Papers by Slawomir Rebisz

Młodzież w infosferze, 2024
Infosfera to wieloaspektowe środowisko informacyjne wpływające na jednostki i społeczeństwo, obej... more Infosfera to wieloaspektowe środowisko informacyjne wpływające na jednostki i społeczeństwo, obejmujące mediosferę i informacje z kontaktów międzyludzkich. Artykuł przedstawia teoretyczne ramy pojęcia infosfery, jej definicje i kluczowe elementy, analizując wpływ środowiska cyfrowego na uczestników w kontekście psychologicznym, społecznym, edukacyjnym i zdrowotnym. Wskazuje również na dynamiczny charakter infosfery, kształtowany przez rozwój technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych (ICT). W pracy omówione zostały główne wyzwania oraz strategie adaptacyjne, niezbędne dla funkcjonowania społeczeństw, szczególnie młodzieży, w dynamicznie rozwijającym się ekosystemie informacyjnym. Artykuł podkreśla potrzebę zrozumienia i aktywnego adaptowania się do zmian w środowisku informacyjnym, aby świadomie i odpowiedzialnie korzystać z oferowanych przez infosferę możliwości.

Zróżnicowanie i zmienność społecznego świata: Księga Jjubileuszowa poświęcona Kazimierzowi Z. Sowie, 2012
Jest wychowankiem Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, uczniem i wieloletnim współpracownikiem Pawła Ryb... more Jest wychowankiem Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, uczniem i wieloletnim współpracownikiem Pawła Rybickiego. Socjologię jako kierunek studiów wybrał świadomie i z zainteresowania. W trakcie studiów pełnił funkcję przewodniczącego Koła Naukowego Socjologów UJ. Jako przewodniczący organizował w czasie wakacji coroczne cykliczne studenckie naukowe sympozja socjologiczne. Pracę magisterską zatytułowaną Dom studencki jako środowisko społeczne, będącą monografi ą słynnego domu studenckiego "Żaczek", napisał pod kierunkiem profesora Pawła Rybickiego. Dyplom z socjologii uzyskał w 1965 roku. Warto wspomnieć, iż pracę magisterską Kazimierza Z. Sowy z entuzjastyczną recenzją Aleksandra Kamińskiego podał do druku profesor Jan Szczepański. Została ona opublikowana w roku 1967 przez Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe. Po ukończeniu studiów przez Kazimierza Z. Sowę, jego opiekun naukowy, profesor Paweł Rybicki, zaprosił go do Polskiego Towarzystwa Socjologicznego-oddział krakowski, którego później (mimo sprzeciwu PZPR oraz środowiska socjologów związanego z tym ugrupowaniem) w marcu 1980 roku został przewodniczącym, przejmując stery od swojego mistrza. W tym samym czasie został także członkiem Zarządu Głównego i Prezydium Zarządu PTS. Nigdy jednak, pomimo usilnych starań swojego promotora, zatrudnienia w Katedrze Socjologii UJ nie uzyskał (pomimo że raz wygrał nawet konkurs na stanowisko asystenta). Takie były czasy. Zdobywał za to doświadczenie zawodowe-i życiowe-peregrynując po rozmaitych miastach i instytucjach. Profesor Paweł Rybicki, który czuł się odpowiedzialny za swojego magistranta, w związku z brakiem możliwości zatrudnienia go na UJ, pomógł mu w otrzymaniu etatu w Śląskim Instytucie Naukowym w Katowicach. Kazimierz Z. Sowa rozpoczął pracę jesienią 1965, by na początku 1968 roku zostać stamtąd wyrzucony z tzw. wilczym biletem, w którym zanotowano, iż "Sowa nadaje się bezwzględnie do pracy naukowej, ale z wyłączeniem odcinka ideologicznego

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Apr 14, 2023
Cyberbullying has recently attracted attention due to its increasing prevalence and serious conse... more Cyberbullying has recently attracted attention due to its increasing prevalence and serious consequences for both victims and perpetrators. The objective of this population-based study was to examine the determinants of a person becoming a perpetrator of cyberbullying, including personal resources (emotional self-regulation, self-esteem, internal locus of control, optimism), social skills (prosocial behavior, assertiveness, cognitive empathy, cooperation), peer relationships (peer support, threats from peers, peer rejection, dislike of peers), and problematic Internet use (excessive Internet use, impulsive reactions to Internet deprivation). Participants (N = 541) were students at elementary schools (age 14-15) in Ostroleka, a city in central-eastern Poland. Two-part regression was used to explore protective/risk factors of the likelihood of an individual using cyberviolence (dichotomous part: involvement in violence) and how often it is used (continuous part: frequency of cyberbullying). The results showed that the emotional component is crucial to cyberbullying, as indicated by the importance of emotional self-control, which reduces the frequency of cyberbullying. Other important factors are assertiveness, impulsive response to limited Internet access (which increases the likelihood of engaging in cyberbullying) and fear of peers (which reduces its frequency). In turn, the importance of pro-sociality (which inhibits engagement) and peer support (which promotes engagement) points to the second important component of cyberbullying-that is, group mechanisms. At the same time, the results indicate that while the importance of Internet addiction as a risk factor for cyberbullying should not be underestimated, the amount of time spent online cannot be seen as the source of the problem. The study leads to the conclusion that effective interventions targeting cyberbullying should focus on the development of more adaptive styles of coping with emotions.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023
Cyberbullying has recently attracted attention due to its increasing prevalence and serious conse... more Cyberbullying has recently attracted attention due to its increasing prevalence and serious consequences for both victims and perpetrators. The objective of this population-based study was to examine the determinants of a person becoming a perpetrator of cyberbullying, including personal resources (emotional self-regulation, self-esteem, internal locus of control, optimism), social skills (prosocial behavior, assertiveness, cognitive empathy, cooperation), peer relationships (peer support, threats from peers, peer rejection, dislike of peers), and problematic Internet use (excessive Internet use, impulsive reactions to Internet deprivation). Participants (N = 541) were students at elementary schools (age 14-15) in Ostroleka, a city in central-eastern Poland. Two-part regression was used to explore protective/risk factors of the likelihood of an individual using cyberviolence (dichotomous part: involvement in violence) and how often it is used (continuous part: frequency of cyberbullying). The results showed that the emotional component is crucial to cyberbullying, as indicated by the importance of emotional self-control, which reduces the frequency of cyberbullying. Other important factors are assertiveness, impulsive response to limited Internet access (which increases the likelihood of engaging in cyberbullying) and fear of peers (which reduces its frequency). In turn, the importance of pro-sociality (which inhibits engagement) and peer support (which promotes engagement) points to the second important component of cyberbullying-that is, group mechanisms. At the same time, the results indicate that while the importance of Internet addiction as a risk factor for cyberbullying should not be underestimated, the amount of time spent online cannot be seen as the source of the problem. The study leads to the conclusion that effective interventions targeting cyberbullying should focus on the development of more adaptive styles of coping with emotions.
The aim of this paper is to answer the following question: what kind of features of the academic ... more The aim of this paper is to answer the following question: what kind of features of the academic lecturers from the University of Rzeszow (Poland) and Palacký University in Olomouc (the Czech Republic) are preferred by the students of the Faculty of Education from both universities. The research was carried out with the participation of 355 full-time students (N=355). The answers of the students were sorted and statistically analyzed. On the basis of students’ opinions from both universities there was created a ranking of the academic lecturers’ features preferred by them. The preliminary conclusions were presented on the basis of statistics.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
The main goal of the analysis presented in this paper is to examine the dynamics of including oth... more The main goal of the analysis presented in this paper is to examine the dynamics of including other-sex peers in the peer networks of early adolescents, aged 11 (at T1) and 13 (at T2), and the relationship between sex heterophily and changes in the sense of peer integration. The analysis was conducted using the Latent Difference Score (LDS) model with data from a representative nationwide longitudinal study in Poland (n = 5748). With reference to the dynamics related to the heterophilic process, the research confirmed that at the beginning of grade 5 of primary school, heterophily is still relatively rare, yet towards the end of early adolescence, there is a gradual shift, more strongly in girls, towards breaking through the strictly same-sex segregation and embarking on heterophilic relationships. Importantly, the LDS model—even when controlling for different measures of peer network—showed significant and positive (among both girls and boys) relations between establishing cross-se...

Annals of Library and Information Studies, 2022
One of the most common methods for creating a presence in the scientific virtual space is the e-p... more One of the most common methods for creating a presence in the scientific virtual space is the e-profile as a "digital representation" of a researcher. The aim of this study was to compare the e-visibility of academics, to examine the correlation between researchers' visibility and their productivity, as well as to identify the main predictors of the e-visibility of the academics affiliated with selected universities/institutes in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia. Five platforms most often used for the digital representation were selected for the study: Web of Science, Scopus, Google Scholar Citation, ResearchGate and The research included qualitative and quantitative analysis of collected data available on relevant websites. The results showed that academics from Eastern Europe do have e-profiles on scholarly platforms. However, differences were evident, especially concerning the WoS and Scopus databases. A positive correlation was confirmed between visibility and productivity, indicating that scholars with more e-profiles and publications, especially in a foreign language were the most effective and were cited most often. Linear regression analysis showed that the most important predictors for the scholarly visibility were publications in English language posted in e-profiles, and papers indexed in the prestigious bibliographic databases WoS and Scopus.

Liber Quarterly: The Journal of European Research Libraries, Dec 3, 2021
An invitation to become an editorial board member (EBM) of an academic journal should be regarded... more An invitation to become an editorial board member (EBM) of an academic journal should be regarded as evidence of recognition of a scholar's research achievement and impact on his discipline. This is a requirement of Merton's norm of universalism in science, which proposes that awards and prestige ought to be held to objective and pre-established impersonal criteria that depend exclusively on the quality of scholarly output. This principle is particularly important in the context of editorial teams of academic journals. The aim of this paper is to present an empirical case study of the academic achievements of the EBMs of the top ten Polish pedagogical journals, in 2020. For research purposes, the author assumed that the criterion for nomination to the editorial board was the scholars' output, as evidenced by their publications indexed in the WoS and Scopus databases and also the number of corresponding citations. The results put into question the idea that the editorial nominations examined were indeed grounded in the publications indexed in the WoS and Scopus databases. Based on the record of EBMs output indexed in these databases, most EBMs analysed were not proven to be the most productive or cited scholars.

It is widely acknowledged that loneliness and depression are prevalent among university students ... more It is widely acknowledged that loneliness and depression are prevalent among university students and may contribute to poor academic achievements or higher probability of dropping out of university. However, the associations between these two phenomena are complex and not fully understood. In this paper we describe preliminary findings from a longitudinal study investigating the interrelationships between loneliness and depression in a representative sample of students of the University of Rzeszów (Poland). The obtained results confirm those from previous studies reporting a stronger and more stable effect of loneliness on depression than vice versa. A temporally stable influence of loneliness on depression suggests that interventions aiming to reduce the intensity of the feeling of loneliness should result in lowering the severity of depressive symptoms. University counselling services should offer interventions targeting loneliness among the students in order to help them to adapt to the challenges of the university education and protect them from developing depression.

Individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are characterized by a number of... more Individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are characterized by a number of social deficits. The aim of the current study was to investigate the associations between ADHD diagnosis and social relationships among children from primary schools. Findings revealed that ADHD may contribute to both objective (social isolation) and subjective (dissatisfaction with peer relations) social problems. Children with a diagnosis of ADHD were more likely to have a "rejected" and "neglected" status and viewed their peer relations more negatively than children without this diagnosis. The effect of ADHD diagnosis on perceived integration with peers was found to be fully mediated by sociometric status. Our results underscore the relevance of social aspects of ADHD, which need to be addressed in the therapeutic programs. Interventions aiming to promote a positive image of children with ADHD among their peers should also be undertaken.
Papers by Slawomir Rebisz