Papers by Mariusz Pisarski

Przekładaniec, Dec 19, 2023
This article discusses the challenges of translating poetry generators in multi-authorial, creati... more This article discusses the challenges of translating poetry generators in multi-authorial, creative collaborations and within the context of understanding text as a process. Stephanie Strickland's and Nick Montfort's Sea and Spar Between is in many respects a translational challenge that in some languages might be considered an impossible task. Polish, our target language, imposes some serious constraints: one-syllable words become disyllabic or multisyllabic, kennings have different morphological, lexical, and grammatical arrangements, and most of the generative rhetoric of the original (like anaphors) must take into consideration the grammatical gender of Polish words. As a result, the JavaScript code, instructions that accompany the JavaScript file, and arrays of words that this poetry generator draws from, needed to be expanded and rewritten. Moreover, in several crucial points of this rule-driven work, natural language forced us to modify the code. In translating Sea and Spar Between, the process of negotiation between the source language and the target language involves more factors than in the case of traditional translation. Strickland and Montfort read Dickinson and Melville and parse their readings guessing from Textones Distributed Translation as Exemplified… 45 into a computer program (in itself a translation, or port, from Python to JavaScript), which combines them in almost countless ways. Such a collision of cultures, languages, and tools becomes amplified when transposed into a different language. This transposition involves the original authors of Sea and Spar Between, the four original translators of Dickinson and Melville into Polish, and ourselves, turning into a multilayered translational challenge, something we propose to call a distributed translation. While testing the language and the potential of poetry translation in the digital age, the experiment -we hope -has produced some fascinating and thought-provoking poetry.

Global Perspectives on Digital Literature, A Critical Introduction for the Twenty-First Centur, 2023
Every day thousands forms of writing are born and distributed on social media. As text-based and ... more Every day thousands forms of writing are born and distributed on social media. As text-based and digital-born artifacts they are forms of electronic literature, regardless of their authors' intention or awareness (Flores 2019). Making sense of such prolific literary production and forming bridges between the current generations of digital natives and prior literary traditions is an enormous task. While existing classifications of e-literature greatly contribute to such task by bringing order into an ever-evolving field, the sheer scale of digital works offered to contemporary audiences encourages scholars to expand established categories, propose alternative source materials, and introduce new conjunctions. It is especially true if one wants to embrace the notion of electronic literature as both a global and a local phenomenon, as World Literature with divergent roots and multiple strands (Tabbi 2010, 20). Such diversification is necessary because despite having a global, common denominator-the emergence of digital technologies-the field of electronic literature witnessed processes of canon formation similar to those in the print world (Ensslin 2007, 4). Consequently, a pattern of relations between hyper canon, counter canon and shadow canon, a dynamic governed by the rule which David Damrosch described as "the richest of the rich get richer still" (Damrosch 2006, 40), could also be observed. Exposing divergent roots, variable timelines, and alternative classifications of e-literary practice might not entirely prevent some authors to raise to the "hypercanonical celebrity" (Damrosch 2006, 53) at the expense of others, but at least might point at a strategy of accompanying the most often discussed works of digital poetry and fiction by their counterparts from other languages and cultures. My goal in this chapter is to offer alternative approaches to the established genealogies, historical models, and typological frameworks within which global community of scholars and authors discuss and practice electronic literature. The existing historical models offer either a generational (first, second and third) or a web-based classification (pre-Web, web and post-Web) of electronic literature. In my overview of these models I will also pay attention to perhaps the most persuasive theoretical typology that distinguishes between modern and postmodern e-literature. However, if one wants to look at e-literature as a global phenomenon and takes into account-for example-unequal access to digital technologies, some of
Česká literatura (Czech Literature), 2015

Przegląd Kulturoznawczy, May 19, 2014
Pu b l i k a c j a o b j ę t a p r a we m a u t o r s k i mi. Ws z e l k i e p r a wa z a s t r z... more Pu b l i k a c j a o b j ę t a p r a we m a u t o r s k i mi. Ws z e l k i e p r a wa z a s t r z e ż o n e. Ko p i o wa n i e i r o z p o ws z e c h n i a n i e z a b r o n i o n e. Pu b l i k a c j a p r z e z n a c z o n e j e d y n i e d l a k l i e n t ó w i n d y wi d u a l n y c h. Z a k a z r o z p o ws z e c h n i a n i a i u d o s t ę p n i a n i a w s e r wi s a c h b i b l i o t e c z n y c h. 148 Autor i dzieło w kulturze cyfrowej (na przykładzie twórczości Nicka Montforta) Mariusz Pisarski Korporacja Ha!art Autor i dzieło w kulturze cyfrowej (na przykładzie twórczości Nicka Montforta) Author and Work in Digital Culture: the Text-machines of Nick Montfort Abstract: Cultural and methodological framework set by digital humanities implies a substantial shift in authorial paradigms. A sole humanist thinker is replaced by a humanist-programmer, always ready for collaboration with others and whose research is focused not on close-reading and interpretation, but on computational and generative distance-reading. One of the ways to familiarise with the changed paradigm is to look for similar, authorial fi gures in art, specifi cally in digital literature. The humanist-programmer, someone with higher than usual set of competencies which spanned across computing and literature, has been directly and indirectly present in the work of Nick Montfort-one of the most prolifi c artists in the fi eld of electronic literature. By looking at the occurrences of the writer-programmer fi gure in Montfort's literary happenings and text-machines and by examining the enhanced model of literary communication, the article aims at encouraging new ways of looking at (digitally) infused literature and culture, establishing Nick Montfort as one of their pioneers and proponents. Part of the article, while discussing a poetry generator Sea and Spar Between, concentrates on several categories related to the fi gure of humanist-programmer: critical code studies, distributive authorship, culture of collaboration, remix culture.

Intertekstualność, czyli zdolność tekstu do łączenia się z innymi tekstami, jako właściwość wpisa... more Intertekstualność, czyli zdolność tekstu do łączenia się z innymi tekstami, jako właściwość wpisana w tekst od zawsze i nie dająca się od niego oddzielić, w kontekście nowych mediów dość często porównywana jest z hipertekstualnością, czyli wspieraną przez kod komputerowy zdolnością tekstu do łączenia się z innymi tekstami za pomocą elektronicznych hiperłączy. Artykuł ten stanowi próbę porównania obu tych kategorii i dość stanowczego rozróżnienia prezentowanych przezeń modeli. Hipertekst nie jest "udramatyzowanym" intertekstem, ani rodzajem architekstu, jak pierwotnie sądzono. W odróżnieniu od spostrzeżeń Michela Riffaterre'a, który przyglądał się hipertekstowi z perspektywy intertekstu, i George'a Landowa, który badał hipertekst pod kątem intertekstu, sugeruję tutaj, na przykładach zaczerpniętych z fikcjonalnych i niefikcjonalnych utworów hipertekstowych, zwłaszcza z powieści Popołudnie, pewna historia Michalea Joyce'a, że hipertekst może być anty-intertekstem i parodią powiązań intertekstualnych. Choć sugestie te nie mają na celu podważenia oczywistych pokrewieństw między obiema kategoriami, mam nadzieje, że mogą się przyczynić do pogłębienia refleksji na ten temat.
Religions, Oct 1, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
World literature studies, Mar 31, 2021
* This article was supported by the project aPVV-17-0064 "analysis of multidimensional forms of t... more * This article was supported by the project aPVV-17-0064 "analysis of multidimensional forms of trans-and post-humanism".
Routledge eBooks, May 13, 2023

Vaccines, Dec 16, 2021
This paper is interdisciplinary and combines the research perspective of medical studies with tha... more This paper is interdisciplinary and combines the research perspective of medical studies with that of media and social communication studies and theological studies. The main goal of this article is to determine [from arguments on all sides of the issue] whether, and to what extent, statements issued by a religious authority can be used as an argument in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The authors also want to find answers to the questions of how the pope's comments affect public opinion when they concern the sphere of secular and everyday life, including issues related to health care. The main method used in this study is desktop research and the analysis of the Roman Catholic Church's teaching on vaccination and on the types and significance of the pope's statements on various topics. The auxiliary methods are sentiment analysis and network analysis made in the open source software Gephi. The authors are strongly interested in the communication and media aspect of the analyzed situation. Pope Francis' voice on the COVID-19 vaccination has certainly been noticed and registered worldwide, but the effectiveness of his message and direct impact on Catholics' decisions to accept or refuse the COVID-19 vaccination is quite questionable and would require further precise research. Comparing this to the regularities known from political marketing, one would think that the pope's statement would not convince the firm opponents of vaccination.

Social Communication, Dec 1, 2019
The article focuses on a hashtags as a tool of networked culture and networked social movements, ... more The article focuses on a hashtags as a tool of networked culture and networked social movements, and-at the same time-on self-expression phenomenon of a selfie. Although today hashtags, in particular, can been seen as a frequently used weapon in information wars and a tool of propaganda 2.0, seen from historical perspective, this very tool aligns itself first and foremost with emancipatory forces in the Internet history. These forces, expressed in A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace and in participatory ideals of Web 2.0 are now in withdrawal. As the Internet is now in a peculiar development phase, ruled by the logic of surveillance capitalism, those early ideals of free speech and exchange of ideas are now overshadowed by a "darkening of the digital dream (Shoshana Zuboff). The central argument suggests that the "Kardashian moment" on the one hand, and Occupy Wallstreet, on the other hand, constituted a point in time where new media affordances and social phenomena were aligned. At the same time, both hashtag and selfie can be viewed as a response to the betrayalof individualization processes started in the 1960s, then carried on and amplified by the early Internet, and in the end commodified by the growing Internet giants and established structures of power.

While the significance of hypertext links for the new ways of telling stories has been widely dis... more While the significance of hypertext links for the new ways of telling stories has been widely discussed, there has been not many debates about the very elements that are being connected: hypertext nodes. Apart from few exceptions, poetics of the link overshadows poetics of the node. My goal is to re-focus on a single node, or lexia, by introducing the concept of contextual regulation as the major force that shapes hypertext narrative units. Because many lexias must be capable of occurring in different contexts and at different stages of the unfolding story, several compromises have to be made on the level of language, style, plot and discourse. Each node, depending on its position and importance, has a varying level of connectivity and autonomy, which affects the global coherence of text. After focusing on relations between the notion of lexia (as a coherent and flexible unit) and the notion of kernel in narrative theory, an explanation of rules behind contextual regulation is presented, along with the basic typology of nodes. Then an attempt to enhance existing plot pools for hypertext fiction is undertaken. Several suggestions for the new plots, offered by the node-centered approach, are introduced.

Teksty Drugie, 2015
Od narodzin określają nas spojrzenia. Wpleceni w nie, patrzymy na innych, oni-na nas. W przestrze... more Od narodzin określają nas spojrzenia. Wpleceni w nie, patrzymy na innych, oni-na nas. W przestrzeni publicznej ("na wolnym rynku przypadkowych spojrzeń" mówi Peter Sloterdijk) muśnięcie wzrokiem, przelotne bycie widzianym nie nakładają się na siebie, nie zagrażają podmiotowej autonomii. Spojrzenia (wy)mijają się, czasem krzyżują. Ich przedłużonego spotkania nie tłumaczy znajomość czy jakikolwiek inny element poddający się interpretacji; choć pojawiają się ulotne komunikaty (na przykład uśmiech), momentalne zbliżenie stapia się z fundamentalną obcością. Intersubiektywne "krótkie spięcie" (lecz nie przejście od stanu "obcości" do "znajomości") trwa sekundę, po czym odwracamy głowę, by wrócić do uprzedniej roli. Bez tych barier-równie koniecznych, jak granice między światem żywych i umarłych-niemożliwe byłoby stworzenie świata społecznego. W jego ramach spełniamy zarówno nasze pragnienie bycia z innymi (zbliżenia), jak potrzebę odróżnienia się od nich 2. Czasami dystans znika. Spojrzenie przebija niewidzialną otoczkę (niewidzenia, bycia niewidzianym), wędruje ku nam, byśmy mogli się w nim dostrzec, tworząc "wyjątkowy stan intersubiektywny" (Sloterdijk). (Roz)poznajemy się w oczach innych, przeobrażonych w nasze zwierciadła. Poddani spojrzeniu, przestajemy władać sobą, łączymy twarze w "intymnym univer-1 Wersja skrócona ukazała się w języku angielskim (tłum M. Mrozik): The gaze of Medusa, w: Vision and cognition, ed. T. Dobrzyńska, R. Kuncheva, Sofia 2011, s. 3-27. Pan Profesor Benedetto Bravo zechciał przeczytać tekst przed drukiem. Jego uściślenia i krytyczne uwagi były dla mnie bezcenne.

This paper is interdisciplinary and combines the research perspective of medical studies with tha... more This paper is interdisciplinary and combines the research perspective of medical studies with that of media and social communication studies and theological studies. The main goal of this article is to determine [from arguments on all sides of the issue] whether, and to what extent, statements issued by a religious authority can be used as an argument in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign. The authors also want to find answers to the questions of how the pope’s comments affect public opinion when they concern the sphere of secular and everyday life, including issues related to health care. The main method used in this study is desktop research and the analysis of the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on vaccination and on the types and significance of the pope’s statements on various topics. The auxiliary methods are sentiment analysis and network analysis made in the open source software Gephi. The authors are strongly interested in the communication and media aspect of the analyzed ...
Papers by Mariusz Pisarski
The voices from Central and Eastern Europe comprised in this monograph expand the notion of remediation in several directions, bringing new perspectives and new examples. In several cases authors explicitly want to go beyond the remediation, both in its subject and object, which is accommodated by the ever expanding definition of medium or media as such. Nevertheless the core understanding of the very concept of remediation and the double logic of immediation and hypermediation remains constant throughout the book. As such this book constitutes a valuable contribution to the discussion on mediation and remediation, with focus on storytelling transformations in digital age.
I. Contexts
1.Janez Strehovec: Moving images, moving words. On refashioning film in elec- tronic literature
2. Jana Tomašovičová: Data transformation in heterotopic space
3. Peter Sýkora: Defining Biomedia: On the Importance of Transcoding and Reme- diation
4. Bogumiła Suwara: On the Path to the Remediation of Academic Genres and Their Presence/Absence in Central Europe
5.Pavol Rankov:Dematerialization and Datafication: Towards a Remediation of Everything 6. Agnieszka Jelewska, Michał Krawczak: Video-remediations: from transmission medium to data landscape. Three phases of video-remediations
II. Histories
1. Jana Kostincová: The Russian Silver Age Literature as a Hypertext–Background Text–Subtext
2. Karel Piorecký: Serialized Novels in the Context of Digital Publication
3. Katarina Peović-Vuković: Text and téchne
4. Zoltán Szűts: The Aesthetics of New Media Art: The Nature of an Interactive, Real-Time, Interconnected, Hypermedia, and Augmented Artwork
5.Kateřina Piorecká: Between the Book, the Image, and the PerformancePan- tomima by Vítězslav Nezval
6.Andrzej Adamski: Sacrum in the digital world: the processes of remediation on the example of the liturgical books of the Catholic Church
III. Poetics
1.Ewa Szczęsna, Mariusz Pisarski, Piotr Kubiński: Strategies for the creation of me- aning in digital art
2.Piotr Marecki: “Stoberskiade”, or Stickers as a Literature-Distribution Platform
3. Martin Flašar: Poème électronique remediated
4. Dagmar Sabolová-Princic: The Radio Remediation of Umberto Eco’s Baudolino
5. Zuzana Husárová: Cooking Obvia Gaude and Talis Quadra: On the Creative Cannibalism of the Slovak Baroque Wedding Wish
6.Ivan Lacko: Remediating the grotesque and uncanny: t