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L and Light Yaoi Fanart

Artist Karadin
Medium pencil on paper colored in photoshop
Warnings Yaoi - boyslove - erotica
Rated R for nudity
Characters L and Light from the manga Death Note
Crit Welcome

(click to see full size)


Title: Peaches
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: L/Light
Genre: General, Romance
Rating: T
Warnings: Boy on boy kissing, slight OOCness
Word Count: 1080
Summary: L and Light are working late into the hours of the night, but L is irritating Light with his bizarre eating methods. Who knew peaches could cause so much... trouble?
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note.
A/N: My first time posting in this community :]

FIC: A Clock, Ticking (2/5)

Title: A Clock, Ticking. (2/5)
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: L/Light
Prompt: Double duty for prompts this time. Written for 20. Violence; War (~marriage of death) at 30_angsts; also written for the stagesoflove set: Five stages of grief: anger.
Warnings: Slash. Serious dub-con distinctions, implied non-con. I find myself in the position of needing that particular warning and urge readers to be careful and avoid this fic if you have any reason to suspect that may trigger you. Also, spoilers for the entire series. Set after the events of Book 7.
Rating: Adult.
Summary: Sex is a double edged sword, capable of cutting them both.
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. I'm not that smart.
A/N: Unbetaed. Also, this is a work of fiction that contains sexual interaction between two male characters. Note the part that says fiction before having hysterics, please.

I warned for this, but I feel the need to add another note urging readers to be careful. There are serious consent issues in this fic. I've wanted to explore this idea for a while, and have done so here, as I cannot help but feel that L and Light are inextricably caught in a power struggle and sex, to them, is simply another weapon. Of course, nothing is ever as it seems when it comes to these characters. Suffice it to say that they are both seriously fucked up and that plays out here.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.


Previous Parts: Part 1/5.


Without love, breath is just a clock, ticking. ~ Equilibrium, 2002.

A Clock, Ticking. (2/5)Collapse )

FIC: A Clock, Ticking (1/5)

Title: A Clock, Ticking. (1/5)
Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: L/Light
Prompt: Double duty for prompts this time. Written for 32. Black (~sleeping in the red) at 30_angsts; also written for the stagesoflove set: Five stages of grief: denial.
Warnings: Slash. Spoilers for the entire series. Warning! Set after the events of Book 7!! Major spoiler warnings!!
Rating: Adult.
Summary: Light reflects on what he has done.
Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. I'm not that smart.
A/N: Unbetaed. Also, this is a work of fiction that contains sexual interaction between two male characters. Note the part that says fiction before having hysterics, please.

As always, feedback is welcome and appreciated.


Without love, breath is just a clock, ticking. ~ Equilibrium, 2002.

The room was quiet, too quiet. Light couldn't sleep.Collapse )

Fic anyone?


I pretty much never, ever write for people, because I'm picky with ideas.

However, I really want to write two fics, one Near-centric, and one L-centric. I will write a full (probably about 1000 words) fic for the first person (for each character) to give me a premise I can work with.

I'd like a full premise, really, instead of just a word prompt. Pairings might be implied, but chances are there will not be any heavy pairing going on in either fic. I won't write AU, OOC, or crack, and I won't break any of the basic rules of the Deathnote world. Both fics will be in first-person, present tense. I'm looking for the most interesting, likely and dynamic ideas for these two.

If you have a fic that you've wanted to see, but haven't seen the way you like, go on ahead and list it.

I'll also consider writing Light pieces with great ideas.

Oneshot: My Enemy,My Lover



Raito, no matter what, would always be my enemy and my lover. (L’s POV)


Author Notes:


I do not own Death Note, sadly. L This is a one-shot in L’s POV. It is in first person and it will be a little fast forward. Some parts do not match up with the anime and it is AU. I hope you enjoy it and please tell me what you think.

Real Life Anime Style Part Three

Thanks for the reviews/comments. I am glad that you are enjoying the fic and getting a laugh out of it. Here is more insanity from me and my mom. Once again, I say I DO NOT OWN DEATH NOTE. L I wish I did because I would so have Raito and L together, fighting for top instead of fighting for their lives. Onto the deleted smex scenes and the reason behind them being deleted.

End Part Two

I do not own Death Note, sadly. L


Warnings are everything you can think of. Mostly angst, language, etc.


Author Notes:


After discussing the ideas with my best friend and my mom, we all agreed to do sweetpea12767’s idea, her review was on Also to remind everyone, from part one and two, Three years has past. Please comment and tell me what you think of part two. J

Real Life Anime Style Part Two

Thanks for the comments/reviews for the first part of my mom’s and mine funny fic. I’m glad to hear some found it amusing as we did. There will be more insanity coming up in this part and of course funny moments (well hope you find it funny). Once again WE DO NOT OWN DEATH NOTE, IT IS FAN MADE. Warnings: sexual and ect.

End: readers decide what happens next

I do not own Death Note, sadly. L


Warnings are as follow pretty much everything you can think of. I leave it at that.


Summary: He is L, enemy to Kira and Raito is Kira, enemy to L. It would never work between them or will it? READERS DECIDE WHAT HAPPENS!


Author Notes:


This will be my first ever time fic of where the readers get to decide what happens next. Your ideas will be something I write on. I hope to have some fun with this and the readers have a say. This part is the start of the fic and now I leave the readers to tell me what you wish to see. I will state this first, the next part will be THREE YEARS LATER. So, please leave your suggestions and ideas in the comments/reviews. I will pick one of the ideas and write the second part to it. The idea I pick, I will put up whose idea it was up in the notes. Hope you enjoy the first part and please comment. J


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