Papers by Michael Husemann

Journal of Advanced Transportation, Feb 4, 2021
e idea and development of on-demand air mobility (ODAM) services are revolutionizing our urban/re... more e idea and development of on-demand air mobility (ODAM) services are revolutionizing our urban/regional transportation sector by exploring the third dimension: vertical airspace. e fundamental concept of on-demand air taxi operations is not new, but advances in aircraft design and battery/engine technology plus massive problems with congestion and increased travel demands around the world have recently led to a large number of studies which aim to explore the potential benefits of ODAM. Unfortunately, given the lack of an established, formal problem definition, missing reference nomenclature for ODAM research, and a multitude of publication venues, the research development is not focused and, thus, does not tap the full potential of the workforce engaged in this topic. is study synthesizes the recently published literature on operational aspects of ODAM. Our contribution consists of two major parts. e first part dissects previous studies and performs cross-comparison of report results. We cover five main categories: demand estimation methodology, infrastructure/port design/location problem, operational planning problem, operational constraints' identification, and competitiveness with other transportation modes. e second part complements the report of aggregated findings by proposing a list of challenges as a future agenda for ODAM research. Most importantly, we see a need for a formal problem definition of ODAM operational planning processes, standard open datasets for comparing multiple performance dimensions, and a universal, multimodal transportation demand model.
Journal of Air Transport Management, Aug 1, 2018
Airlines explain the purchase of oversized aircraft by flexibility within flight operations despi... more Airlines explain the purchase of oversized aircraft by flexibility within flight operations despite potentially higher fuel consumption and operating costs. In this paper assessment and attributes of flexibility as a criterion is presented and evaluated. A survey was sent to airlines worldwide to explore the motivation for flexibility and desired aircraft characteristics, fleet structure, and flexibility parameters. The results show that flexibility is considered a vital feature and almost as important as direct operating costs. It is also shown that an aircraft's range capacity and commonality in particular facilitate many flexible applications. Overall, higher flexibility is accompanied by higher operating costs.
European Journal of Operational Research, Apr 1, 2023

AIAA Journal
Novel electric propulsion technology has given rise to thinking about urban air mobility in a new... more Novel electric propulsion technology has given rise to thinking about urban air mobility in a new way with its expected high degree of operational flexibility. The designs of electric vertical takeoff and landing configurations are determined by their mission profile, which we found to be oversimplified at many points in the current scientific literature. There is a gap of understanding in how mission profiles impact travel time and energy demand. In this paper, we review various mission designs, formulate a five-segment flight profile (including vertical ascent, climb, cruise, descent, and vertical approach), and apply it on a fleet level of up to 200,000 urban air mobility trips. The demand data originate from the Upper Bavaria region study, OBUAM. In a sensitivity study, we vary the cruise altitude, the height of the vertical flight segments, and the climb and descent angles for two vehicle configurations: a fixed-wing tilt-rotor concept, and a multicopter concept. The main findi...

Anthropogenic processes contribute to global warming through the emission of pollutants during th... more Anthropogenic processes contribute to global warming through the emission of pollutants during the combustion of fossil fuels, a significant contributor of which is global air travel. The increase in climate change stemming from a growth in air travel can be reduced, to a degree, through modern technologies and alternative fuels, meaning that the optimization of flight operations regarding the reduction of environmental impact is increasingly important. The aviation industry operates within a small profit margin, making the identification of simple and cost-effective solutions vital. The goal of this research project is the comprehensive overview of goal-oriented methods, aimed at the reduction of aviation's effect on climate, presented in literature and extended with own studies. Average temperature response has been found to be a suitable metric to measure climate impact. A linear climate model with altitude dependence, after Schwartz Dallara, was integrated into the aircraft design environment MICADO of the Institute of Aerospace Systems of RWTH Aachen University. In the conducted literature review besides regulatory changes and technical, expensive solutions, such as new engine and structural concepts, or active flow control, alternative fuels, and formation flight, an operation at lower altitude with lower speeds has been identified as promising.
AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, Jun 20, 2022

Dieses Paper zeigt die Auswirkungen der Vorgabe eines Kostenindex auf die Designtreiber des Flugz... more Dieses Paper zeigt die Auswirkungen der Vorgabe eines Kostenindex auf die Designtreiber des Flugzeugvorentwurfs. Im Speziellen werden fur eine Kurzstreckenreferenzkonfiguration die Anderungen der Reiseflugmachzahl, des Kraftstoffverbrauchs sowie der Reisezeit und direkten Betriebskosten unter Vorgabe verschiedener Kostenindizes auf einer festen Referenzmission betrachtet. Des Weiteren wird die Kurzstreckenreferenz auf verschiedene Kostenindizes optimiert und deren Leistung untereinander sowie gegenuber dem Referenzentwurf verglichen. Bisher werden im Flugzeugvorentwurf verschiedene Flugzeugkonfigurationen hauptsachlich auf einen minimalen Treibstoffverbrauch optimiert, der einen hohen Einfluss auf die gesamten Betriebskosten ausubt. Aus operationaler Sicht ist diese Konfiguration nicht zwangslaufig optimal fur ihren spateren Einsatzzweck. Aus diesem Grund ist auch eine Betrachtung der zeitabhangigen Kostenanteile bereits im Flugzeugvorentwurf sinnvoll. Ein entsprechender Ansatz wird in diesem Paper vorgestellt und angewendet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine Optimierung der Geometrie der Referenzkonfiguration mit Berucksichtigung von CI-Vorgaben Vorteile gegenuber der Kurzstreckenreferenz auf der Einsatzmission bringt. Auf die gesamte Einsatzzeit im Jahr und gesamte Flotte einer Fluggesellschaft gesehen, stellen diese Einsparungen einen nicht zu vernachlassigenden Anteil dar.
Journal of Air Transport Management, May 1, 2023
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, Jan 6, 2019

Journal of the Air Transport Research Society
As the demand for mobility and traffic in European urban areas continues to grow, innovative tran... more As the demand for mobility and traffic in European urban areas continues to grow, innovative transportation solutions, particularly Urban Air Mobility (UAM), are gaining increasing prominence. UAM takes advantage of the third dimension to reduce ground traffic by integrating low-noise electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (eVTOLs). Nonetheless, the successful implementation of UAM necessitates not only technological advancements but also the legal framework and social considerations to guarantee effective and safe operations. Holistic investigations of UAM are scarce, especially in the European context. Therefore, this study discusses the developments and challenges of UAM from technical, legal, and social perspectives and derives a set of UAM-tailored design drivers for the effective deployment of UAM in Europe. A comprehensive literature review is conducted on the state of the art of UAM technologies, regulations, and public attitudes. Various eVTOL configurations are co...
European Journal of Operational Research
Journal of Air Transport Management
Journal of Air Transport Management, May 1, 2023
Alltagserleben & psychische Beanspruchung von Pendlern Beeinflusst eine stressige Bahnfahrt (zur ... more Alltagserleben & psychische Beanspruchung von Pendlern Beeinflusst eine stressige Bahnfahrt (zur Arbeit / auf dem Heimweg) die Fähigkeit zur Selbstkontrolle (auf der Arbeit / zu Hause)? Tage mit höherem Stresserleben auf dem Weg zur Arbeit:
Journal of Air Transport Management, 2018
Airlines explain the purchase of oversized aircraft by flexibility within flight operations despi... more Airlines explain the purchase of oversized aircraft by flexibility within flight operations despite potentially higher fuel consumption and operating costs. In this paper assessment and attributes of flexibility as a criterion is presented and evaluated. A survey was sent to airlines worldwide to explore the motivation for flexibility and desired aircraft characteristics, fleet structure, and flexibility parameters. The results show that flexibility is considered a vital feature and almost as important as direct operating costs. It is also shown that an aircraft's range capacity and commonality in particular facilitate many flexible applications. Overall, higher flexibility is accompanied by higher operating costs.
Papers by Michael Husemann