Papers by Sunil Kumar Jauhar
Data envelopment analysis or DEA methodology is employed for assessing the relative efficiency of... more Data envelopment analysis or DEA methodology is employed for assessing the relative efficiency of different homogeneous units. Through DEA one can analyze the areas which need more attention and can suggest measures for improving the performance of different sectors. Through this article, the authors have tried to analyze the relative efficiency of IITR (The Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee), a higher educational institute (HEI) in India. The efficiency of nineteen academic departments of IIT Roorkee is measured with respect to teaching and research. The novlty of the paper is twofold (1) the authiors have considered the environmental aspects (sustainability criteria) while measuring efficiency (2) Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm is employed in accordance with DEA on the fractional model generated for calculating efficiency. (M. Pant), [email protected] (A.K. Nagar).
Selection of an appropriate supplier is gaining a lot interest among researchers working in the f... more Selection of an appropriate supplier is gaining a lot interest among researchers working in the field of supply chain management .Often many suppliers are available in the market that fulfills some preliminary criteria. However the real task is to determine the most suitable set of suppliers (or key suppliers) subject to management as well as environmental aspects. In the current study, we present an approach to solve the multiple-criteria green supplier selection problem (mathematical model formulated with Data Envelopment Analysis) with the application of differential evolution. A hypothetical case demonstrates the application of the present approach.

Diverse sustainable supplier selection (SSS) methodologies have been suggested by the practitione... more Diverse sustainable supplier selection (SSS) methodologies have been suggested by the practitioners in earlier, to find a solution to the SSS problem. A SSS problem fundamentally is a multi-criteria practice. It is a judgment of tactical significance to enterprises. The nature of this decision usually is difficult and unstructured. Optimization practices might be useful tools for these types of decision-making difficulties. During last few years, Differential Evolution has arisen as a dominating tool used for solving a variety of problems arising in numerous fields. In the current study, we present an approach to find a solution to the SSS problem using Differential Evolution in pulp and paper industry. Hence this paper presents a novel approach is to practice Differential Evolution to select the efficient sustainable suppliers providing the maximum fulfillment for the sustainable criteria determined. Finally, an illustrative example on pulp and paper industry validates the application of the present approach .

Automobile industries worldwide are unified in opinion, that successful management of sustainable... more Automobile industries worldwide are unified in opinion, that successful management of sustainable supply chains is the most important driver to improve both their economic and ecological performances. The significance of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) is a critical corporate matter in the automobile industries that offers incredible potential for achieving better environmental performance , consumer fulfillment, pull down operating expenditures, reducing inventory investments in addition to achieving better fixed asset usage. The environment concerns, climatic changes, and additional ecological concerns in automobile industries are not only articulated by campaigners or researchers, but also by the common man as well, which has motivated the industries to focus on sustainability. The present research focuses on a DEA-based mathematical model and employs differential evolution to select the competent suppliers providing the utmost fulfillment for the sustainable criteria determined. This study aims to examine the sustainable supplier evaluation and selection practices likely to be adopted by the Indian automobile industry for their products.
The use of genetic algorithm for supply chain management with its ability to evolve solutions, ha... more The use of genetic algorithm for supply chain management with its ability to evolve solutions, handle uncertainty, and perform optimization remains to be a leading field of study. The growing body of publications over the last two decades means that it can be difficult to keep track of what has been done previously , what has worked, and what really needs to be addressed. Hence, this paper presents a review of existing research activities inspired by the genetic algorithm application in supply chain management (SCM) aimed at presenting key research themes, trends, and directions of future research.
Deciding an appropriate approach for supplier selection is however a demanding research task as t... more Deciding an appropriate approach for supplier selection is however a demanding research task as there are often thousands of potential suppliers and identifying a subset of these suppliers can be a difficult practice. During last few years, Differential Evolution has come out as a dominant tool used for solving a wide range of problems arising in numerous fields. In the current study, we present an approach to solve the supplier selection problem mathematical modeled with Data envelopment analysis using differential evolution. A case study demonstrates the application of the present approach.

Modern times, highly competitive, global operating environment, sustainability plays a very vital... more Modern times, highly competitive, global operating environment, sustainability plays a very vital role. Changing climatic conditions and environmental deterioration has multi dimensional impact on every sphere of life forms and life form driving processes. Public hold on corporations responsible for ecological misconduct in their supply chains getting more firm with time. To counter the threat it's a high time industries started taking initiatives for sustainability in their supply chains. In spite of that, suppliers often are unsuccessful to appropriately contribute in these initiatives. Hence, present paper justifies the supplier involvement in sustainable initiatives in supply chain management (SCM) with using differential evolution (DE) to select the efficient sustainable suppliers providing the maximum fulfillment for the sustainable criteria determined. Finally, two illustrative cases on automotive industry validate the application of the present approach.
This paper estimates the performance assessment of 15 academic department of government PG Colleg... more This paper estimates the performance assessment of 15 academic department of government PG College, Gopeshwar, Chamoli Uttarakhand (India) for the academic year 2011-2012. In Indian context efficiency of a government PG degree college of Uttarakhand state (India) is being measured for the first time to the best of authors knowledge. Using DEA models, we estimate the overall technical, pure technical and scale efficiency and identify the reference sets for inefficient departments for teaching and research separately. We also classify the academic departments in the high, middle and low robustness in terms of overall technical efficiency (OTE) for teaching and research efficiency.

In today's cut throat competitive scenario the fundamental management task is to give right direc... more In today's cut throat competitive scenario the fundamental management task is to give right direction and take right decisions for better quality in organization for the sustaining and existence. This can be accomplished through the better quality control system, yet many organizations never invest their time to understand how their management system really works. To stay in today's globalize competitive market the implementation of quality circle concepts is very much useful. Quality circle is a philosophy, which deals with the real problems in the company by the contribution of a group of people. Quality circle is the group of people from any department, to solve the problem of any kind to improve the quality of something. In the quality circle the members meet at a decided interval to discuss the solutions of the problem. This paper addresses the application of quality circle concepts to implement the new attachment in the webalinzer machine to print on fabric while rolling it. By this paper we can see that how we can implement quality circle concept for solving the problem of any type with the best suitable option. With the use of their own resources and by the discussion, how the problem can be solved. In short, if we work together and we are open for the ideas then any problem can be solved by the coordination .
After a strong performance in the first half of 2010, real GDP growth in both the EU and the euro... more After a strong performance in the first half of 2010, real GDP growth in both the EU and the euro area slowed down in the second half of last year. The deceleration was expected and in line with a soft patch in global growth and trade, which reflected the withdrawal of stimulus measures and the fading of positive impulses from the inventory cycle. Within an uncertain and risky business environment and global competition, firms have to manage not only their internal operations but also all the processes and relationships within their value chains. The purpose of this study is to provide insights for the Eurozone crises, particularly the Europe and emergingmarket economies.

Management of sustainable (ecologically green) supply chain is a vital concern for any industry a... more Management of sustainable (ecologically green) supply chain is a vital concern for any industry around the world. The pulp and paper industry in INDIA is facing tremendous challenges like tumbling demands due to ecological concern, gloomy trend in technology advancement, and fierce worldwide competition. This highly competitive operating environment is of much concern and hence attention is focused towards the direction of climatic changes and additional ecological concerns. These concerns are voiced by activists, researchers, and the common man, which has compelled the industries to take suitable actions for sustainability. This paper aims to examine the challenges of sustainable supplier selection (SSS) and proposes a Differential Evolution (DE) based approach for selecting sustainable suppliers for a hypothetical north Indian pulp and paper industry's supply chain management (SCM).
The present study focuses on embedding the Supply chain management concepts on to the education s... more The present study focuses on embedding the Supply chain management concepts on to the education sector i.e. educational supply chain management. It is an important area of research as it helps in the management of one of the most important sector of a country, viz. the education sector. The objective here is to measure efficiency of 19 departments of Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee), a reputed higher education institute of India. Keywords Supply chain management Á Educational supply chain management Á Data envelop analysis Á Sustainability Á GHG emission Á Higher educational institute
In this study an effort is made for developing an efficient system for SSS by integrating togethe... more In this study an effort is made for developing an efficient system for SSS by integrating together the traditional multi criteria performance evaluation tool DEA with DE algorithm and further with MODE to overcome the inherent drawbacks of DEA. The proposed model is implemented on a hypothetical but realistic automobile industry. The results indicate that the proposed integration of DEA with DE and MODE increases the discriminatory powers of DEA thereby resulting in more realistic outcomes.

Genetic algorithms (GAs) are perhaps the oldest and most frequently used search techniques for de... more Genetic algorithms (GAs) are perhaps the oldest and most frequently used search techniques for dealing with complex and intricate real-life problems that are otherwise difficult to solve by the traditional methods. The present article provides an extensive literature review of the application of GA on supply chain management (SCM). SCM consists of several intricate processes and each process is equally important for maintaining a successful supply chain. In this paper, eight processes (where each process has a set of sub-processes) as given by Council of SCM Professionals (CSCMF) are considered. The idea is to review the application of GA on these aspects and to provide the readers a detailed study in this area. The authors have considered more than 220 papers covering a span of nearly two decades for this study. The analysis is shown in detail with the help of graphs and tables. It is expected that such an extensive study will encourage and motivate the fellow researchers working in related area; to identify the gaps and to come up with innovative ideas.

This paper describes the fusion of Lean and Six Sigma is required to achieve the fastest rate of ... more This paper describes the fusion of Lean and Six Sigma is required to achieve the fastest rate of improvement in quality, cost, delivery and process speed. By combining Lean and Six Sigma it is possible to achieve highly effective improvements in a company's operations. Six Sigma doesn't focus on speed. And, Lean cannot bring a process under statistical control. Lean Six Sigma efforts tend to be aligned by organizational functions rather than supply chains. This can result in departmental improvements, but fall short in achieving end to end supply chain improvements. Supply chain management (SCM) is a major issue in many industries as organizations begin to appreciate the criticality of creating an integrated relationship with their suppliers and customers, as well as all other stakeholders. It is concerned with smoothness, economically driven operations and maximizing value for the end customer through quality delivery. Hence, research is undertaken to integrate lean Six Sigma and SCM that will focus on how their integration drives rapid focused product and process improvements which result in controlled, sustainable, and validated improvements to the bottom line.

Advances in Mechanical Engineering and …, 2012
This paper deals with the application of rapid manufacturing techniques to save the time as well ... more This paper deals with the application of rapid manufacturing techniques to save the time as well as cost of manufacturing of few critical components of automobiles. A case study of Inlet manifold of engine and Rotor of disk break is taken here to demonstrate the method. While working on this objective the aim will be to reduce the lead time required for tooling required for the conventional block-type investment casting process. There are strong incentives to reduce costs while increasing speed and accuracy in the current market. RP is an ideal method when the components are complex in shape because it substantially compresses the time for developing prototypes, patterns and tooling. This method is even more promising on cost and time front. The capabilities to fabricate freeform surfaces, inbuilt cores, projections and supports are the unbeatable strengths of RP processes. The use of benefits in terms costs have proved that the adoption of RP technology is techno-economically justifiable for the Indian manufacturing industries. Rapid Prototyping have proved to be a cost-effective and time efficient approach for development of pattern making, thereby ensuring possibility for technology transfer in Indian manufacturing industries.

Advances in Mechanical Engineering and …, 2012
Abstracts -In a free enterprise system, with competition at full play, success in business over t... more Abstracts -In a free enterprise system, with competition at full play, success in business over the long term hinges on continually offering the customer the best value for the price. Competition, in other words, determines in what direction one must go, in setting the value content in order for a product or a service to be competitive. This best value is determined by two considerations: performance and cost. Value analysis helps in identifying unnecessary costs of any product by focusing on the product function. Using creative ideas invariably minimizes unnecessary costs even if it does not eliminate them totally. This paper addresses the application of value analysis concepts for cost reduction in the galvanization process. By this paper we can see that how we can use value analysis concept for solving the problem of any type with the best suitable option of reducing the cost of galvanization to the best possible extent. In short, Value analysis is versatile and a systematic way solve to many problems related to any aspect of manufacture, such as quality, production, maintenance, parts availability and many others. It directly contributes to improvement of operating performance and reduced costs.
Increasing globalization, diversity of the product range and increasing customer awareness are ma... more Increasing globalization, diversity of the product range and increasing customer awareness are making the market highly competitive thereby forcing different supply chains to adapt to different stimuli on a continuous basis. It is also well recognized that overall supply chain focus should be given an overriding priority over the individual goals of the players, if one were to improve overall supply chain surplus. Therefore, supply chain performance has attracted researcher’s attention. A variety of soft computing techniques have been employed to improve effectiveness and efficiency in various aspects of supply chain management. The aim of this paper is to summarize the findings of existing research concerning the application of soft computing techniques to supply chain management.
Papers by Sunil Kumar Jauhar