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Poker in RVA
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Below are the 13 most recent journal entries recorded in Poker discussion in Richmond VA's LiveJournal:

Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005
5:19 am
Anyone up for some dealer's choice this week? I was thinking wed. night if I can get people out for it.
Sunday, January 30th, 2005
10:27 pm
Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
3:39 pm
VCU Poker Tourney
i dont know the details but VCU is having a poker tourney Monday the 31st at 6pm in the commons.
11:39 am
10 buy in, no re buys
Pay out to be determined on # of participents
1301 W. Broad St. #403

Everyone is welcome
POst here or IM me at xxxVICTIMIZERXXX if you plan on coming
Saturday, January 22nd, 2005
11:42 am
hello richmond
What's happening everybody- happened to find a community for our city, thought that I'd join up for discussion at least. I don't play too many home games, but I play almost every day online and I'm headed up to Atlantic City on Tuesday. I do like hold 'em, although I'm trying to get better at high/low .

Although I can win money from my friends at home, I'm only a little better than break even online. I try to figure out what I can do to help fix it, and as far as I can tell I just need to search through the rooms harder before I pick a game. It seems like finding maniacs isn't the best way to go in the micro limits. What do you think?
Wednesday, January 5th, 2005
5:34 pm
Poker Tourney
No-Limit Texas Holdem
$10 Buy IN

Friday Night 1-7-04 at my HOuse

Call or post here if you want in

Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
7:52 pm
Jason won a tournament! (Not me, but a similarly cool Jason)

And Cheater McCheatsalot got outed! What a sweet night for poker.
Monday, January 3rd, 2005
10:40 am
No LImit Texas Holdem

10 dollar buy in, no re buys

1-3-05 Monday NIght 11PM

Call me, Steve, if you want in....757-615-1341
Friday, December 31st, 2004
4:37 pm
Hey...its steve

Don't forget at my place

9PM Saturday night 1-1-05

call me (757)615-1341 if you want in
Monday, December 27th, 2004
10:11 pm
Mainly geared towards Lauren/ Travis/ Jason3/ Carley who I know on this, but I just got back into richmond and I really want to play a game! So anyone at all who wants to respond, yeah. My roommate got a nice felt table and chip set for christmas, so we could do something fun over here.
Wednesday, December 15th, 2004
12:12 am
What's up with people only playing Texas Hold 'em these days? It's like "the game"... I find it kind of boring just to play the same game over and over again. I don't even like Texas, it took my girlfriend from me.
Tuesday, December 14th, 2004
9:26 am
Dealer's choice game at my place this sunday night from 6-10:30:
  • 10 dollar buy-in for 200 chips, 5 re-buys for 100 chips
  • You can cash out at any time, but you can't cash out for more than the buy in before 10:30
  • Let me know only if you are definitely coming
  • Resident cat will interupt gameplay every chance she can get
  • We tend o play a lot of games besides texas hold'em, but they're all variants of 5 or 7 card and we're all pretty friendly
  • Rotating deal

I think that's it, leave a message if you're definitely coming. If you've never played at my place before I can give directions, Jason can vouch that we're good people.
Sunday, December 12th, 2004
7:14 pm
First post in the community, hope it's useful and everyone has a lot of fun with it.