University of Rzeszów
Ecology and Environmental Protection
Two hepaticolous fungi, Mniaecia jungermanniae and Puttea margaritella rarely recorded in Europe have recently been found in Polish Western Carpathians. Both species are also reported here for the first time from Poland. Notes on their... more
The recently described, terricolous and corticolous, sorediate lichen Lecanora flavoleprosa (belonging to the L. symmicta group) is for the first time recorded from the Carpathians. So far, this rare European species has only been... more
Formerly reported as maritime Antarctic Bacidia sp. A has been re−named here as B. chrysocolla Olech, Czarnota et Llop. Another new species, B. subcoprodes Olech et Czarnota, found in the continental and maritime Antarctic has also been... more
The phylogeny of the Micarea prasina group was investigated using mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal DNA sequences from 14 taxa representing this group, four other members of the genus Micarea, and Psilolechia lucida as an outgroup. A... more
Bacidina flavoleprosa is described as a new species from the Czech Republic. Its position within the genus is supported by phylogenetic inferences of ITS rDNA sequences from its holotype and many other representatives of Bacidia s. lat.,... more
Bacidina mendax, described here as a new lichen species, appears to be common and widespread, at least in Central Europe. Analyses of the ITS rDNA region and the morphology of specimens showed an intraspecific variation in the new taxon.... more
Ten microlichens growing on more or less moribund thalli of several terricolous Peltigera spp. are reported from WyżynaŚląsko-Krakowska upland in southern Poland. The list includes: Absconditella delutula, Agonimia vouauxii, Bacidia... more
Taxonomic remarks, known distribution, ecological notes and new records in Central Europe for two species of <em>Epigloea</em> are provided. Many specimens recognized here under <em>E. soleiformis</em> characterize... more
Four lichen species: <em>Hypogymnia physodes</em>, <em>Pseudevernia furfuracea</em>, <em>Parmelia saxatilis</em>, and <em>Platismatia glauca</em> were collected from two sites (S. Poland)... more
46 lichenized fungi and 1 lichenicolous fungus new to the Babia Góra Massif, a Polish and Slovak transborder mountain range, the highest in the flysch Western Carpathians, are presented here. Taxonomic and ecological remarks, as well as... more
Taxonomic and chorological notes on four Lecanora species, misidentified or poorly known in Poland, are presented. L. aitema is reported from Poland for the first time; its status and previous reports in the country are discussed. L.... more
New records of six lichens and one lichenicolous fungus from South America are presented. Lecanora leuckertiana (Peru) and Psilolechia clavulifera (Bolivia) are recorded for the fi rst time from South America. Chrysothrix xanthina,... more
Results of lichenological fi eld investigations carried out in the period 1999-2005 in the northern part of Lubań range in the Gorce Mts are provided as the contribution for the knowledge of lichen biota of the whole mountain range. 253... more
Micarea hypoviolascens sp. nov. (Pilocarpaceae) is described from an ancient woodland in western Scotland. It is the second species within Micarea known to have the olivaceous, K+ deep violet pigment (Sedifolia-grey) in the hypothecium.
Bacidia pycnidiata sp. nov. (Ramalinaceae) is described from Poland and the Czech Republic. It is the first species within Bacidia s. lat., referable to the Bacidina group, known to have sessile, long-necked, lageniform pycnidia bearing... more
Bacidina flavoleprosa is described as a new species from the Czech Republic. Its position within the genus is supported by phylogenetic inferences of ITS rDNA sequences from its holotype and many other representatives of Bacidia s. lat.,... more
Endoxylic Micarea contexta Hedl. and epilithic M. lynceola (Th. Fr.) Palice are presented as lichenized fungi new for Poland and the Carpathians. Their phenotypic characters and affi nities to other Micarea species, their world... more