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    • Disaster Studies
Call to Action 2015
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      TheologyReligion and PoliticsPoliticsCivil Rights
and the Tsunami are names of recent tragedies that have heightened our awareness of disaster. Although disasters are as old as war, pestilence, and natural catastrophes, human-made disasters or inadequate response to natural disasters... more
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In recent years, there has been a notable trend in the world of mental health support - an increasing number of celebrities, professional athletes, and couples are seeking the guidance and expertise of Black psychoanalysts and members of... more
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      PsychoanalysisBlack/African DiasporaRace and RacismAthletics
Recognizing that electronic gaming machines are over-represented among problem gamblers, governments have introduced responsible gaming legislation incorporating the mandatory display of warning signs on or near electronic gaming... more
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Self-exclusion is a programme utilized by the gaming industry to limit access to gaming opportunities for problem gamblers. It is based on the following principles: (1) The gaming industry recognizes that a proportion of community members... more
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    • Gambling Studies
It is argued that there exists a relatively neglected distinct sub-group of pathological gamblers, described in the clinical literature, who display intermittent episodes of uncontrolled gambling superimposed on a background of prolonged... more
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    • Gambling
ABSTRACT At the moment, there is no single conceptual theoretical model of gambling that adequately accounts for the multiple biological, psychological and ecological variables contributing to the development of pathological gambling.... more
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    • Gambling
The present study explores gender-related differences in the demographic and gambling-related characteristics of 2670 problem gamblers participating in a state-administered (Missouri) casino self-exclusion program between 2001 and 2003.... more
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    • Gambling
The DSM-IV-TR classifies pathological gambling as a disorder of impulse control. Empirical studies have noted elevated levels of impulsivity in pathological gamblers and putative functional relationships between impulsivity, severity of... more
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Gambling among older adults appears to be increasing, though little is known about the characteristics of older adult problem gamblers. The purpose of this study was to compare older adults to younger and middle-aged adults in a cohort of... more
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    • Gambling
Both suicide and problem gambling among youth are two growing areas of public health concern, though studies have yet to characterise the relationship between these issues. Youth report higher prevalence rates of problem gambling than... more
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    • Gambling
Focus groups were conducted to identify ways persons in recovery from chemical dependence think they have benefited from their struggles with addiction. Categories of positive by-products were identified independently by two sets of... more
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      AddictionDrugs And Addiction
This study examines the relationship of impulsivity, sensation seeking, coping, and substance use to disordered gambling in a sample of 1,339 youth (637 males and 702 females), 17-21 years old. Results indicate that males with serious... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling
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      Gambling StudiesGambling
Few studies have explored gamblers' attitudes towards money despite the central role money plays in the development and maintenance of problem gambling (PG) behaviours. This study explored attitudinal differences towards money among... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling
At the moment, there is no single conceptual theoretical model of gambling that adequately accounts for the multiple biological, psychological and ecological variables contributing to the development of pathological gambling. Advances in... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling
Many international jurisdictions have introduced responsible gambling programs. These programs intend to minimize negative consequences of excessive gambling, but vary considerably in their aims, focus, and content. Many responsible... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling
It is well-established that problem gambling results, in part, from erroneous perceptions about the probability of winning. While individuals retain the ultimate responsibility over gambling choices and level of participation, optimal... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling
The phenomenological similarities between gambling and substance dependence have led to the conceptualization of pathological gambling as an addictive disorder. Tolerance and withdrawal are important features of both disorders, suggesting... more
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      Gambling StudiesGambling