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Rx for Change
Web-based Student Modules
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Rx for Change: Clinician-assisted tobacco cessation

Rx for Change is a comprehensive tobacco cessation training program that equips health professional students and practicing clinicians, of all disciplines, with evidence-based knowledge and skills for assisting patients with quitting. Drawing heavily from the U.S. Public Health Service Clinical Practice Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence, our program addresses all forms of tobacco and all patients—regardless of their readiness to quit.

Learn more about the Rx for Change program. We have the following versions available:

  1. 5 A's (comprehensive counseling)
  2. Psychiatry
  3. Ask-Advise-Refer (brief counseling)
  4. Mental Health Peer Counselors
  5. Respiratory Care
  6. Surgical Care

Rx for Change is a collaboration between UCSF and the Purdue University College of Pharmacy. We openly share our materials with others at no cost, and students can access learning tools directly through the left-hand menu on this home page. To access other components of the Rx for Change program, please complete our online registration process, and accept our End-User Licensing Agreement.

Rx for Change can be used only for non-commercial teaching and research purposes and cannot be used for profit.

Surgeon General: Introduction

In this brief video, the US Surgeon General highlights the need for all health-care providers to address tobacco use.