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This paper investigates the relation between the sound patterns of interjections and their functional realisation in the discourse process. It considers whether certain interjection functions tend to have particular sound distributions.... more
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      American EnglishDiscourse ProcessingSpontaneous speechDiscourse Marker
– Embodiment has been perceived by some as one of the fundamental issues in the pursuit of artificial intelligence, a perspective that has only been mainstream in recent years. This paper discusses embodiment, its interpretations,... more
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      Artificial IntelligentPhysical Environment
This paper investigates the use of cognitive constraints in a computational linguistic model for speech recognition. The approach incorporates a cognitive-based phonology into a dynamic temporal framework with the aim of improving the... more
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      Social CognitionSpeech RecognitionComputational linguistic phylogeneticsAICs
Abstract: - How can the performance of a social robot be measured? Are existing metrics and techniques appropriate for physically and socially embodied autonomous mobile robots? With the rapid expansion of robust robotic systems from... more
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      Social InteractionPerformance EvaluationArtificial IntelligentIndustrial Application
With the growing research in autonomous systems, the issue of embodiment has become a fundamental issue in artificial intelligence. However, the necessity of embodiment is a perspective that has been a focus in artificial intelligence... more
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      Artificial IntelligentMobile RobotAutonomic SystemPhysical Environment
... In C. Forceville and E. Urios-Aparisi (eds.), Multimodal Metaphor. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin (2009), 329-358. 13. ... O'Reilly Media, 2008. 16. Wobbrock, JO, Morris, MR and Wilson, AD User-defined gestures for surface... more
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      Interaction DesignMetonymyGesturesNaturalness
This paper explores if people perceive and perform touchless gestures differently when communicating with technology vs. with humans. Qualitative reports from a lab study of 10 participants revealed that people perceive differences in the... more
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      PerceptionInteraction DesignInterpretationUser eXperience
There is the age-old paradox of technologists predicting bleak futures for mankind because of their research directions but nevertheless hurtling full steam ahead in pursuing them. Strong humanoid research could be one such example. The... more
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    • Artificial Intelligent
This paper presents a testbed for developing multilingual phonotactic descriptions that employs finite state methods to represent the phonotactics of one or more languages. The motivation for this work is to make an extensive range of... more
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    • Spectrum
The problems of conventional speech recognition approaches include incomplete linguistic knowledge and inability to deal with underspecification. These issues can be addressed by understanding the constraints of speech to predict speech... more
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      Embodied CognitionSpeech Recognition
This paper investigates the use of cognitive constraints in a computational linguistic model for speech recognition. The approach incorporates a cognitive-based phonology into a dynamic temporal framework with the aim of improving the... more
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      Social CognitionSpeech RecognitionComputational linguistic phylogeneticsAICs
How can the performance of a social robot be measured? Are existing metrics and techniques appropriate for physically and socially embodied autonomous mobile robots? With the rapid expansion of robust robotic systems from strong... more
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      Social InteractionPerformance EvaluationArtificial IntelligentIndustrial Application
This paper investigates the use of cognitive constraints in a computational linguistic model for speech recognition. The approach incorporates a cognitive-based phonology into a dynamic temporal framework with the aim of improving the... more
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      Social CognitionSpeech RecognitionComputational linguistic phylogeneticsAICs
With the growing research in autonomous systems, the issue of embodiment has become a fundamental issue in artificial intelligence. However, the necessity of embodiment is a perspective that has been a focus in artificial intelligence... more
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      Artificial IntelligentMobile RobotAutonomic SystemPhysical Environment
Embodiment has been perceived by some as one of the fundamental issues in the pursuit of artificial intelligence, a perspective that has only been mainstream in recent years. This paper discusses embodiment, its interpretations,... more
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      Artificial IntelligentPhysical Environment
This paper investigates the relation between the sound patterns of interjections and their functional realisation in the discourse process. It considers whether certain interjection functions tend to have particular sound distributions.... more
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      American EnglishDiscourse ProcessingSpontaneous speechDiscourse Marker
The aim of this paper is to highlight areas in which a computational linguistic model of phonology can contribute to robustness in speech technology applications. We discuss a computational linguistic model which uses finite state... more
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      Speech RecognitionLanguage
In "Two heads are better than one," "head" stands for people and focuses the message on the intelligence of people. This is an example of figurative language through metonymy, where substituting a whole entity by one of its parts focuses... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsCognitive NeuroscienceFigurative languageMetonymy
This chapter starts from the observation that metaphoric understandings expressed monomodally through gesture tend to rely on "primary metaphors" (Grady 1997a). Asserting that gestures draw on basic, experientially motivated, embodied... more
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      GesturesMetaphor and Metonymy
Maintaining high levels of performance involves concentration, alertness and monitoring, processes which have been attributed to lateral and medial prefrontal regions including the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC). Much research... more
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      Cognitive ControlIntraindividual variability