHIa G lÓldpd¾h, iudÔh úoHd wOHkdxYh, YS % ,xld inr.uq j úYa júoHd,h 3 foa Ymd,k úoHdj ms <s n| lÓldpd¾h, iudÔh úoHd wOHkdxYh, YS % ,xld inr.uq j úYa júoHd,h ixCIs ma ;h YS % ,xldfõ foa YS h wêlrK n,h ;= < wka ;¾cd;s s l kS ;s hg we;= <;a wka ;¾cd;s l pdß;% uh kS ;s h iy ixOdkhka wod< jk wdldrh iy YS % ,xldfõ foa YS h kS ;s fËa ;% hg wka ;¾cd;s l kS ;s h wod< lr .ekS fï § uq yq K mEug is ÿù we;s .eg¨ka fia md, ta lkdhl tÈßj kS ;s m;s kvq ;S ka ÿj ^Sepala Ekanayake Vs. Attorney General& iy k,a ,r;a kï is x.rdid tÈßj kS ;s m;s kvq ;S ka ÿj ^Nallarathnam Vs. Attorney General& weiq ßka úYa f,a IKh ls Íu fuu wOHkfha wruq K úh¡ wka ;¾cd;s l kS ;s h iy foa YS h kS ;s h tlu kS ;s moa O;s hla o@ hka k úYa f,a IKh ls Íu fuu wOHhkfha , wOHhk .eg¨j úh' wOHhk fidhd.ekS ï j,g wkq j; YS % ,xldj foa YS h wêlrK n,h ;= < wka ;¾cd;s l kS ;s hg we;= <;a wka ;¾cd;s l pdß;% uh kS ;s h wod< lr .ekS u iïnka Ofhka ta lS h kHdhjdoh;a , foa YS h wêlrK n,h ;= < wka ;¾cd;s l ixOdkhka wod< lr .ekS u iïnka Ofhka oa ù;a j kHdhjdoh;a wkq .uk lrkq ,nk nj wkdjrKh úh¡ tfuka u ta lS h kHdhjdofha yd oa ù;a j kHdhjdofha ixl,khla fhdod .ekS u Tia fia foa YS h wêlrK n,h ;= < wka ;¾cd;s l ks ;S ka wod< lr .ekS u iq cd;Ndjhls ka hq la ;j l< yels h hk nj o fuu wOHhkfha § wkdjrKh úh¡ ta i|yd wjYH ffk;S l m% ;s mdok ,nd.ekS ug j;uka YS % ,xldfõ wdKa vq l% u jHjia :dj ixfYda Okh l< hq ;= nj fuu wOHhkfha § wjika jYfhka fhda ckdjla f,i bÈßm;a lrkq ,eîh¡ fla ka øS h jpk: wka ;¾cd;s l kS ;s h" foa YS h kS ;s h" ta lS h kHdhjdoh, oa ù;a j kHdhjdoh, wka ;¾cd;s s l pdß;% uh kS ;s h" wka ;¾cd;s l ixOdkhka 1¡ 1¡ ye= |s ka ùu wka ;¾cd;s l kS ;s h" foa YS h kS ;s fËa ;% hg ^foa YS h wêlrK n, fËa ;% hg& wod< lr .ekS u iïnka Ofhka f,dj ms <s .;a tla uq ,O¾uhla fkdue;¡ f,dj rdcHhka m% Odk kS ;s kHdhka folla tkï, ta lS h kHdhjdoh ^Monism Theory& iy oa ù;a j kHdhjdoh ^Dualism Theory& wka ;¾cd;s l
Sabaragamuwa Visvaviddiyaliya Sastriya Sangahaya. Vol. 7., 2013

5th International Symposium, South-Eastern University of Sri Lanka , 2015
This study intended to explore the human-crocodile conflict in Sri Lanka. The Study was mainly ba... more This study intended to explore the human-crocodile conflict in Sri Lanka. The Study was mainly based on primary and secondary sources.Primary data was collected from semi-structured interviews. Sample size was consisted of thirty five respondents including District Secretary, seven Divisional Secretary belonging to the Kotapola, Pitabeddara, Akuressa, Athuruliya, Kamburupitiya, Malimbada and ThihagodaDivisional Secretariats, eight Gama Niladari, two officials from Disaster Management Coordination Unit,ten households to get their insights about the traditional methods used by people and two civil society leaders.Collected data from different sources, as mentioned above was analyzed using qualitative methods. The study found that sand mining, population rise, using the river for daily needs such as drinking, bathing, washing clothes and fishing, unauthorized buildings in the river bank, scrub jungles, slow flowing of river are the major causes of the human-crocodile conflict in Nilwala river area. The study further found that Piladuwa, Fort and Thihagodare the most vulnerable areas for human-crocodile conflict. "Kimbulkotuwa" or Crocodile Excluding Enclosure (CEEs) is a main method used to mitigate the human-crocodile conflict in this area.
Political Sociology - 2, 2014
1 --2 -wd.u iy foa Ymd,kh

Samaja Vimasuma. Vol. 15. , 2013
jHik l<ukdlrKh Wfoid rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkhka f.a N+ ñldj: foúkq jr m% dfoa YS h f,a lï fldÜGdYfha mY... more jHik l<ukdlrKh Wfoid rdcH fkdjk ixúOdkhka f.a N+ ñldj: foúkq jr m% dfoa YS h f,a lï fldÜGdYfha mYa pd;a iq kdñ jHik l<ukdlrK l% s hdj,s h wdY% fhka is ÿl< wOHhkhla m% §ma W¿jvq f.a iy ;= Idr lu,A r;a k 1¡ ye|s ka ùu f,dj is ÿjk jHik ^Disaster& Èfkka Èk by< hk ;;a ;a jhla ;= < wo f,dj fndfyda rdcHhka jHik l<ukdlrKh ^Disaster Management& rdcH m% ;s m;a ;s iïmdokfha § wjOdkh fhduq lrk m% Odk wxYhla njg m;a lrf.k we;¡ YS % ,xldj o ;jÿrg;a jHikhka f.ka iq rla Is ; rgla fkdfõ¡ úúO ia jNdúl iy wfkl= ;a wk;= re ms hjßka ms hjr <.d úh yels rgla nj miq .s h oYl lS mh ;= < is ÿ jQ is ÿùï j<s ka m% ;Hla I ù ;s fí' tuks id j¾;udkfha § úêu;a jHik l<ukdlrK m% fõYhl wjYH;djh mj;S ¡ YS % ,xldfõ rdcH m% ;s m;a ;s iïmdokfha § jHik l<ukdlrKh ms <s n|j wjOdkh fhduq lrkq ,nka fka uE; ld,fha § jQ j;a " jHik wjia :djka ys § thg wod, jk fia iykdOdr yd mq kre;a :dmkh jeks m% ;s ms hjrhka i|yd wjia :dkq l= , ie,iq ï ilia ls Íula uq ,a ld,S k jHik l<ukdlrK w;a oels ï ;= < fõ¡ ks oiq ka f,i 1937" 1947" 1956 iy 1965 hk j¾Ihka ys § uq yq Kÿka .xj;= r iy ks hÕ ;;a ;a jhka g uq yq Kÿka fk;a , 1978 iq <s iq <Õg uq yq Kÿka fk;a fujeks wdldrfha idudkH mßmd,k hdka ;% Kh fhdodf.k ilia l< wjia :dkq l= < ie,iq ï Tia fia h¡ 1980 oYlfhka miq YS % ,xldj ;= < jHik l<ukdlrKh úêu;a l% ufõohla Tia fia ls % hdjg kexùug wjYH ms hjr .kq ,eîh. 1991 j¾Ifha § jHikhka i|yd .;hq ;= ms hjrhka ms <s n|j jd¾;djla ms <s fh, ls Íug leìkÜ wkq lñgq jla m;a lf<a h¡ tu jd¾;dj 1993 j¾Ifha § bÈßm;a lrkq ,eìK¡ tu jd¾;dfõ fhda ckdjlg wkq j jHik l<ukdlrKh Wfoid cd;s l jHik l<ukdlrK uOHia :dkhla 1996 cq ,s udifha § iudc fia jd wud;HxYh hgf;a ia :dms ; lf<a h¡ tfuka u "2005 wxl 13 ork YS % ,xld jHik l<ukdlrK mk;" md¾,s fïka ;= j úis ka iïu; lr .ka kd f;la , YS % ,xldj ;= < jHik l<ukdlrKh ls % hdjg k.k ,oa foa iudc fia jd fomd¾;fïka ;= j úis ka jHikhla we;s jQ úg ta i|yd wjYH pl% f,a Lk ks l= ;a ls Íu Tia fia h¡ ta wkq j "2003 wxl 01 ork úia ;S rK jHik iy wks hï jHikhka ys § úm;g m;a jQ jka i|yd iyk ie,iS u i|yd jQ pl% f,a Lh" iy "2004 wxl 03 ork iq kdñ wjia :dfõ iyk ie,iS u i|yd jQ pl% f,a Lh" hk pl% f,a Lk iïmdokh lr.ks ñka jHik l<ukdlrK lghq ;= ls % hdjg kexúh¡
Papers by Pradeep Uluwaduge
The study was largely guided by the service delivery models especially decentralization service delivery model and alternative service delivery model (multi-level governance model). Using these two models, researcher identified following as crucial variables affecting the better service delivery at the lower levels of government: (a) constitutional and legal framework, (b) consistency politics, (c) institutional capacity, and (d) service delivery mechanism. Taking these variables as an independent variables, analytical framework had been developed. This framework analysis what are the challenges faced by MMC in terms of better service delivery? And how MMC would overcome its challenges and what innovations and strategies would work to deliver the better service to the public? The study was based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative and quantitative data was gathered by using primary and secondary sources, and data was presented using texts, tables, chats and figures.
The major findings of the study is that though as a decentralized LG institution, MMC implemented several strategies and innovations, has developed partnership with the private sector and enhanced the public participation in the health service delivery process, it failed to ensure the better health service delivery to the public. The main factor for that it doesn’t has an appropriate constitutional and legal framework, institutional capacity, service delivery mechanism built up by public-private partnership and mutual understand between national and local political leadership. This situation leaded to emerge the various challenges in health service delivery include shortage of sufficient and competence human racecourses, inconsistency politics, unclear powers and functions to undertake the health service delivery, poor public-private partnership, inadequate financial resources, inadequate physical resources, inaccessibility to community for health services, and poor public participation. For the sustainability of health service delivery at the grassroots level, the study recommends mobilizing public to participate in health service delivery, introduction of new strategies and innovations, filling vacancies and enhancing competency of the staff, regularizing the Internal Auditing Mechanism, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the health service delivery through Five Year Plan and enhancing Public-Private Partnership in health service delivery.